HBMAME 0.208 ------------------------------ Name: Description: ------------------------------ 1942 "1942 (Revision B)" 1942c64 "1942 (With C64 music)" 1942fpa "1942 (With attract mode in free play)" 1942h "Supercharger 1942" 1943 "1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro)" 1943b2 "1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg set 2, hack of Japan set)" 1943h "1943: The Battle of Midway (bootleg set 2, hack of Japan set)" 1943kai "1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan)" 1943kais01 "1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen(Ex Super Version)(2009-02-10)(Japan)" 1944 "1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)" 1944d "1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" 1944da "1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg alt)" 1944fp "1944: The Loop Master (Fire Power Plus)(2011-12-31)(USA 000620)" 1944s01 "1944: The Loop Master (Strongest Fire Power)(USA 000620)" 19xx "19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)" 19xxd "19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" 19xxjrs01 "19XX: The War Against Destiny (Translation Chinese)(Japan 951207)" 19xxs01 "19XX: The War Against Destiny (Ex Super Version)(USA 951207)" 2020bb "2020 Super Baseball (set 1)" 2020bbcd "2020 Super Baseball (CD conversion) (set 1)" 2020bbd "2020 Super Baseball (MGD2)" 3countb "3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043)(NGH-043)" 3countbd "3 Count Bout (MGD2)" 3wonders "Three Wonders (World 910520)" 3wonders01 "Three Wonders (Ex Super Version)" 3wonders02 "Three Wonders (Unlimited Life)" 3wondersb01 "Three Wonders (bootleg set 3, wonder 3 910520 etc)" 3wondrud "Three Wonders (US 910520 Phoenix Edition)" 711qbert "7-11 Q*bert" 96in1 "96 in 1 v3 [h]" 96in1a "96 in 1 v2 [h]" 96in1b "96 in 1 v4 [h]" 96in1c "96 in 1 v1 [h]" aa "Alien Armada" abortman "Abortman" abscam "Abscam" absurd "Absurd!/QuadBlok (non-working alpha ver 3)" airwolf "Airwolf" airwolffr "Airwolf (French Translation)(10.29.2007)" akblc2dx "Block Deluxe (Game Corporation)" akgcdx "Arkanoid Deluxe (Game Corporation)" akiradmo "Akira Demo" akkanvdrs01 "Akkanbeder (Translation Chinese)(Ver 2.5J 1995/06/14)" aktaytdx "Arkanoid Deluxe (Japan, Tayto)" aliencha "Alien Challenge (World)" alienchas01 "Alien Challenge (Huang Feihong Ultimate Simplified Infinite Killing BOSS Edition 2015-07-05)(World)" aliensv "Aliens" aliensva "Aliens alt version" alpaca7 "Alpaca v0.7 (Pacman Hardware)" alpaca8 "Alpaca v0.8 (Pacman Hardware)" alpacap7 "Alpaca v0.7 (Pengo Hardware)" alpacap8 "Alpaca v0.8 (Pengo Hardware)" alpha1v "Alpha One (Vision Electronics)" alpham2 "Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007)(NGH-007)" alpham2d "Alpha Mission II (MGD2)" alpine "Alpine Ski (set 1)" alpines01 "Alpine Ski (Translation Chinese)(set 1)" altbeast "Altered Beast (set 8) (8751 317-0078)" altbeast5s01 "Altered Beast (language Translation Español) (FD1094 317-0069)" altbeastfr "Altered Beast (language Translation French)(set 8) (8751 317-0078)" altbeasts01 "Altered Beast (language Translation Portugues)(set 8) (8751 317-0078)" altbeasts02 "Altered Beast (language Translation Español)(set 8) (8751 317-0078)" amidar "Amidar" amidarf "Amidar (language Translation French)(11.28.2007)(Set 01)" amidargr "Amidar (Greek)" amidars01 "Amidar (language Translation French)(11.28.2007)(Set 02)" androdun "Andro Dunos (NGM-049)(NGH-049)" androdund "Andro Dunos (MGD2)" androdunpx "Andro Dunos (Plus Max)(NGM-049)(NGH-049)" androduns01 "Andro Dunos (Ex Super version)(2009-02-10)(NGM-049)(NGH-049)" andromd "Andromeda" aof "Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044)(NGH-044)" aof2 "Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056)" aof2as01 "Art of Fighting 2 (Enable Hidden Characters In Arcade Mode)(NGH-056)" aof2as02 "Art of Fighting 2 (Enable Hidden Characters In Arcade Mode V2)(NGH-056)" aof2as03 "Art of Fighting 2 (Added Palette For Hidden Characters)(NGH-056)" aof2as04 "Art of Fighting 2 (Added palette For hidden Characters V2)(NGH-056)" aof2b "Art of Fighting 2 (Geese instead of Mr. Big)(NGM-056)" aof2b1 "Art of Fighting 2 (Enable hidden characters V1)(NGM-056)" aof2bh "Art of Fighting 2 (Enable hidden characters V2)(NGM-056)" aof2br2 "Art of Fighting 2 (Geese instead of Ryo)(NGM-056)" aof2s01 "Art of Fighting 2 (Added Hidden Characters)(NGM-056)" aof2s02 "Art of Fighting 2 (Added Palette For Hidden Characters)(NGM-056)" aof2s03 "Art of Fighting 2 (Added Palette For Hidden Characters)(Alt)(NGM-056)" aof3 "Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden" aof3b "Art of Fighting 3 (Enable hidden characters v1)" aof3bh "Art of Fighting 3 (Enable hidden characters v2)" aof3ks01 "Art of Fighting 3 (Enable Hidden Characters In Arcade Mode V1)(Korean release)" aof3ks02 "Art of Fighting 3 (Enable Hidden Characters In Arcade Mode V2)(Korean release)" aofbh "Art of Fighting (Add hidden characters)(NGM-044)(NGH-044)" aofd "Art of Fighting (MGD2)" aoh "Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (v0.63 - 2001/02/07)" aohs01 "Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (Easy Move)(v0.63 - 2001/02/07)" aohs02 "Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (No Need Power)(v0.63 - 2001/02/07)" arabianm "Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0O 1992/07/06)" arabianmjs01 "Arabian Magic (Translation Chinese 2017-04-27)(Ver 1.0J 1992/07/06)" arkanoid "Arkanoid (World, older)" arkll32 "Arkanoid LL32" armdemo "Demo - ARM" armwar "Armored Warriors (Euro 941024)" armwar1d "Armored Warriors (Euro 941011 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" astdelux4 "Asteroids Deluxe (Unknown Revision) [h]" asteroid "Asteroids (rev 4)" asteroid6 "Asteroids (Six-Bullet Hack)" astrob "Astro Blaster (version 3)" astrob2h "Astro Blaster (ver 2 Hack)" astrof "Astro Fighter (set 1)" astrofbl "Astro Fighter (Black Background)" astropd2 "Astropede II" astroped "Astropede" asuka "Asuka & Asuka (World)" asukac "Asuka & Asuka (Translation Chinese)(World)" asurabld "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan)" asurablds01 "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Energy Mode Max)(2009-11-21)(Japan)" asurablds02 "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Enable hidden characters)(Japan)" asurablds03 "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(Japan)" asurabus "Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan)" asurabuss01 "Asura Buster (Enable hidden characters)(Japan)" asurabuss02 "Asura Buster (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(Japan)" ataris1hw "Atari System 1 Hello World" ataris1rt "Atari System 1 Ram Tester" atarisy1 "Atari System 1 BIOS" athens04 "Athens 2004" avsp "Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)" avspd "Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" avspud "Alien vs. Predator (USA 940520 Phoenix edition)" avspus01 "Alien vs. Predator (1 Vs 3 Plus 2017-12-30)(USA 940520)" avspus02 "Alien vs. Predator (Enhanced Edition 2018-02-26)(USA 940520)" b2b "Bang Bang Busters (2010 NCI release)" baby2 "Baby Pacman 2 (Alt)" baby3 "Baby Pacman 3 (Alt)" baby4 "Pacman (Baby Maze 4)" bace "Balloon Ace" baddudef "Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (French)" baddudes "Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US)" baddudes01 "Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (Translation French)(10.29.2007)(Us)" bagman "Bagman" bagturbo "Bagman Turbo (Stern set 1) [c]" bakatono "Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002)(MOH-002)" bakatonod "Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki (MGD2)" ballonwc "Ballon World Cup" bangbead "Bang Bead" bangbeadd "Bang Bead (decrypted)" bangbeadp "Bang Bead (prototype)" batcir "Battle Circuit (Euro 970319)" batcird "Battle Circuit (Euro 970319 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" batsugun "Batsugun" batsugunt "Batsugun Transparent (Crazy gun transparent version 2015-03-22)" battlesh "Battles 2002" bb2bmh "Bubble Bobble (Memories Hack)" bbaladar "Bubble Bobble (Bootleg)" bbhackv1 "Bubble Bobble (Level Hack)" bbredux1 "Bobble Bobble Redux (Level Skip)" bbredux2 "Bobble Bobble Redux (Game Continue)" bbredux3 "Bobble Bobble Redux (High Score)" bbugtest "Test Rom - Boxing Bugs" beast "Shadow of the Beast (Neo Geo Demo)" bgaregga "Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996)" bgareggz "Battle Garegga (Zakk version)(Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996)" bjourney "Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001)(ALH-001)" bjourneypx "Blue's Journey / Raguy (Plus Max)" blandia "Blandia" blandias01 "Blandia (Boss With Simple Attack Edition)" blandias02 "Blandia (Choice Hidden Character)" blandias03 "Blandia (Easy Move)" blkdrgonk "Black Dragon (Korean)" blktiger "Black Tiger" bloodbro "Blood Bros. (World?)" bloodbros01 "Blood Bros (Ex Super version)(2009-03-09)(World?)" bmbjckgr "Bomb Jack (Greek)" bnjr "Bump 'n' Jump Reverse Mod" boblcave "Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB)" bombjack "Bomb Jack (set 1)" bombjacks01 "Bomb Jack (Translation Chinese)(set 1)" bombjckb "Bomb Jack (Bootleg)" bombjred "Bomb Jack (Red)" brakman "Brakman" breakers "Breakers" breakers01 "Breakers (Mode Easy)" breakersbh "Breakers (Enable hidden character)" breakersp "Breakers (Move change 26c?)" breakersy "Breakers (Add hidden character)" breakrev "Breakers Revenge" breakrevb "Breakers Revenge (Enable hidden character)" breakrevpp "Breakers Revenge (Enhanced Power)(2009-06-11)" breakrevs01 "Breakers Revenge (Mode Easy)" breakrevs02 "Breakers Revenge (Doomsday Heroes Strengthens Lite 2015-01-13)" breakrevs03 "Breakers Revenge (Description Of Hack Unknown)" breakrevs04 "Breakers Revenge (Boss Version)" breakrevy "Breakers Revenge (Add hidden character)" brubber "Burnin' Rubber" bstars "Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002)" bstarsd "Baseball Stars Professional (MGD2)" btime "Burger Time (Data East set 1)" bub68705a "Bubble Bobble (Bootleg with 68705, set 2)(alt)" bubbleb "Bubble Buster" bublbob2 "Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16)" bublbobf "Bubble Bobble (French)" bublbobl "Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1)" bublbobls01 "Bubble Bobble (Translation French)(Japan, Ver 0.1)" bublboblu "Bubble Bobble (Ultra Version, Hack)(USA)" bublcave "Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2" bublcave10 "Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.0" bublcave11 "Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.1" bubsymphjs01 "Bubble Symphony (Translation Chinese)(Ver 2.5J 1994/10/05)" bucaneer "Buccaneer" buglaxn "Galaxian (Bug sprites)" burningf "Burning Fight (NGM-018)(NGH-018)" burningfd "Burning Fight (MGD2)" burningfhp "Burning Fight (Time is not reduced)(NGH-018)" c2frog "Frog Feast (Sega C2 hardware)" cabal "Cabal (World, Joystick)" cabals01 "Cabal (Ex Super version)(2009-03-09)(World, Joystick)" cameltry "Cameltry (US, YM2610)" cameltryjs01 "Cameltry (Translation Chinese)(Japan, YM2610)" captcomc "Captain Commando (Translation Chinese)" captcomh "Captain Commando (Ex Super version 2008-05-10)" captcomm "Captain Commando (World 911202)" captcommb2 "Captain Commando (bootleg set 2)(bootleg with YM2151 + 2xMSM5205)(911014 other country)" captcommh01 "Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2018-12-31)" captcommh02 "Captain Commando (Infinite Bullet 2019-01-21)" captcommh03 "Captain Commando (Warlord Version 2019-01-07)" captcommh04 "Captain Commando (Shape Shifting Version 2019-01-01)" captcommh05 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2019-01-02)" captcommh06 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2018-11-01)" captcomms01 "Captain Commando (Characters Change 2009-01-20)" captcomms04 "Captain Commando (Unlock 1Vs4 Mode 2009-04-25)" captcomms05 "Captain Commando (1V4 Unparalleled Version 2016-02-17)" captcomms07 "Captain Commando (War Chariot And Change Character 2015-10-12)" captcomms09 "Captain Commando (Baby sitting reinforcement 2009-04-12)" captcomms10 "Captain Commando (Boss White Blood)" captcomms11 "Captain Commando (Easy Mode 2013-06-22)" captcomms12 "Captain Commando (Level Enemy Configuration Changes 2015-01-12)" captcomms13 "Captain Commando (Catch People Unlimited Hit v1 2013-10-26)" captcomms14 "Captain Commando (Catch People Unlimited Hit v2 2014-07-26)" captcomms15 "Captain Commando (Infinite Ammo)" captcomms16 "Captain Commando (Infinite Time)" captcomms17 "Captain Commando (Infinite Time Stage 5)" captcomms18 "Captain Commando (Items Never Disappear)" captcomms19 "Captain Commando (Stage 8 Soldier Became Boss Test 2016-03-06)" captcomms20 "Captain Commando (4 Players White Blood)" captcomms21 "Captain Commando (Robots White Blood)" captcomms22 "Captain Commando (Unlock 1Vs4 Mode)(New)" captcomms23 "Captain Commando (Weapons Flashing)" captcomms24 "Captain Commando (Put Insurance Can Not Afford To Drop Blood)" captcomms27 "Captain Commando (Extreme Mode)" captcomms29 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 22-09-2017)" captcomms30 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 25-11-2017)" captcomms31 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 20-12-2017)" captcomms32 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 02-05-2018)" captcomms33 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 03-09-2017)" captcomms34 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 27-02-2018)" captcomms35 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 26-01-2018)" captcomms36 "Captain Commando (1Vs4 Edition 2018 2018-01-20)" captcomms37 "Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2018-05-30)" captcomms38 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2018-05-31)" captcomms39 "Captain Commando (God of War Edition Update 2018-06-06)" captcomms40 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2018-07-04)" captcomms41 "Captain Commando (Hit Anywhere Rev.1 2018-08-09)" captcomms42 "Captain Commando (Press Button Change Weapon)" captcomms43 "Captain Commando (Quickly Go Next Stage)" captcomms44 "Captain Commando (Stage Select)" captcomms46 "Captain Commando (Hit Anywhere Rev.2 2018-08-09)" captcomms47 "Captain Commando (God of War Edition Update 2018-08-14)" captcomms48 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2018-07-07)" captcomms49 "Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2018-07-07)" captcomms50 "Captain Commando (God of War Edition Update 2018-09-11)" captcomms51 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2018-09-10)" captcomms52 "Captain Commando (99 Beaters Edition Update 2018-10-12)" captcomms53 "Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2018-11-08)" captcomms54 "Captain Commando (God of War Edition Update 2018-10-31)" captcomms55 "Captain Commando (Plus 2016-11-28)" captcoud "Captain Commando (US 910928 Phoenix Edition)" caterpil "Caterpillar" cawing "Carrier Air Wing (World 901012)" cawingb "Carrier Air Wing (bootleg)" cball "Cannonball (Atari, prototype)" cballfix "Cannonball (Atari, prototype)(With new rom)" cclimber "Crazy Climber (US set 1)" cclimbrm "Crazy Climber (US - modded)" cemescry "Cemescary" cenmario "Censored Mario Bros." centipb "Centipede" centiped "Centipede (revision 4)" chtmsatk "Ms. Pacman Plus [c]" chtmspa "Ms. Pacman [c]" chtpac "Pacman [c]" chtpac3d "Pacman 3D [c]" chtpman2 "New Puck2 [c]" chtpop "Pac-man (Popeye) [c]" chtpuck "New Puck-X [c]" ckong "Crazy Kong" ckonga2 "Crazy Kong Part II -1" ckonga3 "Crazy Kong Part II -2" ckongfix "Crazy Kong Part II (Graphic Fix)" cleopath "Cleopatra Fortune (Hack)(Ver 2.1J 1996/09/05)" cleopatr "Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1J 1996/09/05)" cleopatrs01 "Cleopatra Fortune (Translation Chinese)(Ver 2.1J)" cnbe "Codename: Blut Engel (2006-01-19)(Homebrew)" cnbe2018 "Codename: Blut Engel (2018-09-05)(Homebrew)" cndi "Chip n Dale (Intro Demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" coh1000c "ZN1" coh1002m "TPS" coh3002c "ZN2" columnsn "Columns (NeoGeo)(Homebrew)" columnsncd "Columns (CD conversion)" comdelux "Commando Deluxe" comdlux1 "Commando Deluxe Again" commando "Commando (World)" contra "Contra (US / Asia, set 1)" contrajs01 "Contra (Translation Chinese)(Japan, set 1)" cookiem "Cookie-Mon! [c]" cottoh "Crazy Otto simulation" cottoh2 "Crazy Otto simulation Ver 2" cphd "Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon Demo" cps1demo "Demo - CPS1" cps1frog "Frog Feast (CPS1)" cps1testm "CPS1 Diagnostic (For megaman 2012-10-30)" cps1testma "CPS1 Diagnostic (For megaman 2012-10-29)" cps1tests "CPS1 Diagnostic (For sf2ce 2012-10-30)" cps1testsa "CPS1 Diagnostic (For sf2ce 2012-10-29)" crackhea "Crackhead" crashh "Crash" crazypac "Crazy Pac" crswd2bl "Crossed Swords 2 (CD conversion)" crsword "Crossed Swords (ALM-002)(ALH-002)" crswordd "Crossed Swords (MGD2)" csclub "Capcom Sports Club (Euro 971017)" csclub1d "Capcom Sports Club (Euro 970722 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" csclubs01 "Capcom Sports Club (Time Increases)(Euro 971017)" ct2k3ad "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg / set 2 fully decrypted)" ct2k3eh "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Add Char - Pow hack)" ct2k3ifz "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Ice fz remix)" ct2k3k3 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Some characters move to simplify 1.2)" ct2k3k3o "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Remix (Diff Move - 030818)" ct2k3k3s01 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Color Fix Form Kof2001)" ct2k3k3s02 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Simplified Color 2016-03-15)" ct2k3k3s03 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Plus)" ct2k3k3s04 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Plus)" ct2k3k3s05 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Hidden Characters Boss V2)" ct2k3k3s06 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Hidden Characters Append-Solve A Variable Four Problem)" ct2k3k3s07 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Power Max v1)" ct2k3k3s08 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Power Max v2)" ct2k3k3s09 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Color Mod)" ct2k3k3s10 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Color Mod v1)" ct2k3k3s11 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Color Mod v2)" ct2k3k3s12 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Color Mod v3)" ct2k3k3s13 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Icy Blue Style)" ct2k3k3s14 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Some Team Color change)" ct2k3k3s15 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Blood Version V1)" ct2k3k3s16 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Blood Version V2)" ct2k3k3s17 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Fixed Sound Bugs)" ct2k3k3s18 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Half Transparency Life Bar v1)" ct2k3k3s19 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Half Transparency Life Bar v2)" ct2k3k3s20 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)" ct2k3k3s21 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" ct2k3k3s22 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.1)" ct2k3k3s23 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.2)" ct2k3k3s24 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.3)" ct2k3k3s25 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.4)" ct2k3k3s26 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.5)" ct2k3k3s27 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.6)" ct2k3k3s28 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.7)" ct2k3k3s29 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.8)" ct2k3k3s30 "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Super Remix Edition 1.9)" ct2k3spd "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)(decrypted)" ct2k3spi "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Simplified 2016-03-15)" ct2k3xx "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Blood Edition)" ct2k3ys "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Red Fire Remix)" cthd2k3a "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg, set 2)" cthd2k3b "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Hidden Characters Boss V1)" cthd2k3d "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg / set 1 fully decrypted)" ctomaday "Captain Tomaday" ctomadaypx "Captain Tomaday (No reduction in the number of lives)" cyberlip "Cyber-Lip (NGM-010)" cyberlipd "Cyber-Lip (MGD2)" cybots "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)" cybotsjd "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan 950424) (decrypted bootleg)" cybotsjs01 "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Get Maximum Power On A Valid Attack Or Being Attacked)(Japan 950420)" cybotsud "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (USA 950424 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" daimakb "Dai Makai-Mura (Japan, bootleg)" dankuga "Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)" dankugas01 "Dan-Ku-Ga Plus (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)" dankugas02 "Dan-Ku-Ga (Enable Hidden Characters)(Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)" daraku "Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels" darakuhc01 "Daraku Tenshi (Enable Hidden Characters)" dariusg "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)" dbdeh "Double Dragon (Add Char - Max ultra kill after hit 2003-04-20)(Neo-Geo)" dbdehy "Double Dragon (Enable hidden characters v1)(Neo-Geo)" dbdq "Double Dragon (Cute style portrait)(Neo-Geo)" dbdqb "Double Dragon (Q-ver Char - Add Char)(Neo-Geo)" dbdqeh "Double Dragon (Q-ver Char - Max ultra kill after hit - Add Char)(Neo-Geo)" dbdqp "Double Dragon (Q-ver Char - Max ultra kill after hit)(Neo-Geo)" dbdy "Double Dragon (Add Char - Always in AES mode)(Neo-Geo)" dbz "Dragon Ball Z (rev B)" dbz2 "Dragon Ball Z 2 - Super Battle" dbz2h01 "Dragon Ball Z 2 - Super Battle (Infinite Lives)(2009-03-11)" dbz2h02 "Dragon Ball Z 2 - Super Battle (Simple Attack)" dbzs01 "Dragon Ball Z (Simple Attack)(rev B)" dderby "Death Derby" ddonpach "DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05)" ddonpacha "DoDonPachi (2012/02/12 Arrange Ver. 1.1) (hack)" ddsom "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)" ddsoma4ppdec "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara Plus (USA 960619)" ddsomavs "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Lock four person mode)(2009-06-29)(Asia 960619)" ddsomchs "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Chinese)(Japan 960619)" ddsomhp "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Strengthen The Physical Model)(2009-06-15)(Euro 960619)" ddsomjfs "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Change the Final Strike condition)(2009-07-17)(Japan 960619)" ddsomjs01 "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Translation Chinese 2017-04-26)(Japan 960619)" ddsomud "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (USA 960619 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" ddsprdmo "Double Dragon SpritePool demo" ddsprdmo1 "Double Dragon SpritePool demo (newer)" ddtod "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)" ddtodd "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" ddtodpdec "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom Plus (EURO 940412)" deadconx "Dead Connection (World)" deadconxjs01 "Dead Connection (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" deathbrdh01 "Death Brade (Plus Plus)(Japan ver JM-3)" deathsml "Deathsmiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER)" deathsmlh01 "Death Smiles (Hidden elements full open + character enhancement)(2007/10/09 MASTER VER)" deathstar "Death Star" deathstar2 "Death Star v2" decodemo "Demo - Data East" defender "Defender (Red label)" defender2 "Defender II" deroon "Deroon DeroDero (earlier)" deroons01 "Deroon DeroDero (Unknown hack)" didemo "DatImage demo" dimahoo "Dimahoo (Euro 000121)" dimahoud "Dimahoo (USA 000121 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" dino "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)" dino08h2 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Revision 2008 set 3 v2.0f 2008-10-17)" dino08h3 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Revision 2008 set 1 v1.1 2008-10-11)" dino08hp "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Revision 2008 set 2 v1.1f 2008-10-17)" dinob "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg)" dinobt "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (BT hack version)" dinobtpp "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (All Weapons Ammunition Unlimited BT Version)(2009-01-15)" dinocgba "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Plus Version Rev.1)" dinocgbb "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Plus Version Rev.2)" dinocgbc "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Plus Version Rev.3)" dinoeh "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Select Characters)" dinoex "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unknown Hack 2014-06-18)" dinoh "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg set 3, 930223 Asia TW)" dinoha "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg set 1, 930223 Asia TW)" dinohb "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg set 2 (with PIC16c57), 930201 etc)" dinohc "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Chinese bootleg, 930223 Asia TW)" dinohp "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Submachine gun and shotgun bullet version)" dinohx "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ex Super Version V2)" dinojp "Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki Plus (Double Edition 2010-03-10)" dinopic4 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg set 4 (with PIC16c57), 930223 Asia TW)" dinorex "Dino Rex (World)" dinorexs01 "Dino Rex (Easy Move)(World)" dinorp "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Missile Embroidery Plus 2008-08-05)" dinos01 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Bazooka)" dinos02 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Club)" dinos03 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Dynamite or Grenade)" dinos04 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Dynamite)" dinos05 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Grenade)" dinos06 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Pistol)" dinos07 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Rifle/M-16A1)" dinos08 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Rod)" dinos09 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Shot Gun)" dinos10 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapon Items Uzi)" dinos100 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Boss Phantom Edition 2017-10-28)" dinos101 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Boss Phantom Edition 2017-10-30)" dinos102 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Super Unparalleled Chaos 2017-11-12)" dinos103 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Zeng Xing X5 update 2017-11-08)" dinos104 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2011 Musou Update 2018 2017-12-14)" dinos105 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Second Generation Warriors 2017 2017-11-19)" dinos106 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (99 Jurassic Enhanced 2017-12-16)" dinos107 "Dinosaur Hunter (Burst Edition 2017-12-14)" dinos108 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dewar Edition Update 2017-12-03)" dinos109 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2018 Villain Revenge 2017-12-14)" dinos11 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bonus Items Ammonite)" dinos110 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Second Generation Knight Edition 2017-11-19)" dinos111 "Dinosaur Hunter (Challenge Edition 2017-11-16)" dinos112 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Warrior Edition Update 2017-11-19)" dinos113 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Okami Ue rion 2017-12-12)" dinos114 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dewar Edition Update 2017-12-25)" dinos115 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2018 Warrior Summoning Edition 2018-01-18)" dinos116 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (97 Second Generation Speed Edition 2 2017-12-17)" dinos117 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2018 Globe Trekker 2017-12-31)" dinos118 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Warrior Edition Update 2017-12-18)" dinos119 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2017 Update 2017-04-18)" dinos12 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bonus Items Golddust)" dinos120 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Warrior Edition Update 2018-04-02)" dinos121 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2017 Update 2017-06-07)" dinos122 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2015 Matchless 2017-09-09)" dinos123 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (1VS3 Enhanced Version 2017-08-21)" dinos124 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Faster Version 2017 2017-07-15)" dinos125 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Matchless Bullets 2017-09-02)" dinos126 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Beat 2017 Bloodless 2017-09-15)" dinos127 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Beatless Hit Cool Version 2017 2017-09-17)" dinos128 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2017 Update 2017-09-12)" dinos129 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Military Commander 2018 2018-03-21)" dinos13 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Food Barbecue)" dinos130 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Warrior Edition Update 2018-02-13)(Ver.?)" dinos131 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting Update 2018-07-02)" dinos132 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fast Fight 2018-07-25)" dinos133 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ruan Bu Wu Shuang 2018 2018-06-17)" dinos134 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dead Time Permanent Effective 2018-01-18)" dinos135 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Second Generation Extreme Edition)" dinos136 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Iron Dragon 2018-07-31)" dinos137 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Hit Anywhere)" dinos138 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Press Button Call Out Weapon)" dinos139 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Go Next Stage 2018-08-23)" dinos14 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Food Cake)" dinos140 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Stage Select)" dinos141 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fast Moving, Continuous, Unparalleled 2018-08-13)" dinos142 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fast Fight Blood Battle Version 2018 Tour Version 2018-06-11)" dinos143 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Xue Zhan Edition 2018-10-25)" dinos144 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dinosaur New Century 2016-01-26)" dinos145 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Unparalleled Strike 2017-04-17)" dinos146 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Multi Boss 2017-04-06)" dinos147 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Happiness 2017 Unparalleled Edition 2017-10-24)" dinos148 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Warrior Edition 2017-10-14)" dinos149 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quickly Increased Edition X3 2017-10-30)" dinos15 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Food Lobster)" dinos150 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unparalleled Bullet Enhanced 2017 2017-11-04)" dinos151 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unparalleled Bloody Plus 2017 2017-10-25)" dinos152 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dewar Edition 2017-08-17)" dinos153 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fight, No Bloody, Enhanced Version, Japanese Version 2017 2017-08-02)" dinos154 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Speed Enhanced Version 2017 2017-10-16)" dinos155 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The 2017 Unparalleled Chaos 2017-11-10)" dinos156 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Second Generation Warriors 2017 2017-11-12)" dinos157 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Snow Version 2018-01-23)" dinos158 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ghost Crying Godless Peerless Version 2018-01-18)" dinos159 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Chaos unparalleled 2018-08-16)" dinos16 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Food Paffe)" dinos160 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting Update 2018-08-23)" dinos161 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Military version Update 2018-08-13)" dinos162 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fast Increase Zeng Xing X5 2017-10-31)" dinos163 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bloody update 2011-07-22)" dinos164 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Super Musou Update 2017-10-26)" dinos165 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Super Unparalleled Version 2017-10-17)" dinos166 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Super Unparalleled Final Version 2017-11-02)" dinos167 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ji 2011 2017-05-21)" dinos168 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heaven And Earth Unparalleled 2011 2017-06-07)" dinos169 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Playing Uranus Edition 2018-09-27)" dinos17 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Food Steak)" dinos170 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting Update 2018-09-27)" dinos171 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fight bloody version Update 2018-09-19)" dinos172 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Military version Update 2018-09-24)" dinos173 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Hit the king version 2018-10-30)" dinos174 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting Update 2018-10-30)" dinos175 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (playing Uranus Edition Update 2018-12-29)" dinos176 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War Edition Update 2018-12-22)" dinos177 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fast Fighting Version 2018-12-29)" dinos178 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Playing Uranus version 2019-01-29)" dinos179 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Warriors 2018-12-21)" dinos18 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Food Sushi)" dinos180 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2019-01-14)" dinos181 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Arena Version 2019-01-23)" dinos182 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Sky King 2019-01-14)" dinos183 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War Update 2019-01-19)" dinos184 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Majin Ranbu 2019-01-17)" dinos185 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unrivalled Version 2019 2019-01-07)" dinos19 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Put Insurance Can Not Afford To Lose Blood)" dinos20 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Weapons Unlimited + Does Not Disappear)" dinos21 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Tekken Invincible)" dinos22 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Change Char V2)" dinos23 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enemy Replacement Edition 2010-03-10)" dinos24 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Integrated Repair-Blood Pro Plus Edition 2009-1-15/2011-03-31)" dinos25 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unparalleled Multi-Boss Bloody Version)" dinos26 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Revision 2008 2008-10-17)" dinos27 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Modified Version 2008 v2.0f 2008-10-17)" dinos28 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unparalleled Version Of The Revised Version Of 2011 2017-05-26)" dinos29 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Increase Enemy Enemy By Five Times 2016-01-10)" dinos30 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Self-Mutilation Blood 2011-03-23)" dinos31 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-Pistol To Change The Gun Version v1.0)" dinos32 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-Pistol To Change The Gun Version v2.0)" dinos33 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-To The Rifle Version)" dinos34 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-Shotgun Version)" dinos35 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-Uz Assault Gun Version)" dinos36 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-M-16A1 Edition)" dinos37 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Selection Time Is Not Reduced)" dinos38 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ex Super Version V1)" dinos40 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Lock The Strongest Attack Power 2009-1-15)" dinos41 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Lock Three Mode 2009-1-15)" dinos42 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Shooting With The Footkl)" dinos43 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Kyouryuu Shin Seiki (Battered Edition)" dinos44 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki Plus 2010-02-10))" dinos45 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Bonus Rev.1)" dinos46 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Bonus Rev.2)" dinos47 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Bonus Rev.3)" dinos48 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Kill Enemies To Get Bonus Rev.4)" dinos49 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Chaos x5)" dinos50 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Chaos x3)" dinos51 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Update Slice Version 2016-04-12)" dinos52 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unknown Hack 2016-02-14)" dinos53 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unknown Hack Fix 2016-02-14)" dinos54 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bullet Unlimited Series-Bazooka)" dinos56 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Integral Repair-Blood Pro Plus Edition 2011-03-28)" dinos57 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Jurassic 99)" dinos58 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Turbo 97 2016-12-22)" dinos59 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Final Boss)" dinos60 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2011 Plus New Version)" dinos61 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2011 Plus Bloody Warriors 2018 New Edition)" dinos62 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Phantom Musou Updated version 2017 2017-11-29)" dinos63 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Yong Chuang Tian Ya 2018)" dinos64 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Second Generation Extreme Edition 1 2017-12-16)" dinos65 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Second Generation Extreme Edition 2 2017-12-17)" dinos66 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unknown Hack 2012-10-26)" dinos67 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unknown Hack 2015-11-15)" dinos68 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unknown Hack 2013-08-23)" dinos69 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Butcher's Wrath Final Edition Matchless Death 2017-11-23)" dinos70 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 2011 Plus (2011 Mutual Final Crack Edition 2018-02-12)" dinos71 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dou Shen Edition 2018 2018-05-14)" dinos72 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Di Yu Wu Shuang 2017-12-24)" dinos73 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (99 Jurassic Plus 2017-11-13)" dinos74 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2018 Villain's Revenge 2017-12-31)" dinos75 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Qi Sha Edition)" dinos91 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Hacks Unknown 2018-03-09)" dinos92 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2011 Bloody Battle Unparalleled 2018-02-05)" dinos93 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ogasa Version 2017-12-17)" dinos94 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dewar Edition Update 2018-01-18)" dinos95 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Quick Warrior Edition Update 2018-01-16)" dinos96 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Boss Phantom Edition 2018-04-08)" dinos97 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Boss Phantom Edition 2018-04-02)" dinos98 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2017 Super Musou Update 2017-11-03)" dinos99 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting Update 2017-11-03)" dinosf2 "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Sf2 conversion)" dinoslice "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Boss Improved Version 2014-10-04)" dinouphp "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Lock Triple Mode 2009-1-15)" dinoz "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Z (Boss Hack)" dizzy "Dizzy Ghost - A Reversal of Roles" dkchrmx "Donkey Kong Christmas Remix" dkong "Donkey Kong (US set 1)" dkong2m "Donkey Kong (2 marios)" dkongex "Donkey Kong Foundry" dkongf "Donkey Kong Foundry (hack)" dkongp "Donkey Kong (patched)" dkongpac "Donkey Kong (Pacman graphics)" dkongpe "Donkey Kong: Pauline Edition Rev 5 (2013-04-22)" dkongx "Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.2)" dkongx11 "Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.1)" dkpace "Donkey Kong Pace" dkrainbow "Rainbow Donkey Kong" dkrdemo "Donkey Kong Remix demo 1.8" dkspkyrmx "Donkey Kong Spooky Remix" dktrainer "Donkey Kong Trainer 1.01" doapp "Dead Or Alive ++ (Japan)" doapph01 "Dead Or Alive ++ (Enable hidden characters)(Japan)" dondokod "Don Doko Don (World)" dondokodjs01 "Don Doko Don (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" dorunrun "Do! Run Run (set 1)" dotrikun "Dottori Kun (new version)" dotrikun2 "Dottori Kun (old version)" dotriman "Dottori-Man Jr." doubledr "Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)" doubledre2 "Double Dragon Q (Boss hack Easy Special Attacks)(Neo-Geo)" doubledres "Double Dragon (Easy Special Attacks)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrhp "Double Dragon (Perfectly simplified Edition)(2009-09-19)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs01 "Double Dragon (Enable Hidden Characters v2)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs02 "Double Dragon (Enhanced Power)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs03 "Double Dragon (Cancel Charge)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs04 "Double Dragon (Black Vesion)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs05 "Double Dragon (Random Selection)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs06 "Double Dragon (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs07 "Double Dragon (Super Remix Edition 1.1)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrs08 "Double Dragon (Special 2017 v1.X 2017-03-08)(Neo-Geo)" doubledrsp "Double Dragon (Special 2017 v1.0.0311)(Neo-Geo)" dragons1 "Dragon's Heaven" dragoona "Dragoon Might (ver AAB)" dragoonas01 "Dragoon Might (Always Have Super Move)(ver AAB)" dragoonas02 "Dragoon Might (Easy Move)(ver AAB)" dragoonas03 "Dragoon Might (Enable Hidden Character)(ver AAB)" dragoonas04 "Dragoon Might (Description Unknown)(ver AAB)" driusgxh "Darius Gaiden (Hack)(Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)" drmario "Vs. Dr. Mario" drmarios01 "Vs. Dr. Mario (Translation Chinese)(2002-10)" dstlk "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)" dstlku1d "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (USA 940705 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" dti "Duck Tales (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" dti2 "Duck Tales 2 (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" dwi "DarkWing Duck (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" dwia "DarkWing Duck (Intro demo)(Alt)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" ecofghtr "Eco Fighters (World 931203)" ecofghtrd "Eco Fighters (World 931203 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" eightman "Eight Man (NGM-025)(NGH-025)" eightmand "Eight Man (MGD2)" eightmaneb "Eight Man (Enhanced Version)(2009-08-22)" eltonpac "Elton Pac" elvactr "Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20)" elvactrjs01 "Elevator Action Returns (Translation Chinese)(Ver 2.2J 1995/02/20)" europac "Euro Pac" evilston "Evil Stone" evilstonfr "Evil Stone (French)" evilstons01 "Evil Stone (Translation French V2)(11.28.2007)" exerion "Exerion" exeriongr "Exerion (Greek)" exerionj "Exerion (Japan)" eyes "Eyes (Digitrex Techstar)" eyesb "Eyes (unknown bootleg)" f2demo "Demo - Taito F2" f3demo "Demo - Taito F3" fasthang "Hangly Man [f]" fasthear "Ms. Heart Burn [f]" fastmspa "Ms. Pacman [f]" fastpop "Pacman (Popeye) [f]" fastpuck "New Puck-X [f]" faststrm "Ms. Desert Storm [f]" fatfursp "Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspas01 "Fatal Fury Special (Hidden Characters-Enable Ryo Sakazaki v1)(set 2)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspas02 "Fatal Fury Special (Hidden Characters-Enable Ryo Sakazaki v2)(set 2)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspas03 "Fatal Fury Special (Hidden Characters-Enable Ryo Sakazaki v3)(set 2)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspb "Fatal Fury Special (Optional hidden characters first edition)(set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspbs "Fatal Fury Special (Optional hidden character third edition)(set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspbt "Fatal Fury Special (BT Version PPX)(set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfurspeh "Fatal Fury Special (Optional hidden character second edition)(set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfursps01 "Fatal Fury Special (Easy Special Attacks 2015-03-15)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)" fatfury1 "Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - shukumei no tatakai (NGM-033)(NGH-033)" fatfury1d "Fatal Fury (MGD2)" fatfury1s01 "Fatal Fury (Enable Hidden Characters)(NGM-033)(NGH-033)" fatfury2 "Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - arata-naru tatakai (NGM-047)(NGH-047)" fatfury2b "Fatal Fury 2 (Boss hack)(NGM-047)(NGH-047)" fatfury2s01 "Fatal Fury 2 (Optional Hidden Characters And Super Kill Unified)(NGM-047)(NGH-047)" fatfury2s02 "Fatal Fury 2 (Enable Hidden Characters)(NGM-047)(NGH-047)" fatfury2s03 "Fatal Fury 2 (Easy Special Attacks)(NGM-047)(NGH-047)" fatfury3 "Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - haruka-naru tatakai (NGM-069)(NGH-069)" fatfury3b "Fatal Fury 3 (Enable hidden characters v1)(NGM-069)(NGH-069)" fatfury3bd "Fatal Fury 3 (Enable hidden characters v2)(NGM-069)(NGH-069)" fatfury3bh "Fatal Fury 3 (Enable hidden characters v3 2015-03-13)(NGM-069)(NGH-069)" fatfury3eh "Fatal Fury 3 (Add Char - Ultra kill style changed)(NGM-069)(NGH-069)" fbfrenzy "Football Frenzy (NGM-034)(NGH-034)" fbfrenzyd "Football Frenzy (MGD2)" fcrash "Final Crash (bootleg of Final Fight)" ffeast "Frog Feast (NeoGeo)" ffeastd "Frog Feast Demo" ffight "Final Fight (World, set 1)" ffightb "Final Fight (Quick whirlwind)" ffightbl "Final Fight (bootleg)" ffightbla "Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB)" ffightj1s01 "Final Fight (1VS2 Enhanced Version 2017-11-26)" ffightj2s01 "Final Fight (Ming Yun Wu Shuang Edition 2016 2016-10-24 )" ffightj2s02 "Final Fight (Paced Whirlwind 2016-08-17)" ffightjh01 "Final Fight (Ming Yun Wu Shuang Edition 2016 2016-12-08)" ffights01 "Final Fight (Change Fighter)" ffights02 "Final Fight (1VS2 Enhanced Version 2016-08-17)" fghthist "Fighter's History (World ver 43-09, DE-0395-1 PCB)" fghthistas01 "Fighter's History (Enable Hidden Characters)(World ver 43-07, DE-0380-2 PCB)" fightfev "Fight Fever (set 1)" fightfevas01 "Fight Fever (Enable Hidden Characters)(Alt)(set 2)" fightfevbs "Fight Fever (Enable hidden characters)(set 2)" fightfevk "Fight Fever (Kanji Patch)(set 2)" fightfevs01 "Fight Fever (Enable Hidden Characters)(set 1)" fightfevs02 "Fight Fever (Fixed Kanji Display Of Some Special Attacks)(set 1)" fireshrk "Fire Shark" fjbusterbh "Fujiyama Buster (Enable hidden characters 2017-04-07)(Japan)" flipshot "Battle Flip Shot" flipshotk "Battle Flip Shot (Traduction Korean)" flstory "The FairyLand Story" flstoryjs01 "The FairyLand Story (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" fourplay "Four Play" fpnleash "Pacman Unleashed (Flat)" fr2 "Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2" fr2cd "Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (CD Bootleg)" fr2ch "Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (CD to MVS conversion)" frogger "Frogger" frontlin "Front Line" frontlins01 "Front Line (Translation Chinese)" fstarfrc "Final Star Force (US)" fstarfrcc "Final Star Force (Translation Chinese)(US)" fstmsatk "Ms. Pacman Attack [f]" fstpman2 "New Puck2 [f]" fswordsb1 "Fighters Swords (Enable hidden characters v1)(Korean Release)" fswordsb2 "Fighters Swords (Enable hidden characters v2)(Korean Release)" fswordsbf "Fighters Swords (Enable hidden characters v1.0f)(Korean Release)" fswordss01 "Fighters Swords (Enable Hidden Characters V?)