
Marchio di accettazione Arcade 32/64 Artworks Cabinets CHD-Info Control Panel Covers DATs (MAME) DATs (Resource) Devices F.A.Q. Flyers History ITA HBMAME Icons MAME Archive MAMEUI MAME-Plus MAME SDL Manuals Marquees MESS Archive MESSUI MESS-Info Old Sets Other Resources PCB renameSET Resources SL Samples Snapshots Support Files Tools VideoSnaps VideoSnaps SL W.I.P. pdf Thanks Contact AntoPISA renameSET.dat Last updated on 07/07/2024 

This project came about as a result of the continuous changes that mamedevs provide the names of the sets out whenever a new version of the executable. The reasons for these changes are manifold: correction of previous errors, addition of new games with similar names, etc.. By the time the project has expanded by collecting not only changes the name of the sets but also a kind of statistical data-base.

renameSET.dat (whatsnew)

renameSET.dat 0.267

mameID FullList v0.267

New in renameSET.dat:
# RENAMESET.DAT v0.267 Latest update: July 7, 2024 # # $0.267 [#706] 2024/06/30 MAME: 46.910 total items, 3.031 drivers (+12), 40.422 machines (+50), 13.894 parents (+21), 26.604 clones (+29), 76 BIOSes, 6.412 devices (+27), 1.198 requires CHDs (+1), 1.872 use samples (+3) 15.436 working (+30), 25.062 not working (+20), 15.633 mechanicals (+7), 24.865 not mechanicals (+43), 13.919 save supported (+31), 26.579 save unsupported (+19), 37.281 horizontal screen (+46), 3.217 vertical screen (+4) 352.361 total roms (+392), 349.077 machines roms (+388), 2.663 devices roms (+3), 621 BIOSes roms (+1), 1.328 CHDs (+1), 0 sample files, 0 sample packs, 343.283 good dumps (+355), 5.780 no dumps (+28), 4.626 bad dumps (+10), 0 bugs fixed 706 software list (+3), 138.071 software (+92), 696 active SL (+3), 10 orphan SL, 137.311 active software (+92), 760 orphan software, 95.222 software parents (+45), 42.849 software clones (+47) 233.996 software roms (+99), 11.143 software CHD (+40), 97.608 supported software (+26), 1.779 partially supported software (+15), 38.684 unsupported software (+51) 20 ren (20/0/0): elecyoyo2 > elecyoyoa (mID: 714) gtmr2u > gtmr2ua (mID: 5433) kram2 > krama (mID: 979) kram3 > krame (mID: 3728) ladymstr2 > ladymstra (mID: 38631) lkageb > lkagebl1 (mID: 2204) lkageb2 > lkagebl2 (mID: 1412) lkageb3 > lkagebl3 (mID: 2205) lkageb4 > lkagebl4 (mID: 43158) lkageo > lkagea (mID: 1411) lkageo2 > lkageb (mID: 8064) ltcasin2 > ltcasin2a (mID: 40595) ltcasin2a > ltcasin2b (mID: 4318) matchit > matchitb (mID: 3558) othunderuo > othunderua (mID: 5244) pitnrun > pitnruna (mID: 4103) pitnruna > pitnrun (mID: 5575) ringfgt2 > ringfgta (mID: 3926) shisen > shisena (mID: 1385) tsamurai2 > tsamuraia (mID: 1878) 0 del (0/0/0): - MAME SL: 3 active software-list added: challenge_gear_cart (Benesse Challenge Gear cartridges) msxr_cart (MSX Turbo-R cartridges) sony_news (Sony NEWS software) software added/removed: challenge_gear_cart (+1) coco_flop (+1) coleco_homebrew (+8) gameking3 (+1) ibm5150 (+3) msx2_flop (+2) msxr_cart (+4) sgi_mips (+19) sony_news (+2) spectrum_cass (+129) x68k_flop (+1) 76 software renamed: spectrum_cass | 4logicie > 4logiciel spectrum_cass | acadtc2a > acadtc2_a spectrum_cass | acadtc2b > acadtc2_b spectrum_cass | advbbolda > brianbld spectrum_cass | adventur_c > advtr100 spectrum_cass | adventur_d > advtr100_a spectrum_cass | adventur_e > advtr200 spectrum_cass | adventur_f > advt2001 spectrum_cass | apocalyp_d > apoexpv2c1 spectrum_cass | apocalyp_h > apocalyp spectrum_cass | apocalyp_j > apocalyp_b spectrum_cass | bombmnch0566 > bombmnch_0566 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0600 > bombmnch_0600 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0770 > bombmnch_0770 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0810 > bombmnch_0810 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0820 > bombmnch_0820 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0822 > bombmnch_0822 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0860 > bombmnch_0860 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0875 > bombmnch_0875 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0920 > bombmnch_0920 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0950 > bombmnch_0950 spectrum_cass | bombmnch0985 > bombmnch_0985 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1005 > bombmnch_1005 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1035 > bombmnch_1035 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1100 > bombmnch_1100 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1260 > bombmnch_1260 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1361 > bombmnch_1361 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1470 > bombmnch_1470 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1500 > bombmnch_1500 spectrum_cass | bombmnch1654 > bombmnch_1654 spectrum_cass | bombmnchp > bombmnch_p spectrum_cass | carameloa > caramelo_a spectrum_cass | carwarsa > carwars_en10 spectrum_cass | carwarss > carwars_es11 spectrum_cass | carwarssa > carwars_es10 spectrum_cass | changeli > thechang_b spectrum_cass | chesstut_a > chesstr1 spectrum_cass | cobrasarm > cobrasar_a spectrum_cass | colossal_c > colcavad spectrum_cass | colossal_d > colocave spectrum_cass | contabil_a > contadom spectrum_cass | contabil_b > contdome spectrum_cass | contabil_c > contespa spectrum_cass | countduc_b > countduc spectrum_cass | dblbubbl48 > dblbubbl_48 spectrum_cass | dblbubbl48a > dblbubbl_48a spectrum_cass | dblbubbla > dblbubbl_a spectrum_cass | ddragon2t > ddragon2_b spectrum_cass | dimensio_b > dimomega spectrum_cass | doublebu > dblbubbl_v1 spectrum_cass | formgp > form1crl_a spectrum_cass | formgpa > form1crl_b spectrum_cass | jockandt_a > jockring spectrum_cass | linnetal > linnet_a spectrum_cass | manchest_c > mancheur_a spectrum_cass | manchest_d > mancheur_b spectrum_cass | msatrtemg > msatrte_a spectrum_cass | msatrtemga > msatrte_b spectrum_cass | nexormast > nexor_b spectrum_cass | nexorz > nexor_a spectrum_cass | nineteen > 19part1b_a spectrum_cass | pool299 > poolcds_b spectrum_cass | poolblue > poolcds_a spectrum_cass | poolsmas_a > poolsmst spectrum_cass | splitpera > splitimg_a spectrum_cass | tapeclon > tapecln2 spectrum_cass | tapeclon_a > tapecln3 spectrum_cass | tapeclon_b > tapecln4 spectrum_cass | testdeca_a > testcara spectrum_cass | thebase1 > thebase spectrum_cass | thebase4 > thebase_48b spectrum_cass | thebase4_a > thebase_48a spectrum_cass | thebattl_a > btlbulge spectrum_cass | thecodeb > codebook_b spectrum_cass | valleyof_a > valkings spectrum_cass | weclemanhs > wecleman_b

MAME Software Lists Supported

Full 0.267 index


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