(Korean Release)" fswordss02 "Fighters Swords (Infinite Power)(Korean Release)" fswordss03 "Fighters Swords (Color Change)(Korean Release)" ga2 "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)" ga2s01 "Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (unprotected)" gaia "Gaia Crusaders" gaias01 "Gaia Crusaders (Enable Secret Character)" galaga "Galaga (Namco rev. B)" galaga84 "Galaga '84" galaga99 "Galaga '99" galagab2 "Galaga (bootleg)" galagabl "Galaga (Namco 1982)" galagads "Galaga (fast shoot)" galagaef "Galaga (Enduring Freedom)" galagaf "Galaga (Fast Shoot Hack)" galagap "Galaga (patched)" galagax "1942 (Galaga X)" galagix "Galagix" galagosb "Galaga Ghost (Set 2 - 2002-11-28)" galagost "Galaga Ghost (Set 1)" galaped "Galapede (Fast Shoot)" galaxiab "Galaxian" galaxkyo "Galaxian (Kyoko)" galaxni "Galaxian (New Invasion)" galaxyfg "Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors" galaxyfgb "Galaxy Fight (Add hidden characters)" galaxyfgbh "Galaxy Fight (Add hidden characters 2014)" galaxyfs01 "Galaxy Fight (Enable Hidden Characters)" galgaxin "Galagalaxian" galinvad "Galaxian (Space Invaders sprites)" galnamco "Galaxians" ganryu "Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki" ganryud "Ganryu (decrypted C)" gaous "Gaous" garou "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530)" garoub "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Enable hidden characters)(NGM-2530)" garoud "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Decrypted C)" garouhs01 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Enable Grant & Kain In Arcade Mode)(NGM-2530)(NGH-2530)" garouhs02 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Get Maximum Power On A Valid Attack, Being Attacked Or On A Special move)(NGM-2530)(NGH-2530)" garoupamu "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Approach to Arcade v5.0a)(prototype)" garoupeh "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Enable hidden characters)(prototype)" garoupehc "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Add Char - Pow hack)(prototype)" garoupf "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Fixed winning message, sprites and some bugs)(prototype)" garoupfp "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Rom Fix - Fix Plus)(prototype)" garoupfu "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Unk Hack/Fix)(prototype)" garoups01 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Infinite Power)(NGM-2530)" garoupsi01 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Enhanced Power V1)(prototype)" garoupsi02 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Easy Special Attacks)(prototype)" garoupsi03 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Bug Patch v2)(prototype)" garoupsi04 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(prototype)" garoupsi05 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (The brand of the wolf 2015-03-10)(prototype)" garoupx11 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Xtreme Plus)(Prototype)" garoupy "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (P1 Add Char)(prototype)" garoupy1 "Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Add selection boss V1)(Prototype)" gaunt2 "Gauntlet II" gaunt2f "Gauntlet II (Graphics Hack)" gaunt2ls "Gauntlet II (New Levels)" gaunt2s "Gauntlet II (Speed Hack)" gaylaxn "Gaylaxian" gbi "GhostBusters (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" gekiridh "Gekirindan (World Hack)(Ver 2.3O 1995/09/21)" gekiridn "Gekirindan (Ver 2.3O 1995/09/21)" gekiridoc "Gekirindan (Translation To China)(Ver 2.3J 1995/09/21)" gemini "Gemini Wing (World)" geminis01 "Gemini Wing (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" geminit "Gemini Wing (Hack)" gground "Gain Ground (World, 3 Players, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-03d Rev A)" ggroundjs01 "Gain Ground (Restore Bug 4-8 Enemy Count)(Japan, 2 Players, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-03b)" ggrounds01 "Gain Ground (Restore Bug 4-8 Enemy Count)(World, 3 Players, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-03d Rev A)" ghohunt "Ghost Hunt" ghostlop "Ghostlop (prototype)" ghouls "Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)" gigaman2 "Giga Man 2: The Power Fighters (bootleg of Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters)" gigawing "Giga Wing (USA 990222)" gigawingd "Giga Wing (USA 990222 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" gigawingjd "Giga Wing (Japan 990223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" gigawings01 "Giga Wing (Ex Super Version V1)(USA 990222)" ginganin "Ginga NinkyouDen (set 1)" ginganins01 "Ginga NinkyouDen (Korean Translation)(set 1)" gnw_bride "Game & Watch: Bride" gnw_squeeze "Game & Watch: Squeeze" gowcaizr "Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer" gowcaizrb "Voltage Fighter (Add hidden characters V1)" gowcaizrbs "Voltage Fighter (Add hidden characters V2)" gowcaizrrv "Voltage Fighter (Add Boss Revised Version)(Uniform killing)(2009-10-05)" gowcaizry "Voltage Fighter (Easy Moves)" gpilots "Ghost Pilots (NGM-020)(NGH-020)" gpilotscd "Ghost Pilots (CD conversion)(NGM-020)(NGH-020)" gpilotsd "Ghost Pilots (MGD2)" gpilotse "Ghost Pilots (Ex Super version 2014-10-24)(NGM-020)(NGH-020)" gpilotspx "Ghost Pilots (Plus Max)(NGM-020)(NGH-020)" gradius3 "Gradius III (World, program code R)" gradius3s01 "Gradius III (Secret fighters)(Japan, program code S)" grdians "Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss01 "Guardians (Electric Shadow 2 Satsuki Version 2018-05-05)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss02 "Guardians (Electric God Magic 2 Unparalleled Edition 2018-06-06)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss03 "Guardians (Blood Blue Initial Lengthening)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss04 "Guardians (Super Version v1)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss05 "Guardians (Super Version v2)(2010-07-12)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss06 "Guardians (Super Version v3)(2010-07-12)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss07 "Guardians (Robust Version 2019-01-11)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss08 "Guardians (Electric God Magic 2 Unparalleled Edition 2018-12-10)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" grdianss09 "Guardians (Plus 2018-07-26)(P-FG01-1 PCB)" growl "Growl (World, Rev 1)" gseeker "Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3O)" gseekerjs01 "Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Translation Chinese)(Ver 1.3J)" gunbird2 "Gunbird 2 (set 1)" gunbird2s01 "Gunbird 2 (Ex Super Version)(2009-08-04)(set 1)" gunfront "Gun & Frontier (World)" gunfrontjs01 "Gun Frontier (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" hackypac "Hacky Pac" halfway "Halfway to Hell - Progear Red Label (2016-01-17 Red label ver)(bootleg)" handiman "Handi-Man in Cyberworld" hangly2x "Hangly-Man (set 2) (hires hack)" hangly3x "Hangly-Man (set 3) (hires hack)" hanglyad "Hangly-Man (set 1) After Dark" hanglyx "Hangly-Man (set 1) (hires hack)" heartbn2 "Ms. Heart Burn" heartbrn "Ms. Heart Burn (set 2)" hearts "Pacman (Hearts)" hellowp "Hello World (Pacman HW)" hm1000 "Hangly Man 1000" hm2000 "Hangly Man 2000" hmba5000 "Hangly Man Babies 5000" hmba7000 "Hangly Man Babies 7000" hmbabymz "Hangly Man BabiesMaze" hmbluep "Hangly Man Blue Plus" hmgrenp "Hangly Man Green Plus" hmhearts "Hangly-Man (Hearts)" hmplus "Hangly Man Plus" hmpopey "Hangly-Man (Popeye)" homercid "Homercide" hook "Hook (World)" hookjs01 "Hook (Can Be Substituted For Character)(Japan)" hooks01 "Hook (1V4 2016-06-25)(World)" hooks02 "Hook (Zinc Children's Edition Update 2018-05-15)(World)" hooks03 "Hook (Zinc Children's Edition Update 2018-05-02)(World)" hooks04 "Hook (X2 Edition 2018-05-05)(World)" hooks05 "Hook (Can Be Substituted For Character)(World)" hooks06 "Hook (Unrivalled Version 2016-08-18)(World)" hookus01 "Hook (plus)(US)" hookus02 "Hook (Can Be Substituted For Character)(US)" hookus03 "Hook (Iron hook unparalleled 2016-07-31)(US)" hookxr "Hook (Zinc Children's Edition Update 2018-09-14)(World)" horizpab "Horiz Pac (v1.0)" horizpac "Horiz Pac" housepty "House Party" hsf2 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202)" hsf2as01 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Choose Hidden Characters Easier)(Alt)(Asia 040202)" hsf2as02 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Enable Hidden Characters 2017)(Asia 040202)" hsf2as03 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (3x Time)(Asia 040202)" hsf2d "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Asia 040202 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" hsf2js01 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Choose Hidden Characters Easier)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js02 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Enabled Hidden Characters In Normal Mode)(Japan 040202)" hsf2js03 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Simplify The Move)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js04 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Gouki Edition)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js05 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Can Choice Same Character)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js06 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Changed Character v2)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js07 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Easy Move v2)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js08 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Choose Hidden Character)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js09 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Hit Anywhere)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js10 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Level Plus)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js11 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Always Have Super Move)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js12 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Real Gouki)(Japan 031222)" hsf2js13 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Special Move For Zangief)(Japan 031222)" hsf2s01 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Enable Hidden Characters 2017)(USA 040202)" hsf2s02 "Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (30% Blood)(USA 040202)" igla "Operation I.G.L.A. demo" indytemp "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 1)" insectx "Insector X (World)" insectxs01 "Insector X (Translation Chinese)(World)" invaders "Space Invaders / Space Invaders M" invmulti "Space Invaders Multigame (M8.03D)" invmultim1a "Space Invaders Multigame (M8.01A)" invmultim2a "Space Invaders Multigame (M8.02A)" invmultim2c "Space Invaders Multigame (M8.02C)" invmultim3a "Space Invaders Multigame (M8.03A)" invmultip "Space Invaders Multigame (prototype)" invmultis1a "Space Invaders Multigame (S0.81A)" invmultis2a "Space Invaders Multigame (S0.82A)" invmultis3a "Space Invaders Multigame (S0.83A)" invmultit3d "Space Invaders Multigame (T8.03D)" iocero "Primo Demo" ir "Invader's Revenge (Extra Sounds)" ironclad "Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron clad (prototype)" ironcladb "Ironclad (Conversion from Wii)(prototype)" ironcladcd "Ironclad (CD conversion)(prototype)" itecdemo "Demo - Itec" jacman "Jacman" jockeygp "Jockey Grand Prix (set 1)" jockeygpd "Jockey Grand Prix (decrypted C)" jojo "JoJo's Venture (USA 990128)" jojoba "JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927)" jojobaner1s01 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(2009-07-15)(Alt)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojobaner1s02 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(2009-08-08)(Alt)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojobaner1s03 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Infinite Power)(2009-07-15)(Alt)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojobaner1s04 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Super Plus)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojobbh2 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(2009-08-08)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojobbss "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(2009-07-15)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojobpow "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Infinite Power)(2009-07-15)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojonbss "JoJo's Venture (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(2009-07-09)(Asia 990108, NO CD)" jojonpow "JoJo's Venture (Infinite Power)(2009-07-11)(Asia 990108, NO CD)" jojonr1s01 "JoJo's Venture (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(Alt)(2009-07-09)(Asia 990108, NO CD)" jojonr1s02 "JoJo's Venture (Infinite Power)(2009-07-09)(Alt)(Asia 990108, NO CD)" jojos01 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Language Brazil)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojos02 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Language Asia)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojos03 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Language Hispanic)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojos04 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Language Oceania)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojos05 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Language U.S.A)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" jojox01 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Max Power)(Euro 990913, NO CD)" joyjoy "Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021)(NGH-021)" joyjoycd "Puzzled (CD conversion)(Set 1)(NGM-021)(NGH-021)" joyjoycd1 "Puzzled (CD conversion)(Set 2)(NGM-021)(NGH-021)" joyjoyd "Puzzled (MGD2)" jpmmunch "Muncher" jr1000 "Jr. Pac-Man 1000" jr1000_2 "Jr. Pac-Man 1000 (Alt)" jr2000 "Jr. Pac-Man 2000" jr2001 "Jr. Pac-Man 2001" jr2001p "Jr. Pac-Man 2001 Plus" jr2002 "Jr. Pac-Man 2002" jr2002p "Jr. Pac-Man 2002 Plus" jr2003 "Jr. Pac-Man 2003" jr2003p "Jr. Pac-Man 2003 Plus" jr2004 "Jr. Pac-Man 2004" jr2004p "Jr. Pac-Man 2004 Plus" jr2005 "Jr. Pac-Man 2005" jr2005p "Jr. Pac-Man 2005 Plus" jr3000p "Jr. Pac-Man 3000 Plus" jr4000p "Jr. Pac-Man 4000 Plus" jr5000p "Jr. Pac-Man 5000 Plus" jr6000 "Jr. Pac-Man 6000" jr7000 "Jr. Pac-Man 7000" jr7000p "Jr. Pac-Man 7000 Plus" jr8000 "Jr. Pac-Man 8000" jr8000p "Jr. Pac-Man 8000 Plus" jr9000p "Jr. Pac-Man 9000 Plus" jrcheat "Jr. Pac-Man Cheat [c]" jrdeluxe "Jr. Pac-Man Deluxe" jrfast "Jr. Pac-Man [f]" jrhearts "Jr. Pac-Man Hearts" jrpacad "Jr. Pac-Man After Dark" jrpacjr "Jr. Pac-Man Junior" jrpacjrp "Jr. Pac-Man Junior Plus" jrpacman "Jr. Pac-Man (11/9/83)" jrpacp "Jr. Pac-Man Plus" jrspeed "Jr. Pac-Man Speed [f]" jrvectr "Jr. Pac-Man Vector" jryumyum "Jr. Pac-Man Vs YumYum + Friends" jumpbugx "Jump Bug (Extra Sounds)" kabukikl "Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den" kabukiklb "Far East of Eden (Add hidden characters)" kabukikleh "Far East of Eden (Enable hidden characters v1)" kabukiklgm "Far East of Eden (Color Fix set 2 - Title screen and char color changed)" kabukiklgmc "Far East of Eden (Color Fix set 1 - Title screen and char color changed)" kabukiklmc "Far East of Eden (Unlimited magic power)" kabukikls01 "Far East of Eden (Hidden Characters Ex-Add Boss Color)" kabukikls02 "Far East of Eden (Hidden Characters-Add Boss Color)" kabukikls03 "Far East of Eden (Enhanced Power V2)" kabukikls04 "Far East of Eden (Color Modification V2)" kabukikls05 "Far East of Eden (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" kabukikls06 "Far East of Eden (Super Remix Edition 1.1)" kabukikls07 "Far East of Eden (Super Remix Edition 1.2)" kabukiklyc "Far East of Eden (Add Char - Magic always max)" kaiserkn "Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1O 1994/07/29)" kaiserknjs01 "Kaiser Knuckle Plus (Ver 2.1J 1994/07/29)" kaiserknjs02 "Kaiser Knuckle (Enable Hidden Characters)(Ver 2.1J 1994/07/29)" kaiserkns01 "Kaiser Knuckle (Enable Hidden Characters)(Ver 2.1O 1994/07/29)" kangaroh "Kagaroo (Qbertish) (incomplete)" karatblz "Karate Blazers (World, set 1)" karatblzas01 "Karate Blazers (1V4 2017-09-30)(World, set 2)" karatblzas02 "Karate Blazers (Super Version v1)(2009-03-11)(World, set 2)" karnovr "Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite" karnovreh "Karnov's Revenge (Add hidden characters-Enable Bull v1)" karnovrh "Karnov's Revenge (hack)" karnovrs01 "Karnov's Revenge (Add hidden characters-Enable Bull v2)" kazzy "K-azzy" ket "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver.)" ketarr "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2014/07/16 ARRANGE 1.7 VER) (hack)" ketarr10 "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2012/04/17 ARRANGE VER) (hack)" ketarr15 "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2012/06/26 ARRANGE 1.5 VER) (hack)" ketarr151 "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2012/06/26 ARRANGE 1.51 VER) (hack)" ketarrb "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Adjustment Edition 1.0 2015-01-08)" ketarrf "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2012/04/17 FAST. VER) (hack)" ketarrs15 "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2012/06/27 MR.STOIC 1.5 VER) (hack)" ketarrs151 "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2012/06/27 MR.STOIC 1.51 VER) (hack)" kf10theps01 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Unlimited Power Store)" kf10theps02 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Green Fire)" kf10theps03 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Violet Fire)" kf10theps04 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Icy Blue Style)" kf10theps05 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Fix s1's 3 Errors)" kf10theps06 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Turn Life Bar Into Half Transparency)" kf10theps07 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Change Color In Battle)" kf10theps08 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Remove Countdown)" kf10theps09 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Practice Mode Maximum Power)" kf10theps10 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Turn Time-Bg Into Half Transparency V1)" kf10theps11 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Turn Time-Bg Into Half Transparency V2)" kf10theps12 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)" kf2k2mp2s01 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Translation Portuguese)(2005-09-25)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s02 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Translation Korean)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s03 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Normalize Power)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s04 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Unlimited Power)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s05 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Unlimited Power Store)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s06 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Nude Athena)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s07 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Background Color)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s09 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Color Change)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s10 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Color Change Vol.2)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s11 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Color Change Vol.3)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s12 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Color Mod XI)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s13 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Green Fire)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s14 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Violet Fire)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s16 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (X'Mas Costume)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s17 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (X'Mas Mix Title)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s19 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Change Yuri's Costume)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s20 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Fix Consolo Mode Error)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s21 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Fix Char-Icon Location)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s22 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Add Boss Kusanagi)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s23 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Add NESTS Team)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s24 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Enable Random CPU Color)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s25 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Change Color In Battle)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s26 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Remove The Role Avatar Box)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s27 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Fix Life Bar)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s28 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Fix Timer)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s29 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Fix life Bar & Timer)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s30 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Half Transparency)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s31 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Half transparency Color Change)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s32 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Half Transparency v3)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s33 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Fixed Power Gauge)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s34 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Remove Countdown06)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s35 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Practice Mode Maximum Power)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s36 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s37 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Icy Blue Style)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s38 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (X'Mas Enhanced)(bootleg)" kf2k2mp2s39 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Ultimate Enhancement 2016-04-09)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps01 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Translation Portuguese)(2005-09-25)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps02 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Translation Korean)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps03 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Unluck Max2 v1)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps04 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Unluck Max2 v2)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps05 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Normalize Power)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps06 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Unlimited Power)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps07 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Unlimited power Store)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps08 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Nude Athena)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps09 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Background Color)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps10 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Color Remix)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps11 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Color Change)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps12 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Color Change Vol.2)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps13 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Color change Vol.3)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps14 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Green Fire)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps15 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Violet Fire)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps16 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Icy Blue Style)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps17 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (X'Mas Costume)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps18 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (X'Mas Mix Title)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps19 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (X'Mas Enhanced)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps20 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Change Yuri's Costume)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps21 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Add Boss Kusanagi)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps22 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Add NESTS team)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps23 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Enable Random CPU Color)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps24 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Change Color In Battle)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps25 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Remove The Role Avatar Box)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps26 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Fix Life Bar)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps27 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Fix Timer)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps28 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Fix life Bar & Timer)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps29 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Half Transparency)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps30 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Half transparency Color Change)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps31 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Half Transparency v3)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps32 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Fixed Power Gauge)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps33 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Remove Countdown)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps34 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Practice Mode Maximum Power)(bootleg)" kf2k2mps35 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg)" kf2k2plas01 "Kof2002 Plus (Translation Portuguese)(2005-09-25)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas02 "Kof2002 Plus (Translation Korean)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas03 "Kof2002 Plus (Unluck Max2 v1)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas04 "Kof2002 Plus (Unluck Max2 v2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas05 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Power)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas06 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Power Store)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas07 "Kof2002 Plus (Nude Athena)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas08 "Kof2002 Plus (Background Color Change)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas09 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Remix)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas10 "Kof2002 Plus (Blue Fire)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas11 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas12 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change Vol.2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas13 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change Vol.3)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas14 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change V1)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas15 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change V2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas16 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change V3)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas17 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Change V4)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas18 "Kof2002 Plus (Color XI)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas19 "Kof2002 Plus (Green Fire)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas20 "Kof2002 Plus (Violet Fire)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas21 "Kof2002 Plus (Color Gift)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas22 "Kof2002 Plus (Icy Blue Style)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas23 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Costume)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas24 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Mix Title)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas25 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Enhanced)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas26 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Yuri's Costume)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas27 "Kof2002 Plus (Add Boss Kusanagi)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas28 "Kof2002 Plus (Add NESTS Team)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas29 "Kof2002 Plus (Blood Groove Imitation V1)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas30 "Kof2002 Plus (Blood Groove Imitation V2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas31 "Kof2002 Plus (Enable Random CPU Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas32 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Color In Battle)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas33 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Member)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas34 "Kof2002 Plus (Remove The Role Avatar Box)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas35 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix Life Bar)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas36 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix Timer)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas37 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix life Bar & Timer)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas38 "Kof2002 Plus (Half Transparency)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas39 "Kof2002 Plus (Half transparency Color Change)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas40 "Kof2002 Plus (Half Transparency v3)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas41 "Kof2002 Plus (Fixed Power Gauge)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas42 "Kof2002 Plus (Kyo + Kusanagi)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas43 "Kof2002 Plus (Remove Countdown)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas44 "Kof2002 Plus (Practice Mode Maximum Power)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas45 "Kof2002 Plus (Athena's Show-Time)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas46 "Kof2002 Plus (Athena victory-Pose Change)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas47 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2plas48 "Kof2002 Plus (Ultimately Strengthen Chinese)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k2ps2re "Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Hack Ver.1.0 Public Test)" kf2k2ps2re1 "Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Hack Ver.1.0 2018-12-17)" kf2k3blas01 "Kof2003 (Portuguese Edition)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas02 "Kof2003 (Always Change Ok)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas03 "Kof2003 (Enable Zoom)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas04 "Kof2003 (Unlock Leader Special Move)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas05 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V1)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas06 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas07 "Kof2003 (Fix Adel & Mukai's Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas08 "Kof2003 (Add Rose's Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas09 "Kof2003 (Add Kagra-Twins' Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas10 "Kof2003 (Fix Kagura-Twins Vs CPU Bug)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas11 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Characters Leader)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas12 "Kof2003 (Fix Maki Bug)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas13 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Cauge)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas14 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Mode)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas15 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V1)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas16 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas17 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V1)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas18 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas19 "Kof2003 (Take Off Athena's Bikini)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas20 "Kof2003 (Replace All Chars' Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas21 "Kof2003 (Replace Some Chars' Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas22 "Kof2003 (Replace Mukai's Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas23 "Kof2003 (Replace Color)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas24 "Kof2003 (Chest Fix)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas25 "Kof2003 (Gun Fix)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas26 "Kof2003 (Single Mode Power Cauge)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas27 "Kof2003 (Change Time Limit To 90 Seconds)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas28 "Kof2003 (Add Kusanagi Team)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas29 "Kof2003 (Red Blood)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas30 "Kof2003 (Turn Dark Blue Background Into Silver Style)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas31 "Kof2003 (PS2 Style)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas32 "Kof2003 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3blas33 "Kof2003 (Unlock Leader Special Move V2)(bootleg set 2)" kf2k3bls01 "Kof2003 (Portuguese Edition)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls02 "Kof2003 (Always Change Ok)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls03 "Kof2003 (Enable Zoom)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls04 "Kof2003 (Evolution 1.4)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls05 "Kof2003 (Unlock Leader Special Move)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls06 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V1)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls07 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V2)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls08 "Kof2003 (Add Rose's Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls09 "Kof2003 (Fix Kagura Twins Vs CPU Bug)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls10 "Kof2003 (Enable hidden Characters-Leader)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls11 "Kof2003 (Fix Maki Bug)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls12 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Cauge)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls13 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Mode)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls14 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V1)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls15 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V2)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls16 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V1)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls17 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V2)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls18 "Kof2003 (Chest Fix)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls19 "Kof2003 (Gun Fix)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls20 "Kof2003 (Single Mode Power Cauge)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls21 "Kof2003 (Change Time-Limit To 90 Seconds)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls22 "Kof2003 (Add Kusanagi team)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls23 "Kof2003 (PS2 Style)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls24 "Kof2003 (Transparency)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls25 "Kof2003 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls26 "Kof2003 (Fix Adel & Mukai's Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls27 "Kof2003 (Add Kagra-twins' Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls28 "Kof2003 (Take Off Athena's Bikini)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls29 "Kof2003 (Color Change V1)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls30 "Kof2003 (Replace All Chars' Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls31 "Kof2003 (Replace Some Chars' Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls32 "Kof2003 (Replace Mukai's Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls33 "Kof2003 (Replace Color)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3bls34 "Kof2003 (Red Blood)(bootleg set 1)" kf2k3pcb "The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs01 "Kof2003 (Translation Portuguese) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs02 "Kof2003 (Always Changer Ok) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs03 "Kof2003 (Enable Zoom) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs04 "Kof2003 (Unlock Leader Special Move) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs05 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V1) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs06 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V2) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs07 "Kof2003 (Fix Color In Victory Screen)(Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs08 "Kof2003 (Add Rose's Color) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs09 "Kof2003 (Kagra Twins' Color) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs10 "Kof2003 (Fix Kagura Twins' Color Vs CPU) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs11 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Characters Leader) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs12 "Kof2003 (Fixed Maki Bug) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs13 "Kof2003 (Maximum power) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs14 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Mode) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs15 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V1) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs16 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V2) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs17 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V1) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs18 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V2) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs19 "Kof2003 (Nude Athena) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs20 "Kof2003 (Color Mod-All characters) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs21 "Kof2003 (Color Mod-Some Characters) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs22 "Kof2003 (Color Mod-Mukai 2P 3P 4P) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs23 "Kof2003 (Color Mod-Mai & Mukai 3P) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs24 "Kof2003 (Transparency Blood Fix) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs25 "Kof2003 (Extend Time Limit To 90 Seconds) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs26 "Kof2003 (Add Kusanagi Team) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs27 "Kof2003 (Red Energy) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs28 "Kof2003 (Silver Style) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pcbs29 "Kof2003 (PS2 Style) (Japan, JAMMA PCB)" kf2k3pls01 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Translation Portuguese)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls02 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Always Change Ok)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls03 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Enable Zoom)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls04 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Unlock Leader Special Move)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls05 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Unlock Leader Special Move v2)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls06 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Fix Kagura Twins Vs CPU Bug)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls07 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Fix Maki Bug)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls08 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Enhanced Power Cauge)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls09 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Enhanced Power Mode)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls10 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Easy Active v1)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls11 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Easy Active v2)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls12 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Better Controlling v1)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls13 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Better Controlling v2)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls14 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Chest Fix)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls15 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Gun Fix)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls16 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Single Mode Power Cauge)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls17 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (90 Secs Per Round)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls18 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Add Kusanagi Team)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls19 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (PS2 Style)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls20 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Transparency)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls21 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls22 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Fix Adel & Mukai's Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls23 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Add Rose's Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls24 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Add Kagra Twins' Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls25 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Take Off Athena's Bikini)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls26 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Replace All Chars' Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls27 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Replace Some Chars' Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls28 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Replace Mukai's Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls29 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Replace Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls30 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Turn Life Bar Color To Red)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k3pls31 "Kof2004 Plus / Hero (Silver Style)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kf2k5unis01 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Unlimited Power Store)" kf2k5unis02 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Green Fire)" kf2k5unis03 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Violet Fire)" kf2k5unis04 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Icy Blue Style)" kf2k5unis05 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Fix s1's 3 Errors)" kf2k5unis06 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Change Color In Battle)" kf2k5unis07 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Remove Countdown)" kf2k5unis08 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Practice Mode Maximum Power)" kf2k5unis09 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Turn Time Bg Into Half Transparency V1)" kf2k5unis10 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Turn Time Bg Into Half Transparency V2)" kf2k5unis11 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kf2k5unis12 "Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Turn Life-Bar Into Half-Transparency)" kfjohnny "Kung-Fu Johnny" kgpe "Kingdom Grand Prix" kicker "Kicker" kikikai "KiKi KaiKai" kikikais01 "KiKi KaiKai (Translation Chinese)" killbld "The Killing Blade / Ao Jian Kuang Dao (ver. 109, Chinese Board)" killbldp "The Killing Blade Plus / Ao Jian Kuang Dao Jiaqiang Ban (China, ver. 300)" killbldps01 "The Killing Blade Plus (Easy Move)" killbldps02 "The Killing Blade Plus (Always Have Super Move)" killblds01 "The Killing Blade (Always Have Super Move)" killblds02 "The Killing Blade (Easy Move)" killblds03 "The Killing Blade (Enable Hidden Boss)" killblds04 "The Killing Blade (Qun Ying Edition 2018-06-22)" killblds05 "The Killing Blade (Simplified 2018-08-24)" killiped "Killipede" kingdmgp "Kingdom Grandprix" kizuna "Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle" kizunab "Kizuna Encounter (Enable hidden characters)" kizunaeh "Kizuna Encounter (Easy Moves)(2009-02-23)" kizunas01 "Kizuna Encounter (Unlimited Power v1)" kizunas02 "Kizuna Encounter (Unlimited Power v2)" kizunas03 "Kizuna Encounter (Unlimited Power v3)" kizunas04 "Kizuna Encounter (Super Kill Unified)" kizunas05 "Kizuna Encounter (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" kizunas06 "Kizuna Encounter (Arrange Ver. 1.7)(2014/07/16 )" knacki "KnackiBalls" knight21 "Knights of the Round (Stepping Value And Treasure Display Ver 2.1 2011-07-12)" knights "Knights of the Round (World 911127)" knightsh "Knights of the Round (Hack)" knightsh01 "Knights of the Round (Anger upgrade)" knightsh02 "Knights of the Round (Extreme Mode)" knightsh03 "Knights of the Round (Random Characters, Items, Chaos Into Version V6-2)" knightsh04 "Knights of the Round (Random Characters, Items, Chaos Into Version V6-3)" knightsh05 "Knights of the Round (Round Table Samurai Chop Version 2015-09-14)" knightsh06 "Knights of the Round (1V3 Unparalleled Edition 2016-02-17)" knightsh07 "Knights of the Round (Select Players 3)" knightsh08 "Knights of the Round (Super Plus 2016-08-26)" knightsh09 "Knights of the Round (Tie Jia Ying Hao 1 Vs 3 Edition 2018-03-03)" knightsh10 "Knights of the Round (Translation Chinese 2018-03-03)" knightsh11 "Knights of the Round (Tie Jia Ying Hao 2)" knightsh12 "Knights of the Round (Super Enhanced Latest Edition 2015-06-02)" knightsh13 "Knights of the Round (Unknown Hack 2016-11-28)" knightsh14 "Knights of the Round (Plus 2016-07-14)" knightsha "Knights of the Round (911127 etc bootleg set 2)" knightshb2 "Knights of the Round (bootleg)" knightsjb "Knights of the Round (bootleg set 3, 911127 Japan)" knightsjs01 "Knights of the Round (Translation Chinese)" knightsro "Knights of the Round (Romanian)" knightud "Knights of the Round (US 911127 Phoenix Edition)" kod "The King of Dragons (World 910805)" kodb "The King of Dragons (bootleg)" kodd "The King of Dragons (World 910711 Phoenix Edition)" kodh "The King of Dragons (Bootleg)(ETC 910711)" kodsp "The King of Dragons (Remix Special)" kodud "The King of Dragons (US 910910 Phoenix Edition (16b/40p)" koduhc01 "The King of Dragons (Boss Battle Edition 2015-05-25)" koduhc02 "The King of Dragons (3 Player Mode)" koduhc03 "The King of Dragons (Boss Battle Edition 2015-05-24)" kof10thbr "Kof 10th Anniversary (Brazil by NeogeoBRteam)" kof10thd "Kof 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg / Fully Decrypted)" kof10thd16 "Kof 10th Anniversary Unique (Simplify Edition)" kof10thds01 "Kof 10th Anniversary (All Team Battle Extra Plus)(The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg / Fully Decrypted)" kof10thds02 "Kof 10th Anniversary (All Team Battle 2005 Unique)(The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg / Fully Decrypted)" kof10thds03 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Bootleg-Fix s1's 3 Errors)(The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg / Fully Decrypted)" kof10thds04 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Display-Fix s1's 3 Errors)(The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg / Fully Decrypted)" kof10thep15 "Kof 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (Simplify Edition)" kof10ths01 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Enhanced Power)" kof10ths02 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Unlimited Power Store)" kof10ths03 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Green Fire)" kof10ths04 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Violet Fire)" kof10ths05 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Icy Blue Style)" kof10ths06 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Fix Sound Effects)" kof10ths07 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Fix s1's 3 errors)" kof10ths08 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Turn Life Bar Into Half Transparency)" kof10ths09 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Change Color In Battle)" kof10ths10 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Change Size)" kof10ths11 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Practice Mode Maximum Power)" kof10ths12 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Turn Time bg Into Half Transparency V1)" kof10ths13 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Turn Time bg Into Half Transparency V2)" kof10ths14 "Kof 10th Anniversary (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof10thu "Kof 10th Anniversary Unique (hack u)" kof10thub "Kof 10th Anniversary Unique (Translation portuguese edition)" kof10thud "Kof 10th Anniversary Unique (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)(decrypted)" kof2000 "The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570) (NGH-2570)" kof2000d "Kof2000 (Decrypted C)" kof2000ev "Kof2000 (Enhanced Version Super 2014-11-04)" kof2000r "Kof2000 (Remix Pro 1.00a)" kof2000s01 "Kof2000 (Evolution V1.2a)" kof2000s02 "Kof2000 (Enable Hidden Characters V1)" kof2000s03 "Kof2000 (Enable Hidden Characters V2)" kof2000s04 "Kof2000 (Enable Hidden Characters V3)" kof2000s05 "Kof2000 (Enable Hidden Characters V4)" kof2000s06 "Kof2000 (Enable Hidden Characters V5)" kof2000s07 "Kof2000 (Hidden Characters Zero Striker Moves v1)" kof2000s08 "Kof2000 (Hidden Characters Zero Striker Moves v2)" kof2000s09 "Kof2000 (Hidden Characters Add Boss ST Color)" kof2000s10 "Kof2000 (Hidden Characters Fix Boss ST Broken)" kof2000s11 "Kof2000 (Hidden Characters Bugfix For Zero's Special Move)" kof2000s12 "Kof2000 (Enhanced Counter & Armor Mode V1)" kof2000s13 "Kof2000 (Enhanced Counter & Armor Mode V2)" kof2000s14 "Kof2000 (Enhanced Counter & Armor Mode V3)" kof2000s15 "Kof2000 (Enhanced Power)" kof2000s16 "Kof2000 (Free ST)" kof2000s17 "Kof2000 (Free Special Move)" kof2000s18 "Kof2000 (Golden Style)" kof2000s19 "Kof2000 (Icy Blue Style)" kof2000s20 "Kof2000 (Color Change V1)" kof2000s21 "Kof2000 (Color Change V2)" kof2000s22 "Kof2000 (Bikini-Athena)" kof2000s23 "Kof2000 (Half Transparency Life Bar v1)" kof2000s24 "Kof2000 (Half Transparency Life Bar v2)" kof2000s25 "Kof2000 (Half Transparency Life Bar v3)" kof2000s26 "Kof2000 (Half Transparency Timer v1)" kof2000s27 "Kof2000 (Half Transparency Timer v2)" kof2000s28 "Kof2000 (Half Transparency Striker Cage)" kof2000s29 "Kof2000 (The Style Of Kyo'S D)" kof2000s30 "Kof2000 (The Eight Gods Of The Blood Of The Great Snake)" kof2000s31 "Kof2000 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof2000s32 "Kof2000 (Investment Skills Hit)" kof2000s33 "Kof2000 (Playsation 2 Hack)(Hack only enable in AES mode)" kof2000s34 "Kof2000 (Translation Chinese)" kof2000s35 "Kof2000 (Boss Striker Perfect Edtion)" kof2000s36 "Kof2000 (Simplify The Move)" kof2000s37 "Kof2000 (Yagami Nunnery Add '97 Shavings Wind)" kof2000s38 "Kof2000 (Move Correction)" kof2000s39 "Kof2000 (Remix)" kof2000s40 "Kof2000 (No Length Limit For Robert's Special Move)" kof2000s41 "Kof2000 (Chaos Revision)" kof2000s42 "Kof2000 (Boss Striker 1.0)" kof2000s43 "Kof2000 (Optimized Version 2013-09-10)" kof2000s44 "Kof2000 (Enable Hidden Characters 2015-02-10)" kof2000s45 "Kof2000 (Boss ST Zero 2010-09-05)" kof2000s46 "Kof2000 (Unknown Hack 2006-06-02)" kof2000s47 "Kof2000 (Chinese Edition Plus 2007-04-23)" kof2000s48 "Kof2000 (Remix Pro 1.0a 2007-08-17)" kof2000s49 "Kof2000 (SP Version 2009-03-19)" kof2000s50 "Kof2000 (Remix Colors Set 1)" kof2000s51 "Kof2000 (Remix Colors Set 2)" kof2000s52 "Kof2000 (Remix Colors Set 3)" kof2000s53 "Kof2000 (Edition Special Remix)" kof2000s54 "Kof2000 (Remix Colors Set 4)" kof2000s55 "Kof2000 (Remix Colors Set 5)" kof2000s56 "Kof2000 (Remix Colors Set 6)" kof2000s57 "Kof2000 (Boss Hack - Gold Color Edition 2015-04-21)" kof2000s58 "Kof2000 (Chinese Codogo Edition)" kof2001 "The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?)" kof2001d "Kof2001 (NGM-262)(Decrypted C)" kof2001n "Kof2001 (Fully decrypted)" kof2001s01 "Kof2001 (bootleg)" kof2001s02 "Kof2001 (Enhanced Power)" kof2001s03 "Kof2001 (Unlimited Power)" kof2001s04 "Kof2001 (Unlimited Power Store)" kof2001s05 "Kof2001 (Blood Version V1)" kof2001s06 "Kof2001 (Blood Version V2)" kof2001s07 "Kof2001 (Color Change V1)" kof2001s08 "Kof2001 (Color Change V2)" kof2001s09 "Kof2001 (Color Change V3)" kof2001s10 "Kof2001 (Color Change V4)" kof2001s11 "Kof2001 (Color Change V5)" kof2001s12 "Kof2001 (Color Change V6)" kof2001s13 "Kof2001 (Replace Some Chars' Color)" kof2001s14 "Kof2001 (Icy Blue Style)" kof2001s15 "Kof2001 (Half Transparency Life Bar V2)" kof2001s16 "Kof2001 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof2001s17 "Kof2001 (Investment Skills Hit)" kof2001s18 "Kof2001 (Enable hidden characters 2009-12-34)" kof2001s19 "Kof2001 (Combo)" kof2001s20 "Kof2001 (Remix Pro Version)" kof2001s21 "Kof2001 (Unknown Hack 2011-05-17)" kof2001s22 "Kof2001 (Remix Ultra V2.1 2003-11-20)" kof2001s23 "Kof2001 (Enable Hidden Characters v3)" kof2001s24 "Kof2001 (Enable Hidden Characters v4)" kof2001s25 "Kof2001 (Enable Hidden Characters v5)" kof2001s26 "Kof2001 (Add Igniz's Striker Move V1)" kof2001s27 "Kof2001 (Add Igniz's Striker Move V2)" kof2001s28 "Kof2001 (Yagami Nunnery Add '97 Shavings Wind)" kof2001s29 "Kof2001 (Move Correction)" kof2001s30 "Kof2001 (Change Color In Battle)" kof2001s31 "Kof2001 (Half Transparency Life Bar V1)" kof2001s32 "Kof2001 (Half Transparency Life Bar V3)" kof2001s33 "Kof2001 (Like PS2 Ver Plus)" kof2001s34 "Kof2001 (Special ST Version Rev.?)" kof2001s36 "Kof2001 (Hidden Characters - Boss Fixed Version)" kof2001s37 "Kof2001 (The Largest Stock Of Energy)" kof2001s38 "Kof2001 (Simplify The Move 1)" kof2001s39 "Kof2001 (Move Simplified)" kof2001s40 "Kof2001 (Boss Skin)" kof2001s41 "Kof2001 (Boss Enabler v2.X)" kof2001s42 "Kof2001 (Re-emergence 2 2018-09-18)" kof2002 "The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650)(NGH-2650)" kof200215 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Ultimate Enhancement Simplified Recruitment)" kof2002d "Kof2002 (decrypted C)" kof2002ds06 "Kof2002 (Climax Revised Vercion)" kof2002ds32 "Kof2002 (Modified Energy Gauge)" kof2002ds33 "Kof2002 (The Third Edition Of The Kingdom Of The Gods)" kof2002ds34 "Kof2002 (Super Blood Plus 3)" kof2002ds35 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack Date)" kof2002s01 "Kof2002 (Translation Portuguese 2005-09-25)" kof2002s02 "Kof2002 (Translation Chinese 2008-03-15)" kof2002s03 "Kof2002 (Translation Korean)" kof2002s04 "Kof2002 (Orochivora V1 2005-08-21)" kof2002s05 "Kof2002 (Orochivora V2 2006-02-14)" kof2002s09 "Kof2002 (BC System Plus)" kof2002s10 "Kof2002 (Unluck Max2 V1)" kof2002s100 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2013-04-02)" kof2002s101 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2015-11-06)" kof2002s102 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Ultimate Magic 2 Strengthen Simplified 2016-05-30)" kof2002s103 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Challenge To Ultimate Battle 2015-03-08)" kof2002s104 "Kof2002 (Heaven God Race Version v2.0)" kof2002s105 "Kof2002 (Heaven God Race Version v1.0)" kof2002s106 "Kof2002 (Boss Start Hack)(2009-07-26)" kof2002s107 "Kof2002 (Integration + Modification)" kof2002s108 "Kof2002 (Magic Enhancement)" kof2002s109 "Kof2002 (Magic Simplified 2017-11-04)" kof2002s11 "Kof2002 (Unluck Max2 V2)" kof2002s12 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Set 01)" kof2002s13 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Set 02)" kof2002s14 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Alt)" kof2002s15 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II Super Plus " kof2002s16 "Kof2002 Plus (Set V1)" kof2002s17 "Kof2002 Plus (Set V2)" kof2002s18 "Kof2002 Plus (Old)(Set V3)" kof2002s19 "Kof2002 Plus (Set V3)" kof2002s20 "Kof2002 Plus (Set V5)" kof2002s21 "Kof2002 (RetroPokter V1.0 Beta)" kof2002s22 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 2.4 2003-12-02)" kof2002s23 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 3.0 2006-05-28)" kof2002s24 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 3.5)" kof2002s25 "Kof2002 (Enable Hidden Characters V3 2004-06-19)" kof2002s26 "Kof2002 (Enable Hidden Characters V4 2005-02-28)" kof2002s27 "Kof2002 (Enable Hidden Characters V5 2005-12-25)" kof2002s28 "Kof2002 (Enhanced Power)" kof2002s29 "Kof2002 (Unlimited Power)" kof2002s30 "Kof2002 (Unlimited Power Store)" kof2002s31 "Kof2002 (Yagami Nunnery Add '97 Shavings Wind)" kof2002s32 "Kof2002 (Moves Hack V2 2003-09-13)" kof2002s33 "Kof2002 (Add Iori's New Move)" kof2002s34 "Kof2002 (Add Iori's New Move 2)" kof2002s35 "Kof2002 (Add Kim's New Move)" kof2002s36 "Kof2002 (Add Kula's New Move)" kof2002s37 "Kof2002 (Add Kyo's New Move)" kof2002s38 "Kof2002 (Add Leona's New Move)" kof2002s39 "Kof2002 (Simplify Athena's Max SP Moves)" kof2002s40 "Kof2002 (Nude Athena)" kof2002s41 "Kof2002 (Background Color)" kof2002s42 "Kof2002 (Color Remix)" kof2002s43 "Kof2002 (Blue Fire)" kof2002s44 "Kof2002 (Color Change)" kof2002s45 "Kof2002 (Color Change Vol.2)" kof2002s46 "Kof2002 (Color Change Vol.3)" kof2002s47 "Kof2002 (Color Change V1)" kof2002s48 "Kof2002 (Color Change V2)" kof2002s49 "Kof2002 (Color Change V3)" kof2002s50 "Kof2002 (Color Change V4)" kof2002s51 "Kof2002 (Color XI)" kof2002s52 "Kof2002 (Green Fire)" kof2002s53 "Kof2002 (Violet Fire)" kof2002s54 "Kof2002 (Color Gift)" kof2002s55 "Kof2002 (Icy Blue Style)" kof2002s56 "Kof2002 (X'Mas Costume)" kof2002s57 "Kof2002 (X'Mas Mix Title)" kof2002s58 "Kof2002 (X'mas Enhanced)" kof2002s59 "Kof2002 (Change Yuri's Costume)" kof2002s60 "Kof2002 (Fix Sound Effects)" kof2002s61 "Kof2002 (Add Boss Kusanagi)" kof2002s62 "Kof2002 (Add NESTS Team)" kof2002s63 "Kof2002 (Blood Groove Imitation V1)" kof2002s64 "Kof2002 (Blood Groove Imitation V2)" kof2002s65 "Kof2002 (Enhanced CPU's AI)" kof2002s66 "Kof2002 (Enable Random CPU Color)" kof2002s67 "Kof2002 (Change Color In Battle)" kof2002s68 "Kof2002 (Change Member)" kof2002s69 "Kof2002 (Change Size)" kof2002s70 "Kof2002 (Remove The Role Avatar Box)" kof2002s71 "Kof2002 (Fix Life bar)" kof2002s72 "Kof2002 (Fix Timer)" kof2002s73 "Kof2002 (Fix life Bar & Timer)" kof2002s74 "Kof2002 (Half Transparency)" kof2002s75 "Kof2002 (Half transparency Color Change)" kof2002s76 "Kof2002 (Half Transparency v3)" kof2002s77 "Kof2002 (Fixed Power Gauge)" kof2002s78 "Kof2002 (Kyo + Kusanagi)" kof2002s79 "Kof2002 (Remove Countdown)" kof2002s80 "Kof2002 (Practice Mode Maximum Power)" kof2002s81 "Kof2002 (Athena's show Time)" kof2002s82 "Kof2002 (Athena Victory Pose Change)" kof2002s83 "Kof2002 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof2002s84 "Kof2002 (Black Beta 0.76)" kof2002s85 "Kof2002 (Moved To Modify And Optimize Version)" kof2002s86 "Kof2002 (Move Study Very Simplified)" kof2002s87 "Kof2002 (Boss Anger Opening Action)" kof2002s88 "Kof2002 (Boss Anger Plus Opening Action)" kof2002s89 "Kof2002 (Lucaer The Strongest Boss In History)" kof2002s90 "Kof2002 (Role Of Freedom Of Choice)" kof2002s91 "Kof2002 (Household Machines Repeat The Role Of Choice)" kof2002s92 "Kof2002 (Investment Skills Hit)" kof2002s93 "Kof2002 (Transfiguration Changes)" kof2002s94 "Kof2002 (Easy Moves)" kof2002s95 "Kof2002 (Sakazaki Hidden Trick Small Change)" kof2002s96 "Kof2002 (Always Have Super Move)" kof2002s97 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 3.0 2017-09-27)" kof2002s98 "Kof2002 (Omega Playstation Version)" kof2002s99 "Kof2002 (HT 2017-04-26)" kof2002x "Kof2002 (Babel ice field remix)" kof2003 "The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710)" kof2003d "Kof2003 (Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds01 "Kof2003 (Portuguese Edition)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds02 "Kof2003 (Simplified Chinese Access Menu)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds03 "Kof2003 (Kami Team)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds04 "Kof2003 (Portrait)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds05 "Kof2003 (Always Chance Ok)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds06 "Kof2003 (Enable Zoom)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds07 "Kof2003 (Evolution 1.4)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds08 "Kof2003 (Unlock Leader Special Move)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds09 "Kof2003 (PlayStation 2 Beta)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds10 "Kof2003 (PS2 Style Portraits)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds11 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Mode)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds12 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V1)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds13 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V2)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds14 "Kof2003 (Violet Fire)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds15 "Kof2003 (Transparency Blood Fix)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds16 "Kof2003 (Chest Fix)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds17 "Kof2003 (Gun Fix)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds18 "Kof2003 (Blood Alt)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds19 "Kof2003 (Blood Alt 02)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds20 "Kof2003 (The Selection Interface Changes Randomly)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003ds21 "Kof2003 (PS2 Style)(Decrypted P&C)" kof2003f "Kof2003 Original (Fully Decrypted - Fixed)" kof2003rebh "Kof2003 (Description Unknown)(Set 01)" kof2003s01 "Kof2003 (Portuguese Edition)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s02 "Kof2003 (Always Change Ok)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s03 "Kof2003 (Enable Zoom)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s04 "Kof2003 (Evolution 1.4 Alt)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s05 "Kof2003 (Unlock Leader Special Move)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s06 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V1)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s07 "Kof2003 (Enable Hidden Chars V2)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s08 "Kof2003 (Fix Adel & Mukai's Color)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s09 "Kof2003 (Add Rose's Color)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s10 "Kof2003 (Add Kagra-Twins' Color)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s11 "Kof2003 (Fix Kagura-Twins Vs CPU Bug)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s12 "Kof2003 (Enable Kagura-Twins, Adel or Mukai To Be a Team Leader)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s13 "Kof2003 (Fix Maki Bug)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s14 "Kof2003 (Enhanced Power Cauge)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s15 "Kof2003 (Enhanced power Mode)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s16 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V1)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s17 "Kof2003 (Easy Active V2)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s18 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V1)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s19 "Kof2003 (Better Controlling V2)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s20 "Kof2003 (Take Off Athena's Bikini)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s21 "Kof2003 (Color Change V1)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s22 "Kof2003 (Color Change V2)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s23 "Kof2003 (Color Change V3)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s24 "Kof2003 (Replace All Chars' Color V1)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s25 "Kof2003 (Replace All Chars' Color V2)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s26 "Kof2003 (Replace All Chars' Color V3)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s27 "Kof2003 (Replace Mai & Mukai's 3P Color)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s28 "Kof2003 (Green Fire)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s29 "Kof2003 (Violet Fire)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s30 "Kof2003 (Transparency Blood Fix)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s31 "Kof2003 (Chest Fix)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s32 "Kof2003 (Gun Fix)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s34 "Kof2003 (Change Time-Limit To 90 Seconds)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s35 "Kof2003 (Add Kusanagi Team)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s36 "Kof2003 (Blood Alt 1)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s37 "Kof2003 (Blood Alt 2)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s38 "Kof2003 (Red Blood)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s39 "Kof2003 (Silver style)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s40 "Kof2003 (Replace Time Border And Font Into PS2 Style)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s41 "Kof2003 (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(NGM-2710)" kof2003s43 "Kof2003 (Captain Super Kill Unified)(Alt)(NGM-2710)" kof2003xs01 "Kof2003 (Combo)(bootleg set 1)" kof2003xs02 "Kof2003 (Hero)(bootleg set 1)" kof2004pd "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Hero)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls00 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Brazil Edition)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls01 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (extended time)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls02 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Always Change Ok)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls03 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Enable Zoom)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls04 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Unlock Leader Special Move)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls05 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fix Adel & Mukai's Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls06 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Add Rose's Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls07 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Add Kagra-Twins' Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls08 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fix Kagura-Twins Vs CPU Bug)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls09 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fix Maki Bug)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls10 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Enhanced Power Cauge)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls11 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Enhanced Power Mode)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls12 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Easy Active V1)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls13 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Easy Active V2)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls14 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Better Controlling V1)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls15 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Better Controlling V2)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls16 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Take Off Athena's Bikini)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls17 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Replace All Chars' Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls18 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Replace Some Chars' Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls19 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Replace Mukai's Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls20 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Replace Color)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls21 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Chest Fix)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls22 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Gun Fix)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls23 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Single Mode Power Cauge)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls24 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Add Kusanagi Team)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls25 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Red Blood)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls26 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Silver Style)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls27 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (PS2 Style)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls28 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Transparency)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2004upls29 "Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)" kof2k1ay "Kof2001 (Revised set 1)" kof2k1b "Kof2001 (Add Char set 2)" kof2k1b3 "Kof2001 (Bloodlust)" kof2k1b4 "Kof2001 (Bloodlust Reload)" kof2k1bd2 "Kof2001 (Char color changed - Attack cremation scarlet)" kof2k1bh1 "Kof2001 (Enable Hidden Characters v2)" kof2k1bs2 "Kof2001 (Boss Enabler v2.0)" kof2k1ce "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 9)" kof2k1cf1 "Kof2001 (Iori p1 and p2 Color Changed)" kof2k1cfc "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 9 - rel 2)" kof2k1ch "Kof2001 (Add Char - Diff Moves)" kof2k1clr "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 8)" kof2k1cp "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 1)" kof2k1cp1 "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 2)" kof2k1cp2 "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 3)" kof2k1cp3 "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 4)" kof2k1cp4 "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 5)" kof2k1cp5 "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 6)" kof2k1cp6 "Kof2001 (Char color changed set 7)" kof2k1cp7 "Kof2001 (Char color changed - Attack cremation ice blue set 3)" kof2k1cr "Kof2001 (Revised set 2)" kof2k1eh "Kof2001 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max)" kof2k1ehc "Kof2001 (Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow)" kof2k1ehr "Kof2001 (Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow - Diff Moves)" kof2k1gm "Kof2001 (Some Team Color change)" kof2k1guan "Kof2001 (Guan Version Remix)" kof2k1ha "Kof2001 (Alternate home ver)" kof2k1ha2 "Kof2001 (Alternate home ver rev.2)" kof2k1hao "Kof2001 (Alternate home ver old)" kof2k1ic2 "Kof2001 (Char color changed - Attack cremation ice blue set 2)" kof2k1ice "Kof2001 (Char color changed - Attack cremation ice blue set 1)" kof2k1k32 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-07-14)" kof2k1k33 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-07-25)" kof2k1k34 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-07-30)" kof2k1k35 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-06)" kof2k1k36 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-15)" kof2k1k37 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-17)" kof2k1k38 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-23)" kof2k1k39 "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-26)" kof2k1k3a "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-09-07)" kof2k1k3b "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-05)" kof2k1k3c "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-11)" kof2k1k3d "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-13 - Simplified version 1.5)" kof2k1k3e "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-18)" kof2k1k3f "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-19)" kof2k1k3g "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - Ultra rev - 031120)" kof2k1k3h "Kof2001 (Remix Ultra V2.2 2003-12-02)" kof2k1k3o "Kof2001 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-06-29)" kof2k1ki "Kof2001 Plus (Special ST V0.5)" kof2k1lse "Kof2001 (Char color changed for whip 2P, k'2P, VANESSA 2P, Angel 2P)" kof2k1mk "Kof2001 (Revised set 3 Old)" kof2k1mk2 "Kof2001 (Revised set 3 v2.0)" kof2k1mke "Kof2001 (Revised set 4)" kof2k1nd "Kof2001 (Decrypted C)" kof2k1pa "Kof2001 Plus (set 2, bootleg / hack)" kof2k1pj1 "Kof2001 (Char color changed ?? rev.2 ?? 1508)" kof2k1pj2 "Kof2001 (Char color changed - Machine repair menu col changed)" kof2k1pj3 "Kof2001 (Color Fix 030720)" kof2k1pjc "Kof2001 (Color Fix 030302)" kof2k1pjo "Kof2001 (Color Fix)" kof2k1pls "Kof2001 Plus (Set 1, bootleg / hack)" kof2k1rm "Kof2001 (Remix)" kof2k1rp "Kof2001 (Remix Pro v1.02 final 2004-03-11)" kof2k1rp0 "Kof2001 (Remix Pro v1.02 Final 2004-03-01)" kof2k1rp1 "Kof2001 (Remix Pro V1.01 final 2003-12-06)" kof2k1rpo "Kof2001 (Remix Pro V1.0a 2003-11-xx)" kof2k1ru "Kof2001 (Remix Ultra V2.3 2004-05-07)" kof2k1seh "Kof2001 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow)" kof2k1sob "Kof2001 (Char color changed - 1P char corpse-style remix)" kof2k1st "Kof2001 (Special ST Version)" kof2k1wh "Kof2001 (Diff Moves set 2)" kof2k1z1 "Kof2001 (Add Char set 4)" kof2k1z2 "Kof2001 (Enable Hidden Characters v1)" kof2k2ath "Kof2002 (Athena)" kof2k2b "Kof2002 (Add Char set 3)" kof2k2b1 "Kof2002 (Add Char set 2)" kof2k2bd "Kof2002 (Challenge to Ultimate Battle)(Bootleg, Decrypted)" kof2k2bh "Kof2002 (Enable Hidden Characters v1)" kof2k2bjh "Kof2002 (Diff Moves 2003-10-25)" kof2k2bjo "Kof2002 (Diff Moves 2003-10-13)" kof2k2bl3 "Kof2002 (Blood S.Plus)(BL3)" kof2k2bl4 "Kof2002 (Blood S.Plus)(BL4)" kof2k2bld "Kof2002 (Blood S.Plus)(BL)" kof2k2blood2 "Kof2002 (Blood S.Plus)(BL2)" kof2k2br "Kof2002 (Portuguese set 2)" kof2k2br1 "Kof2002 (Portuguese set 1)" kof2k2br2 "Kof2002 (Portuguese set 3)" kof2k2bs "Kof2002 (Boss Red flame)" kof2k2c2 "Kof2002 (3rd Strike of the Orochi 2016-01-04)" kof2k2cf1 "Kof2002 (Iori p3 and p4 Color Changed)" kof2k2cf2 "Kof2002 (Char color changed - rel.2 2003-08-27)" kof2k2cf3 "Kof2002 (Char color changed - rel.3 2003-08-31)" kof2k2cfc "Kof2002 (Char color changed - rel.4 2003-10-17)" kof2k2ch "Kof2002 (Move rev - Based on CHL and Ricky)" kof2k2chl "Kof2002 (Enhanced gameplay - Rev.1 2003-04-10)" kof2k2cl2 "Kof2002 (Enhanced gameplay - Rev.2 2003-04-13)" kof2k2cl3 "Kof2002 (Enhanced gameplay - Rev.3 2003-04-13)" kof2k2cn "Kof2002 (Chinese Translation)" kof2k2cori "Kof2002 (3rd Strike)" kof2k2e1 "Kof2002 (Add Char set 4)" kof2k2e2 "Kof2002 (Enable Hidden Characters v2)" kof2k2e3 "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max)" kof2k2ehr "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Style rev. 33%)" kof2k2er2 "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Style rev. 66%)" kof2k2er3 "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Style rev. 80% 2003-04-14)" kof2k2er4 "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Style rev. 89% 2003-04-20)" kof2k2erx "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Style rev. xx%)" kof2k2evo "Kof2002 (Evolution)" kof2k2evo2 "Kof2002 (Evolution v1.3)" kof2k2fy "Kof2002 (Lifebar + K', Vanessa, Iori, Kula and Angel color changed)" kof2k2gc "Kof2002 (Color changed set 1)" kof2k2gc2 "Kof2002 (Color changed set 2)" kof2k2gf "Kof2002 (Color changed set 3)" kof2k2green "Kof2002 (Green colour)" kof2k2ht "Kof2002 (HT)" kof2k2ibp "Kof2002 (Ice Blue Perfect)" kof2k2ic1 "Kof2002 (Color changed - Attack cremation ice blue - 80%)" kof2k2ic2 "Kof2002 (Color changed - Attack cremation ice blue - Old)" kof2k2ice "Kof2002 (Color changed - Attack cremation ice blue)" kof2k2jc "Kof2002 (Char color changed for Athena 3P, Kula 3P and Kula 4P)" kof2k2js "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra v3.0)" kof2k2js2 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra v3.5)" kof2k2js4 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra v2.5 SDM)" kof2k2k2 "Kof2002 (10Th Style 2016-01-04)" kof2k2k32 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-07-25)" kof2k2k33 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-07-30)" kof2k2k34 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-05)" kof2k2k35 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-15)" kof2k2k36 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-18)" kof2k2k37 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-23)" kof2k2k38 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-24)" kof2k2k39 "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-08-29)" kof2k2k3a "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-09-07)" kof2k2k3b "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-09-08)" kof2k2k3c "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-05)" kof2k2k3d "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-10-09)" kof2k2k3e "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 2.2 2003-05-14)" kof2k2k3f "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 2.3 2003-12-02)" kof2k2k3g "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra - Add Char - Diff Moves 2004-04-18)" kof2k2k3o "Kof2002 (Moves KOF 98 style - 2003-06-29)" kof2k2kai "Kof2002 (Boss Hack Kai Version)" kof2k2kc "Kof2002 (Color changed set 4)" kof2k2kc2 "Kof2002 (3rd Strike Remixed)" kof2k2kk "Kof2002 (Hack Remixed)" kof2k2lb "Kof2002 (RetroPokter Ver 1.0)" kof2k2leon "Kof2002 (dedicated to Leon9000)" kof2k2mcr "Kof2002 (Christmas BT version)" kof2k2moi2 "Kof2002 (Magic Orochi Iori 2.0)" kof2k2moir "Kof2002 (Retropokter Ver 1.0 - Magic Orochi Iori Remake)" kof2k2mp1 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (decrypted C)" kof2k2mp3 "Kof2002 Magic Plus III (decrypted C, 2010-11-20)" kof2k2mp3s "Kof2002 Magic Plus III (Moves Simplified 2019-01-03)" kof2k2mpu "Kof2002 Plus (Set 01)" kof2k2ngp "Kof2002 (Portuguese negative colour)" kof2k2nu "Kof2002 (Super Black Nude Mix)(Naked version (v0.2))" kof2k2olp "Kof2002 (Orochi Leona 97 color style)" kof2k2om "Kof2002 (hack om)" kof2k2omg "Kof2002 (Omega V0.?)" kof2k2omg5 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.5)" kof2k2omg8 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.8)" kof2k2omg9 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.9)" kof2k2omg9b "Kof2002 (Omega v0.9 beta)" kof2k2on "Kof2002 (ONTEAM)" kof2k2or "Kof2002 (Tianguo Protoss 2008-06-24)" kof2k2ori "Kof2002 (Orochi's Iori Remixed)" kof2k2ori2 "Kof2002 (Orochi's Iori Remixed (Set 2))" kof2k2pa "Kof2002 Plus (Alt)" kof2k2pfo "Kof2002 (Perfect O Iori Edition)" kof2k2pjw "Kof2002 Plus (Unknown Hack 2016-01-04)" kof2k2pl17 "Kof2002 Plus (Unknown Hack 2017-12-25)" kof2k2plb "Kof2002 Plus (set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs01 "Kof2002 Plus (Translation Portuguese)(2005-09-25)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs02 "Kof2002 Plus (Unluck Max2 v1)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs03 "Kof2002 Plus (Unluck Max2 v2)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs04 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Power)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs05 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Power Store)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs06 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Mix Title)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs07 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Enhanced)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs08 "Kof2002 Plus (Add Boss Kusanagi)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs09 "Kof2002 Plus (Add Nests Team)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs10 "Kof2002 Plus (Enable Random CPU Color)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs11 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Color In Battle)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs12 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Member)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs13 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix Life Bar)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs14 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix Timer)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs15 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix life Bar & Timer)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs16 "Kof2002 Plus (Half Transparency)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs17 "Kof2002 Plus (Half transparency Color Change)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs18 "Kof2002 Plus (Half Transparency v3)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs19 "Kof2002 Plus (Fixed Power Gauge)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs20 "Kof2002 Plus (Kyo + Kusanagi)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs21 "Kof2002 Plus (Remove Countdown)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs22 "Kof2002 Plus (Practice Mode Maximum Power)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plbs23 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(set 3, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs01 "Kof2002 Plus (Translation Portuguese)(2005-09-25)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs02 "Kof2002 Plus (Unluck Max2 v1)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs03 "Kof2002 Plus (Unluck Max2 v2)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs04 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Power)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs05 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Power Store)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs06 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Mix Title)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs07 "Kof2002 Plus (X'Mas Enhanced)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs08 "Kof2002 Plus (Add Boss Kusanagi)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs09 "Kof2002 Plus (Add Nests Team)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs10 "Kof2002 Plus (Enable Random CPU Color)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs11 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Color In Battle)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs12 "Kof2002 Plus (Change Member)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs13 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix Life Bar)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs14 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix Timer)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs15 "Kof2002 Plus (Fix life Bar & Timer)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs16 "Kof2002 Plus (Half Transparency)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs17 "Kof2002 Plus (Half transparency Color Change)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs18 "Kof2002 Plus (Half Transparency v3)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs19 "Kof2002 Plus (Fixed Power Gauge)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs20 "Kof2002 Plus (Kyo + Kusanagi)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs21 "Kof2002 Plus (Remove Countdown)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs22 "Kof2002 Plus (Practice Mode Maximum Power)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2plcs23 "Kof2002 Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(set 4, bootleg)" kof2k2pr "Kof2002 (Professional 2003-03-06)" kof2k2pro "Kof2002 (Professional Older? 2003-03-06)" kof2k2ps2 "Kof2002 (PlayStation 2)" kof2k2ps2a "Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 ver 0.4)" kof2k2ps2as01 "Kof2002 (Unlock Potential Super kill Limit)(PlayStation 2 ver 0.4)" kof2k2ps2as02 "Kof2002 (The Ultimate Simplified)(PlayStation 2 ver 0.4)" kof2k2ps2mp "Kof2002 Magic Plus (PlayStation 2 Beta)" kof2k2pur "Kof2002 (Boss Purple)" kof2k2ra "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 2)" kof2k2rgl "Kof2002 (Magic Unique Crazy Rugal Plus)" kof2k2rm "Kof2002 (Remix 33%)" kof2k2rm1 "Kof2002 (Remix rev.1 - 66%)" kof2k2rm13 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 1.3)" kof2k2rm2 "Kof2002 (Remix rev.2 - 80% - 2003-04-14)" kof2k2rm3 "Kof2002 (Remix rev.3 - 89% - 2003-04-20)" kof2k2rma "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra 2010-07-23)" kof2k2rmb "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra)" kof2k2rr "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-04-30)" kof2k2rr1 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-05-08)" kof2k2rr2 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-05-08 Boss)" kof2k2rr3 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-05-09)" kof2k2rr4 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-05-09 Boss)" kof2k2rr5 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-05-17)" kof2k2rr6 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - 2003-06-10)" kof2k2rr7 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - rev.u)" kof2k2rr8 "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 3 - rev.u1)" kof2k2rs "Kof2002 (Iori Special Remix)" kof2k2rs2 "Kof2002 Super Plus (Ultimate Edition v2.0)" kof2k2ru "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra v2.5 2004-08-20)" kof2k2rw "Kof2002 (Add Char - Diff Moves - 2003-10-xx)" kof2k2s01 "Kof2002 (Black Edition v1.4)" kof2k2s02 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.9 With AI Fix)" kof2k2s03 "Kof2002 (Omega 2010-06-11)" kof2k2s04 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary King of Fighters 1.0 2011-12-06)" kof2k2s05 "Kof2002 (Super Plus Ultimate Edition)" kof2k2s07 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.76 Beta Black Edition)" kof2k2s08 "Kof2002 (Merry Christmas Special Edition 2005-12-17)" kof2k2s09 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary of King of Fighters 1 Edition, Original trick 2017-12-2X)" kof2k2s10 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2007-04-26)" kof2k2s11 "Kof2002 (Combo 2013-10-12)" kof2k2s12 "Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Chinese Edition)" kof2k2s13 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Green Color)" kof2k2s14 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Chinese Remix)" kof2k2s15 "Kof2002 (Magic Unique Crazy Rugal Remake)" kof2k2s16 "Kof2002 (Purple Remix)" kof2k2s17 "Kof2002 (Super Merry Christmas)" kof2k2s18 "Kof2002 (End Of Space)" kof2k2s19 "Kof2002 (10th Style 2010-01-01)" kof2k2s20 "Kof2002 (Perfect revised edition 2010-02-28)" kof2k2s21 "Kof2002 (Mad Eight 2015-02-15)" kof2k2s23 "Kof2002 (Magic Orochi)" kof2k2s24 "Kof2002 (Chinese Version 2008-03-14)" kof2k2s25 "Kof2002 (Orochi Iori/Boss 2008)" kof2k2s26 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2009-11-20)" kof2k2s27 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2017-12-01)" kof2k2s28 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2006-12-06)" kof2k2s29 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack 2016-11-28)" kof2k2s30 "Kof2002 (Crazy Rugal Unique 2005)" kof2k2s31 "Kof2002 (Edition Special 2017-12-01)" kof2k2s32 "Kof2002 (10th Anniversary Unique 2008)" kof2k2s33 "Kof2002 (3rd Strike of the Orochi 2009-11-20)" kof2k2s34 "Kof2002 (Merry Christmas Remix Ultra Version)" kof2k2s35 "Kof2002 (The Purple Dragons 2005-10-04)" kof2k2s36 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.9 Merry Christmas)" kof2k2s37 "Kof2002 (Omega v0.9 beta Unknown Date)" kof2k2s38 "Kof2002 (Negative Style Super)" kof2k2s39 "Kof2002 (Remix Unknown Date)" kof2k2s40 "Kof2002 (Green Plus Version)" kof2k2s41 "Kof2002 (Kai Edition)" kof2k2s42 "Kof2002 (The Purple Plus Version)" kof2k2s43 "Kof2002 (Pro)" kof2k2s44 "Kof2002 (Chinese Remix Ultra + Colors)" kof2k2s45 "Kof2002 (Fantastic Version)" kof2k2s46 "Kof2002 (Super Revolution)" kof2k2s47 "Kof2002 (Ultra Revolution)" kof2k2s48 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary of the King of Fighters 2017-12-28)" kof2k2s49 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Omega v0.9 Playstation Version)" kof2k2s50 "Kof2002 (The Purple Dragons)" kof2k2s51 "Kof2002 (The Purple Dragons Plus)" kof2k2s52 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary of The King of Fighters 2016-04-09)" kof2k2s53 "Kof2002 (Tongtian Enhanced Edition 2016-04-10)" kof2k2s54 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary of King of Fighters 1 Edition, Original trick 2017-12-28)" kof2k2s55 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary of King of Fighters 2 Edition, Simplify the move 2017-12-28)" kof2k2s56 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary of King of Fighters 2 Edition, Simplify the move 2017-12-18)" kof2k2s57 "Kof2002 (Ex-Kyo)" kof2k2s58 "Kof2002 (All Mix Version 2011-12-29)" kof2k2s59 "Kof2002 (Iori KofXI Edition v1.0)" kof2k2s60 "Kof2002 Magic Plus (Fixed)" kof2k2s61 "Kof2002 Super Magic Plus (Green Version)" kof2k2s62 "Kof2002 (Translation Brazil Unknown Date)" kof2k2s63 "Kof2002 (Unknown Hack Date [?])" kof2k2s64 "Kof2002 (Boss Revision 2008-10-17)" kof2k2s65 "Kof2002 (Boss Edition v1.0 2009-01-23)" kof2k2s66 "Kof2002 (Kim Revision 2009-01-23)" kof2k2s67 "Kof2002 (Changed Letters)" kof2k2s68 "Kof2002 (N.E.S.T.S)" kof2k2s69 "Kof2002 (Orochi Team Hack)" kof2k2s70 "Kof2002 (Magic Fking)" kof2k2s71 "Kof2002 (Perfect Revised Edition Unknown Date)" kof2k2s72 "Kof2002 (Tongtian Edition 2018-11-25)" kof2k2s73 "Kof2002 (Remix Ultra Simplification 2016-09-13)" kof2k2s74 "Kof2002 (Super Plus 2015-06-21)" kof2k2s75 "Kof2002 (playstation 2 Original Version 2016-09-30)" kof2k2s76 "Kof2002 (playstation 2 Simplify Version 2018-10-20)" kof2k2s77 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary King of Fighters Simplify A 2018-11-25)" kof2k2s78 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary King of Fighters Simplify B 2018-11-25)" kof2k2s79 "Kof2002 (The 20th Anniversary King of Fighters Simplify C 2018-05-02)" kof2k2s80 "Kof2002 (Windbreaker 2019-02-13)" kof2k2sb "Kof2002 (Diff Moves - Based on CHL set 1)" kof2k2se2 "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow hack set 2)" kof2k2seh "Kof2002 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow hack set 1)" kof2k2sm "Kof2002 (Super Mix)" kof2k2smf "Kof2002 (SMF)" kof2k2smg "Kof2002 (SMG)" kof2k2smg2 "Kof2002 (Recompilation of SMG)" kof2k2soi "Kof2002 (Super Orochi Iori)" kof2k2sp "Kof2002 (Add Char - Special move change)" kof2k2spl "Kof2002 Super Plus (Ultimate Edition)" kof2k2spls "Kof2002 Super Plus (JasonK, Danpaji1, Marcochen)" kof2k2spo "Kof2002 (Moves Hack v1 2003-08-30)" kof2k2tc "Kof2002 (Char color changed - Attack spark color changed for Iori and Orochi-Chris)" kof2k2ul "Kof2002 (Ultra 2003-05-15)" kof2k2ule "Kof2002 (Add Char - Diff Move - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow 030515)" kof2k2wuk "Kof2002 (Ultra kill style - rev max2 - perfect)" kof2k2xxx "Kof2002 (Perfect revised edition 2016-01-04)" kof2k3b "Kof2003 (Add Char)(bootleg set 1)" kof2k3bl2 "Kof2003 (Boss hack)(bootleg set 1)" kof2k3br "Kof2003 (Portuguese Brazilian)" kof2k3bs1 "Kof2003 (Boss PS2 EGCG/FCHT Hack Set 1)" kof2k3bs2 "Kof2003 (Boss PS2 EGCG/FCHT Hack Set 2)" kof2k3bs3 "Kof2003 (Boss PS2 EGCG/FCHT Hack Set 3)" kof2k3bs4 "Kof2003 (Boss PS2 EGCG/FCHT Hack Set 4)" kof2k3d "Kof2003 (Decrypted C)" kof2k3evo "Kof2003 (Evolution 1.4)" kof2k3fd "Kof2003 (Description Unknown)(Set 02)" kof2k3gc "Kof2003 (Char color changed for Terry (4P), Athena (3P), Ash (3P), Leona (3P), K' (4P) and King (2P) )(bootleg set 1)" kof2k3hd "Kof2003 (NGH-2710)(decrypted C)" kof2k3nd "Kof2003 (Fully decrypted)" kof2k3nrx "Kof2003 (Neoragex)(Japan, JAMMA PCB / decrypted C&Bios)" kof2k3pcd "Kof2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB / decrypted C&Bios)" kof2k3pch "Kof2003 (Boss remixed)(Japan, JAMMA PCB / decrypted C&Bios)" kof2k3plr "Kof2003 (Description Unknown)(Set 03)" kof2k3ps2 "Kof2003 (PS2 2008-03-03 beta 1.0 (EGCG/FCHT))" kof2k3ps3 "Kof2003 (PS2 2008-10-31 (EGCG/FCHT))" kof2k3ryu "Kof2003 (Ryu Hack)(Japan, JAMMA PCB / decrypted C&Bios)" kof2k3sc "Kof2003 (Color changed)(bootleg set 1)" kof2k3ss "Kof2003 (Silver Style Edition)(bootleg set 1)" kof2k3tc "Kof2003 (Char color changed for Kyo (2P/4P), DUOLON (4P), K' (4P) )(bootleg set 1)" kof2k3zgf "Kof2003 (Attack cremation green)(bootleg set 1)" kof2k4mp "Kof Special Edition 2004 Magic Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4mp2 "Kof Special Edition 2004 Magic Plus Alt (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4omg "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Omega v0.5)" kof2k4pls "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4plss01 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Translation Portuguese) (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4plss02 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Unluck Max2 v1) (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4plss03 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Unlimited Power) (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4plss04 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Unlimited Power Store) (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4plss06 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Combine Kula, K9999 And Angel Into One Team)" kof2k4plss07 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Remove Erotic Picture In Background)" kof2k4plss08 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Enable Random Color For CPU Team)" kof2k4plss09 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Change Color In Battle)" kof2k4plss10 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Change Member)" kof2k4plss11 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Half Transparency Timer)" kof2k4plss12 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Fix Timer)" kof2k4plss13 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Half Transparency Timer v1)" kof2k4plss14 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Half Transparency Timer v2)" kof2k4plss15 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Half Transparency Timer v3)" kof2k4plss16 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Fixed Power Gauge)" kof2k4plss17 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Kyo + Kusanagi)" kof2k4plss18 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Remove Countdown)" kof2k4plss19 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Practice Mode Maximum Power)" kof2k4plss20 "Kof2004 Special Edition Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof2k4ru "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Remix Ultra v2.6F)" kof2k4se "The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4se1 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (hack 1)" kof2k4se2 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (hack 2)" kof2k4seb "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Translation portuguese)" kof2k4ses01 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Translation Portuguese)(Alt)" kof2k4ses02 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Plus Set 1)" kof2k4ses03 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Plus Set 2)" kof2k4ses04 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Unluck Max2 V1)" kof2k4ses05 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Unluck Max2 V2)" kof2k4ses06 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Hidden Characters Add Portraits)" kof2k4ses07 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Enhanced Power)" kof2k4ses08 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Unlimited Power)" kof2k4ses09 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Unlimited Power Store)" kof2k4ses10 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Color Change)(2006-02-02)" kof2k4ses11 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Green Fire)" kof2k4ses12 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Violet Fire)" kof2k4ses13 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Icy Blue Style)" kof2k4ses14 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Add Boss Kusanagi)" kof2k4ses15 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Add NESTS Team)" kof2k4ses16 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (No Erotic Picture)" kof2k4ses17 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Enable random CPU color)" kof2k4ses18 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Change Color In Battle(The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k4ses19 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Change Member)" kof2k4ses20 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Half Transparency Timer)" kof2k4ses21 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Fix Timer)" kof2k4ses22 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Half Transparency Timer V1)" kof2k4ses23 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Half Transparency Timer V2)" kof2k4ses24 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Half Transparency Timer V3)" kof2k4ses25 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Fixed Power Gauge)" kof2k4ses26 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Kyo + Kusanagi)" kof2k4ses27 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Remove Countdown)" kof2k4ses28 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Practice Mode Maximum Power)" kof2k4ses29 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof2k4ses30 "Kof Special Edition 2004 (Omega v1.0)" kof2k4ses31 "Kof Special Edition 2004 Magic Plus (Add Boss Hack)" kof2k4ses32 "Kof Special Edition 2004" kof2k4ses33 "Kof Special Edition 2004 Plus (set1)" kof2k4spl "Kof Special Edition 2004 Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2k8uni "Kof 10th Anniversary 2008 Unique (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)" kof2kce "Kof2000 (Char color changed set 1)" kof2kch "Kof2000 (Diff Moves 030503)" kof2kcp "Kof2000 (Char color changed set 2)" kof2keh "Kof2000 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max)" kof2kehr "Kof2000 (Add Char - Diff Moves - Ultra pow hack)" kof2kevo "Kof2000 (Evolution v1.2)" kof2kevo1 "Kof2000 (Evolution v1.01)" kof2kevo2 "Kof2000 (Evolution v1.0)" kof2kevo3 "Kof2000 (Evolution v1.3)" kof2kgbh "Kof2000 (Boss Hack - Gold Color Edition)" kof2kgold "Kof2000 (Char color changed - Gold)" kof2kiori "Kof2000 (Iori Orochi)" kof2kjlc "Kof2000 (Char color changed for Athena 2P and Kula 2P)" kof2kkf1 "Kof2000 (Add Char - MVS protection rem set 1)" kof2kkvs "Kof2000 (Add Char - MVS protection rem set 2)" kof2kkzs "Kof2000 (Add Char - MVS protection rem set 3)" kof2knd "Kof2000 (Non encrypted P,decrypted C)" kof2kpjc "Kof2000 (Color Fix 030720)" kof2kpjc1 "Kof2000 (Color Change v3)" kof2kpjc2 "Kof2000 (Color Change v4)" kof2kpjc3 "Kof2000 (Color Changed - Striker not Perfect 030302)" kof2kpls "Kof2000 Plus (Decrypted C)" kof2krm "Kof2000 (Diff Moves)" kof2krp "Kof2000 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves v1.0a 031103 - Beta)" kof2kryu "Kof2000 (Ryu Hack)" kof2kseh "Kof2000 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Super pow)" kof2kst "Kof2000 (Add Char - Boss striker moves changed)" kof2kwh "Kof2000 (Diff Moves for Takuma)" kof2kwh2 "Kof2000 (Diff Moves for Jhun)" kof2kxxx "Kof2000 (SP XXX 2016-01-04)" kof2kyd "Kof2000 (Style change - Select 2 Add Char)" kof2kyg "Kof2000 (Add Char set 1)" kof2kz "Kof2000 (Add Zero)" kof2kzs "Kof2000 (Add Char - MVS protection rem set 4)" kof94 "The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055)(NGH-055)" kof94b "Kof'94 (Enable Hidden Characters Rev.1)" kof94bc "Kof'94 (Boss Colour Remix)" kof94blk "Kof'94 (Boss Fix Black Xtreme 0.8)" kof94br "Kof'94 (Portuguese Edition)" kof94cg "Kof'94 (Color Modification)" kof94cn "Kof'94 (Chinese Version)" kof94cyk "Kof'94 (Hack Boss and Color)" kof94eh "Kof'94 (Add Char - Pow hack ABC)" kof94h "Kof'94 (Remix Ultra Rev.X)" kof94k "Kof'94 (Korean Edition)" kof94kh "Kof'94 (Korean Hack)" kof94qaq "Kof'94 (Power Enhanced)" kof94ru "Kof'94 (Remix Ultra 1.0)" kof94ruj "Kof'94 (Remix Ultra 1.1)" kof94rz "Kof'94 (Hack Boss Remixed)" kof94s01 "Kof'94 (Power Maxs)" kof94s02 "Kof'94 (Color Fix)" kof94s03 "Kof'94 (Korean Translation)" kof94s04 "Kof'94 (Enhanced Power)" kof94s05 "Kof'94 (Fix Boss's Error)" kof94s06 "Kof'94 (Unlimit Special Moves)" kof94s07 "Kof'94 (Enable Hidden Characters Rev.2)" kof94s08 "Kof'94 (Color Change)" kof94s09 "Kof'94 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof94s10 "Kof'94 (Super Kill Unified)" kof94s11 "Kof'94 (Move Simplified)" kof94s12 "Kof'94 (Super Remix V1)" kof94s13 "Kof'94 (Super Remix V2)" kof94s14 "Kof'94 (Brazilian Edition)" kof94s15 "Kof'94 (Brazilian Edition Remix V1)" kof94s16 "Kof'94 (Brazilian Edition Remix V2)" kof94s17 "Kof'94 (Brazilian Edition Remix V3)" kof94s18 "Kof'94 (New Remix 2018 Rev.1)" kof94s19 "Kof'94 (New Remix 2018 Rev.2)" kof94s20 "Kof'94 (Rebout)" kof94s21 "Kof'94 (Xtreme Black v0.8)" kof94s22 "Kof'94 (Boss Edition 2016-03-27)" kof94seh "Kof'94 (Add Char - Ultra pow hack ABC)" kof94sri "Kof'94 (Super Ultra Remixed)" kof94y "Kof'94 (Hidden Characters-Fix Boss's error)" kof95 "The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084)" kof95bln "Kof'95 (Boss Like NeogeoCD Version Rev.1)" kof95brz "Kof'95 (Boss Remixed)" kof95ce "Kof'95 (Colour Edit)" kof95d "Kof'95 (NGM-084, Alt Board) " kof95eh "Kof'95 (Add Char - Pow hack ABC)" kof95hp "Kof'95 (Add Char set 2)" kof95neo "Kof'95 (Boss Like NeogeoCD v1.1)" kof95pjc "Kof'95 (Add Char - Char color changed)" kof95ru "Kof'95 (Remix Ultra 1.0)(Diff Moves ultra rev v1.0)" kof95s01 "Kof'95 (Boss Like NeogeoCD Version Rev.2)" kof95s02 "Kof'95 (Korean Translation)" kof95s03 "Kof'95 (Unlimit Special Moves)" kof95s04 "Kof'95 (Enable Hidden Characters)" kof95s05 "Kof'95 (Enhanced Power)" kof95s06 "Kof'95 (Brassiere Color Change)" kof95s07 "Kof'95 (Color Change)" kof95s08 "Kof'95 (Icy Blue Style)" kof95s09 "Kof'95 (Transparent Energy Bar v1)" kof95s10 "Kof'95 (Transparent Energy Bar v2)" kof95s11 "Kof'95 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof95s12 "Kof'95 (Super Kill Unified)" kof95s13 "Kof'95 (Super kill Uniform Correction)" kof95s14 "Kof'95 (Enable Saisyu Kusanagi & Omega Rugal)" kof95s15 "Kof'95 (Always Have Maximum Power)(Although Without Proper Power Display)" kof95s16 "Kof'95 (Move Simplified Version)" kof95s17 "Kof'95 (Super Remix V1)" kof95s18 "Kof'95 (Super Remix V2)" kof95s19 "Kof'95 (Ice Blue Style Remix v1)" kof95s20 "Kof'95 (Ice Blue Style Remix v2)" kof95s21 "Kof'95 (Ice Blue Style Remix v3)" kof95s22 "Kof'95 (Ice Blue Style Remix v4)" kof95s23 "Kof'95 (Ice Blue Style Remix v5)" kof95s24 "Kof'95 (Remix Rev.X)" kof95s25 "Kof'95 (Super Remix V3)" kof95s26 "Kof'95 (Uncensored Version Remix v1)" kof95s27 "Kof'95 (Uncensored Version Remix v2)" kof95s28 "Kof'95 (Uncensored Version Remix v3)" kof95s31 "Kof'95 (Ice Blue Style Remix v6)" kof95seh "Kof'95 (Add Char - Ultra pow hack ABC)" kof95sp "Kof'95 (Special v1.0.2017-06-27)" kof95sp2 "Kof'95 (Special v1.0.2017-06-13)" kof95xg "Kof'95 (Boss)" kof95y "Kof'95 (Add Char set 1)" kof96 "The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214)" kof96a "Kof'96 (NGM-214, Alternative Table)" kof96ae "Kof'96 (10th Anniversary Edition set 4)" kof96ae1 "Kof'96 (10th Anniversary Edition set 1)" kof96ae1a "Kof'96 (10th Anniversary Edition set 2)" kof96ae1b "Kof'96 (10th Anniversary Edition set 3)" kof96ae2 "Kof'96 (10th Anniversary Edition 2016)" kof96b "Kof'96 (Enable hidden characters)" kof96b1 "Kof'96 (Remix Changed Move List v1.2)" kof96bb "Kof'96 (Boss Hack)" kof96c "Kof'96 (Chinese Edition Rev.3)" kof96cbi "Kof'96 (Change Blood For Other Hack 2011-03-02)" kof96chj "Kof'96 (Diff Moves - Ultra kill style changed set 2)" kof96ckvs "Kof'96 (Chinese Edition Rev.2)" kof96cn "Kof'96 (Chinese Edition Rev.1)" kof96cns01 "Kof'96 (Earlier version)(Chinese Edition ver 1.0)" kof96cr "Kof'96 (Remix Changed Move List)" kof96de "Kof'96 (Dragon Edition set 2)" kof96dr1 "Kof'96 (Dragon Edition set 1)" kof96eh "Kof'96 (Add Char - Pow hack ABC set 1)" kof96ep "Kof'96 (Bootleg / Hack Rev.1)" kof96ep2 "Kof'96 (Bootleg / Hack Rev.2)" kof96ep3 "Kof'96 (Bootleg / Hack Rev.3)" kof96evo "Kof'96 (Evolution)" kof96evoo "Kof'96 (Evolution Old)" kof96evsp "Kof'96 (Evolution Special v1.2)" kof96ey "Kof'96 (Pow hack ABC)" kof96hp "Kof'96 (Add Char set 2)" kof96hp1 "Kof'96 (Unknown Hack 2007-08-31)" kof96hpr "Kof'96 (Add Char set 2 - revised)" kof96k "Kof'96 (Add Char - Pow hack ABC set 2)" kof96k1 "Kof'96 (Korean Edition)" kof96k3 "Kof'96 Remix (Kof98 Moves 030725)" kof96k3o "Kof'96 Remix (Kof98 Moves 030710)" kof96kt "Kof'96 (Korean Translation)" kof96lx "Kof'96 (10th Anniversary set 1)" kof96ncd "Kof'96 (Boss, Like NeogeoCD Version 1.3)" kof96oib "Kof'96 (Special Orochi Iori/Boss Hack v3.0 Rev.1)" kof96oib2 "Kof'96 (Special Orochi Iori/Boss Hack v3.0 Rev.2)" kof96oih "Kof'96 (Orochi Iori (OIH))" kof96oir "Kof'96 (Orochi Iori Remix)" kof96pch "Kof'96 (C-17 hack)" kof96pjc "Kof'96 (Color Change v3)" kof96pm "Kof'96 (Practice Mode)" kof96rcw "Kof'96 (Diff Moves - Ultra kill style changed set 1)" kof96rf "Kof'96 (Remix Final 2007 Revised Version)" kof96rfs "Kof'96 (Remix Final Standard v1.4 set 1)" kof96rfsa "Kof'96 (Remix Final Standard v1.4 set 2)" kof96ri "Kof'96 (Igniz rev 030601 set 1)" kof96ri1 "Kof'96 (Igniz rev 030601 set 2)" kof96ri2 "Kof'96 (Igniz rev 030601 set 3)" kof96ri3 "Kof'96 (Igniz rev 030601 set 4)" kof96ri4 "Kof'96 (Igniz rev 030527 set 1)" kof96ri5 "Kof'96 (Igniz rev 030527 set 2)" kof96rm "Kof'96 (Remix 2.5)" kof96rp "Kof'96 (Remix Pro 1)" kof96rp1 "Kof'96 Remix Plus 2008 SP (NGM-214)" kof96rss "Kof'96 (Remix Spring Special 1.5)" kof96ru "Kof'96 (Remix Ultra)(Diff Moves - Ultra kill style changed - Add Char 031203)" kof96ru2 "Kof'96 (Remix Ultra v1.1)" kof96rw "Kof'96 (Diff Moves)" kof96ryu "Kof'96 (Ryu Hack)" kof96s01 "Kof'96 (Boss, Like NeogeoCD Version, Eddids Hack)" kof96s02 "Kof'96 (Special Orochi Iori/Boss Hack v3.0 Rev.3)" kof96s03 "Kof'96 (Chino Translation)" kof96s04 "Kof'96 (Remix Spring Special V1.5 2005-12-31)" kof96s05 "Kof'96 (Can Choose Chizuru Kagura And Goenitz - Power Hack ABC)" kof96s06 "Kof'96 (Enhanced power)" kof96s07 "Kof'96 (Remix Color + Power)" kof96s08 "Kof'96 (Color Change v1)" kof96s09 "Kof'96 (Change Character-Color In Battle)" kof96s10 "Kof'96 (Evolution V1)" kof96s11 "Kof'96 (Translation Korean 2016-06-24)" kof96s12 "Kof'96 (Unlimit Special Moves V2)" kof96s13 "Kof'96 (Problem Fixing Maximum Display)" kof96s14 "Kof'96 (Swaying To The Right Of The Screen)" kof96s15 "Kof'96 (Transparent Energy Bar V1)" kof96s16 "Kof'96 (Transparent Energy Bar V2)" kof96s17 "Kof'96 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof96s18 "Kof'96 (Simplify Moves + Boss Optional)" kof96s19 "Kof'96 (Evo Final)" kof96s20 "Kof'96 (Simplify The Campaign)" kof96s21 "Kof'96 (AI Repair)" kof96s22 "Kof'96 (Repair Gold Jia Fan C Injury)" kof96s23 "Kof'96 (Home Machine Difficulty Locked 8)" kof96s24 "Kof'96 (Election Time Is Unlimited)" kof96s25 "Kof'96 (Investment Skills HIT)" kof96s27 "Kof'96 (Unknown Hack 2018-02-24)" kof96s28 "Kof'96 (Unknown Hack 2018-02-2X)" kof96s29 "Kof'96 (Add Boss Chinese Edition)" kof96s30 "Kof'96 (Remix V1)" kof96s31 "Kof'96 (Remix Special v0)" kof96s32 "Kof'96 (Remix Special v1)" kof96s33 "Kof'96 (Remix Special v2)" kof96s34 "Kof'96 (Remix Special v3)" kof96s35 "Kof'96 (Color Change v2)" kof96s36 "Kof'96 (Orochi Iori)" kof96s37 "Kof'96 (Transparent Energy Bar V3)" kof96s41 "Kof'96 (Add Boss Characters + Maximum Power)" kof96s42 "Kof'96 (Remix Special v4)" kof96s43 "Kof'96 (Remix Special v5)" kof96s45 "Kof'96 (The Aniversary Edition 2018 2018-09-02)" kof96s46 "Kof'96 (The Aniversary Edition 2019 2019-02-15)" kof96seh "Kof'96 (Add Char - Ultra pow hack ABC)" kof97 "The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320)" kof97aa "Kof'97 (#2 Athena Plus Version)" kof97ae "Kof'97 (10TH Anniversary)(set 1)" kof97ae1 "Kof'97 (10TH Anniversary)(set 2)" kof97aot "Kof'97 (The wrath of the masses ~Awakening~ 2014-11-05)" kof97bh "Kof'97 (Add Char - Orochi icon - Extra stage select)" kof97bng "Kof'97 (Combo 2006)(set 1)" kof97bs "Kof'97 (Boss Hack)" kof97cb2 "Kof'97 (Combo 2006)(set 2)" kof97chl "Kof'97 (Diff Moves - 030325)" kof97chl2 "Kof'97 (Diff Moves rev.2 - 030409)" kof97chris "Kof'97 (Optimized version 2013-05-29)" kof97cn "Kof'97 (10th Anniversary)(Chinese Edition)" kof97co "Kof'97 (Combo 2010-02-07)" kof97co6 "Kof'97 (Combo 2006)" kof97cr "Kof'97 (Moves and Style changed - Extra stage select)" kof97cy "Kof'97 (Through/Crossing 2015-11-12)" kof97dse "Kof'97 (2013.06.10)" kof97eh "Kof'97 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max in Adv Mode - Ultra pow hack ABC - Extra stage select)" kof97eh2 "Kof'97 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max in Adv Mode - Pow hack ABC - Extra stage select)" kof97eho "Kof'97 (Add Char - Ultra kill start max in Adv Mode - Pow hack ABC)" kof97ei "Kof'97 (Combo 2010-02-07) (EI)" kof97evo "Kof'97 (#2 Evolution New Hack)" kof97evoa "Kof'97 Evolution (Old)" kof97frb "Kof'97 (FRB)" kof97hk "Kof'97 Evolution (Hakeshu)" kof97hl "Kof'97 (Drop dragon version 2005-08-24)" kof97hx01 "Kof'97 (Attack Finished 2005-08-27)" kof97hx02 "Kof'97 (Translation Korean)" kof97hx03 "Kof'97 (#1 Athena Modified)" kof97hx04 "Kof'97 (#1 Evolution 2008-03-02)" kof97hx05 "Kof'97 (Three Artifact Version)" kof97hx06 "Kof'97 (Household Coin Is Not Reduced)" kof97hx07 "Kof'97 (Household Coin Full)" kof97hx08 "Kof'97 (Combo 2007 - 10th Anniversary)" kof97hx09 "Kof'97 (#2 EVO New Hack (Alt))" kof97hx10 "Kof'97 (Evolution)" kof97hx100 "Kof'97 (Athena Moves More Change)(2005-09-23)" kof97hx101 "Kof'97 (Athena Phoenix Arrow Instruction To Amend)" kof97hx102 "Kof'97 (Athena Phoenix Bombs Controllable Direction)" kof97hx103 "Kof'97 (Athena Phoenix Arrows Move Correction)" kof97hx104 "Kof'97 (Yagami Dark Hook Unlimited Chase)" kof97hx105 "Kof'97 (Sakazaki Good Move To Strengthen)" kof97hx106 "Kof'97 (Terry Before The Collision Intensified)" kof97hx107 "Kof'97 (Colorful Version V1.5)" kof97hx108 "Kof'97 (Color Change)" kof97hx109 "Kof'97 (Black Version)" kof97hx11 "Kof'97 (EX Mode Plus Rev.2)" kof97hx110 "Kof'97 (Color Version V2)" kof97hx111 "Kof'97 (Violet Fire)" kof97hx112 "Kof'97 (Icy Blue Style Rev.1)" kof97hx113 "Kof'97 (Icy Blue Style Rev.2)" kof97hx114 "Kof'97 (Interface Modified Version (Qingming Edition))" kof97hx115 "Kof'97 (Purple & Green Edition)" kof97hx116 "Kof'97 (Color Transplant Highlights)" kof97hx117 "Kof'97 (Fix Hidden Characters' Icons 2006-08-16)" kof97hx118 "Kof'97 (Bug Fixes 1st 2008-08-09)" kof97hx119 "Kof'97 (Bug Fixes 2nd 2014-05-23)" kof97hx12 "Kof'97 (Plus 2003)" kof97hx120 "Kof'97 (The Door Voted Correction)" kof97hx122 "Kof'97 (Task Over Off)" kof97hx123 "Kof'97 (Athena Opening Action Modified 2011-12-26)" kof97hx124 "Kof'97 (Transparent Energy Bar V2)" kof97hx125 "Kof'97 (PPX Finished Version)" kof97hx126 "Kof'97 (PPX Finished Version (Trap) 2006-04-19)" kof97hx127 "Kof'97 (Slightly Traditional Chinese 2005-08-29)" kof97hx128 "Kof'97 (Blood Gas Pan Pan-Green (Advanced Only))" kof97hx129 "Kof'97 (Echo Select Same Characters 2nd)" kof97hx13 "Kof'97 (Enhanced Version)" kof97hx130 "Kof'97 (Echo Select Same Characters 3rd 2014-02-01)" kof97hx131 "Kof'97 (Echo Select Same Characters)" kof97hx133 "Kof'97 (No Flash Version)" kof97hx134 "Kof'97 (Attack Shows 1 Hit)" kof97hx135 "Kof'97 (Modified Kusanagi's Standing Pose)" kof97hx136 "Kof'97 (Nude Pack From Kog)" kof97hx137 "Kof'97 (Switch Positive And Negative Roles)" kof97hx138 "Kof'97 (Switch Positive And Negative Characters v1 2006-01-29)" kof97hx139 "Kof'97 (Qin Yang Attack Location To Modify 2015-06-06)" kof97hx14 "Kof'97 (Fix V3)" kof97hx140 "Kof'97 (Mode & Characters Select)" kof97hx141 "Kof'97 (Increase Random Selection V1 2013-05-23)" kof97hx142 "Kof'97 (Random Selection Plus Version V1 2013-06-05)" kof97hx143 "Kof'97 (Random Selection Plus Version V2 2013-05-2)" kof97hx144 "Kof'97 (Random Selection Plus Version V2 Fix 2013-05-29)" kof97hx145 "Kof'97 (Hits Number And Smile Change 2006.6.15)" kof97hx146 "Kof'97 (Enable Select All Colors v1)" kof97hx147 "Kof'97 (Enable Select All Colors v2 2006-10-06)" kof97hx148 "Kof'97 (Sexy Edition)(Alt)" kof97hx149 "Kof'97 (Close Part Of The Splash Screen)" kof97hx15 "Kof'97 (Proton Version Ver 2.0)" kof97hx150 "Kof'97 (Add Randomly Selected Characters)" kof97hx151 "Kof'97 (Change The Heads As KOF98)" kof97hx152 "Kof'97 (Enable Orochi Stage)" kof97hx153 "Kof'97 (Blood Gas Tank Time Transparent First Edition)" kof97hx154 "Kof'97 (Blood Gas Tank Time Transparent Second Edition)" kof97hx155 "Kof'97 (Blood Gas Tank Time Transparent Third Edition)" kof97hx156 "Kof'97 (Blood Gas Tank Time Transparent Quarter Edition)" kof97hx157 "Kof'97 (Blood Gas Tank Time Transparent Fifth Edition)" kof97hx158 "Kof'97 (Increase Defense Reminder)" kof97hx159 "Kof'97 (KOFXI Flash Version)" kof97hx16 "Kof'97 (Proton Version Ver 3.0)" kof97hx160 "Kof'97 (Phase Friendliness Modify)" kof97hx162 "Kof'97 (Chinese First Edition)" kof97hx163 "Kof'97 (Chinese Second Edition)" kof97hx164 "Kof'97 (Deepen Unlimited Repair)" kof97hx165 "Kof'97 (Yagami Temple Shot Kill)" kof97hx166 "Kof'97 (Cancel Itself Is Forbidden)" kof97hx167 "Kof'97 (Provocative Reduction v1)" kof97hx168 "Kof'97 (Provocative Reduction v2)" kof97hx169 "Kof'97 (Runaway Seven Strong 2015-01-06)" kof97hx17 "Kof'97 (Proton Version Ver 4.0)" kof97hx170 "Kof'97 (Substitution System)" kof97hx171 "Kof'97 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof97hx172 "Kof'97 (AI fix & plus)" kof97hx173 "Kof'97 (Batter Character Style Change)" kof97hx174 "Kof'97 (KOFXI Flash Version V?)" kof97hx175 "Kof'97 (Mode Select Off)" kof97hx176 "Kof'97 (Random Test 2 2013-5-17)" kof97hx177 "Kof'97 (Jumping In The Same Volume Box With '98 2006-08-04)" kof97hx178 "Kof'97 (Special Volume Box Modification 2006-08-05)" kof97hx179 "Kof'97 (Investment Skills Hits Counted 2007-01-02)" kof97hx18 "Kof'97 (Proton Version Ver 4A.0)" kof97hx180 "Kof'97 (Blocking Version 2010-02-07)" kof97hx181 "Kof'97 (Time Infinite For Console Mode)" kof97hx182 "Kof'97 (Close The Eye Flashes)" kof97hx183 "Kof'97 (Add Flash Option)" kof97hx184 "Kof'97 (Edit Team Again 2012-08-13)" kof97hx185 "Kof'97 (Romman Perfect Edition)" kof97hx186 "Kof'97 (EX Mode Plus Rev.1)" kof97hx187 "Kof'97 (EX Red Blood Modification)" kof97hx188 "Kof'97 (Close Kill The Splash Screen)" kof97hx189 "Kof'97 (Turn Towards)" kof97hx19 "Kof'97 (Always Level 8)" kof97hx190 "Kof'97 (Optimized And Simplified Version)" kof97hx191 "Kof'97 (Use Your Dream To Do [L])" kof97hx192 "Kof'97 (Evolution New)" kof97hx193 "Kof'97 (Evolution New (new))" kof97hx194 "Kof'97 (2013.01.06 AI (Test)" kof97hx195 "Kof'97 (2011.07.11)" kof97hx196 "Kof'97 (2011.07.21)" kof97hx197 "Kof'97 (2011.08.01)" kof97hx199 "Kof'97 (2012.07.20)" kof97hx20 "Kof'97 (2011.07.09)" kof97hx200 "Kof'97 (Dream 97)" kof97hx201 "Kof'97 (Repair Big Serpent 1)" kof97hx202 "Kof'97 (Repair Big Serpent 2)" kof97hx203 "Kof'97 (Strongest VS Strongest Official Version)" kof97hx204 "Kof'97 (Strongest Beta 2)" kof97hx205 "Kof'97 (Overall Change)" kof97hx206 "Kof'97 (Enable 3 Hidden Characters)" kof97hx207 "Kof'97 (Enable All Hidden Characters Alt)" kof97hx208 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters - Enable Orochi (S1 version)(Alt))(2004-5-23)" kof97hx209 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters - Enable Orochi (C1 C2 version)(A)(Alt)(2005-2-23)" kof97hx21 "Kof'97 (2011.08.06)" kof97hx210 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters - Replace Orochi's portrait (Old style)" kof97hx212 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters - Replace Orochi's (PS style))" kof97hx213 "Kof'97 (Optional First Hidden Version Of Fix)" kof97hx214 "Kof'97 (Change Serpent Picture Perfect Edition (PS Version))" kof97hx215 "Kof'97 (Optional Hidden Characters (Revised Edition))" kof97hx216 "Kof'97 (Optional Hidden Characters (Korean Version))" kof97hx217 "Kof'97 (Hidden People Add / Close Serpent Shadow & Flash)" kof97hx218 "Kof'97 (94 Kyo plus 95 Kyo)" kof97hx219 "Kof'97 (Red Pill Move To Modify)" kof97hx22 "Kof'97 (2011.09.18)" kof97hx220 "Kof'97 (BT Modify The Door)" kof97hx221 "Kof'97 (I Do Not know The Fire Dance BT Flying)" kof97hx222 "Kof'97 (Update The Repair Version)" kof97hx223 "Kof'97 (Easy Move Version)" kof97hx224 "Kof'97 (Move To Simplify The Boss Version)" kof97hx225 "Kof'97 (Easy move final v1)" kof97hx226 "Kof'97 (Easy move final v2)" kof97hx227 "Kof'97 (Flying Props Enhanced Version)" kof97hx228 "Kof'97 (Iori Unlimited Eight Glasses)" kof97hx229 "Kof'97 (Yagami Temple Moves To Replace)" kof97hx23 "Kof'97 (2011.10.22)" kof97hx230 "Kof'97 (Move Simplified Version (B))" kof97hx231 "Kof'97 (Table Grass Beijing Moves To Add)" kof97hx232 "Kof'97 (Kyo Ghost Change)(2005-10-07)" kof97hx233 "Kof'97 (Grass In Beijing To Strengthen The Version)" kof97hx234 "Kof'97 (Move Instruction Changes)" kof97hx235 "Kof'97 (Move Modified Version)" kof97hx236 "Kof'97 (Simple Unlimited Connection 2002-08-07)" kof97hx237 "Kof'97 (Robert Moves To Add)" kof97hx238 "Kof'97 (Dragon And Tiger Flurry & Phoenix Foot Defense With 95)" kof97hx239 "Kof'97 (Mary Special Skills Modification 2008-05-06)" kof97hx24 "Kof'97 (2011.12.27)" kof97hx240 "Kof'97 (Mary Special Skills Added 2008.3.25)" kof97hx241 "Kof'97 (Grass Beijing Special Skills To Add 2008-03-25)" kof97hx242 "Kof'97 (Robert Special Skill Added 2008-03-25)" kof97hx243 "Kof'97 (Terry Special Skills To Add 2008-03-25)" kof97hx244 "Kof'97 (Yamazaki Long Double Back To Return Faster 2005-02-20)" kof97hx245 "Kof'97 (Yamasaki Drag Back Slowly 2005-02-20)" kof97hx246 "Kof'97 (Change All Characters 2)" kof97hx247 "Kof'97 (P2 MO ? [!])" kof97hx248 "Kof'97 (Bug fixes)" kof97hx249 "Kof'97 (Bug Part Of The Amendment)" kof97hx25 "Kof'97 (2012.02.12)" kof97hx250 "Kof'97 (Fixed Missing ADV Bar)" kof97hx251 "Kof'97 (Fixed Kim Vs Choi)" kof97hx252 "Kof'97 (Fixed Kyo In Demo Screen)" kof97hx253 "Kof'97 (Fixed Orochi Vs Kenso)" kof97hx254 "Kof'97 (Chris Instruction Transfiguration)" kof97hx255 "Kof'97 (Liana Orders The Runaway)" kof97hx256 "Kof'97 (Directed To Run Away Optimized Version)" kof97hx257 "Kof'97 (Flying Props Unlimited)" kof97hx258 "Kof'97 (Defense Endurance Modification V2 2010-03-08)" kof97hx259 "Kof'97 (Adjust The Cursor Position 2013-05-29)" kof97hx26 "Kof'97 (2012.08.31)" kof97hx260 "Kof'97 (Super Abnormal Version)" kof97hx261 "Kof'97 (Perfectly Integrated Patch)" kof97hx262 "Kof'97 (Provocative Gas Reduction First Edition)" kof97hx263 "Kof'97 (Provocative Deflated Second Edition)" kof97hx264 "Kof'97 (Random + FLASH Integrated Version [!])" kof97hx265 "Kof'97 (Home Edition Unlimited Time (B))" kof97hx266 "Kof'97 (Extended Combat Time 2005-07-22)" kof97hx267 "Kof'97 (XXX Version)" kof97hx268 "Kof'97 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode 2ND)" kof97hx269 "Kof'97 (Imitation KOF98)" kof97hx27 "Kof'97 (2013.01.06 (AI Plus)" kof97hx270 "Kof'97 (Orochi Max Sun Shine To White Luo Extinction)" kof97hx271 "Kof'97 (Shermie Added New Moves)" kof97hx272 "Kof'97 Plus (2017 Final)" kof97hx273 "Kof'97 (Combo 2010-02-07)(Alt)" kof97hx274 "Kof'97 Plus (2003 Hack)" kof97hx275 "Kof'97 (Chinese Version 2006-05-24)" kof97hx276 "Kof'97 (The Final Decision - S1)" kof97hx277 "Kof'97 (Couple Version)" kof97hx278 "Kof'97 (Chris Became A Snake)" kof97hx279 "Kof'97 (Transparent Energy Bar v6)" kof97hx28 "Kof'97 Plus (Alt)(?)" kof97hx281 "Kof'97 (King of Gladiator)(Bootleg-Fix v1)" kof97hx282 "Kof'97 (King of Gladiator)(Bootleg-Fix v2)" kof97hx285 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden Characters v1 Rev.2)" kof97hx286 "Kof'97 (Enable 3 Hidden Characters 2011-12-05)" kof97hx287 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Fix Orochi 2nd)" kof97hx289 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters-Enable Orochi (S1 version))(2004-5-23)" kof97hx29 "Kof'97 Plus (Hack 2003)" kof97hx290 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters-Enable Orochi (C1 C2 version))(2005-2-23)" kof97hx291 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters-Replace Orochi's portrait (old style))" kof97hx292 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters-Replace Orochi's portrait (PS style))" kof97hx293 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra Fix Orochi 1st 2004-12-24)" kof97hx294 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra Fix Orochi 2nd)(Alt)" kof97hx295 "Kof'97 (Three Artifacts Wrath Official Version)" kof97hx296 "Kof'97 (Evolutionary Balance 2010-08-0X)" kof97hx297 "Kof'97 (Chris Became A Snake)(Alt)" kof97hx298 "Kof'97 (Dragon Edition 2.0)" kof97hx299 "Kof'97 (Dragon Edition 3.0)" kof97hx30 "Kof'97 (Arcade Fix 1)" kof97hx300 "Kof'97 (Cancel Power)" kof97hx302 "Kof'97 (Strengthened Defense)" kof97hx303 "Kof'97 (Unknown Hack Rev.XX?)" kof97hx304 "Kof'97 (Fix v3)(Alt ?)" kof97hx305 "Kof'97 (Iori with Cloak 2019-01-31)" kof97hx306 "Kof'97 (Iori with Cloak, Moves Simplified 2019-02-03)" kof97hx307 "Kof'97 (Plus 2013/4-07-06)" kof97hx31 "Kof'97 (Fix Orochi)" kof97hx32 "Kof'97 (Overall Change P2)" kof97hx33 "Kof'97 (Combat Time Extended To 99)" kof97hx34 "Kof'97 (Select The Extension Of Time)" kof97hx35 "Kof'97 (Add Orochi's Portrait (S1 version))(2004-05-23)" kof97hx36 "Kof'97 (Add Orochi's portrait (C1 C2 version))(2005-02-23)" kof97hx37 "Kof'97 (Add Orochi's portrait (C1 C2 version)(Hack ?))(2005-02-23)" kof97hx38 "Kof'97 (Add Orochi's portrait (C5 C6 version))" kof97hx39 "Kof'97 (Replace Orochi's Portrait To Old Style)" kof97hx40 "Kof'97 (Replace Orochi's portrait To PS Style)" kof97hx41 "Kof'97 (Enable 5 Hidden Characters (Old))" kof97hx42 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden Characters' Portrait)" kof97hx43 "Kof'97 (Double Select Leona And Iori)" kof97hx44 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden Stage (Middle Boss))" kof97hx45 "Kof'97 (Enable Orochi Stage v1)" kof97hx46 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden Stage (Bousou)" kof97hx47 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden characters v1 Rev.1)" kof97hx48 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden characters v3)" kof97hx49 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden characters-Enable Orochi (S1 version))(2004-5-23)" kof97hx50 "Kof'97 (Enable Hidden characters-Enable Orochi (C1 C2 version))(2005-2-23)" kof97hx51 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters - Enable Orochi (C5 C6 version))" kof97hx52 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters - Replace Orochi's Portrait (PS style))" kof97hx53 "Kof'97 (Fix 5 Icons' Positions. (Right-Shift 1 Pixel))(2006-03-08)" kof97hx54 "Kof'97 (Fix 5 Icons' Positions & 2 Pixel Stretch For 4 Icons)(2006-04-04)" kof97hx55 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra/Fix Icons' Positions)(2006-04-04)" kof97hx57 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra/Fix Icons' Positions V2)(2006-04-04)" kof97hx58 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra/Fix Icons' Positions V3)(2006-04-04)" kof97hx59 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra/Fix Icons' Positions V4)(2006-04-04)" kof97hx60 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable Alt 01)" kof97hx61 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable Alt 02)" kof97hx62 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable V3 (Fix, Old Style))" kof97hx63 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable Hidden Characters V1 (Fix, PS Style))" kof97hx64 "Kof'97 (Enable All Hidden Characters V2)" kof97hx65 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable Hidden Characters V2 (oak's fix))(2006-03-08)" kof97hx66 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable Hidden Characters V2 (PS style))" kof97hx67 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Enable Hidden Characters V2 (Fix, PS style))" kof97hx68 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-No Orochi's Shadow 1st)" kof97hx69 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-Fix Orochi Iori)" kof97hx70 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-Fix Orochi 1st)" kof97hx71 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-Fix Orochi 2nd)" kof97hx72 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-Fix Orochi 3rd)" kof97hx73 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-Fix Orochi 4th)" kof97hx74 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-#1 Replace 2 Colors For Orochi)" kof97hx75 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Extra-#1 Replace 2 Poises For Orochi)" kof97hx76 "Kof'97 Plus (Hack Alt 01)" kof97hx77 "Kof'97 (Start With Power Max)" kof97hx78 "Kof'97 (Power Mode Likes KOF98)" kof97hx79 "Kof'97 (Always Maximum Power)" kof97hx80 "Kof'97 (Unlimited Power Store)" kof97hx81 "Kof'97 (Behind The Energy Beads Add And Subtract Changes)" kof97hx82 "Kof'97 (KOF98 Energy Mode (New))" kof97hx83 "Kof'97 (ABC Under Max No Action)" kof97hx84 "Kof'97 (Disassemble Ordinary Gas Investment)" kof97hx85 "Kof'97 (Table Role Moves To Add)" kof97hx86 "Kof'97 (Special Skills To Add)" kof97hx87 "Kof'97 (Add Chris's New Moves)" kof97hx88 "Kof'97 (Add Chris's Purple Fire)" kof97hx89 "Kof'97 (Yagami Temple Instruction Ranaway)" kof97hx90 "Kof'97 (Combo Version)" kof97hx91 "Kof'97 (Moves' Appearance Change)" kof97hx92 "Kof'97 (Evolutionary Balance)" kof97hx93 "Kof'97 (Evolutionary Balance 2010-08-0X))" kof97hx94 "Kof'97 (Evolutionary Balance 2011-07-0X))" kof97hx95 "Kof'97 (Added Super Move For '94 Kyo)" kof97hx96 "Kof'97 (#2 Snake Sunshine Action Replaces)" kof97hx97 "Kof'97 (#2 Big Black Snake Effect Replacement)(2015-07-21)" kof97hx98 "Kof'97 (Super Plus v1.2)(2006-02-05)" kof97hx99 "Kof'97 (Super kill-Style Move Closed Action changes)(2005-09-18)" kof97hxd "Kof'97 (Add Char)" kof97ice "Kof'97 (Icy Blue Style V2)" kof97irgc "Kof'97 (Yan Zhi Rev.1)" kof97irgc2 "Kof'97 (Yan Zhi Rev.2 2016-09-28)" kof97kai "Kof'97 (Plus)(Alt)" kof97kp "Kof'97 (Enable 1 Hidden Character)(Orochi)" kof97kp1 "Kof'97 (KP 2000)" kof97lb "Kof'97 (Quanhuang Shaman 3.0)" kof97lc "Kof'97 (Valentine's Day and Red fire)" kof97lr "Kof'97 (Lover Red)" kof97m "Kof'97 (2012.06.28)" kof97mit "Kof'97 (Char style enhanced 050324)" kof97mj "Kof'97 (Shion Edition)" kof97nd "Kof'97 (Baidu)" kof97ne "Kof'97 (Remixed)" kof97neo "Kof'97 (Neo Charity Team)" kof97nude "Kof'97 (Nude)" kof97phl "Kof'97 Plus (Hack unknown)" kof97pj "Kof'97 (Hxd fixed ver - Add Char)" kof97pjc "Kof'97 (Color Version V1)" kof97pl2 "Kof'97 (Plus)(set 2)" kof97pl3 "Kof'97 (Plus)(set 3)" kof97pla "Kof'97 (Plus)(set 1)" kof97plc "Kof'97 Plus (Black Edition)" kof97plss01 "Kof'97 Plus (Hidden Characters - Fix Icons' Positions 2006-04-04)" kof97plss02 "Kof'97 Plus (Colorful Version V1.5)" kof97plss03 "Kof'97 Plus (Color Change)" kof97plss04 "Kof'97 Plus (Violet Fire)" kof97plss05 "Kof'97 Plus (Icy Blue Style)" kof97plss06 "Kof'97 Plus (Purple & Green Edition)" kof97plss07 "Kof'97 Plus (Transparent Energy Bar V1)" kof97plss08 "Kof'97 Plus (Transparent Energy Bar V2)" kof97plss09 "Kof'97 Plus (Transparent Energy Bar V3)" kof97plss10 "Kof'97 Plus (Transparent Energy Bar V5)" kof97plss11 "Kof'97 Plus (Transparent Energy Bar V6)" kof97plss12 "Kof'97 Plus (Rerise Of Chaos 2014-08-28)" kof97plus "Kof'97 (Plus 2006)" kof97pm "Kof'97 (Practice Mode)" kof97ps "Kof'97 (Imitation Playstation final improved version 2016-10-29)" kof97rev "Kof'97 (The resurrection of King of Fighters 2016-01-04)" kof97ribe "Kof'97 Plus (River)" kof97rk "Kof'97 (Hack Unknown 2016-01-04)" kof97rst "Kof'97 Plus (Revived to strengthen the first edition 2014-04-02)" kof97rst2 "Kof'97 Plus (Revived to strengthen the second edition 2014-04-11)" kof97rst3 "Kof'97 Plus (Revived to strengthen the third edition 2014-12-05)" kof97rv "Kof'97 (Revised edition)" kof97s01 "Kof'97 (Boss PS Special Blue Version)" kof97s02 "Kof'97 (Dragon Edition 7.0)" kof97s03 "Kof'97 (Dragon Edition 6.0)" kof97s04 "Kof'97 (Version Mixs T.Chino)" kof97s06 "Kof'97 (Hyper Plus)" kof97s07 "Kof'97 (Final Battle 2017-12-09)" kof97s08 "Kof'97 (Magic Fking)" kof97s09 "Kof'97 Plus (Translation Korean)" kof97s10 "Kof'97 (Kof on Kalcetin 2011-04-18)" kof97s100 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 82)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Red, Blue, Gray, Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s101 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 83)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Red, Blue, Gray, Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s102 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 84)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Blue And Red Sunshine + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s103 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 85)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Blue And Red Sunshine + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s104 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 86)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair 0c Powder, Blue, Red Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s105 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 87)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair 0c Powder, Blue, Red Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s106 "Kof'97 (The Dragon 3.1 Dark Snake Bu Wu Gao IQ)(The Big Snake Crescent Slow Push Defense Special Effect Big Snake Flash)" kof97s107 "Kof'97 (Heavenly Divine 2013-02-03)" kof97s108 "Kof'97 (Innovation 2018-09-04)" kof97s109 "Kof'97 (Dragon 2.9 Dark Snake 2017-02-12)" kof97s11 "Kof'97 (Plus Quanhuang Shaman V2.0)" kof97s110 "Kof'97 (Days, Buwu Jianglong 18 palms second 2016-06-21)" kof97s111 "Kof'97 (Innovation 2018-07-03)" kof97s112 "Kof'97 (Rugal Edition 2018-07-03)" kof97s113 "Kof'97 (YS 2017-08-01)" kof97s114 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Fix Orochi 1st)" kof97s115 "Kof'97 (Hidden Characters Fix Orochi 2st)" kof97s116 "Kof'97 (Global Match v1)" kof97s117 "Kof'97 (Remix 2018-04-08)" kof97s118 "Kof'97 (KP 2000 Rev.XX?)" kof97s119 "Kof'97 (Evolution Shin Edition)(Ver.?)" kof97s12 "Kof'97 (Plus 2009 (MHT))" kof97s120 "Kof'97 (Get Out Of The Way Experience Version 2017-12-06)" kof97s121 "Kof'97 (Wulin Myth Dark Snake Test Edition 8)" kof97s122 "Kof'97 (Remix Rev.XX?)" kof97s123 "Kof'97 (Combo 2018-05-05)" kof97s124 "Kof'97 (Days Buwu 083 Hanhua Tongtian Edition 2016-08-03)" kof97s125 "Kof'97 (Shin2 2016-07-24)" kof97s126 "Kof'97 (Remix 2019-02-27)" kof97s127 "Kof'97 (Heavenly kingdom Gods 2019-02-24)" kof97s128 "Kof'97 (Rush Hits)" kof97s129 "Kof'97 (Unfinished Colors Revision)" kof97s13 "Kof'97 (Blue Remix Plus Edition )" kof97s130 "Kof'97 (Golden Blood Version)" kof97s131 "Kof'97 (Rainbow Style set 1)" kof97s132 "Kof'97 (Sound Effect Revision)" kof97s133 "Kof'97 (Unknown Hack)" kof97s134 "Kof'97 (BT Version)" kof97s135 "Kof'97 (Yukimura Hack 2008-01-27)" kof97s136 "Kof'97 (BT X Version 2013-06-10)" kof97s137 "Kof'97 (SvS Crystal Version 2012-01-22)" kof97s138 "Kof'97 (Hack Unknown 2012-04-07)" kof97s139 "Kof'97 (Crosses 2 Update Original 2016-12-26)" kof97s14 "Kof'97 (Perfect Edition)" kof97s140 "Kof'97 (Zero's Intrusion 2016-10-09)" kof97s141 "Kof'97 (windbreaker Another Iory Eight God Original)" kof97s142 "Kof'97 (SvS Crystal Version 2018-08-02)" kof97s143 "Kof'97 (3 Question Version 2018-08-07)" kof97s144 "Kof'97 (SvS Crystal Version 2013-12-08)" kof97s15 "Kof'97 (Smoke Version V1.5)" kof97s16 "Kof'97 (Edition Royal)" kof97s17 "Kof'97 (Chinese Battle Plus 2003)" kof97s18 "Kof'97 (Netizen The work of the crispy SP)" kof97s19 "Kof'97 (Unknown Hack Rev.1)" kof97s20 "Kof'97 (SvS Crystal Version 2015-01-21)" kof97s21 "Kof'97 (Unknown Hack 2009-04-12)" kof97s22 "Kof'97 (Edition Royal 2009-07-01)" kof97s23 "Kof'97 (Evolution 2008-12-19)" kof97s24 "Kof'97 (Devastating Match 2017-02-06)" kof97s25 "Kof'97 (Unlimited Company 2017-03-07)" kof97s26 "Kof'97 (Super Edition)" kof97s27 "Kof'97 (Color Hack)" kof97s28 "Kof'97 (KOF vs SF2)" kof97s29 "Kof'97 (10th Anniversary)" kof97s30 "Kof'97 (Mitologia)" kof97s31 "Kof'97 (Rush Hits Extreme)" kof97s32 "Kof'97 (Yukimura Edition v0.085)" kof97s33 "Kof'97 (Super Edition Plus 1)" kof97s34 "Kof'97 (Super Edition Plus 2)" kof97s35 "Kof'97 (Old Chen Wave Boxing)" kof97s36 "Kof'97 (Evolution New Revision 2011-05-19)" kof97s37 "Kof'97 (Evolutionary Balance 2009-10-07)" kof97s38 "Kof'97 (Super metamorphosis version 2012-01-22)" kof97s39 "Kof'97 (Heavenly Protoss 2012-01-29)" kof97s40 "Kof'97 (Dragon Super Plus 2016-06-14)" kof97s41 "Kof'97 (Wulin Myth Test Version 34)(85 Gonitz Foot Super Kill After The Avatar Teleportation, The Big Snake Colorful Sunlight Teleport)" kof97s42 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Test Version 35)(85 Optimized Gonitz Foot Super Kill To Avoid Card Death, Big Snake Colorful Sunshine Heart Shine)" kof97s43 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 27)(83 All Banned From Heaven, Repairing Kagura And Buns Brother Bugs In Place, Strengthening An Lina, Big Snake Colorful Sunshine Six Hair + Protective Light))" kof97s44 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 28)(85 All Banned From The Sky, Yamazaki Ryuji Exhibition Tenth Anniversary Super Killing On The Ground Stepping On The Drooling Whip, Repairing Kagura And Buns Brother Bugs)" kof97s45 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 30)(85 Amendment To The Seven-Yuan Society’s Move-Style Big Move To Kill, The Big Snake Shines)" kof97s46 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 32)(83 Strengthen Grass, Terry, Etc., Big Snake Six Hair Colorful Sunshine)" kof97s47 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 33)(85 Strengthen Grass, Terry, Gonitz, Etc., The Big Snake Shines)" kof97s48 "Kof'97 (Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 36)(83 Repair Crazy Eight Super Kill Ko Stuck + Big Snake Colorful Sunlight Teleportation First God Pointing Oblique)" kof97s49 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 37)(83 Repair Crazy Eight Super Kill Ko Stuck + Big Snake In The Middle Of The God Refers To The Colorful Sunshine At First Slant)" kof97s50 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 38)(83 Repair Crazy Eight Super Kill Ko Stuck + Big Snake Colorful Sunshine Heart Shine)" kof97s51 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 39)(83 Repair Crazy Eight Super Kill Ko Stuck + Big Snake Six Hair Colorful Sunlight)" kof97s52 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 40)(85 Snakes In The Middle Of The God Refers To The Colorful Sunshine At First Slant)" kof97s53 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 52)(83 Big Snake Double Two Hair Whitening Sun A Key Hair Attack Break Defense First Dizziness)" kof97s54 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 53)(85 Gonitz Foot Super Kill Mad Dig Or Blade Or Indefinite + Big Snake Double Two Hair Whitening A Sun A Key Hair Attack Break Defense Dizziness)" kof97s55 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 54)(83 Big Snake Six Hair Whitening A Key Hair Initial Dizziness)" kof97s56 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 55)(85 Gonitz Foot Super Kill Mad Dig Or Blade Or Indefinite + Big Snake Six Hair Whitening A Key Hair Initial Dizziness)" kof97s57 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 56)(83 Repair Crazy Eight Super Kill Stuck, The Big Snake Double White Sunshine Two Hair A Key Hair Attack Break Defense First Dizziness)" kof97s58 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 57)(85 Repairs The High Nitz Foot Super-Killing Small Tornado + Big Snake Double White Sun Two Hair A Key Hair Attack Break Defense First Dizziness)" kof97s59 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 58)(83 Repair Crazy Eight Super Kill Stuck, Big Snake Six Hair White Sun + Protective Light A Key Hair Initial Dizziness)" kof97s60 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 59)(85 Repair Gao Niz Foot Super Killing Small Tornado + Big Snake Six Hair White Sun + Protective Light A Key Hair Initial Dizziness)" kof97s61 "Kof'97 (Ge Xin Edition 2017-12-06)" kof97s62 "Kof'97 (Tu She Edition 2006-08-06)" kof97s63 "Kof'97 (Combo version 2016-03-30)" kof97s64 "Kof'97 (Plus 2017 2017-05-06)" kof97s65 "Kof'97 (Plus Battle Of The Strong 2018-05-10)" kof97s66 "Kof'97 (The 11Th Anniversary 2009-05-01)" kof97s67 "Kof'97 (The 11Th Anniversary 2018-05-07)" kof97s68 "Kof'97 (Plus 2017 second edition 2017-06-17)" kof97s69 "Kof'97 (No Unknown Original 2)" kof97s70 "Kof'97 (Revolutionary Version 2017-12-06)" kof97s71 "Kof'97 (Evil Demons Dance Plus 2016-09-19)" kof97s72 "Kof'97 (Unknown Hack 2012-06-28)" kof97s73 "Kof'97 (Unknown Hack 2017-07-17)" kof97s74 "Kof'97 (Super Edition Plus 3)" kof97s75 "Kof'97 (Clone Zero Modified Version)(Fat Lianhua + Even Strokes + Big Snake Green Sunshine Two First Free, Went To The Fan Slap Small Bug To Be Repaired))" kof97s76 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 60)(83 Correction Of The Gods Color + Light Foot Rotating Legs After The Air D Feet + Big Snake Double White Sun Two Hair A Key Hair Attack Break Defense Dizziness)" kof97s77 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 61)(83 Correction Eight God Color + Light Foot Rotation Legs Can Even Even Move + Big Snake Six Hair White Sunlight + Protective Light A Key Hair First Dizziness)" kof97s78 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 62)(85 Correction Of The Gods Color + Light Feet To Turn The Legs After The Air D Feet + Big Snake Double White Sun Two Hair A Key Hair Attack Break Defense First Dizziness)" kof97s79 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 63)(85 Correction Of The Gods Color + Light Foot After The Legs Can Even Even Move + Big Snake Six Hair White Sunshine + Protective Light A Key Hair Dizziness)" kof97s80 "Kof'97 (Clone Zero Modified Version)(Fixed Eight Gods Garbled, Fat Lotus Huan + Even Strokes + Big Snake Green Sunshine Two First Free, Went To The Fan Slap Small Bug To Be Repaired)" kof97s81 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Myth Test Version 64)(83 Optimized Eight Gods Crazy Eight Feet Out Of The Move + Big Snake Double Sunshine Two Hair A Key Hair Attack Break Defense Dizziness)" kof97s82 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Test Version 65)(83 Optimized Eight Gods Crazy Eight Feet Out Of The Move + Big Snake Six Hair Sunshine + Protective Light A Key Hair Initial Dizziness)" kof97s83 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Test Version 66)(85 Optimized Eight Gods Feet Move + Big Snake Double Sunshine Two Hair A Key Hair Attack Break Defense First Dizziness)" kof97s84 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Test Version 67)(85 Optimized Eight Gods Feet Move + Big Snake Six Hair Sunshine + Protective Light A Key Hair Initial Dizziness)" kof97s85 "Kof'97 (Zore Clone Zero Modified Version)(Even Strokes + Fat Lotus Huanhua + Big Snake Blue, Purple Sunshine Two, First Free, Went To The Fan Slap Small Bug To Be Repaired)" kof97s86 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 68)(83 Weakened Robert, Nagasaki Yuri, Optimized Eight Gods Crazy Eight + Big Snake Six Hair Color Sun + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s87 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 69)(85 Weakened Robert, Nagasaki Yuri, Optimized Eight Gods, Goritz + Big Snake Six Hair Whitening Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s88 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 70)(83 Restore Map + Big Snake Six Hair White Sunshine + Protective Light First Dizziness, Cancel The Dark)" kof97s89 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 71)(85 Restore Map + Big Snake Six Hair White Sunshine + Protective Light First Dizziness, Cancel The Dark)" kof97s90 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 72)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Whitening Sunlight + Protective Light Initial Dizziness)" kof97s91 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 73)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair White Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s92 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 74)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Colorful Sun + Protective Light First Dizziness)" kof97s93 "Kof'97 (The Martial Arts Mythical Dark Snake Test Version 75)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Color Dense Sunlight + Protective Light First Dizziness)" kof97s94 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 76)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Purple Red Orange Color Sunlight + Protective Light Initial Dizziness)" kof97s95 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 77)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Purple Red Orange Color Sunlight + Protective Light Initial Dizziness)" kof97s96 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 78)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Purple Potato Red Orange Gray Sunlight + Protective Light Initial Dizziness)" kof97s97 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 79)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Purple Potato Red Gray Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97s98 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 80)(83 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Blue Water Gray Orange Red Sunlight + Protective Light Initial Dizziness)" kof97s99 "Kof'97 (Wulin Mythology Dark Snake Test Version 81)(85 Big Snakes Heart Teleport, Six Hair Blue Water Gray Orange Red Sunlight + Protective Light Dizziness)" kof97saw "Kof'97 (Kill red flame special effect)" kof97sex "Kof'97 (Sexy Edition)" kof97shi "Kof'97 (Evolution Shin Edition)" kof97sm "Kof'97 (Colorful version v1.5 2016-01-04)" kof97svs "Kof'97 (SvS Crystal Version 2015-12-30)" kof97svsb2 "Kof'97 (SvS Crystal Version 2011-07-06)" kof97sw "Kof'97 (26a-c and 623a-c red flame special effect)" kof97t "Kof'97 (T)" kof97tse "Kof'97 (TSE)" kof97wh "Kof'97 (Style Kyo to 95' Kyo)" kof97wpls "Kof'97 Plus (NGM-2320)" kof97xbt "Kof'97 (BT X Version 2016-01-04)" kof97xi "Kof'97 (XI Flash Version)" kof97xp "Kof'97 (Xuhui plus)" kof97xt "Kof'97 (Final Battle)" kof97xt1 "Kof'97 (Unfinished version)" kof97xxx "Kof'97 (Nude mix)" kof97y "Kof'97 (Enable 5 hidden characters)" kof97ya "Kof'97 (Add Orochi set 1)" kof97yb "Kof'97 (Add Orochi set 2)" kof97ye "Kof'97 (Add Char - no Orochi - Pow hack ABC in Extra Mode set 1)" kof97yg "Kof'97 (Add Char - Pow hack ABC in Extra Mode)" kof97yh "Kof'97 (Add Char - no Orochi - Pow hack ABC in Extra Mode set 2)" kof97yk "Kof'97 (Yukimura Hack YK)" kof97yk1 "Kof'97 (World Buwu 0.083)(2008-01-01)" kof97yk2 "Kof'97 (Yukimura Hack YK2)" kof97yk83 "Kof'97 (Yukimura Hack YK83)" kof97yk85 "Kof'97 (Yukimura Hack YK85)" kof97yl "Kof'97 (Add Char - Extra stage select set 1)" kof97yl2 "Kof'97 (Add Char - Extra stage select set 2)" kof97yo "Kof'97 (Seven Yoga Community Imitation 98)" kof97z "Kof'97 (Hack Unknown 2016-01-X4)" kof97zm "Kof'97 (ZMonanger)" kof98 "The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (NGM-2420)" kof98aas "Kof'98 (Asamiya Athena 99 Style)" kof98ae0 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition)(set 0)" kof98ae1 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition)(set 1)" kof98ae2 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition)(set 2)" kof98ae20160308 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition 2016-03-08)" kof98ae20160827 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition 2016-08-27)" kof98ae20160902 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition 2016-09-02)" kof98ae3 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition)(set 3)" kof98bge "Kof'98 (Boss Gold Edition)" kof98bh "Kof'98 (Boss Hack 2006)" kof98bvi "Kof'98 (Blocking Version 2009-05-31)" kof98c2006 "Kof'98 (Combo 2006)" kof98c20060214 "Kof'98 (Combo 2006-02-14)" kof98c20070720 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-07-20)" kof98c20070923 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-09-23)" kof98c20080330 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-03-30)" kof98c20080524 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-05-24)" kof98c20080616 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-06-16)" kof98c20080712 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-07-12)" kof98c20090620 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-06-20)" kof98c20090923 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-09-23)" kof98c20100214 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-02-14)" kof98c20100304 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-03-04)" kof98c20110114 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-01-14)" kof98c20110314 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-03-14)" kof98c20120116 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-01-16)" kof98c20120915 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-09-15)" kof98c20130213 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-02-13)" kof98c20130311 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-03-19)" kof98c20130509 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-05-09)" kof98c20130528 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-05-30)" kof98c20130617 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-06-17)" kof98c20130808 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-08-08)" kof98c20130820 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-08-20)" kof98c20131113 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-11-13)" kof98c20140101 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-01-01)" kof98c20140110 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-01-10)" kof98c20140118 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-01-18)" kof98c20140204 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-02-04)" kof98c20140213 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-02-13)" kof98c20140217 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-02-17)" kof98c20140228 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-02-28)" kof98c20140302 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-03-02)" kof98c20140310 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-03-10)" kof98c20140317 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-03-17)" kof98c20140403 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-04-03)" kof98c20140412 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-04-12)" kof98c20140416 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-04-16)" kof98c20140419 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-04-19)" kof98c20140428 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-04-28)" kof98c20140504 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-05-04)" kof98c20140524 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-05-24)" kof98c20140606 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-06-06)" kof98c20140620 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-06-20)" kof98c20140717 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-07-17)" kof98c20140809 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-08-09)" kof98c20140816 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-08-16)" kof98c20140824 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-08-24)" kof98c20140906 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-09-06)" kof98c20140924 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-09-24)" kof98c20141002 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-10-02)" kof98c20141020 "Kof'98 (Combo 2014-10-20)" kof98c20150201 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-02-01)" kof98c20150228 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-02-28)" kof98c20150302 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-03-02)" kof98c20150310 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-03-10)" kof98c20150330 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-03-30)" kof98c20150528 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-05-28)" kof98c20150614 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-06-14)" kof98c20150705 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-07-05)" kof98c20150729 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-07-29)" kof98c20150827 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-08-27)" kof98c20151103 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-11-03)" kof98c20151108 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-11-08)" kof98c20151110 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-11-10)" kof98c20151223 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-12-23)" kof98c20160320 "Kof'98 (Combo 2016-03-20)" kof98c20160907 "Kof'98 (Combo 2016-09-07)" kof98c20170303 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-03-03)" kof98c20170408 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-04-08)" kof98c20170601 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-06-01)" kof98c20170612 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-06-12)" kof98c20180228 "Kof'98 (Combo 2018-02-28)" kof98c20180301 "Kof'98 (Combo 2018-03-01)" kof98cd "Kof'98 (CD conversion)" kof98cd1 "Kof'98 (Hack Like NeoGeoCD Verson 1.4F)" kof98cd2 "Kof'98 (Hack Like NeoGeoCD Verson 1.4)" kof98ch "Kof'98 (Diff Moves 2003-05-03)" kof98ch1 "Kof'98 (Chinese Translation Rev.1)" kof98chl "Kof'98 (Diff Moves 2003-03-20)" kof98chris "Kof'98 (Chris 2k2 Style)" kof98cn "Kof'98 (Add Rugal Chinese Translation Rev.1)" kof98cn1 "Kof'98 (Add Rugal Chinese Translation Rev.2)" kof98cos "Kof'98 (Cosmic Rev.1)" kof98cos1 "Kof'98 (Cosmic Rev.2)" kof98cos2 "Kof'98 (Cosmic Rev.3)" kof98cta "Kof'98 (Combo 10th Anniversary)" kof98dc "Kof'98 (Char color changed - Negative style)" kof98ecm "Kof'98 (Enhanced Chris Moves)" kof98ehr "Kof'98 (Diff Moves - Ultra kill start max in Adv Mode - Ultra pow hack ABC)" kof98evl "Kof'98 (Ultra Evolution Lite)" kof98evo "Kof'98 (Evolution version)" kof98evo2 "Kof'98 (Evolution Orochi Baozou Hack Set 2)" kof98evr "Kof'98 (Is back in the enhanced version 2014-12-07)" kof98f "Kof'98 (Fake)" kof98fr "Kof'98 (French 2004)" kof98fro "Kof'98 (French 2003)" kof98fro2 "Kof'98 (French 2002)" kof98frp "Kof'98 (Translation French Set 2 2016-01-04)" kof98fv "Kof'98 (Flash Revision)" kof98fv2 "Kof'98 (Flash Version UK)" kof98gold "Kof'98 (Gold Color Hack)" kof98hh05 "Kof'98 (Imitate The NeoCD Version)" kof98hh06 "Kof'98 (Combo 2006-02-03)" kof98hh07 "Kof'98 (Combo 2006-10-10)" kof98hh08 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-01-10)" kof98hh09 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-02-22)" kof98hh10 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-03-22)" kof98hh100 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-06-15)" kof98hh101 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-05-31)(Ver.?)" kof98hh102 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-08-27)" kof98hh103 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-03-29)" kof98hh104 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-04-18)" kof98hh105 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-02-04)" kof98hh106 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-11-23)" kof98hh107 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-02-04)" kof98hh108 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-05-16)" kof98hh109 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-11-11)" kof98hh11 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-07-20)(Ver.?)" kof98hh110 "Kof'98 (Combo 2018-05-05)" kof98hh111 "Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition Original 2018-09-07)" kof98hh112 "Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2019-01-13)" kof98hh113 "Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition Energy enhancement 2019-01-15)" kof98hh114 "Kof'98 (Combo 2016-09-07)(Original)" kof98hh115 "Kof'98 (Combo 2016-09-07)(Simplify)" kof98hh116 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-01-08)(Ver.?)" kof98hh117 "Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition Energy enhancement 2018-09-09)" kof98hh118 "Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2019-02-17)" kof98hh119 "Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2019-02-27)" kof98hh12 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-09-23)(Ver.?)" kof98hh13 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-01-21)" kof98hh14 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-07-31)" kof98hh15 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-05-31)" kof98hh17 "Kof'98 (Always Maximum Power)" kof98hh18 "Kof'98 (Add '97 Shavings Wind 2007.12.06)" kof98hh19 "Kof'98 (Added Super Move For '95 Kyo)" kof98hh20 "Kof'98 (Added Special Move For Ralf)" kof98hh21 "Kof'98 (Ultra Leona Rev.1)" kof98hh22 "Kof'98 (Ultra Rugal Final Version Rev.1)" kof98hh23 "Kof'98 (Color Change V1)" kof98hh24 "Kof'98 (Color Change V2)" kof98hh26 "Kof'98 (Turn Red Fire Into Green)" kof98hh27 "Kof'98 (Change Leona's Color)" kof98hh28 "Kof'98 (Siver Style)" kof98hh29 "Kof'98 (Bug Fixes)" kof98hh31 "Kof'98 (Mai's Wedding Dress)" kof98hh32 "Kof'98 (Slender Type Of Blood Scale)" kof98hh33 "Kof'98 (Modified Kusanagi's Standing Pose)" kof98hh34 "Kof'98 (Simplified Version)" kof98hh36 "Kof'98 (Switch positive And Negative Roles Second Edition)" kof98hh38 "Kof'98 (Transparent Energy Bar V1)" kof98hh44 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-03-30)(Ver.?)" kof98hh47 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-01-14)(Ver.?)" kof98hh48 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-01-26)" kof98hh49 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-02-23)" kof98hh50 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-04-01)" kof98hh51 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-04-11)" kof98hh52 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-04-15)" kof98hh53 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-04-17)" kof98hh54 "Kof'98 (Combo 2011-04-26)" kof98hh55 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-02-06)" kof98hh56 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-04-06)" kof98hh57 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-04-20)" kof98hh58 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-06-19)" kof98hh59 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-07-06)" kof98hh60 "Kof'98 (Combo 2012-07-10)" kof98hh61 "Kof'98 (Protoss Version)" kof98hh62 "Kof'98 (Unabated Energy Mode)" kof98hh63 "Kof'98 (Super Easy To Move)" kof98hh64 "Kof'98 (Mary Vertical Arrow 2006.10.22)" kof98hh65 "Kof'98 (Simplify The Move Version)" kof98hh66 "Kof'98 (Simplify Move Combo Version)" kof98hh67 "Kof'98 (Add Move To Yashiro)" kof98hh68 "Kof'98 (Ryu Dragon Version Of The Sixth Edition)" kof98hh69 "Kof'98 (Charge Removed)" kof98hh73 "Kof'98 (Practice Mode Fix)" kof98hh75 "Kof'98 (Combo 2013-09-13)" kof98hh76 "Kof'98 (Combo 2016-03-21)" kof98hh77 "Kof'98 (Combo 2016-12-20)" kof98hh78 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-01-08)" kof98hh79 "Kof'98 (Combo 2015-10-07)" kof98hh80 "Kof'98 (Unknown Hack Rev.XX)" kof98hh81 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-05-04)" kof98hh82 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-05-18)" kof98hh83 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-05-29)" kof98hh84 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-10-10)" kof98hh85 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-07-07)" kof98hh86 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-06-30)" kof98hh87 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-03-22)(Ver.?)" kof98hh88 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-05-25)" kof98hh89 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-11-11)" kof98hh90 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-01-21)(Ver.?)" kof98hh91 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-01-01)" kof98hh92 "Kof'98 (Combo 2008-02-17)" kof98hh93 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-05-07)" kof98hh94 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-04-03)" kof98hh95 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-06-08)" kof98hh96 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-12-04)" kof98hh97 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-10-24)" kof98hh98 "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-10-26)" kof98hh99 "Kof'98 (Combo 2007-06-15)" kof98hk "Kof'98 (Hakeshu)" kof98ice "Kof'98 (Icy blue style)" kof98ico "Kof'98 (Icy blue style)(Old)" kof98iori "Kof'98 (Iori Special)(2010-02-13)" kof98izh "Kof'98 (Imitates Kof2002 Attacks Version 2008-12-24)" kof98jh "Kof'98 (Add Rugal - Athena style changed)" kof98k95 "Kof'98 (EX KYO SP)" kof98klc "Kof'98 (Combo 2009-09-23)(Kalce combo mix)" kof98lb "Kof'98 (Tongtian Edition)" kof98lv "Kof'98 (Love Edition)(2009-12-27)" kof98m "Kof'98 (Mix)" kof98mev "Kof'98 (MEV)" kof98mix "Kof'98 (Mix 2011-10-01)" kof98nc "Kof'98 (Neo-Geo CD 1.2)" kof98ncdh "Kof'98 (CD to MVS Conversion)" kof98new "Kof'98 (New Version)" kof98pfe "Kof'98 (Plus Final Edition 2017-07-23)" kof98pjc "Kof'98 (Char color changed)" kof98rh "Kof'98 (Floating judgment enhanced version)" kof98rh1 "Kof'98 (Real Rugal Hack)" kof98rl "Kof'98 (Angry and angry)" kof98rm "Kof'98 (Remix Changed Move List)" kof98rsa "Kof'98 (Ralf Special Attack)" kof98rup "Kof'98 (Ultimate Edition v1.0)" kof98s01 "Kof'98 (Rugal Ray)" kof98s02 "Kof'98 (Heavy d 26a)" kof98s03 "Kof'98 (Cosmic 2010-02-08)" kof98s04 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-03-21)" kof98s05 "Kof'98 (CD to MVS Conversion, ver.1.04)" kof98s06 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition Combo)" kof98s07 "Kof'98 (Rugel Project)" kof98s08 "Kof'98 (Combo 2010-06-09)" kof98s09 "Kof'98 (Slugfest Fever 2006-08-07)" kof98s10 "Kof'98 (Slugfest Fever Super 2006-08-07)" kof98s11 "Kof'98 (Heavenly Protoss Edition)" kof98s12 "Kof'98 (Unlimited Mix 2011)" kof98s13 "Kof'98 (Unknown Hack 2011-08-06)" kof98s14 "Kof'98 (Console Mode)" kof98s15 "Kof'98 (Green Edition Chinese Version)" kof98s16 "Kof'98 (Remixed New Colors)" kof98s17 "Kof'98 (WI)" kof98s18 "Kof'98 (Enhance Version)" kof98s19 "Kof'98 (Unknown Hack 2009-12-18)" kof98s20 "Kof'98 (Unknown Hack 2014-11-22)" kof98s21 "Kof'98 (Extra Hidden Characters)" kof98s22 "Kof'98 (Ultra Rugal Final Version 2016-04-14)" kof98s23 "Kof'98 (Combo 2017-07-27)" kof98s24 "Kof'98 (Unknown Hack 20XX-0X-1X)" kof98s25 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition Unknown Date Rev.1)" kof98s26 "Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition Unknown Date Rev.2)" kof98s27 "Kof'98 (Combo 2006 Chinese Edition)" kof98s28 "Kof'98 (Combo 2006 English Edition)" kof98s29 "Kof'98 (Remix Color Rev.1)" kof98s30 "Kof'98 (Remix Color Rev.2)" kof98s31 "Kof'98 (The Dark Power)" kof98s32 "Kof'98 (The Dark Power Extreme Edition)" kof98s33 "Kof'98 (The Evil Power)" kof98s34 "Kof'98 (The Evil Power Extreme Edition)" kof98s35 "Kof'98 (Green Edition)" kof98s36 "Kof'98 (Chinese Version Remix)" kof98s37 "Kof'98 (Mint & Ice Chinese Edition Remix 2018-04-06)" kof98s38 "Kof'98 (Mint & Ice Chinese Edition Remix 2018-04-07)" kof98s39 "Kof'98 (Platinum Edition Chinese)" kof98s40 "Kof'98 (Purple Remix Edition)" kof98s41 "Kof'98 (Ryu Dragon Version fourth Edition)" kof98s42 "Kof'98 (Ryu Dragon Version First Edition)" kof98s43 "Kof'98 (Ryu Dragon Version Tree Edition)" kof98s44 "Kof'98 (Ryu Dragon Version Fifth Edition)" kof98s45 "Kof'98 (Ryu Dragon Version Second Edition)" kof98s46 "Kof'98 (Gold Edition)" kof98s47 "Kof'98 (Platinum Edition)" kof98s48 "Kof'98 (Super Plus Remixed)" kof98s49 "Kof'98 (Ice Edition Remixed)" kof98s50 "Kof'98 (Negative Color)" kof98s51 "Kof'98 (Alpha 1.0 2019-02-06)" kof98seh "Kof'98 (Ultra kill start max in Adv Mode - Ultra pow hack ABC)" kof98seho "Kof'98 (Ultra kill start max in Adv Mode - Pow hack ABC)" kof98sof "Kof'98 (Silver Omega Tributo a Fliperman)" kof98sp "Kof'98 (Super Plus)" kof98sp2 "Kof'98 (Super Plus Alternate Set)" kof98sr "Kof'98 (Flash Landscaping)" kof98sv "Kof'98 (Silver Style Edition)" kof98tim "Kof'98 (Triple Impact Remix)" kof98ul "Kof'98 (Ultra Leona Rev.2)" kof98ur "Kof'98 (Ultra Rugal)" kof98urf "Kof'98 (Ultra Rugal Final Version Rev.2)" kof98wh "Kof'98 (Style changes for Kyo to 95' Kyo)" kof98wh1 "Kof'98 (Moves' effect change)" kof98wh2 "Kof'98 (Style changes for Kyo to 95' Kyo, Iori and Rugal)" kof98xi "Kof'98 (XI Flash Version)" kof98xz01 "Kof'98 (Posture Is Transferred)" kof98xz02 "Kof'98 (Posture Reversal)" kof98xz03 "Kof'98 (Enable hidden characters)" kof98xz04 "Kof'98 (People Change Color 3)" kof98xz05 "Kof'98 (Enable Choosing Same One V1)" kof98xz06 "Kof'98 (Enable Choosing Same One V2)" kof98xz07 "Kof'98 (Throwing Addition Hit)" kof98xz08 "Kof'98 (New Flash)" kof98xz09 "Kof'98 (Chinese Translation Rev.2)" kof98xz10 "Kof'98 (French Translation 2002-09-27)" kof98xz11 "Kof'98 (Korean Translation 2006-04-25)" kof98xz12 "Kof'98 (Get Power Up After Being Attacked)" kof98xz13 "Kof'98 (Enable Choosing Same One)" kof98xz14 "Kof'98 (Imitate KOFXI flash)" kof98xz15 "Kof'98 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof98y "Kof'98 (Add Rugal)" kof98yh "Kof'98 (Add Rugal - Pow hack ABC in Extra Mode)" kof98zy "Kof'98 (Purple version)" kof99 "The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510)" kof99ab "Kof'99 (Rolls moves sideways ver)" kof99ae "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition)" kof99ae0 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition unknown date)" kof99ae20140408 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2014-04-08)" kof99ae20140624 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2014-06-24)" kof99ae20150121 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2015-01-21)" kof99ae20150520 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2015-05-20)" kof99ae20150711 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2015-07-11)" kof99ae20160411 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2016-04-11)" kof99ae20160419 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2016-04-19)" kof99aes "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition Special)" kof99bh "Kof'99 (Enable hidden characters v3)" kof99bhp2 "Kof'99 (Perfect Boss Edition 2009-10-08)" kof99bhs "Kof'99 (Boss Striker Hack)" kof99ch "Kof'99 (Diff Moves set 3)" kof99chf "Kof'99 (Diff Moves set 3 - Fixed)" kof99co "Kof'99 (Combo 2006)(set 1)" kof99co2 "Kof'99 (Combo 2006)(set 2)" kof99d "Kof'99 (Decrypted C)" kof99eh "Kof'99 (4 Add Char - Ultra kill start max set 1)" kof99ehr "Kof'99 (4 Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow hack set 2)" kof99eur "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix 2016-01-04)" kof99eur1 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix old)" kof99eur2 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix)" kof99eur3 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix 2011-02-25)" kof99eur4 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix 2009-07-17)" kof99ev2 "Kof'99 (Evolution Special)" kof99evo "Kof'99 (Evolution 1.0)" kof99evos "Kof'99 (Evolution Balanced)" kof99fc "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)" kof99fc0 "Kof'99 (Remix Remix 1.07A)" kof99fc1 "Kof'99 (Remix Remix 2.00B)" kof99fc2 "Kof'99 (Remix Remix 2.00F)" kof99fix "Kof'99 (Happy birthday to Iori special 2009)" kof99fix1 "Kof'99 (Happy Birthday to Iori Special set 1)" kof99fix2 "Kof'99 (Happy Birthday to Iori Special set 2)" kof99fmi "Kof'99 (Orochi Iori)" kof99hbi "Kof'99 (Happy Birthday to Iori)" kof99hp "Kof'99 (2 Add Char set 2)" kof99iori "Kof'99 (Unknown Hack 2016-01-14)" kof99jh "Kof'99 (3 Add Char - Simple moves rev - Athena style changed 2003-10-18)" kof99jho "Kof'99 (3 Add Char - Simple moves rev - Athena style changed 2003-09-24)" kof99kp "Kof'99 (Color changed - 10%)" kof99lb "Kof'99 (Unknown Hack 2016-01-04)" kof99m "Kof'99 (2 Add Char)" kof99nd "Kof'99 (Non encrypted P,decrypted C)" kof99ndis "Kof'99 (Remix Pro 2016-03-11)" kof99nevo "Kof'99 (Evolution Revision)" kof99ob "Kof'99 (Orochi's Blood-Another part of Leona & Iori)" kof99ob2 "Kof'99 (Orochi's Blood)(Set 2)" kof99pb "Kof'99 (Perfect Boss)" kof99phl "Kof'99 (Plus)" kof99pjc1 "Kof'99 (Char color changed rev 1 2002-09-xx)" kof99pjc2 "Kof'99 (Char color changed rev 2 2003-03-02)" kof99pjc3 "Kof'99 (Char color changed rev 3 2003-07-20)" kof99pjco "Kof'99 (Char color changed old)" kof99pk "Kof'99 (2 Add Char - Based on RS - ver + Fix? data)" kof99pko "Kof'99 (2 Add Char - Based on RS - ver without Fix? data)" kof99pm "Kof'99 (Mengele Fix)" kof99pt "Kof'99 (Ultra kill hack)" kof99py "Kof'99 (2 Add Char - Ultra kill start max)" kof99r "Kof'99 (Backward rolling)" kof99rd "Kof'99 (Red Evil Edition)" kof99rev "Kof'99 (Revolution Merry Christmas)(12-26-2005)" kof99roll "Kof'99 (Advanced Roll)" kof99rp "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - v1.07a 2004-12-24)" kof99rp0 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Edition v1.07a)" kof99rp1 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - v1.02 final1 2003-10-10)" kof99rp2 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro(Diff Moves - Beta v1.01c 2003-09-xx)" kof99rp3 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.01b 2003-09-xx)" kof99rp4 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.01a2 2003-09-xx)" kof99rp5 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.01a 2003-09-xx)" kof99rp6 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.01 2003-09-xx)" kof99rp7 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.00c built 0308e - EX ver.)" kof99rp8 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.00c built 0308e)" kof99rp9 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.00b enhanced)" kof99rpa "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.00b)" kof99rpb "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.00a enhanced)" kof99rpc "Kof'99 (Remix Pro)(Diff Moves - Beta v1.00a)" kof99rpp "Kof'99 (Remix Pro Plus)(Diff Moves v1.02 final 2004-03-27)" kof99rr "Kof'99 (Diff Moves set 2)" kof99rs "Kof'99 (Proto RS-ver)" kof99rsm "Kof'99 (Mengele Fix for RS-ver)" kof99rsp "Kof'99 (Bug Fix for RS-ver)" kof99s01 "Kof'99 (Orochi's Blood 1.0)" kof99s02 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters 2007-04-24)" kof99s03 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix 2011-12-18)" kof99s04 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro v1.07 Plus)" kof99s05 "Kof'99 (Yagami Soul Prototype)" kof99s06 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro Special)" kof99s07 "Kof'99 (Super Remix Pro Special)" kof99s08 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition Old Version )" kof99s09 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition Special Version)" kof99s10 "Kof'99 (Combo)" kof99s11 "Kof'99 (Chinese Remix Pro v1.07 Edition)" kof99s12 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2017-09-09)" kof99s14 "Kof'99 (Red Storm Edition Unsimplified)" kof99s15 "Kof'99 (Super Revolution Ultra)" kof99s16 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro Like 2k Ultimate Edition)" kof99s17 "Kof'99 (Revolution Ver.?)" kof99s18 "Kof'99 (Remix Like 2k)" kof99s19 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultimate Remix Version Rev.1)" kof99s20 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2014-11-11)" kof99s22 "Kof'99 (Hack Unknown 2005-07-20)" kof99s23 "Kof'99 (Hack Unknown 2007-07-16)" kof99s24 "Kof'99 (Plus 2004-08-23)" kof99s25 "Kof'99 (Revolution 2009-03-19)" kof99s26 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro v1.07 2017-04-24)" kof99s27 "Kof'99 (The 4 Manipulators Flames)" kof99s28 "Kof'99 (Unknown Hack 2007-04-26)" kof99s29 "Kof'99 (Unknown Hack 2007-04-27)" kof99s30 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultimate Remix Version Rev.2)" kof99s31 "Kof'99 (Bloody Edition 2016-04-09)" kof99s32 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix 2011-00-0?)" kof99s33 "Kof'99 (Combo Simplify 2018-09-03)" kof99s34 "Kof'99 (RPG 2013-12-30)" kof99s35 "Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2017-11-12)" kof99s36 "Kof'99 (EUR Version 2015-07-13)" kof99s37 "Kof'99 (Re-Spell Krizalid's Name While Waiting-Striker)" kof99s38 "Kof'99 (Fixed Life Bar V0)" kof99s39 "Kof'99 (Fixed Life Bar V1)" kof99s40 "Kof'99 (Fixed Life Bar V2)" kof99s41 "Kof'99 (Fixed Life Bar V3)" kof99s42 "Kof'99 (Fixed Life Bar V4)" kof99s43 "Kof'99 (Investment skills Hit)" kof99s44 "Kof'99 (Unlock Intensive Mode)" kof99s45 "Kof'99 (Enable Hidden Characters V1)" kof99s46 "Kof'99 (Enable Hidden Characters V2)" kof99s47 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Add Striker Move V1)" kof99s48 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Add Striker Move V2)" kof99s49 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Add Striker Move V3)" kof99s50 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Remove Shadow)" kof99s51 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Add Bosses' Portraits)" kof99s52 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Replace Krizalid's Portraits)" kof99s53 "Kof'99 (Hidden Characters - Add Krizalid's Moves)" kof99s54 "Kof'99 (Enhanced Counter & Armor Mode v1)" kof99s55 "Kof'99 (Enhanced Counter & Armor Mode v2)" kof99s56 "Kof'99 (Enhanced Counter & Armor Mode v3)" kof99s57 "Kof'99 (Get Maximum Power After Attack Or Being Attacked)" kof99s58 "Kof'99 (Get Maximum Power At Start Up)" kof99s59 "Kof'99 (Free Special Move)" kof99s60 "Kof'99 (Power Gauge Upgrade)" kof99s61 "Kof'99 (Free ST)" kof99s62 "Kof'99 (Add '97 Shavings Wind)" kof99s63 "Kof'99 (Change K's Moves)" kof99s64 "Kof'99 (Add Kyo's New Moves)" kof99s65 "Kof'99 (Yagami Temple Moves To Add)" kof99s66 "Kof'99 (7 Colors Version)" kof99s67 "Kof'99 (Color Change V1)" kof99s68 "Kof'99 (Color Change V2)" kof99s69 "Kof'99 (Color Change V3)" kof99s70 "Kof'99 (Color Change V4)" kof99s71 "Kof'99 (Icy Blue Style)" kof99s72 "Kof'99 (Bloody Red Style)" kof99s73 "Kof'99 (Fix Iori's Bug)" kof99s74 "Kof'99 (Fix Joe's Bug)" kof99s75 "Kof'99 (Fix Leona's Bug)" kof99s76 "Kof'99 (Enable Choosing Same One)" kof99s77 "Kof'99 (Change Athena's Move)" kof99s78 "Kof'99 (Enable Hidden Set)" kof99s79 "Kof'99 (Orochi)" kof99s80 "Kof'99 (Random Background)" kof99s81 "Kof'99 (Random Boss)" kof99s82 "Kof'99 (Dodge Imitation kof2000)" kof99s83 "Kof'99 (Dodge Imitation kof98)" kof99s84 "Kof'99 (Dodge Imitation kof98A)" kof99s85 "Kof'99 (Special Dialogue)" kof99s86 "Kof'99 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kof99s87 "Kof'99 (Robert Hidden Trick)" kof99s88 "Kof'99 (Evolution Ultra Remix 2011.12.20)" kof99s89 "Kof'99 (Simplify The Move Version)" kof99s90 "Kof'99 (DreamCast 1.0 2016-05-05)" kof99s91 "Kof'99 (DreamCast 1.2f)" kof99s92 "Kof'99 (Revolution CE 1.2)" kof99s93 "Kof'99 (Remix Pro 2.00f)" kof99s94 "Kof'99 (Evolutionary Balance)" kof99seh "Kof'99 (4 Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow)" kof99sp "Kof'99 (Super Plus)" kof99sr "Kof'99 (Summer Revolution)" kof99srr "Kof'99 (Super Remix Red)" kof99srr1 "Kof'99 (Super Remix Red Version)" kof99t "Kof'99 (Optimised Version For GOTVG 2014-08-29)" kof99the4 "Kof'99 (The 4 Flame Manipulators)(set 1)" kof99the42 "Kof'99 (The 4 Flame Manipulators)(set 2)" kof99vor "Kof'99 (Renewed version 2014-11-12)" kof99wet "Kof'99 (Colour set ?)" kof99wh1 "Kof'99 (Diff Moves)" kof99wh2 "Kof'99 (Diff Moves - v.02)" kof99wh3 "Kof'99 (Diff Moves - v.03)" kof99wh4 "Kof'99 (Diff Moves - v.04)" kof99xpsa "Kof'99 (00409 XPSLibrary alternate Andy striker voice Fix)" kof99xpsf "Kof'99 (00731 XPSLibrary final Fix 000409 - RS-ver)" kof99xpsp "Kof'99 (00731 XPSLibrary final Fix 000409)" kof99xxx "Kof'99 (Special Boss)" kof99y "Kof'99 (4 Add Char)" kof99yd "Kof'99 (Ultra kill start max)" kogd "King of Gladiator (The King of Fighters '97 bootleg)(fully decrypted)" kogf "King of Gladiator (Remove the mark of the screen)(Fix v3)" koggv "King of Gladiator (Green Fire edition)" kogmxpls "King of Gladiator mix Plus-EX (The King of Fighters '97 bootleg)" kogplus "King of Gladiator Plus (set 1)" kogplus1 "King of Gladiator Plus (set 2)" kogplusf "King of Gladiator Plus (Fixed Edition)" kogs01 "King of Gladiator (Out Of Order Timing)(Fix v1)" kogs02 "King of Gladiator (Pneumatic Accumulation Mode)(Fix v2)" kogs03 "King of Gladiator (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" kogs04 "King of Gladiator (Simplify The Move Version)" kogs05 "King of Gladiator (Colorful Version v1.5)" kogs06 "King of Gladiator (Color Change)" kogs07 "King of Gladiator (Violet Fire)" kogs08 "King of Gladiator (Icy Blue Style)" kogs09 "King of Gladiator (Valentine's Day And Red Fire)" kogs10 "King of Gladiator (Purple & Green Edition)" kogs11 "King of Gladiator (Add Chris's Purple Fire)" kogsm "King of Gladiator (Smoke Version v1.5 Fix)" konamigx "System GX" kong2600 "Donkey Kong (2600 graphics)" kotm "King of the Monsters (set 1)" kotmd "King of the Monsters (MGD2)" kov "Knights of Valour / Sanguo Zhan Ji / Sangoku Senki (ver. 117)" kov100s01 "Knights of Valour (Enhanced Power)(?)" kov115s01 "Knights of Valour (Enhanced Power XXXX-XX-XX)" kov115s02 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2018-8-12 Super Enhanced Version Of The Rom Energy Collector Version ---Corrected Version 2 Slow Version Of The Low Damage)" kov115s03 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2018-8-11 Reduce The Basic Perfect Version Of Damage. Zhang Lingjian Should Not Exceed 30 Combos)" kov115s04 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2018-8-11 Super Enhanced Version Rom Repair Zhuge Liang More Than 15 Level Small Sword Spike Soldier Can Not Gather Energy)(Set 1)" kov115s05 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2018-8-11 Super Enhanced Version Rom Repair Zhuge Liang More Than 15 Level Small Sword Spike Soldier Can Not Gather Energy)(Set 2)" kov115s06 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2018-8-12 Super Enhanced Version Of The Rom Energy Collector Quick Version --- Corrected Version 1 Restore Big Sword Damage)" kov115s07 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017-8-30 Reduce Damage To The Lowest Level Of Damage To The Three Countries)" kov115s08 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017-8-30 Reduce The Basic Perfect Version Of Damage. Zhang Lingjian Should Not Exceed 30 Combos)" kov115s09 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017-5-20 Super Enhanced Version Rom Repair Zhuge Liang More Than 15 Level Small Sword Spike Soldier Can Not Gather Energy)(Set 1)" kov115s10 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017-5-20 Super Enhanced Version Rom Repair Zhuge Liang More Than 15 Level Small Sword Spike Soldier Can Not Gather Energy)(Set 2)" kov115s11 "Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017 Super Enhanced Version)" kov115s12 "Knights of Valour (Unparalleled in the world 2016-09-26)" kov2 "Knights of Valour 2 / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 107, 102, 100HK)" kov2h01 "Knights of Valour 2 (Full Character Initial Equipment Full Weapon V2)" kov2h02 "Knights of Valour 2 (Easy Max Power, Hacks Alternate Set 01)" kov2h03 "Knights of Valour 2 (Boss,Hack Alternate Set)" kov2h04 "Knights of Valour 2 (Simple Version)" kov2h05 "Knights of Valour 2 (Easy Max Power, Life Max, Hacks Alternate Set 03)" kov2h06 "Knights of Valour 2 (Gods and Soldiers will be the second edition 2016-01-16)" kov2h07 "Knights of Valour 2 (Full Character Initial Equipment)" kov2h08 "Knights of Valour 2 (All Characters Initially Open All Skills)" kov2h09 "Knights of Valour 2 (Full Character Initial Equipment Full Weapon)" kov2h1 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Integrated version)(ver. M204XX, 200, 100CN)" kov2h10 "Knights of Valour 2 (Hidden Characters Are Fully Open)" kov2h11 "Knights of Valour 2 (Hidden Characters Full-Opening Reinforcements No Time Limit Props No Time Limit)" kov2h12 "Knights of Valour 2 (Frosty Edition 2017-02-04)" kov2h13 "Knights of Valour 2 (1v4 Edition 2018-07-12)" kov2h14 "Knights of Valour 2 (Full Attack Version 2016-08-17)" kov2h15 "Knights of Valour 2 (Unknown Hack Rev.1 2017-08-03)" kov2h16 "Knights of Valour 2 (Unknown Hack Rev.2 2017-06-28)" kov2h17 "Knights of Valour 2 (Unknown Hack Rev.3 2017-06-17)" kov2h18 "Knights of Valour 2 (Unknown Hack Rev.4 2017-06-18)" kov2h19 "Knights of Valour 2 (Unknown Hack Rev.5 2017-06-17)" kov2h2 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unknow Hack)(Set 01)" kov2h20 "Knights of Valour 2 (Unknown Hack Rev.6 2017-06-17)" kov2h3 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unparalleled beta)" kov2h4 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Changed Zhang Liao Edition)(ver. M204XX, 200, 100CN)" kov2h5 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unknow Hack)(Set 02)" kov2p "Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian / Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (ver. M205XX, 200, 100CN)" kov2p204s01 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Warlords Furious Hack Beta)(11/12/06)" kov2p204s02 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Warlords Furious Hack Beta)(20/12/06)" kov2p204s03 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Warlords Furious Hack Beta)(08/11/06)" kov2p204s04 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Warlords Original Hack v3.0)" kov2p204s05 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Fast Gas Collection)" kov2p204s06 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Enable Hidden Characters)" kov2p204s07 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Special Revision Moved Version)" kov2p204s08 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Gai Shi Wu Shen First Edition)" kov2p204s09 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (King Of the World V1.10)" kov2p204s10 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unrecognizable Version)" kov2p204s11 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Imitation 32 violent version)" kov2p204s12 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Military Commander vs. Zhenzhen Lubu)" kov2p204s13 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Metamorphosis Lu Bu Official Version)" kov2p204s14 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (BT Sun Quan)" kov2p204s15 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Metamorphosis Lu Bu And Other Versions)" kov2p204s16 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Tempest Counterattack Version Mid-Autumn Preview)" kov2p204s17 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (The Overall Revised Version)" kov2p204s18 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Positive Character Best Weapon & Negative Character Reinforcements)" kov2p204s19 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Authentic PLUX version V1.0)" kov2p204s20 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Authentic PLUX version V1.5)" kov2p204s21 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Enhanced Version V2.0)" kov2p204s22 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Qun Xiong Hegemony 204 Version Of The Super Modification)" kov2p204s23 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Enhanced Version V2.5)" kov2p204s24 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unlimited Props)" kov2p204s25 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Enhanced version V3.0)" kov2p204s26 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Military Division Enhanced Version)" kov2p204s27 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (There Is No Time Limit For Reinforcements)" kov2p204s28 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Quick Set Gas And Infinite Time Reinforcements Props Unlimited)" kov2p204s29 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Nine Dragons 2018-08-23)" kov2p204s31 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Zhen Lu Bu - Jun Lin Tianxia)" kov2p204s32 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Plus !!!)" kov2p204s33 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Max Power, Hacks Alternate Set 01)" kov2p204s34 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Plus Storm Version)" kov2p204s35 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Add character, Max Power, Max Live)" kov2p204s36 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Magic Weapon Updated Version 2016-08-01)" kov2p204s37 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Magic Weapon Updated Version 2016-10-26)" kov2p204s38 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Flying Dragons in the sky 2016-05-05)" kov2p204s39 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unparalleled Groups 51 New Edition 2016-04-30)" kov2p204s40 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (The New World Matchless Situation 2016-02-01)" kov2p204s41 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Wushuang Qunying Second Edition 2016-01-16)" kov2p204s42 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Sweeping the Second Army 2016-01-17)" kov2p204s43 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Unrecognizable 2016-01-17)" kov2p204s44 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 03)" kov2p204s45 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Fluttering in the world 2016-01-02)(Set 04)" kov2p204s46 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 05)" kov2p204s47 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (San Guo Wu Shuang)" kov2p204s48 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Gai Shi Wu Shuang 2016)" kov2p204s49 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Feng Ye Dai Bi)" kov2p204s51 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Imitation 32 Storm Version)" kov2p204s52 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Qun Mo Luan Wu Fu Mo Edition)" kov2p204s53 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Ming Yue Hua Cai)" kov2p204s54 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Tian Wai Shen Bing)" kov2p204s55 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 06)" kov2p204s56 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (San Guo Wu Shuang 2018 2018-06-14)" kov2p204s57 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Maple Leafwriting 2018-01-22)" kov2p204s58 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Thunder 2017-02-07)" kov2p204s59 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Gesang Musou 2016 2017-02-07)" kov2p204s60 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Qun Ying 2018)" kov2p204s61 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Gai Shi Wu Shuang 2018 2018-06-13)" kov2p204s62 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Maple Leaf Yuanqing 2018-07-27)" kov2p204s63 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Jun Lin Tianxia Update 2016-11-27)" kov2p204s64 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Ling Hun Bo Li 2018-09-27)" kov2p204s65 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Yi Tong Qun Xiong)" kov2p204s66 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Shen Yuan Qun Ying)" kov2p204s67 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Gai Shi Wu Shen New 2 2016-01-16)" kov2p204s68 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (2p full attack version 2016-10-17)" kov2p204s69 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (King of the world 2016-08-25)" kov2p204s70 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (King of the world 2016-10-26)" kov2p204s71 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Plus 2016-10-27)" kov2p204s72 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Full attack version 2016-10-26)" kov2p204s73 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Update 2016-11-25)" kov2p204s74 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Full attack version Updated 2016-11-21)" kov2p204s75 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (No Pairs English Update 2016-11-28)" kov2p204s76 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Heroes of the World 2016 2016-11-23)" kov2p204s77 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (The new world 2016-11-22)" kov2p204s78 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Gods weapon update version 2016-11-23)" kov2p204s79 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Hero Edition 2016-11-25)" kov2p204s80 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (World Warriors 2016 2018-07-27)" kov2p204s81 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (World Warriors Perfect Edition 2018-08-18)" kov2p204s82 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Fengwu Dragon 2018-04-11)" kov2p204s83 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Days of Falling Soldiers - Legend of Kowloon 2018-09-22)" kov2p204s84 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Kowloon Legend 2018-09-24)" kov2p204s85 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Soul Stripping 2018-10-30)" kov2p204s86 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Shenwu Legend 2019 2019-01-20)" kov2p204s87 "Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Cangtian Route 2019-01-20)" kovassg "Knights of Valour: Aoshi Sanguo / Sangoku Senki: Aoshi Sanguo (ver. 315CN)" kovph1 "Knights of Valour Plus 2007 (Hack set 1)" kovph12 "Knights of Valour Plus (New Year gift revision)" kovph13 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hack set 13)" kovph14 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hack set 14)" kovph15 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hack set 15)" kovph17 "Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Hack set 17)" kovph18 "Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Hack set 18)" kovph2 "Knights of Valour Plus (The world's third test version 1.16)" kovph24 "Knights of Valour Plus (Rich World Perfect Edition)" kovph25 "Knights of Valour Plus (Rise from the ashes)" kovph3 "Knights of Valour Plus (948 Takes he ordinary road official version A)" kovph4 "Knights of Valour Plus 2006 (Hack set 4)" kovph5 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hack set 5)" kovph6 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2006 Competitions V0.97)" kovph8 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hack set 8)" kovplus "Knights of Valour Plus / Sanguo Zhan Ji Zhengzong Plus / Sangoku Senki Masamune Plus (ver. 119, set 1)" kovplusas01 "Knights of Valour Plus (Enhanced Power)" kovpluss01 "Knights of Valour Plus (Lock Four-Player Mode)" kovpluss02 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms War Edition 2012 Unparalleled version (Youju Edition))" kovpluss03 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars Authentic (Travel Edition))" kovpluss04 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars 2013 Yu Feng Edition)" kovpluss05 "Knights of Valour Plus (Forced Into The Burst Sword Room)" kovpluss06 "Knights of Valour Plus (948 Takes The Unusual Road)" kovpluss07 "Knights of Valour Plus (Cao Cao 4 People?)" kovpluss08 "Knights of Valour Plus (Battle Of Chibi)(Wei Wu Wu will Fight)" kovpluss09 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wind Clouds Chung Feng Front)" kovpluss10 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fang Yue·Magic Rain)" kovpluss100 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zhao Yun Edition)" kovpluss101 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zhao Yun Enhanced Version)" kovpluss102 "Knights of Valour Plus (119 Color Modified Version)" kovpluss103 "Knights of Valour Plus (Person Color Replacement)" kovpluss104 "Knights of Valour Plus (Character Color Replacement (Alt))" kovpluss105 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three King Color Version)" kovpluss106 "Knights of Valour Plus (Four Swords Colored Version)" kovpluss107 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zhao Yun: White)" kovpluss108 "Knights of Valour Plus (Simulator Bug Is Fully Repaired)" kovpluss109 "Knights of Valour Plus (Problem Fix-Original Bug Repair)" kovpluss11 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fang Yue·Magic Rain Battle Mode)" kovpluss110 "Knights of Valour Plus (Prop Picture Repair)" kovpluss111 "Knights of Valour Plus (Military Commander)" kovpluss112 "Knights of Valour Plus (Plus P1)" kovpluss113 "Knights of Valour Plus (Plus SP2)" kovpluss114 "Knights of Valour Plus (Revised SP1 / SP2)" kovpluss115 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Warriors 2015 Amazing Change purgatory)" kovpluss116 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Gods Warriors 2016)" kovpluss117 "Knights of Valour Plus (Enable Choosing Same One)" kovpluss118 "Knights of Valour Plus (Full Character Four Swords)" kovpluss119 "Knights of Valour Plus (Ship Sailor Version)" kovpluss12 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hong Wave Filled)" kovpluss120 "Knights of Valour Plus (Kotomira Version)" kovpluss121 "Knights of Valour Plus (Liu Bei Rev Final SP1 1.0)" kovpluss122 "Knights of Valour Plus (Liu Version 2.0)" kovpluss123 "Knights of Valour Plus (Lu Bu version)" kovpluss124 "Knights of Valour Plus (Perfect Lu Bu Version)(Internal Version)" kovpluss125 "Knights of Valour Plus (Perfect Lu Bu Version)" kovpluss126 "Knights of Valour Plus (Lu Xun 119 Edition)" kovpluss127 "Knights of Valour Plus (Meng You Edition)" kovpluss128 "Knights of Valour Plus (Horse Thief Yue Ji Revision)" kovpluss129 "Knights of Valour Plus (Guan Zhaoma innocent people)" kovpluss13 "Knights of Valour Plus (Cao Corrected Version)" kovpluss130 "Knights of Valour Plus (Blue Dragon Leopard)" kovpluss131 "Knights of Valour Plus (Ninja And Iron Armor)" kovpluss132 "Knights of Valour Plus (Double Can Take Four Swords)" kovpluss133 "Knights of Valour Plus (Iron Armor Revision)" kovpluss134 "Knights of Valour Plus (Release Miscellaneous Goods Limit)" kovpluss135 "Knights of Valour Plus (Life Is Not Reduced)" kovpluss136 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wei Yan Is Here, Perfect Revision)" kovpluss137 "Knights of Valour Plus (King Of The Lord)" kovpluss138 "Knights of Valour Plus (Xiahou II)" kovpluss139 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zhao Yun Brush Version)" kovpluss14 "Knights of Valour Plus (New Work Un The Three Kingdoms - Who Is The Deer?)" kovpluss140 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zhao Yunchao Optimization)" kovpluss141 "Knights of Valour Plus (Resolution FZ Hack)" kovpluss142 "Knights of Valour Plus (FZ & Bobo Advertising Version)" kovpluss143 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Warriors 2015)" kovpluss144 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Warriors 2015 Unparalleled Purgatory)" kovpluss145 "Knights of Valour Plus (King Of The Three King Spike The New Version)" kovpluss146 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms War Authentic BAKA)" kovpluss147 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars)" kovpluss148 "Knights of Valour Plus (Warring States Nightmare Origin Of Zero)" kovpluss149 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms War Riboud Legend)" kovpluss15 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Miss)" kovpluss150 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms God of Wars Musou 2015)" kovpluss151 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fractional Defense Energy Enhancement)" kovpluss152 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms War Valkyrie Come)" kovpluss153 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms 2017 Unparalleled Version)" kovpluss154 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars 2017 Musou version)" kovpluss155 "Knights of Valour Plus (The Three Kingdoms Great God Road 2016-09-27)" kovpluss156 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms War Ares 2016 Color Correction Version)" kovpluss157 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Ares 2016 Heroes 2 New Version)" kovpluss158 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic King)" kovpluss159 "Knights of Valour Plus (The Three Kingdoms War, The Three Kingdoms Of The Dead)" kovpluss16 "Knights of Valour Plus (Double Child Birthday Special Edition (12.17))" kovpluss160 "Knights of Valour Plus (War Of The Three Kingdoms Warrior Edge)" kovpluss161 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms 2016 Unparalleled Flurry New)(Alt)" kovpluss162 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Jiqin Double Love 2015 Enhanced Version)" kovpluss163 "Knights of Valour Plus (Full Half Ice Condition)" kovpluss164 "Knights of Valour Plus (War Of The Three Kingdoms 2015 Nightmare Advent)" kovpluss165 "Knights of Valour Plus (Yu Feng 2013)" kovpluss166 "Knights of Valour Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 01)" kovpluss167 "Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Authentic Nightmare Come)" kovpluss168 "Knights of Valour Plus (Orthodox 2012 Nightmare 2015-12-23)" kovpluss169 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wars Musou 2012-07-12)" kovpluss17 "Knights of Valour Plus (Really Flurry Super Special Edition)" kovpluss170 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2015 Nightmare 2015-07-07)" kovpluss171 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2015 2015-01-10)" kovpluss172 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wars Musou 2015 2015-08-09)" kovpluss173 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms 2016 Unparalleled Flurry New)" kovpluss174 "Knights of Valour Plus (Nightmare Coming 2016 2016-03-18)" kovpluss175 "Knights of Valour Plus (2015 Authentic Six Swords Legend 2015-12-23)" kovpluss176 "Knights of Valour Plus (2015 Final Edition 2015-08-18)" kovpluss177 "Knights of Valour Plus (2016 Final Edition 2016-06-18)" kovpluss178 "Knights of Valour Plus (Shadow Three Kingdoms 2016-02-23)" kovpluss179 "Knights of Valour Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 03)" kovpluss18 "Knights of Valour Plus (Super 1.0)" kovpluss180 "Knights of Valour Plus (Sanguozhanji Savior 2016-01-08)" kovpluss181 "Knights of Valour Plus (Nightmare Origins Zero 2016-01-05)(Hacks Alt 01)" kovpluss182 "Knights of Valour Plus (Sanguozhanji Authentic King Spike 2016-02-01)" kovpluss184 "Knights of Valour Plus (Dragon World 2015-12-29)" kovpluss185 "Knights of Valour Plus (Riboud Sanguozhanji Legend Of Lu Bu 2015-12-29)" kovpluss186 "Knights of Valour Plus (Riboud Sanguozhanji Troubled Times Of Lu Bu 2016-03-03)" kovpluss187 "Knights of Valour Plus (Musou 2015 Unparalleled Purgatory 2015-12-23)" kovpluss188 "Knights of Valour Plus (Musou 2015 Variety Purgatory 2015-12-23)" kovpluss189 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Moxie Legend 2015-12-23)" kovpluss19 "Knights of Valour Plus (Who Is Fighting For The Wind?)" kovpluss190 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Mo Sword 2015-12-23)" kovpluss191 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double Love 2015 Enhanced Edition 2015-08-26)" kovpluss192 "Knights of Valour Plus (Add New character, New Boss Start, Max Power)(Hacks Alt 03)" kovpluss193 "Knights of Valour Plus (Add New character, Max Power)(Hacks Alt 05)" kovpluss194 "Knights of Valour Plus (Sanguozhanji Shu Renaissance 2016-01-06)" kovpluss195 "Knights of Valour Plus (The Three Kingdoms of the Dead 2014-10-04)" kovpluss196 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wu Chuan Wei Sanguozhanji 2015 2015-12-29)" kovpluss197 "Knights of Valour Plus (Five Elements Reversal 2015-12-29)" kovpluss198 "Knights of Valour Plus (Sanguozhanji Brave Edge 2016-01-08)" kovpluss199 "Knights of Valour Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 04)" kovpluss20 "Knights of Valour Plus (Shu Complex Letter (Hidden Character Version))" kovpluss200 "Knights of Valour Plus (God of War Musou 2015 2015-12-30)" kovpluss201 "Knights of Valour Plus (God of War Musou 2016 2016-01-30)" kovpluss202 "Knights of Valour Plus (Liu Bei)(Repaired)" kovpluss203 "Knights of Valour Plus (Kings Smash New Version 2016-09-27)" kovpluss204 "Knights of Valour Plus (2015 Authentic Nightmare Edicion)" kovpluss205 "Knights of Valour Plus (Piano Double Boss)" kovpluss206 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double True Hero Love War 2016)" kovpluss207 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars 2015 Variety purgatory)" kovpluss208 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars A948 World Hegemony)" kovpluss209 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars Evil Feng Liu Bei Battle)" kovpluss21 "Knights of Valour Plus (Legend Of Evil Phoenix, True Unparalleled Dance, And The Sublimation Of Feng)" kovpluss211 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars Moye Fly Overhead)" kovpluss212 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars Moye Sword 1)" kovpluss213 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars Moye Sword 2)" kovpluss214 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Wars Unparalleled Flurry 2016)" kovpluss215 "Knights of Valour Plus (World Series Tour Poly Edition 2015 2015-07-01)" kovpluss216 "Knights of Valour Plus (Excepcional)" kovpluss219 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fighting To Death)(Alt)" kovpluss22 "Knights of Valour Plus (Evil Phoenix Battle)" kovpluss220 "Knights of Valour Plus (Double Qin Double Dominate The World Special Edition)" kovpluss221 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2008)(Bug Fix Edition))" kovpluss222 "Knights of Valour Plus (New Year kiss version 1.12)(active version)" kovpluss223 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2008 Revision)" kovpluss224 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2007)" kovpluss225 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2008 Group Dances Test Version)" kovpluss226 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2009)" kovpluss228 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double Dominant World 0.518 (alt))" kovpluss229 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double Love Dominate The World Second Version)" kovpluss23 "Knights of Valour Plus (Evil Phoenix Battle 2006 Special Edition)" kovpluss230 "Knights of Valour Plus (Double Qin Double Situation Dominate The World Official Version)" kovpluss231 "Knights of Valour Plus (Sima Thief)" kovpluss232 "Knights of Valour Plus (True Group Dance v2.0 final Version)" kovpluss233 "Knights of Valour Plus (Really Unparalleled And Crowded. Rev Final SP1)" kovpluss234 "Knights of Valour Plus (Really Unparalleled, Group Dance, The Sublimation Of Maple, The Final Restoration)" kovpluss235 "Knights of Valour Plus (Small version)" kovpluss236 "Knights of Valour Plus (Bear Dominates The World)" kovpluss239 "Knights of Valour Plus (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 05)" kovpluss24 "Knights of Valour Plus (New Third Of The World)" kovpluss240 "Knights of Valour Plus (Chinese Luxun Hack)" kovpluss241 "Knights of Valour Plus (Plus 2007 FZ Hack)" kovpluss242 "Knights of Valour Plus (Enhanced Version)(Alt)" kovpluss243 "Knights of Valour Plus (Xin Lin Hack)" kovpluss244 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hero Chinese Hack)" kovpluss245 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hack Rev Final (FZ))" kovpluss246 "Knights of Valour Plus (Combo Hack)" kovpluss247 "Knights of Valour Plus (Warlord Revival)" kovpluss248 "Knights of Valour Plus (Death Dead)" kovpluss249 "Knights of Valour Plus (Battle Of Red Cliff (Wei Wu generals battle))" kovpluss25 "Knights of Valour Plus (Knife Shield Yong)" kovpluss250 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Miss)(Alt)" kovpluss251 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Tour Gatherings)" kovpluss252 "Knights of Valour Plus (Double Qin Double Dominate The World (Alt))" kovpluss253 "Knights of Valour Plus (Soldier Version)" kovpluss254 "Knights of Valour Plus (Warring States Three Kingdoms)" kovpluss255 "Knights of Valour Plus (Repair Hack Image V3)" kovpluss256 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fangyue Magic Rain 2016 Edition 2016-04-12)" kovpluss257 "Knights of Valour Plus (Group Edition 2016 Edition 2016-04-12)" kovpluss258 "Knights of Valour Plus (Revived 2016 Edition 2016-04-12)" kovpluss259 "Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Update Original 2016-12-19)" kovpluss26 "Knights of Valour Plus (Crazy Zhang Liao)" kovpluss263 "Knights of Valour Plus (Ares ST Enhanced Edition 2017-01-28)" kovpluss264 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Ares St Dragon World Test 2017-07-12)" kovpluss265 "Knights of Valour Plus (Ares ST strengthen 1V4 2017-01-28)" kovpluss267 "Knights of Valour Plus (Battle Of Chibi 2017-02-10)" kovpluss268 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Centuries 2017-02-10)" kovpluss269 "Knights of Valour Plus (Dragon Finch Update 2017-05-16)" kovpluss27 "Knights of Valour Plus (Imitate the World Edition (Test))" kovpluss270 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wars 2018-05-14)" kovpluss275 "Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Edition Of The Unparalleled Update 2017-04-01)" kovpluss276 "Knights of Valour Plus (Beer Dream 2017-04-01)" kovpluss277 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Nightmare S)" kovpluss28 "Knights of Valour Plus (Memory Version)" kovpluss280 "Knights of Valour Plus (king Spike)(Ver.?)" kovpluss281 "Knights of Valour Plus (E Meng Jiang Lin 2014)(Ver.?)" kovpluss282 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wu Shuang 2012 Edition 2017)" kovpluss283 "Knights of Valour Plus (Single Rider Savior 2018-08-03)" kovpluss285 "Knights of Valour Plus (Jifang Moon Magic Rain link)" kovpluss286 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hong Bo Fu Wang 2018-08-14)" kovpluss287 "Knights of Valour Plus (Huo Long Hu Ti)" kovpluss288 "Knights of Valour Plus (Undead Spikes 2016-09-15)" kovpluss289 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic BAKA 2016-08-12)" kovpluss29 "Knights of Valour Plus (Forced To Enter Jingzhou)" kovpluss290 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic PLUS Eight Gods Edition 2016-08-16)" kovpluss291 "Knights of Valour Plus (Original Version Completely Repaired The Bug Version 2016-09-19)" kovpluss292 "Knights of Valour Plus (God of War is unparalleled 2016-01-14)" kovpluss293 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hegemony 2015-07-14)" kovpluss294 "Knights of Valour Plus (Five Elements Reversed Steam Express 2010-01-22)" kovpluss295 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zhuge rainy seconds boss + Zilong Zhuque + characters refueling admission 2016-09-25)" kovpluss296 "Knights of Valour Plus (Unlimited gas + infinite card Tianshu + can take 4 swords, etc. 2010-12-17)" kovpluss297 "Knights of Valour Plus (Soldier double infinity unlimited book 2014-04-03)" kovpluss298 "Knights of Valour Plus (Liu Bei Legend New Edition 2015-07-14)" kovpluss299 "Knights of Valour Plus (Edition of the Three Kingdoms War 2015-01-14)" kovpluss30 "Knights of Valour Plus (New Year kiss version ?)" kovpluss300 "Knights of Valour Plus (Is proud of the group 2015-01-14)" kovpluss301 "Knights of Valour Plus (Single Ride Savior Repair 2015-02-04)" kovpluss302 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double Love 2015-02-13)" kovpluss303 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double Love 2016-01-01)" kovpluss304 "Knights of Valour Plus (2015-12-28)" kovpluss305 "Knights of Valour Plus (Six Swords Legend 2015 2016-10-19)" kovpluss306 "Knights of Valour Plus (2016 Final Remastered Edition 2016-10-19)" kovpluss307 "Knights of Valour Plus (A948 2016 Edition 2016-08-30)" kovpluss308 "Knights of Valour Plus (1V4 2016-10-14)" kovpluss309 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms 2016-09-27)" kovpluss31 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Miss Beta)" kovpluss310 "Knights of Valour Plus (Dragon Suzaku 2nd Edition 2016-10-05)" kovpluss311 "Knights of Valour Plus (Zilong Suzaku 2016-09-27)" kovpluss312 "Knights of Valour Plus (Ares 2016 Final Edition 2016-09-27)" kovpluss313 "Knights of Valour Plus (2017 Musou version 2016-11-18)" kovpluss316 "Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Series A 2018-08-23)" kovpluss317 "Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Series B 2018-07-15)" kovpluss319 "Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Days Next 2018 New Edition 2018-05-18)" kovpluss32 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wei Wuchuan 2016 Edition 2016-04-12)" kovpluss320 "Knights of Valour Plus (Single Ride Savior 2018 Final Edition 2018-03-08)" kovpluss321 "Knights of Valour Plus (Great God Road 2018 Final Edition 2018-07-11)" kovpluss322 "Knights of Valour Plus (Hongbo Falling 2018 2018-09-04)" kovpluss323 "Knights of Valour Plus (Small Soldiers Series A 2018-12-06)" kovpluss324 "Knights of Valour Plus (Small Soldiers Series B 2018-12-06)" kovpluss325 "Knights of Valour Plus (Small Soldiers Series C 2018-12-06)" kovpluss326 "Knights of Valour Plus (Small Soldiers Series D 2018-12-06)" kovpluss33 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Miss 2016 Edition 2016-04-12)" kovpluss34 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2008 (Bug Fix Edition))" kovpluss35 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Hacks Tour Together Enhanced Version)" kovpluss36 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2007 Super Simple BT Version)" kovpluss37 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2008 Revised Edition)" kovpluss38 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2010 Wei Wu Generals Again)" kovpluss39 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2011)" kovpluss40 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 (Old Version))" kovpluss41 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Nightmare Version Swim Gather Version)" kovpluss42 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Nightmare Version (Old Version))" kovpluss43 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Nightmare April New Version)" kovpluss44 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Nightmare Version 2013.11 Month Edition)" kovpluss45 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 Unparalleled Version Of Tour Gather)" kovpluss46 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2019)" kovpluss47 "Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic Enhanced Version)" kovpluss48 "Knights of Valour Plus (Who Is The Deer Dead (National Day Edition))" kovpluss49 "Knights of Valour Plus (Gone With The World War - Libu)" kovpluss50 "Knights of Valour Plus (Dragon And The World)" kovpluss51 "Knights of Valour Plus (Open The Magic Zhang Gas Tank Will Kill)" kovpluss52 "Knights of Valour Plus (Newcomer Modified Version)" kovpluss53 "Knights of Valour Plus (Style Moves Revision )" kovpluss54 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qin Double, Love, Dominate The World)" kovpluss55 "Knights of Valour Plus (Double Qin Double Dominate The World To Commemorate The Special Edition)" kovpluss56 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fushu Flutter Official Version D)" kovpluss57 "Knights of Valour Plus (Flock Male Flurry Official Version D5)" kovpluss58 "Knights of Valour Plus (Qunying Edition Rev Final SP2)" kovpluss59 "Knights of Valour Plus (Imitation Fengyun Correction)" kovpluss60 "Knights of Valour Plus (Single Into The Fire Sword Chamber)" kovpluss61 "Knights of Valour Plus (Single Into The Secret Room)" kovpluss62 "Knights of Valour Plus (Chaotic Dance Special Edition)" kovpluss63 "Knights of Valour Plus (Enable Test Mode Y Enhanced Power)" kovpluss64 "Knights of Valour Plus (Super)" kovpluss65 "Knights of Valour Plus (Shu Revival Experience Version)" kovpluss66 "Knights of Valour Plus (Repair The Third Dead Machine)" kovpluss67 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars - The World Under A New Version)" kovpluss68 "Knights of Valour Plus (948 Take Ordinary Road Warriors,The Military Commander)" kovpluss69 "Knights of Valour Plus (Proud Of The Heroes)" kovpluss70 "Knights of Valour Plus (Fighting Generals Fight)" kovpluss71 "Knights of Valour Plus (Evil Wind Against The War)" kovpluss72 "Knights of Valour Plus (Legend Of Evil Feng Warriors Fushuang Feng Sublimation)" kovpluss73 "Knights of Valour Plus (Really War Of The Flies Fluttering The Three Kingdoms West Tour Fix It)" kovpluss74 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wei Wuchuan Of The Three Kingdoms)" kovpluss75 "Knights of Valour Plus (Royal Sword Flight)" kovpluss76 "Knights of Valour Plus (Dynasty Warriors Warriors Second Edition)" kovpluss77 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms War Rider Savior)" kovpluss78 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars Authentic Plus Moxie Legend)" kovpluss79 "Knights of Valour Plus (Imitation Turmoil)" kovpluss80 "Knights of Valour Plus (Gas Gathering fast)" kovpluss81 "Knights of Valour Plus (Super Plus)" kovpluss82 "Knights of Valour Plus (All Explosive Style Open)" kovpluss83 "Knights of Valour Plus (Variation Kong Ming)" kovpluss84 "Knights of Valour Plus (Metamorphosis Guanyu Edition)" kovpluss85 "Knights of Valour Plus (Metamorphosis GuanYu Second Edition)" kovpluss86 "Knights of Valour Plus (Huang Zhong Edition Is Absolute Nightmare)" kovpluss87 "Knights of Valour Plus (Troubled Times)" kovpluss88 "Knights of Valour Plus (Chaos Double British)" kovpluss89 "Knights of Valour Plus (Ma Chao Version?)" kovpluss90 "Knights of Valour Plus (Massive Dance)" kovpluss91 "Knights of Valour Plus (Three Kingdoms Unknown Edition)" kovpluss92 "Knights of Valour Plus (Super Zhuge Liang)" kovpluss93 "Knights of Valour Plus (Super Moves Version)" kovpluss94 "Knights of Valour Plus (Five Tigers Will Be Flurry)" kovpluss95 "Knights of Valour Plus (Wei Yan - Zhao Yun Flurry)" kovpluss96 "Knights of Valour Plus (Righteous Spirit)" kovpluss97 "Knights of Valour Plus (Metamorphosis Zhang Liao First Edition)" kovpluss98 "Knights of Valour Plus (Metamorphosis Zhang Liao Second Edition)" kovpluss99 "Knights of Valour Plus (Metamorphosis Zhang Liao Third Edition)" kovqhsgs01 "Quanhuang Sanguo Tebie Ban (Three Kingdoms Wars - Edición especial de King of Fighters (¿alt?))" kovqhsgs02 "Quanhuang Sanguo Tebie Ban (4 Times Sent Out Test)" kovqhsgs03 "Quanhuang Sanguo Tebie Ban (Four Swords Legend)" kovsgqyzc "Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (bootleg, set 4)" kovsh "Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sanguo Zhan Ji Fengyun Zaiqi / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (ver. 104, CN)" kovsh1 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fix Beta 2)" kovsh11 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 11)" kovsh18 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Q version of the Three Kingdoms G2)" kovsh19 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 19)" kovsh2 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 2)" kovsh3 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 3)" kovsh5 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 5)" kovsh6 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 6)" kovsh7 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 7)" kovsh8 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Hack set 8)" kovsho01 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (In the troubled times, Xiongxiong strengthened the 1.8 reinforcements and did not crash. 01 2015-02-15)" kovsho02 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled people in the world to strengthen the 1.9 reinforcements without a crash 2014-08-29)" kovsho03 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Lawrence of chaos Sanguozhanji Enhanced Version Of 2014)" kovsho04 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Troubled Times Enhanced Version Taiping)" kovsho05 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (the Pacific World, The Pro Version, The Second Edition 2016-05-11)" kovsho06 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Troubled Times Lawrence Of The New Enhanced Version Fifty-One 2nd Edition 2016-05-05)" kovsho07 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Troubled Times Enhanced Version Kof 94/95 Set 01)" kovsho08 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Troubled Times Enhanced Version Kof 94/95 Set 02)" kovsho09 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Troubled Times Lawrence Of Version 103 2016-06-08)" kovsho10 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Troubled Times Enhanced Version Kof 94/95 Set 03)" kovsho11 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three)" kovsho12 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Ying Xiong 2.8 - E Meng Edition 2018-03-31)" kovsho13 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Plus 2018 2018-01-13)" kovsho14 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Tai Pin Lun Shi)" kovsho16 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Chaos of the World)" kovsho17 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.2)" kovsho18 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.3 XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho19 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled World Plus 1.4)" kovsho20 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troublesome Plus 1.4)(Fix)" kovsho21 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Plus 1.5)" kovsho22 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Plus 1.5)(Ver. 2)" kovsho28 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Q Version Of The Three Kingdoms (First Edition?))" kovsho29 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Q version Of The Three Kingdoms (Old Version))" kovsho30 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Q Version Of The Three Kingdoms G5 Beta)" kovsho31 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Rockman G)" kovsho32 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Break Four Strokes One Style: Unlimited)" kovsho33 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Red Clothes Zhao Yun XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho34 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Blue Zhao Yun XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho35 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (In The Chaos Of The World, The Four Big Black Characters Plus The Switch)" kovsho36 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Fractional Micro Repair XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho37 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Score Defense Enhancement XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho38 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Solve The Invincible Soldier)" kovsho40 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars - Heroes of the World 2.4)(Alt)" kovsho41 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars - Heroes of the World 2.6)(Alt)" kovsho42 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Heroes 6.21)" kovsho43 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Energy Free XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho44 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Sima Yi Recruited Conditional Repair XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho45 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Immortal Pen Change Probability Change)" kovsho46 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Immortal Pen Change Probability Change 2)" kovsho47 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars Tour version)" kovsho48 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.3)" kovsho49 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.6)" kovsho50 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled World Plus 1.7 Tour Edition)" kovsho51 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled World Plus Edition 1.8 Three Kingdoms Westward Tour)" kovsho52 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Red clothes Zhao Yun)" kovsho53 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Blue Zhao Yun)" kovsho54 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Chaotic World Four Big Black Characters Plus Switch)" kovsho55 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Fractional Micro Repair)" kovsho56 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Score Defense Enhancement)" kovsho57 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Solve The Invincible Soldier XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho58 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled In The World)" kovsho59 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Energy Free)" kovsho60 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Sima Yi Recruited Conditional Repair)" kovsho61 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Three Kingdoms Wars Unified Central Plains)" kovsho62 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.6 XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho63 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Chaos)" kovsho64 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.2 XXXX-XX-XX)" kovsho65 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 1.4)" kovsho66 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Three Kingdoms Wars Taiping Chaos 2016-03-18)" kovsho67 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Ne Zhe Huo Lun 2018-01-12)" kovsho68 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times, Gods, Dusk, Dawn 2017-10-12)" kovsho69 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Chaos Xiongxiong Zhao Zilong Edition 2017-10-25)" kovsho70 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Tai Pin Lun Shi 2017-12-31)" kovsho71 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Chaos Of The Gods Dusk 2017-01-08)" kovsho72 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Turbulent World 1v4 Strengthen 2016 2016-12-26)" kovsho73 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Sweeping Thousands Of Troops 2018-03-07)" kovsho74 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Memorial Gods Dusk Update 2017-03-22)" kovsho75 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Heroes Series 2017-08-01)" kovsho76 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Heroes Series 2017-08-0X)" kovsho77 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Heroes Series 2017-08-XX)" kovsho78 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Zhu Shen Huang Hun Li Ming Edition 2018-05-16)" kovsho79 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (In The Chaos Of The World Are The Latest 2018-04-11)" kovsho81 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Enhanced version 2 2015-12-11)" kovsho82 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The World Wars 2015-12-30)" kovsho83 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Nightmare Edition + 1V4 Super Edition, 3rd Edition 2016-07-01)" kovsho84 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Heroes Nightmare Edition 2016-07-02)" kovsho85 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Chaotic hero god cloud VS dog god 2018-08-27)" kovsho86 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Zhao Zilong Edition Update 2018-09-09)" kovsho87 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Plus 2018 2018-08-12)" kovsho88 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Blood Zhao Yun update 2018-09-22)" kovsho89 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Survival new version 2018-02-23)" kovsho90 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Tianwang version 2018-09-14)" kovsho91 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Qunxiong New Version 2018-09-05)" kovsho92 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Qunxiong New Version 2019-02-16)" kovshp "Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sanguo Zhan Ji Luanshi Xiaoxiong (ver. 101)" kovshs01 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (FY 2016 4th Edition)" kovshs02 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 01)" kovshs03 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Unknow Hacks)" kovshs04 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Three Wars Revival Original 2016 Remake)" kovshs05 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Three Wars Chaotic Situation 3 Mode)" kovshs06 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Zhao Mystery)" kovshs07 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Evil Fantasy Dance - Return of Valkyrie Olympic Commemorative Edition)" kovshs08 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fix Beta 1)" kovshs09 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True And Chaotic Days 6.5 Beautiful Event Version)" kovshs10 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun 2016 6th Edition 2016-07-14)" kovshs103 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Lu Xun Xu Zhuan Enhanced Edition)" kovshs104 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Cat knife Test)" kovshs105 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Legend Of Yuehua)" kovshs106 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun 2016 3rd Edition 2016-04-14)" kovshs108 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun 2016 Update 2017 Edition 2 2017-01-26)" kovshs109 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun 2016 Update 2017 Edition 2017-01-20)" kovshs11 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Generals True Hero Unparalleled Flurry)" kovshs110 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Feng Yun Zai Qi Yue Hua Chuan Shuo 2015-11-05)" kovshs111 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Zhu Lu Zhong Yuan 2018-03-07)" kovshs112 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Wang Zhe Zhi Zhan Double Dragon)" kovshs114 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun 2016 Final Edition 2016-09-01)" kovshs115 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun 2016 Final Edition 2 2016-09-10)" kovshs116 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fengyun Street Fighter 2016 2016-10-06)" kovshs117 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Central Plains Defeat the World 2018-12-01)" kovshs118 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Five Swords Edition 2018-12-03)" kovshs119 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Central Plains 2019-01-02)" kovshs12 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Sango Fighter Three)" kovshs13 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Sango Fighter Zero Chunli)" kovshs15 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Sanguozhanji FY 2016)" kovshs16 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 03)" kovshs17 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Feng Yun Zai Qi Xin Si Jian Chuan Shuo 2015-11-05)" kovshs18 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Character Selection Fatal Fury/Kof)" kovshs19 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Sanguozhanji Revival Really Troubled Heroes 2016-02-15)" kovshs20 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Sanguozhanji Revival New Heroes Troubled Times 2015-08-24)" kovshs21 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Storm, the Rise of the World 2015-11-27)" kovshs22 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Enhanced Power)" kovshs23 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Kof Robert Version)" kovshs24 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Legend Of The God Of War)" kovshs25 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Boss Battle Version)" kovshs26 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Crazy Cloud Renewed New Year's Day Special Edition)" kovshs27 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Mad Cloud Renews New Year's Day Special Edition Invincible Soldier Repair Edition)" kovshs28 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Crazy Cloud Renewed New Year's Day Invincible Version Of Invincible)" kovshs29 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Xiefeng Tian Chi Wu Hegemony)(2010-11-12)" kovshs30 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Xie Feng Tianchi (V106) B3 Revised Version)" kovshs31 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Xie Feng Tian Chi B4)" kovshs32 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Huang Yueying ?)" kovshs33 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Huang Yueying Upgraded Version)" kovshs34 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Chaos Of The World 3.25)" kovshs35 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Super Enhanced Version)" kovshs36 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Chaos Of The World)" kovshs37 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Evil Fantasy Dance - Return of Valkyrie Optimized)" kovshs38 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Edition - Dream Three Kingdoms)" kovshs39 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Clouds Re-Launch Version Of The Military Will Compete For The Beta2 Miracle Of The Three Kingdoms)" kovshs40 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The World Is In Turmoil)" kovshs41 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 1)" kovshs42 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 10)" kovshs43 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 2)" kovshs44 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 3)" kovshs45 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 4)" kovshs46 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 5)" kovshs47 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 6)" kovshs48 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 7)" kovshs49 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True, chaotic world, blazing B2)" kovshs50 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Storm Rising Fusion Version - Qunxiong Hegemony Beta 8)" kovshs51 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Three Kingdoms, The British Biography, The Military Commander, The Hegemony)" kovshs52 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Three Kingdoms, The British Biography, The God Of War, Lu Bu)" kovshs53 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Three Kingdoms)" kovshs54 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True And Chaotic Days 5.12 Beautiful Revision)" kovshs55 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Chaotic world, Blazing B3 (Tested Version?))" kovshs56 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Chaotic World, Blazing B3 Optimized Version)" kovshs57 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Legend Of The Valkyrie Double Boss Edition)" kovshs58 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Wu Shen Legend Challenge Edition)" kovshs59 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Evil Spirits Dance - Valkyrie Returns Strengthen 10 Strokes 1)" kovshs60 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Evil Spirits Dance - Return Of Valkyrie)" kovshs61 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Battle Of The king)" kovshs62 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Troubled Times, Evil Spirits, Battle, Beta 1)" kovshs63 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Valkyrie Legendary Challenge)" kovshs64 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Evil Phoenix)" kovshs65 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Bloody Clouds)" kovshs66 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Evil Feng Xiong, The Military Commander (0524 Version))" kovshs67 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Original Character Generals Score Enhancement)" kovshs68 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Original Optimized Version)" kovshs69 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (2000 Boss Zero Chun Li Fire Fighting)" kovshs70 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (God Of War Legends Beta 1)" kovshs71 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Evil Spirits Dance - God of War Legend Beta 2 (alt))" kovshs72 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Undo The Number Of Items)" kovshs73 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Turn On Hidden Characters)" kovshs74 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Open All Explosives)" kovshs75 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Regression version)" kovshs76 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Evil Feng Tian Chi Online Battle / Evil Feng Tian Chi Hack (V106) B4 (Super Beta))" kovshs77 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Evil Feng Tian Chi Online Battle / True Evil Phoenix Dance (V106) B4)" kovshs78 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Evil Feng Tianqi Online Battle / Evil Feng Tian Chi B4 Evil Phoenix Battle)" kovshs79 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Chaos Of The World 6.5)" kovshs80 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Chaos In The Sky, Super Enhanced Version)" kovshs81 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True Evil Spirits Dance - Valkyrie Returns)" kovshs82 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Reinforcement Damage Repair)" kovshs83 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Bug Repair Version)" kovshs84 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Special Correction)" kovshs85 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Fix Hack Timer Color?)" kovshs86 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Lub Stable)" kovshs87 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Enhanced Score)" kovshs88 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Four Swords Legend)" kovshs89 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Brave Special Correction)" kovshs90 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Random Level 108 Version)" kovshs91 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Restore FZ fonts)" kovshs92 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Military Command)" kovshs93 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Like The Chaos Of The World - The Military Commander Mode - The Character Version)" kovshs94 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Revival Of The Fusion Version Of The Generals Warrior Beta 2 Miracle Three Countries (Alt))" kovshs95 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Storm Is Re-Starting The Fusion Version Of The Military Commander To Fight The Beta2 Miracle Of The Three Kingdoms)" kovshs96 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Central Plains)" kovshs98 "Knights of Valour Super Heroes (True, Chaotic World, Blazing B2)(Alt)" kovshxass01 "Aoshi Sanguo (Troubled Hero)" kovshxass02 "Aoshi Sanguo (Metamorphosis V0.1)" kovshxass03 "Aoshi Sanguo (Chaos King)" kovss01 "Knights of Valour (Enhanced Power)" kurikint "Kuri Kinton (World)" kurikintjs01 "Kuri Kinton (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" landmakh "Land Maker (Hack)(Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01)" landmakr "Land Maker (Ver 2.02O 1998/06/02)" landmakrs01 "Land Maker (Translation Chinese)(Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01)" lans2k4d "Lansquenet 2004 (Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad Bootleg / fully decrypted)" lastblad "The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)" lastbladhs01 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V3)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs02 "Last Blade (Enhanced power)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs03 "Last Blade (Always Maximum Power)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs04 "Last Blade (Ultimate Simplified Version)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs05 "Last Blade (Color Mod)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs07 "Last Blade (Plus Version)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs09 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus 2)(Alt)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs10 "Last Blade (Hidden Characters-Super Kaede Fixed)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs11 "Last Blade (Super Kaede with No Health Drain V1)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs12 "Last Blade (Unlimit Special Moves V1)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs13 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs14 "Last Blade (Super Remix Edition 1.0 2014-10-22)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs15 "Last Blade (Super Remix Edition 1.1)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs16 "Last Blade (Super Remix Edition 2.0)(NGH-2340)" lastbladhs17 "Last Blade (Super Remix Edition 2.1)(NGH-2340)" lastblads01 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus)(NGH-2340)" lastblads02 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus 2)(NGH-2340)" lastblads03 "Last Soldier (Unlimit Special Moves)(Korean release)" lastblads04 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters v1)(NGM-2340)" lastblads05 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V1 plus)(Alt)(NGM-2340)" lastblads06 "Last Blade (Enable hidden characters V2 plus)(Alt)(NGM-2340)" lastblads07 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters v2)(NGM-2340)" lastblads08 "Last Blade (Unlimit Special Moves)(NGM-2340)" lastblads09 "Last Blade (Enhanced Power V1)(NGM-2340)" lastblads10 "Last Blade (Always maximum power)(NGM-2340)" lastblads11 "Last Blade (Super kill The Relative Unity Of Submarine)(NGM-2340)" lastblads12 "Last Blade (Color Change)(NGM-2340)" lastblads13 "Last Blade (Xiao Wuzang Weapons Color)(NGM-2340)" lastblads14 "Last Blade (Hidden Characters-Super Kaede Fixed)(NGM-2340)" lastblads15 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus)(Set 01)(NGM-2340)" lastblads16 "Last Blade (Enable hidden characters v1 plus)(Set 02)(NGM-2340)" lastblads17 "Last Blade (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus)(Set 03)(NGM-2340)" lastbld2 "The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s01 "Last Blade 2 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s02 "Last Blade 2 (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s03 "Last Blade 2 (Enable Hidden Characters V3)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s04 "Last Blade 2 (Unlimit Special Moves)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s05 "Last Blade 2 (Enhanced Power V1)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s06 "Last Blade 2 (Enhanced Power V2)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s07 "Last Blade 2 (Optimization Of The Motion Version)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s08 "Last Blade 2 (Optimization Move Out)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s09 "Last Blade 2 (Bug Fix Version)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s10 "Last Blade 2 (Enable Hidden Characters v5)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s11 "Last Blade 2 (Simplify Moves)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s12 "Last Blade 2 (Enhanced)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s13 "Last Blade 2 (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s14 "Last Blade 2 (Super Remix Edition 1.1)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s15 "Last Blade 2 (Enhanced Power V3)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s16 "Last Blade 2 (Super killing Is Relatively Uniform)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lastbld2s17 "Last Blade 2 (Enable Hidden Characters)(Beta)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lasthope "Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support)" lastsolds01 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus)(Korean release)" lastsolds02 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters V2 Plus)(Korean release)" lastsolds03 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(Korean release)" lastsolds04 "Last Soldier (Hidden Characters-Super Kaede fixed)(Korean release)" lastsolds05 "Last Soldier (Enhanced Power)(Korean release)" lastsolds06 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(Korean release)" lastsolds07 "Last Soldier (Always maximum power)(Korean release)" lastsolds08 "Last Soldier (Color Mod)(Korean release)" lastsolds09 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus)(Alt)(Korean release)" lastsolds10 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters V1 Plus 2)(Alt)(Korean release)" lastsolds11 "Last Soldier (Enable Hidden Characters-Super Kaede Fixed)(Alt)(Korean release)" lazybug "Lazy Bug" lazybug1 "Lazy Bug (Slower)" lb2a "Last Blade 2 (Enable hidden characters v2)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2b "Last Blade 2 (Enable hidden characters v4)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2bh "Last Blade 2 (Boss Easy Moves)(2009-03-06)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2bhd "Last Blade 2 (Add Char with icons - EX mode choosing Speed + pressing C)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2easy "Last Blade 2 (Moves optimized for keyboard)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2ebd "Last Blade 2 (Add Char - EX mode choosing Speed + pressing C)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2ed "Last Blade 2 (EX mode choosing Speed + pressing C)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2eh "Last Blade 2 (4 Add Char - Ultra kill start max set 1)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2eh2 "Last Blade 2 (4 Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow hack)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2eho "Last Blade 2 (4 Add Char)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2ehu "Last Blade 2 (4 Add Char - Ultra kill start max set 2)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2pl "Last Blade 2 (Plus)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2te "Last Blade 2 (Team Edition Ver 1.1 2018-05-09)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2uh "Last Blade 2 (Yano's Ultimate hack)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2wh "Last Blade 2 (4 Add Char - 031017)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lb2yd "Last Blade 2 (Ultra kill start max)(NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)" lba "Last Blade (set 3)(NGM-2340, alternate board)" lbb "Last Blade (3 Add Char - Wesker mod)(NGM-2340)" lbboss "Last Blade (3 Add Char)(NGM-2340)" lbd "Last Blade (Boss hack)(NGM-2340)" lbe "Last Blade (3 Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow hack - Wesker mod.)(NGM-2340)" lbeh "Last Blade (3 Add Char - Ultra kill start max)(NGM-2340)" lbeh2 "Last Blade (Enable hidden characters v1 plus)(NGM-2340)" lbeho "Last Blade (2 Add Char - Ultra kill start max)(NGM-2340)" lbha "Last Blade (Boss hack, Alternate Set)(NGM-2340)" lbowling "League Bowling (NGM-019)(NGH-019)" lbowlingcd "League Bowling (CD to MVS Conversion)" lbowlingd "League Bowling (MGD2)" lbseh "Last Blade (3 Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow hack)(NGM-2340)" lbsk "Last Blade (Special Moves Revision Final)(NGM-2340)" lbsp "Last Blade (Special v1.0.0701 2017-06-30)(NGM-2340)" lbsp2 "Last Blade (Special v1.1)(NGM-2340)" lbsp3 "Last Blade (Super Plus)(NGM-2340)" lby "Last Blade (Add Musashi)(NGM-2340)" lernit "Team Lernit" lhb2 "Long Hu Bang II (Hong Kong, V185H)" lhb2s01 "Long Hu Bang II (No AI Cheat)(Hong Kong, V185H)" lhcdb "Last Hope CD Beta" lhcdba "Last Hope (Neo CD conversion)" lhopecd "Last Hope JAP NGCD (Beta 1)" lhopecdh "Last Hope JAP NGCD (Beta 2)" lightbr "Light Bringer (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)" lightbrjs01 "Light Bringer (Translation Chinese 2017-04-26)(Ver 2.1J 1994/02/18)" liquidk "Liquid Kids (World)" lkage "The Legend of Kage" lkages01 "The Legend of Kage (Translation Chinese)" lnc "Lock'n'Chase" lresort "Last Resort" lresortd "Last Resort (MGD2)" lresortpx "Last Resort (Plus Max)" ltorb "Jonas Indiana and The Lost Temple of RA (beta - 20050717)" madpac "Mad Pac [h]" magdrop3 "Magical Drop III" magdrop3fr "Magical Drop III (Translation French)(07-29-2004)" magdrop3s01 "Magical Drop III (Enable Hidden Characters V1)" magdrop3s02 "Magical Drop III (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(07-29-2004)" maglord "Magician Lord (NGM-005)" maglordd "Magician Lord (MGD2)" maglordpx "Magician Lord (Plus Max)(NGM-005)" magworm2 "Magic Worm" mahoudais01 "Mahou Daisakusen (Translation-Chinese)(Japan)" mahoudcn "Mahou Daisakusen (Chinese)" mappy "Mappy (US)" mario "Mario Bros. (US, Revision G)" mariopac "Mario in Pac-Land" marpy "Marpy" martmast "Martial Masters / Xing Yi Quan (ver. 104, 102, 102US)" martmasts01 "Martial Masters (Enable Hidden Characters))" matrim "Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrima "Power Instinct - Matrimelee (Alt)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrimbh "Matrimelee (Enable hidden characters v2)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrimd "Matrimelee (decrypted C)" matrimdh "Matrimelee (Description Of Hack Unknown)(decrypted C)" matrimeh "Matrimelee (Bootleg, Hero Hack)(decrypted C)" matrimehc "Matrimelee (Pow always max - MVS protection rem)(decrypted C)" matrimnd "Matrimelee (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Alt)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims01 "Matrimelee (Super Plus+)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims02 "Matrimelee (Great Blood Temple Simplification 2015-12-05)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims03 "Matrimelee (Enable Hidden Menu)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims04 "Matrimelee (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims05 "Matrimelee (Maximum Power)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims06 "Matrimelee (Power Lv 3)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" matrims07 "Matrimelee (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)" mazeman "Maze Man" mbombrd "Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206)" mbombrds01 "Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Region Asia Version)" mbombrds02 "Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Region Hispanic Version)" mbombrds03 "Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Region Japan Version)" mbombrds04 "Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Region Usa Version)" megablst "Mega Blast (World)" megablstjs01 "Mega Blast (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" megaman "Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)" megaman2 "Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708)" megamn2d "Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" mercjs01 "Senjou no Ookami II (Translation Chinese)" mercs "Mercs (World 900302)" mercs01 "Mercs (Crazy Fire Version)" metamrph "Metamorphic Force (ver EAA)" metamrphs01 "Metamorphic Force (Version Enhanced 2017-07-03)(ver EAA)" metmqstr "Metamoqester (International)" metmqstrs01 "Metamoqester (Translation Korean)(International)" metmqstrs02 "Metamoqester (Always Have Super Move)(International)" metmqstrs03 "Metamoqester (Easy Move)(International)" mhavoc "Major Havoc (rev 3)" mhavocpex "Major Havoc - The Promised End (v0.21)" mhavocrv "Major Havoc - Return to Vax" miexchng "Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger" miexchngfr "Money Puzzle Exchanger (French)" miexchngs01 "Money Puzzle Exchanger (Translation French)(09-27-2002)" milliped "Millipede" minasan "Minasanno Okagesamadesu! Daisugorokutaikai (MOM-001)(MOH-001)" minasand "Minnasanno Okagesamadesu (MGD2)" mineswp "Mine Sweeper [h]" mitcdemo "Demo - Mitchell" mizubakus01 "Mizubaku Daibouken (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" mk "Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93)" mk2 "Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)" mk2fr "Mortal Kombat II (Language Translation French 2007-02-12)" mk2p "Mortal Kombat II Plus beta II" mk2r33 "Mortal Kombat II (prototype)" mk2v28b1 "Mortal Kombat II (Beta 1)" mkfr "Mortal Kombat (Language Translation French Rev.1)" mkla4d "Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 09/28/92)" mks01 "Mortal Kombat (Language Translation French Rev.2)" mktturboen "Mortal Kombat (Turbo Endurance)" mktturbopi "Mortal Kombat (Projectile Insanity)" mkturbod "Mortal Kombat (Turbo Ninja T-Unit 03/19/93, hack)" mmatrix "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412)" mmatrixd "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" mmaulers "Monster Maulers (ver EAA)" mmaulerss01 "Monster Maulers (Easy Move)(ver EAA)" monaco "Monaco GP" monstrz "Monster Zero" mooncmst "Moon Creamsta" mooncrs5 "Moon Cresta" mooncrst "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)" mosyougi "Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi" mpang "Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010)" mpangjd "Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011 Phoenix Edition)" mpatrol "Moon Patrol" mrdigdo "Mr. Do! (Dig Dug sprites)" mrdo "Mr. Do!" mrdofast "Mr. Do! (Speedup Hack)" mrdonm "Mr. Do Nightmare" mrio2002 "Vs. Super Mario Bros. 2002" mrmrspac "Mr and Mrs Pacman (MR MRS PAC-MAN)[c]" mrpac "Mr. Pac! (Set 1)" mrpacb "Mr. Pac! (Set 2)" mrpacman "Mr. Pacman - Another Kind of Role Reversal" ms1000 "Ms. Pacman 1000 (MS PAC-MAN 1000)" ms2000 "Ms. Pacman 2000 (MS PAC-MAN 2000)" ms2600 "Ms. Pacman 2600" ms2600a "Ms. Pacman (Atari look)" ms3000 "Ms. Pacman 3000 (MS PAC-MAN 3000)" ms4000p "Ms. Pacman 4000 Plus (MSPAC-MAN 4000PLUS)" ms5000 "Ms. Pacman 5000 (MS PAC-MAN 5000)" ms5000p "Ms. Pacman 5000 Plus (MSPAC-MAN 5000PLUS)" ms5boot "Metal Slug 5 (Bootleg Set 2)" ms5pcb "Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB)" ms5pcbd "Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) (Decrypted)" ms5plus01 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Fire Bomb)" ms5plus02 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Stone)" ms5plus03 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Big Fat Mode)" ms5plus04 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (99 Grenades)" ms5plus05 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Pow never lose)" ms5plusrm01 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm02 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm03 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm04 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V3][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm05 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V4][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm06 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V5][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm07 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm08 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm09 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm10 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V3][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm11 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V4][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm12 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V5][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm13 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm14 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm15 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm16 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V3][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm17 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V4][2019-02-25])" ms5plusrm18 "Metal Slug 5 Plus (Revised Version Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V5][2019-02-25])" ms6s01 "Metal Slug 6 (99 Grenades)" ms6s02 "Metal Slug 6 (Big Mode)" ms6s03 "Metal Slug 6 (Prisoner Never Lost)" ms6s04 "Metal Slug 6 (Fire Bomb)" ms6s05 "Metal Slug 6 (Stone)" ms6s06 "Metal Slug 6 (Quick Go Next Mission)" ms6s07 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)" ms6s08 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-05)" ms6slm01 "Metal Slug 6 (Revised Version Remix 1.0 [2019-03-14])" ms6slm02 "Metal Slug 6 (Revised Version Remix 1.1 [2019-03-14])" ms6slm03 "Metal Slug 6 (Revised Version Remix 1.2 [2019-03-14])" ms6slm04 "Metal Slug 6 (Revised Version Remix 2.0 [2019-03-14])" ms6slm05 "Metal Slug 6 (Revised Version Remix 2.1 [2019-03-14])" ms6slm06 "Metal Slug 6 (Revised Version Remix 2.2 [2019-03-14])" ms6sre6px01 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Revised Version Remix 1.0 [2019-03-14])" ms6sre6px02 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Revised Version Remix 1.1 [2019-03-14])" ms6sre6px03 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Revised Version Remix 1.2 [2019-03-14])" ms6sre6px04 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Revised Version Remix 2.0 [2019-03-14])" ms6sre6px05 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Revised Version Remix 2.1 [2019-03-14])" ms6sre6px06 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Revised Version Remix 2.2 [2019-03-14])" ms6sx01 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(99 Grenades)" ms6sx02 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Big Mode)" ms6sx03 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Prisoner Never Lost)" ms6sx04 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Fire Bomb)" ms6sx05 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Stone)" ms6sx06 "Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-19)(Quick Go Next Mission)" msatk2ad "Ms. Pacman Plus / Attack After Dark [c]" msatkad "Ms. Pacman Plus After Dark [c]" msbaby "Ms. Baby Pacman" msberzk "Ms. Pacman Berzerk" msboot "Metal Slug (Bootleg)" mschampx "Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal (hires hack)" mscrzyma "Ms. Pacman Crazy Mazes (MS PAC CRAZY MAZES)" mscrzymp "Ms. Pacman Crazy Mazes Plus (MS PAC-MAN CRAZYPLUS)" msdroid "Ms. Pacman Android" msdstorm "Ms. Desert Storm" mselton "Ms. Elton" msextra "Ms. Pacman Extra (MS PAC-MAN EXTRA)" msextrap "Ms. Pacman Extra Plus (MS PAC-MAN EXTRAPLUS)" msf1pac "Ms. F1 Pacman" msgrkatk "Ms. Pac Attack Greek [c]" msgrkb "Ms. Pacman Greek" msgundam "Mobile Suit Gundam" msgundams01 "Mobile Suit Gundam (Easy Move)" msh "Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024)" mshangly "Ms. Hangly Man" mshas01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(Asia 951024)" mshbs01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(Brazil 951117)" msheartb "Ms. Pacman Hearts (set 2)" mshearts "Ms. Pacman Hearts" msheys01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Unknown Hack 2015-12-04)(US 951024 Phoenix Edition)" mshhs01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(Hispanic 951117)" mshjphp "Marvel Super Heroes (Get maximum power on a valid attack or being attacked)(Japan 951117)" mshjr1s01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(Japan 951024)" mshjs01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(Japan 951117)" mshjs02 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(Japan 951117)" mshjs03 "Marvel Super Heroes (Rise Again 2014-12-24)(Japan 951117)" mshud "Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" mshus01 "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(USA 951024)" mshvsemb "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Easy Moves)(2009-04-23)(Japan 970707)" mshvsf "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625)" mshvsfjh "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Enable Hidden Characters)(Japan 970707)" mshvsfjphp "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Get maximum power on a valid attack or being attacked)(Japan 970707)" mshvsfjs01 "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Move The Order To Modify)(2008-07-21)(Japan 970707)" mshvsfjs02 "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Rise Again 2014-12-14)(Japan 970707)" mshvsfjs03 "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Unknown Hack 2015-12-05)(Japan 970707)" mshvsfs01 "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Can Be Substitutions At Any Time)(2010-08-18)(Euro 970625)" mshvsfs02 "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Unknown Hack 2013-10-08)(Euro 970625)" mshvsfu1d "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970625 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" mshyh "Marvel Super Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(US 951024 Phoenix Edition)" msindy "Ms. Indy" mslug "Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001" mslug2 "Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410)(NGH-2410)" mslug2erm01 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(99 Grenades)" mslug2erm02 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Change Weapon And Mummy)" mslug2erm03 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Fire bomb)" mslug2erm04 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Hybrid Bullets Version)" mslug2erm05 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug2erm06 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug2erm07 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Revised Version Remix Rev.1 [2019-03-12])" mslug2erm08 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Revised Version Remix Rev.2 [2019-03-12])" mslug2erm09 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Revised Hybrid Bullets Version Remix Rev.1 [2019-03-12])" mslug2erm10 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)(Revised Hybrid Bullets Version Remix Rev.2 [2019-03-12])" mslug2ers01 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug2ers02 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(99 Bombs)" mslug2ers03 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Change Weapon And Mummy)" mslug2ers04 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Hybrid bullets version)" mslug2ers05 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug2ers06 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Fire Bomb)" mslug2ers07 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug2ers08 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Revised Version Remix Rev.1 [2019-03-12])" mslug2ers09 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Revised Version Remix Rev.2 [2019-03-12])" mslug2ers10 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Revised Hybrid bullets version Remix Rev.1 [2019-03-12])" mslug2ers11 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)(Revised Hybrid bullets version Remix Rev.2 [2019-03-12])" mslug2fr "Metal Slug 2 (Neo Arc Traduction French Rev.1)" mslug2fro "Metal Slug 2 (Neo Arc Traduction French Rev.1)(Old)" mslug2ps01 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-9-14)" mslug2ps02 "Metal Slug 2 (Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ps03 "Metal Slug 2 (Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ps04 "Metal Slug 2 (Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ps05 "Metal Slug 2 (Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ps06 "Metal Slug 2 (Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ps08 "Metal Slug 2 (Neo Arc Traduction French Rev.2)" mslug2ps10 "Metal Slug 2 (Credits 99 In Console Mode)" mslug2ps12 "Metal Slug 2 (Fire Bomb)" mslug2ps13 "Metal Slug 2 (99 Bombs)" mslug2ps14 "Metal Slug 2 (Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug2ps15 "Metal Slug 2 (Ward Charior Rev.1)" mslug2ps16 "Metal Slug 2 (Change Character)" mslug2ps17 "Metal Slug 2 (Change Weapon And Mummy)" mslug2ps18 "Metal Slug 2 (Circulation For The Gun)" mslug2ps19 "Metal Slug 2 (Shotgun Flash Off)" mslug2ps20 "Metal Slug 2 (Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug2ps21 "Metal Slug 2 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" mslug2ps22 "Metal Slug 2 (Enable Hidden Menu)" mslug2ps23 "Metal Slug 2 (Ward Chariot Rev.2)" mslug2ps24 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2018-05-12)" mslug2ps25 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)" mslug2ps26 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-04-23)" mslug2ps27 "Metal Slug 2 (Unknown Hack)" mslug2ps28 "Metal Slug 2 (Guns Storable Version 2015-11-11)" mslug2ps29 "Metal Slug 2 (Survival Version 2018-07-31)" mslug2ps30 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Survival Version 2019-03-12)" mslug2rmhbhv01 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Hybrid Bullets Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmhbhv02 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Hybrid Bullets Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmhbv01 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Hybrid Bullets Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmhbv02 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Hybrid Bullets Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl01 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl02 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl03 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl04 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl05 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl06 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl07 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl08 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl09 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Laser Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl10 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Laser Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl11 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Laser Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl12 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Laser Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl13 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl14 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl15 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl16 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl17 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Shotgun Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl18 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Shotgun Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl19 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Shotgun Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmnl20 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Shotgun Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh01 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh02 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh03 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh04 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh05 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh06 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh07 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh08 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh09 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Laser Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh10 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Laser Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh11 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Laser Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh12 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Laser Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh13 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh14 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh15 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh16 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh17 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Shotgun Mix V1.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh18 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Shotgun Mix V1.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh19 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Shotgun Mix V2.0 [2018-05-21])" mslug2rmvh20 "Metal Slug 2 (Revised Version Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Revised Version Shotgun Mix V2.1 [2018-05-21])" mslug2sh "Metal Slug 2 (Hybrid bullets version 2008-12-04)" mslug2t "Metal Slug 2 Turbo " mslug2ts01 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Neo Arc Traduction)" mslug2ts02 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Hybrid bullets version 2017-01-08)" mslug2ts03 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ts04 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ts05 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ts06 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ts07 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2ts08 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Fire Bomb)" mslug2ts09 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Shotgun Flash Off)" mslug2ts10 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Change Weapon And Mummy)" mslug2ts11 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (99 Grenades)" mslug2ts12 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Never Lose POW After Dying)" mslug2ts13 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug2ts14 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)" mslug2ts15 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Multi-Function Version 2018-05-12)" mslug2ts16 "Metal Slug 2 Turbo (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2018-05-12)" mslug2vhep01 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug2vhep02 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Hybrid bullets version 2017-01-08)" mslug2vhep03 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2vhep04 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2vhep05 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2vhep06 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2vhep07 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug2vhep08 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Fire Bomb)" mslug2vhep09 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Change Weapon And Mummy)" mslug2vhep10 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(99 Grenades)" mslug2vhep11 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug2vhep12 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(Quick go next mission)" mslug2vhep13 "Metal Slug 2 (Checkpoint Enemy Remastered Version 2014-09-14)(War chariot)" mslug2vqy01 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug2vqy02 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(Fire Bomb)" mslug2vqy03 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(Change Weapon And Mummy)" mslug2vqy04 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(99 Grenades)" mslug2vqy05 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(POW Never Lose)" mslug2vqy06 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(Quick go next mission)" mslug2vqy07 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(War chariot)" mslug2vqy08 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(Revised Version Remix Rev.1 [2019-03-12])" mslug2vqy09 "Metal Slug 2 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-09)(Revised Version Remix Rev.2 [2019-03-12])" mslug3 "Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)" mslug3d "Metal Slug 3 (Decrypted C)" mslug3eb "Metal Slug 3 (Green Edition 2013-02-27)" mslug3erbd01 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug3erbd02 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons EmmaCannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd03 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd04 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd05 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd06 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd07 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd08 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd09 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd10 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd11 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd12 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd13 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Big ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd14 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd15 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd16 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd17 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd18 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbd19 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Fire Bomb)" mslug3erbd20 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Stone Bomb)" mslug3erbd21 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Big Fat Mode)" mslug3erbd22 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Change Weapon)" mslug3erbd23 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(99 Grenades)" mslug3erbd24 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)(Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug3erbo01 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug3erbo02 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons EmmaCannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo03 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo04 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo05 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo06 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo07 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo08 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo09 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo10 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo11 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo12 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo13 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Big ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo14 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo15 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo16 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo17 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo18 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbo19 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Fire Bomb)" mslug3erbo20 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Stone Bomb)" mslug3erbo21 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Big Fat Mode)" mslug3erbo22 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Change Zombie)" mslug3erbo23 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Change Weapon)" mslug3erbo24 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(99 grenades)" mslug3erbo25 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug3erbo26 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug3erbo27 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(War Chariot)" mslug3erbo28 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Green Blue)" mslug3erbo29 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Super D version)" mslug3erbo30 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Out Of Blue)" mslug3erbo31 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Summon Slug Prototype)" mslug3erbs01 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug3erbs02 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons EmmaCannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs03 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs04 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs05 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs06 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs07 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs08 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs09 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs10 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs11 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs12 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs13 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Big ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs14 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs15 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs16 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs17 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs18 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3erbs19 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Fire Bomb)" mslug3erbs20 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Stone Bomb)" mslug3erbs21 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Big Fat Mode)" mslug3erbs22 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Change Weapon)" mslug3erbs23 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(99 grenades)" mslug3erbs24 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug3ercx01 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons EmmaCannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx02 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx03 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx04 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx05 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx06 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx07 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx08 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx09 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx10 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx11 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx12 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Big ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx13 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx14 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx15 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx16 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx17 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3ercx18 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Fire Bomb)" mslug3ercx19 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Stone Bomb)" mslug3ercx20 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Big Fat Mode)" mslug3ercx21 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Change Weapon)" mslug3ercx22 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(99 grenades)" mslug3ercx23 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug3ercx24 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug3ercx25 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(War Chariot)" mslug3ercx26 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Change Zombie)" mslug3ercx28 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Summon Slug)" mslug3fr "Metal Slug 3 (Traduction French)" mslug3fro "Metal Slug 3 (Traduction French)(Old)" mslug3h01 "Metal Slug 3 (Zombie Mode)" mslug3h02 "Metal Slug 3 (Big Fat Mode)" mslug3h04 "Metal Slug 3 (Change Gun version)" mslug3h05 "Metal Slug 3 (Crazy Fire Version V1.1 2014-10-04)" mslug3h06 "Metal Slug 3 (Green Blue)" mslug3h08 "Metal Slug 3 (Neo Arc French Traduction Rev.1)" mslug3h09 "Metal Slug 3 (Mummy Mode)" mslug3h10 "Metal Slug 3 (Fire Bomb)" mslug3h11 "Metal Slug 3 (Stone Bomb)" mslug3h12 "Metal Slug 3 (Change Character)" mslug3h13 "Metal Slug 3 (Change Weapon)" mslug3h14 "Metal Slug 3 (Change Zombie)" mslug3h15 "Metal Slug 3 (Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug3h16 "Metal Slug 3 (Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug3h17 "Metal Slug 3 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" mslug3h18 "Metal Slug 3 (War Chariot Rev.1)" mslug3h19 "Metal Slug 3 (War Chariot Rev.2)" mslug3h20 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h21 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h22 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h23 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h24 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Big ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h25 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h26 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h27 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h28 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h29 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h30 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h31 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h32 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons EmmaCannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h33 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h34 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons ShotGun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h35 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h36 "Metal Slug 3 (Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug3h37 "Metal Slug 3 (Out Of Blue)" mslug3h40 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)" mslug3h41 "Metal Slug 3 (Store Version 2017-12-16)" mslug3h42 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)" mslug3h43 "Metal Slug 3 (Neo Arc French Traduction Rev.2)" mslug3h45 "Metal Slug 3 (99 grenades)" mslug3h46 "Metal Slug 3 (Ghost Wu Zuoma)" mslug3h47 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Prototype Rev.1)" mslug3h48 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)" mslug3h49 "Metal Slug 3 (Violence Mount version)" mslug3h50 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08/2018-07-21 Rev.Unknown)" mslug3h51 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-02)" mslug3h52 "Metal Slug 3 (Multi-function Version 2019-01-19)" mslug3h53 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)" mslug3h54 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Prototype Rev.2)" mslug3h55 "Metal Slug 3 (Green Edition 2014-10-15)" mslug3h56 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Multi-function Version 2019-03-12)" mslug3h57 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype Multi-function 2019-03-12)" mslug3hev "Metal Slug 3 (Enhanced Version 2015-05-07)" mslug3nd "Metal Slug 3 (Fully Decrypted C)" mslug3rma01 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma02 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma03 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma04 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma05 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma06 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma07 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma08 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma09 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma10 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma11 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma12 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma13 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma14 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma15 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma16 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma17 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma18 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma19 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma20 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma21 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma22 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma23 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma24 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma25 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma26 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma27 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma28 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma29 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma30 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma31 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma32 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma33 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma34 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma35 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma36 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma37 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma38 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma39 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma40 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma41 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma42 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma43 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma44 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma45 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma46 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma47 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma48 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma49 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma50 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma51 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma52 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma53 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma54 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma55 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma56 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma57 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma58 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma59 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma60 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma61 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma62 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma63 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma64 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma65 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma66 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma67 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma68 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma69 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma70 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.0 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma71 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.1 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rma72 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype 2018-07-21)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.2 [2018-07-24])" mslug3rmb01 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb02 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb03 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb04 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb05 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb06 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb07 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb08 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb09 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb10 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb11 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb12 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb13 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb14 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb15 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb16 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb17 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb18 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb19 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb20 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb21 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb22 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb23 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb24 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb25 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb26 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb27 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb28 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb29 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb30 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb31 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb32 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb33 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb34 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb35 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb36 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb37 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb38 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb39 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb40 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb41 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb42 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb43 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb44 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb45 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb46 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb47 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb48 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb49 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb50 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb51 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb52 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb53 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb54 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb55 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb56 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb57 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb58 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb59 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb60 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb61 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb62 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb63 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb64 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb65 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb66 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb67 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb68 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb69 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb70 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.0 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb71 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.1 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmb72 "Metal Slug 3 (Random Enemies Resetting Version 2017-12-08)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.2 [2018-04-24])" mslug3rmc01 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc02 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc03 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc04 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc05 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc06 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc07 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc08 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc09 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc10 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc11 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc12 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc13 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc14 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc15 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc16 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc17 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc18 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc19 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc20 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc21 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc22 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc23 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc24 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc25 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc26 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc27 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc28 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc29 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc30 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc31 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc32 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc33 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc34 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc35 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc36 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc37 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc38 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc39 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc40 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc41 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc42 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc43 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc44 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc45 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc46 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc47 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc48 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc49 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc50 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc51 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc52 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc53 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc54 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc55 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc56 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc57 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc58 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc59 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc60 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc61 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc62 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc63 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc64 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc65 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc66 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc67 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc68 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc69 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc70 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc71 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmc72 "Metal Slug 3 (Summon Slug Edition 2017-04-04)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmd01 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd02 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd03 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd04 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd05 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd06 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd07 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd08 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd09 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd10 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd11 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd12 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd13 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd14 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd15 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd16 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd17 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd18 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd19 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd20 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd21 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd22 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd23 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd24 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd25 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd26 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd27 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd28 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd29 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd30 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd31 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd32 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd33 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd34 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd35 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd36 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd37 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd38 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd39 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd40 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd41 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd42 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd43 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd44 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd45 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd46 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd47 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd48 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd49 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd50 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd51 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd52 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd53 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd54 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd55 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd56 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd57 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd58 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd59 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd60 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd61 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd62 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd63 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd64 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd65 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd66 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd67 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd68 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd69 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd70 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.0 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd71 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.1 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmd72 "Metal Slug 3 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-12)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.2 [2019-02-24])" mslug3rmx01 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx02 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx03 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx04 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx05 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx06 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx07 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx08 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx09 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx10 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx11 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx12 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx13 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx14 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx15 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx16 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx17 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx18 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx19 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx20 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx21 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx22 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx23 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx24 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx25 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx26 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx27 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx28 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx29 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx30 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx31 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx32 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx33 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx34 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx35 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx36 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx37 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx38 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx39 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx40 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx41 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx42 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx43 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx44 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx45 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx46 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx47 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx48 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx49 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx50 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx51 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx52 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx53 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx54 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx55 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx56 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx57 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx58 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx59 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx60 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx61 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx62 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx63 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx64 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx65 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx66 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx67 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx68 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx69 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx70 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.0 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx71 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.1 [2018-05-23])" mslug3rmx72 "Metal Slug 3 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 2.2 [2018-05-23])" mslug3v "Metal Slug 3 (Violence Edition)" mslug4 "Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)" mslug4d "Metal Slug 4 (Decrypted C)" mslug4dh "Metal Slug 4 (Super D Version)" mslug4erm01 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(99 Grenades)" mslug4erm02 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(Fire Bomb)" mslug4erm03 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug4erm04 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(Stone)" mslug4erm05 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(Revised Version Remix 1.0 (2019-03-13))" mslug4erm06 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(Revised Version Remix 2.0 (2019-03-13))" mslug4erm07 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)(Revised Version Remix 3.0 (2019-03-13))" mslug4fr "Metal Slug 4 (Neo Arc French Traduction Rev.1)" mslug4h01 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(99 Grenades)" mslug4h02 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Big Mode)" mslug4h03 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Change Weapon)" mslug4h04 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Change Zombie)" mslug4h05 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Fire Bomb)" mslug4h06 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug4h07 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug4h08 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(War Chariot)" mslug4h09 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Stone)" mslug4h10 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h11 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h12 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h13 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h14 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h15 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons EmmaCannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h16 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h17 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Two Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h18 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h19 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h20 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Mobile Sattelite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h21 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4h22 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh01 "Metal Slug 4 (99 Grenades)" mslug4hh02 "Metal Slug 4 (Big Mode)" mslug4hh03 "Metal Slug 4 (Fire Bomb)" mslug4hh04 "Metal Slug 4 (Stone)" mslug4hh05 "Metal Slug 4 (Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug4hh06 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh07 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh08 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh09 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh10 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh11 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh12 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh13 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Dual Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh14 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh15 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh16 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh17 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh18 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh19 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh20 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh21 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh22 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh23 "Metal Slug 4 (Weapons Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4hh24 "Metal Slug 4 (Fix The Black Background Of Title)" mslug4hh25 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)" mslug4hh26 "Metal Slug 4 (Neo Arc French Traduction Rev.2)" mslug4hh27 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-03-10)" mslug4hh28 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)" mslug4hh29 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet Multi-Function Prototype)" mslug4hh30 "Metal Slug 4 (Change Character)" mslug4hh31 "Metal Slug 4 (Change Weapon)" mslug4hh32 "Metal Slug 4 (Change Zombie)" mslug4hh34 "Metal Slug 4 (Neo Arc French Traduction Rev.3)" mslug4hh35 "Metal Slug 4 (Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug4hh36 "Metal Slug 4 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" mslug4hh37 "Metal Slug 4 (War Chariot V1)" mslug4hh38 "Metal Slug 4 (War Chariot V2)" mslug4hh39 "Metal Slug 4 (Neo Arc French Traduction Alpha)(Decrypted C)" mslug4hh40 "Metal Slug 4 (Ammunition Random Edition)" mslug4hh41 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-24)" mslug4hh42 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)" mslug4hh43 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Multi-Function Version 2019-03-13)" mslug4hqyv01 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Neo Arc French Traduction)" mslug4hqyv02 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Fire Bomb)" mslug4hqyv03 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Stone)" mslug4hqyv04 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(99 Grenades)" mslug4hqyv05 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Pow never lose)" mslug4hqyv06 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Revised Version Remix 01 (2019-03-13))" mslug4hqyv07 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Revised Version Remix 02 (2019-03-13))" mslug4hqyv08 "Metal Slug 4 (Multi-Function Version 2017-12-25)(Revised Version Remix 03 (2019-03-13))" mslug4i "Metal Slug 4 (Traduction Italian Rev.1)" mslug4lw "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet)" mslug4lws02 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws03 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Dual Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws04 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws05 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws06 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws07 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws08 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws09 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws10 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws11 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws12 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws13 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws14 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws15 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws16 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws17 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Satellite With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws18 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws19 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Weapon Thunder Cloud With Infinite Ammo)" mslug4lws20 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Fire Bomb)" mslug4lws21 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Stone)" mslug4lws24 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Change Zombie)" mslug4lws25 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Change Weapon)" mslug4lws26 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(99 Grenades)" mslug4lws27 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Pow never lose)" mslug4lws30 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(War chariot)" mslug4nd "Metal Slug 4 (Fully decrypted)" mslug4pls01 "Metal Slug 4 Plus (Fire Bomb)" mslug4pls02 "Metal Slug 4 Plus (Stone)" mslug4pls03 "Metal Slug 4 Plus (Prisoner Never Lost)" mslug4rma01 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma02 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma03 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma04 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma05 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma06 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma07 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma08 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma09 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma10 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma11 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma12 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma13 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma14 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma15 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma16 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma17 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma18 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma19 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma20 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma21 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma22 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma23 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma24 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma25 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma26 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma27 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma28 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma29 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma30 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma31 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma32 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma33 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma34 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma35 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma36 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma37 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma38 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma39 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma40 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma41 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma42 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma43 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma44 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma45 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma46 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma47 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma48 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma49 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma50 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma51 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma52 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma53 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma54 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma55 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma56 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma57 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma58 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma59 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma60 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma61 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma62 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma63 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma64 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma65 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rma66 "Metal Slug 4 (Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 (2018-05-20))" mslug4rmb01 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb02 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb03 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb04 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb05 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb06 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb07 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb08 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb09 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb10 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb11 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb12 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb13 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb14 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb15 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb16 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb17 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb18 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb19 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb20 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb21 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb22 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb23 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb24 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb25 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb26 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb27 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb28 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb29 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb30 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb31 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb32 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb33 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb34 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb35 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb36 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb37 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb38 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmb39 "Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2016-10-15)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc01 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc02 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc03 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc04 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc05 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc06 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc07 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc08 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc09 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc10 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc11 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc12 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc13 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc14 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc15 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc16 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc17 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc18 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc19 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc20 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc21 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc22 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc23 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc24 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc25 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc26 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc27 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc28 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc29 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc30 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc31 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc32 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc33 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Cannon Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc34 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc35 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc36 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc37 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc38 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc39 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc40 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc41 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc42 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc43 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc44 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc45 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc46 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc47 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc48 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc49 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc50 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc51 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc52 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc53 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc54 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc55 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc56 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc57 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Satellite Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc58 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc59 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc60 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc61 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc62 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc63 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 2.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc64 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.0 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc65 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.1 (2019-02-23))" mslug4rmc66 "Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-02-11)(Revised Version Thunder Cloud Mix 1.2 (2019-02-23))" mslug4sp "Metal Slug 4 (Super Enhanced Version 2015-05-10)" mslug5 "Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680)" mslug5b "Metal Slug 5 (Bootleg)" mslug5d "Metal Slug 5 (Decrypted C)" mslug5d1 "Metal Slug 5 (Fully Decrypted)" mslug5dh03 "Metal Slug 5 (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" mslug5dh04 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Dual Machine Gun with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh05 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Drop Shot with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh06 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Enemy Chaser with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh07 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Flame Shot with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh08 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Heavy Machine Gun with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh09 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Iron Lizard with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh10 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Big Flame Shot with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh11 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Laser with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh12 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh13 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Big Laser with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh14 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Big Rocket Launcher with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh15 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Big Shotgun with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh16 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Rocket Launcher with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh17 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Shotgun with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh18 "Metal Slug 5 (Weapon Super Grenade with Infinite Ammo)" mslug5dh19 "Metal Slug 5 (Fire Bomb)" mslug5dh20 "Metal Slug 5 (Stone)" mslug5dh21 "Metal Slug 5 (Color Modification v1)" mslug5dh22 "Metal Slug 5 (Color Modification v2)" mslug5dh23 "Metal Slug 5 (Color Modification v3)" mslug5dh24 "Metal Slug 5 (Color Modification v4)" mslug5dh25 "Metal Slug 5 (Color Modification v5)" mslug5dh26 "Metal Slug 5 (Change Character)" mslug5dh27 "Metal Slug 5 (Big Fat Mode)" mslug5dh28 "Metal Slug 5 (Change Weapon)" mslug5dh29 "Metal Slug 5 (99 Grenades)" mslug5dh30 "Metal Slug 5 (POW Never Lose)" mslug5dh31 "Metal Slug 5 (Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug5dh32 "Metal Slug 5 (War Chariot)" mslug5dh33 "Metal Slug 5 (Battle 2016-10-19)" mslug5dh34 "Metal Slug 5 (New Campaign 2016-10-19)" mslug5dh36 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2018-07-31)" mslug5dh37 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)" mslug5dh38 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)" mslug5dh39 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)" mslug5dh40 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)" mslug5dh41 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2018-08-15)" mslug5dh42 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2018-08-24)" mslug5dh43 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2018-09-27)" mslug5dh44 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2018-12-19)" mslug5dh45 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2018-11-05)" mslug5erv01 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(99 Grenades)" mslug5erv02 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Big Mode)" mslug5erv03 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Change Weapon And Bomb)" mslug5erv04 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Fire Bomb)" mslug5erv05 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug5erv06 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug5erv07 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Stone)" mslug5erv08 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(War Chariot)" mslug5erv09 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Big Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv10 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv11 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Big Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv12 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Big Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv13 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Big Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv14 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Drop Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv15 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Dual Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv16 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Enemy Chaser with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv17 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv18 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv19 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Iron Lizard with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv20 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv21 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv22 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv23 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Weapon Super Grenade with infinite ammo)" mslug5erv24 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv25 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv26 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv27 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv28 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv29 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv30 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv31 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv32 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv33 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv34 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv35 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv36 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv37 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv38 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv39 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv40 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv41 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv42 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv43 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv44 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv45 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv46 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv47 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv48 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv49 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv50 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv51 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv52 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5erv53 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-01-01)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5f "Metal Slug 5 (Battle 2016-03-10)" mslug5fr "Metal Slug 5 (Traduction French Edition Rev.1)" mslug5fr1 "Metal Slug 5 (Traduction French Edition Rev.2)" mslug5hd "Metal Slug 5 (NGH-2680)(Decrypted C)" mslug5hq01 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Dual Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq02 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Drop Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq03 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Enemy Chaser with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq04 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq05 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq06 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Iron Lizard with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq07 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Big Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq08 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq09 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq10 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Big Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq11 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Big Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq12 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq13 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq14 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Weapon Super Grenade with infinite ammo)" mslug5hq15 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Fire Bomb)" mslug5hq16 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Stone)" mslug5hq17 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Change Weapon And Bomb)" mslug5hq18 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(99 Grenade)" mslug5hq19 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(POW never lose)" mslug5hq20 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Big Mode)" mslug5hq21 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug5hq22 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix [2019-02-25])" mslug5hq23 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix [2019-02-25])" mslug5hq24 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix [2019-02-25])" mslug5hq25 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix [2019-02-25])" mslug5hq26 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix [2019-02-25])" mslug5hq27 "Metal Slug 5 (Multi-Function Version 2017-05-23)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix [2019-02-25])" mslug5l9a "Metal Slug 5 (New Campaign Beta 0.1 2016-01-04)" mslug5l9b "Metal Slug 5 (Fighter Beta 0.1 2016-01-04)" mslug5lvf "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)" mslug5lvnc "Metal Slug 5 (Latest Version Of Fighters 2015-01-20)" mslug5nd "Metal Slug 5 (Decrypted)" mslug5re01 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Big Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5re02 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5re03 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Big Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5re04 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Big Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5re05 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Big Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5re06 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Drop Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5re07 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Dual Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5re08 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Enemy Chaser with infinite ammo)" mslug5re09 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5re10 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5re11 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Iron Lizard with infinite ammo)" mslug5re12 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5re13 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5re14 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5re15 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Weapon Super Grenade with infinite ammo)" mslug5re16 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Fire Bomb)" mslug5re17 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Stone)" mslug5re18 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(99 Grenades)" mslug5re19 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Big Mode)" mslug5re20 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug5re21 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug5re22 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(War Chariot)" mslug5re23 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re24 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re25 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re26 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re27 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re28 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re29 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re30 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re31 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re32 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re33 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re34 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re35 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re36 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re37 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re38 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re39 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re40 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re41 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re42 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re43 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re44 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re45 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re46 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re47 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re48 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re49 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re50 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re51 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5re52 "Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm01 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm02 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm03 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm04 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm05 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm06 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm07 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm08 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm09 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm10 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm11 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm12 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm13 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm14 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm15 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm16 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm17 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm18 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm19 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm20 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm21 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm22 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm23 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm24 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm25 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm26 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm27 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm28 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm29 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm30 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm31 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm32 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm33 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm34 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm35 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm36 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm37 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm38 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm39 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm40 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm41 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm42 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm43 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm44 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm45 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm46 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm47 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm48 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm49 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm50 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm51 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm52 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm53 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm54 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm55 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm56 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm57 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm58 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm59 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm60 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm61 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm62 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm63 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm64 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm65 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm66 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm67 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm68 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm69 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm70 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm71 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm72 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm73 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm74 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm75 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm76 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm77 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm78 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm79 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm80 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm81 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm82 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm83 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm84 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm85 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm86 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm87 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm88 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm89 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmnm90 "Metal Slug 5 (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc01 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc02 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc03 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc04 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc05 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc06 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc07 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc08 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc09 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc10 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc11 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc12 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc13 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc14 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc15 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc16 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc17 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc18 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc19 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc20 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc21 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc22 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc23 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc24 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc25 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc26 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc27 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc28 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc29 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc30 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc31 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc32 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc33 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc34 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc35 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc36 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc37 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc38 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc39 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc40 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc41 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc42 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc43 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc44 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc45 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc46 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc47 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc48 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc49 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc50 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc51 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc52 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc53 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc54 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc55 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc56 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc57 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc58 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc59 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc60 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc61 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc62 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc63 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc64 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc65 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc66 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc67 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc68 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc69 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc70 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc71 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc72 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc73 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc74 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc75 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc76 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc77 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc78 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc79 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc80 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc81 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc82 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc83 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc84 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc85 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc86 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc87 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc88 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc89 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V1] [2019-02-25])" mslug5rmtnc90 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [Color Modification V2] [2019-02-25])" mslug5sse01 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(99 Grenades)" mslug5sse02 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Big Mode)" mslug5sse03 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Fire Bomb)" mslug5sse04 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Pow Never Lose)" mslug5sse05 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug5sse06 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Stone)" mslug5sse07 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Big Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse08 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse09 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Big Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse10 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Big Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse11 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Big Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse12 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Drop Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse13 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Dual Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse14 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Enemy Chaser with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse15 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Flame Shot with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse16 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Heavy Machine Gun with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse17 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Iron Lizard with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse18 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Laser with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse19 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse20 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Shotgun with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse21 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Weapon Super Grenade with infinite ammo)" mslug5sse22 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse23 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse24 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Flame Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse25 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse26 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse27 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse28 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse29 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse30 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse31 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse32 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse33 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse34 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse35 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse36 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse37 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse38 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse39 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse40 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse41 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse42 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Dual Machine Gun Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse43 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse44 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse45 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse46 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse47 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse48 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse49 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.0 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse50 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.1 [2019-02-26])" mslug5sse51 "Metal Slug 5 (Summon Slug Edition 2018-09-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix 1.2 [2019-02-26])" mslug5tnc02 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Dual Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc03 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc04 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc05 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc06 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc07 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc08 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc09 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc10 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc11 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Big Laser With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc12 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc13 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc14 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc15 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc16 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Weapon Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslug5tnc17 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Fire Bomb)" mslug5tnc18 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Stone)" mslug5tnc19 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Big Mode)" mslug5tnc20 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Change Weapon And Bomb)" mslug5tnc21 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(99 Grenades)" mslug5tnc22 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Pow never lose)" mslug5tnc23 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslug5tnc24 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(War Chariot)" mslug5tnc26 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Color Modification V1)" mslug5tnc27 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Color Modification V2)" mslug5tnc28 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Color Modification V3)" mslug5tnc29 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Color Modification V4)" mslug5tnc30 "Metal Slug 5 (Fighting Machine Latest Version 2015-01-20)(Color Modification V5)" mslug5w "Metal Slug 5 (New Campaign 2016-03-10)" mslughp01 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Weapons Flame Shot Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslughp02 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslughp03 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Weapons Rocket Launcher Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslughp04 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Weapons Super Flame Shot Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslughp05 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Weapons Shotgun Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslughp06 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Change weapon)" mslughp07 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Jump In Mid Air)" mslughp08 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(99 Bombs)" mslughp09 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(No Lose Prisioner)" mslughp10 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslughp11 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(War Chariot)" mslugps01 "Metal Slug (99 Bombs)" mslugps02 "Metal Slug (Weapons Heavy Machine Gun Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugps03 "Metal Slug (Weapons Flame Shot Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugps04 "Metal Slug (Weapons Rocket Launcher Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugps05 "Metal Slug (Weapons Super Flame Shot Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugps06 "Metal Slug (Weapons Shotgun Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugps07 "Metal Slug (Credits 99 In Console Mode)" mslugps08 "Metal Slug (Change weapon)" mslugps09 "Metal Slug (Circulation For The Gun)" mslugps10 "Metal Slug (No Lose Prisioner)" mslugps11 "Metal Slug (Shotgun Flash Off)" mslugps12 "Metal Slug (Jump In Mid Air)" mslugps14 "Metal Slug (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" mslugps15 "Metal Slug (War Chariot)" mslugps16 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)" mslugrmhp01 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix Rev.1 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp02 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix Rev.2 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp03 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix Rev.1 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp04 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix Rev.2 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp05 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Shotgun Mix Rev.1 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp06 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Shotgun Mix Rev.2 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp07 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Super Flame Shot Mix Rev.1 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmhp08 "Metal Slug (Multi-Function Version 2018-04-30)(Revised Version Super Flame Shot Mix Rev.2 [2018-06-03])" mslugrmpl01 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix Rev.1 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl02 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Heavy Machine Gun Mix Rev.2 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl03 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix Rev.1 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl04 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Rocket Launcher Mix Rev.2 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl05 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Shotgun Mix Rev.1 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl06 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Shotgun Mix Rev.2 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl07 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Super Flame Shot Mix Rev.1 [2018-05-21])" mslugrmpl08 "Metal Slug (Revised Version Super Flame Shot Mix Rev.2 [2018-05-21])" mslugx "Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500)(NGH-2500)" mslugxce "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)" mslugxeb "Metal Slug X (Green Edition 2016-01-04)" mslugxece01 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece02 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece03 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece04 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece05 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece06 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece07 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece08 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece09 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece10 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece11 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece12 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece13 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece14 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece15 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece16 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece17 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece18 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece19 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece20 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece21 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece22 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece23 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece24 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece25 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.0 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece26 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.1 [2019-02-23])" mslugxece27 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.2 [2019-02-23])" mslugxervs01 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Qing Youlan First Edition)" mslugxervs02 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Qing Chuanlan Old Version)" mslugxervs03 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Green Blue 7.19)" mslugxervs04 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Neo Arc Translator French)" mslugxervs05 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Italian prototype)" mslugxervs06 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs07 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs08 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs09 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs10 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs11 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs12 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs13 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs14 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs15 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs16 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs17 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs18 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs19 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs20 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervs21 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Fire Bombs)" mslugxervs22 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Stone Bombs)" mslugxervs23 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Big Mode)" mslugxervs24 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Shotgun Flash Off)" mslugxervs25 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Change Weapon And Fat Guy)" mslugxervs26 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(99 Grenades)" mslugxervs27 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(POW Never Lose)" mslugxervs28 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslugxervs29 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(War Chariot)" mslugxervs30 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Extreme Blue)" mslugxervx01 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Qing Youlan First Edition)" mslugxervx02 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Qing Chuanlan Old Version)" mslugxervx03 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Green Blue 7.19)" mslugxervx04 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Neo Arc Translator French)" mslugxervx05 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Italian prototype)" mslugxervx06 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx07 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx08 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx09 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx10 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx11 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx12 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx13 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx14 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx15 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx16 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx17 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx18 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx19 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx20 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervx21 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Fire Bombs)" mslugxervx22 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Stone Bombs)" mslugxervx23 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Big Mode)" mslugxervx24 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Shotgun Flash Off)" mslugxervx25 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Change Weapon And Fat Guy)" mslugxervx26 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(99 Grenades)" mslugxervx27 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(POW Never Lose)" mslugxervx28 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslugxervx29 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(War Chariot)" mslugxervx30 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Extreme Blue)" mslugxervz01 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Qing Youlan First Edition)" mslugxervz02 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Qing Chuanlan Old Version)" mslugxervz03 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Green Blue 7.19)" mslugxervz04 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Neo Arc Translator French)" mslugxervz05 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Italian prototype)" mslugxervz06 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz07 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz08 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz09 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz10 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz11 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz12 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz13 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz14 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz15 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz16 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz17 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz18 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz19 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz20 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxervz21 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Fire Bombs)" mslugxervz22 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Stone Bombs)" mslugxervz23 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Big Mode)" mslugxervz24 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Shotgun Flash Off)" mslugxervz25 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Change Weapon And Fat Guy)" mslugxervz26 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(99 Grenades)" mslugxervz27 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(POW Never Lose)" mslugxervz28 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslugxervz29 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(War Chariot)" mslugxervz30 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Extreme Blue)" mslugxex "Metal Slug X (Qing Chuanlan Old Version V1)" mslugxfe "Metal Slug X (Fire Edition)" mslugxfr "Metal Slug X (Neo Arc Translator French 01)" mslugxfro "Metal Slug X (Neo Arc Translator French 01)(Old)" mslugxhbs01 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Hybrid Bullets Version)" mslugxhbs02 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Hybrid Bullets Version)" mslugxhbs03 "Metal Slug X (Hybrid Bullets Version)" mslugxhbs05 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Hybrid Bullets Version)" mslugxhbs06 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)" mslugxhp "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)" mslugxit "Metal Slug X (Translator Italian - Beta)" mslugxmfb "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead X Crazy Fire Bthl Special Enhanced Version 2014-11-7)" mslugxmrhbs01 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 01)" mslugxmrhbs02 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 02)" mslugxmrhbs03 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 01)" mslugxmrhbs04 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 02)" mslugxmrhbs05 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 01)" mslugxmrhbs06 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 02)" mslugxmrhbs07 "Metal Slug X (Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 01)" mslugxmrhbs08 "Metal Slug X (Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 02)" mslugxmrhbs11 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 01)" mslugxmrhbs12 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 01)" mslugxmrhbs13 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)(Remix 02)" mslugxotb01 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(99 Grenades)" mslugxotb02 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Change Weapon And Fat Guy)" mslugxotb03 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Fire Bombs)" mslugxotb04 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(POW Never Lose)" mslugxotb05 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Stone Bombs)" mslugxotb06 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(War Chariot)" mslugxotb07 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb08 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb09 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb10 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb11 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb12 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb13 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb14 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb15 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb16 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb17 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb18 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb19 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb20 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxotb21 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxp "Metal Slug X Plus" mslugxr "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)" mslugxres "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead X Checkpoint Enemy Soldiers Reset Bullets Enhanced Version 2014-11-10)" mslugxrm0s01 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s02 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s03 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s04 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s05 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s06 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s07 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s08 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s09 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s10 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s11 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s12 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s13 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s14 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s15 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s16 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s17 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s18 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s19 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s20 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s21 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s22 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s23 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s24 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s25 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s26 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s27 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s28 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s29 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s30 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s31 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s32 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s33 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s34 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s35 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s36 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s37 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s38 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s39 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s40 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s41 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s42 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s43 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s44 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s45 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s46 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s47 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s48 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s49 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s50 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s51 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s52 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s53 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm0s54 "Metal Slug X (Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s01 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s02 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s03 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s04 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s05 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s06 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s07 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s08 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s09 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s10 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s11 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s12 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s13 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s14 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s15 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s16 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s17 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s18 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s19 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s20 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s21 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s22 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s23 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s24 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s25 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s26 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s27 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s28 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s29 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s30 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s31 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s32 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s33 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s34 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s35 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s36 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s37 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s38 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s39 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s40 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s41 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s42 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s43 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s44 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s45 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s46 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s47 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s48 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s49 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s50 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s51 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s52 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s53 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm1s54 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s01 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s02 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s03 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s04 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s05 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s06 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s07 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s08 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s09 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s10 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s11 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s12 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s13 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s14 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s15 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s16 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s17 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s18 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s19 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s20 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s21 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s22 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s23 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s24 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s25 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s26 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s27 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s28 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s29 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s30 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s31 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s32 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s33 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s34 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s35 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s36 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s37 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s38 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s39 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s40 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s41 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s42 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s43 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s44 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s45 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s46 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s47 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s48 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s49 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s50 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s51 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s52 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s53 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm2s54 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s01 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s02 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s03 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s04 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s05 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s06 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s07 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s08 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s09 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s10 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s11 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s12 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s13 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s14 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s15 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s16 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s17 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s18 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s19 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s20 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s21 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s22 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s23 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s24 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s25 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s26 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s27 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s28 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s29 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s30 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s31 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s32 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s33 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s34 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s35 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s36 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s37 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s38 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s39 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s40 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s41 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s42 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s43 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s44 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s45 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s46 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s47 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s48 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s49 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s50 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s51 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s52 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s53 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrm3s54 "Metal Slug X (Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmc01 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Qing Youlan First Edition)" mslugxrmc02 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Qing Chuanlan Old Version)" mslugxrmc03 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Green Blue 7.19)" mslugxrmc04 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Neo Arc Translator French)" mslugxrmc05 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Italian prototype)" mslugxrmc06 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc07 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc08 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc09 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc10 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc11 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc12 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc13 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc14 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc15 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc16 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc17 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc18 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc19 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc20 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxrmc21 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Fire Bombs)" mslugxrmc22 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Stone Bombs)" mslugxrmc23 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Big Mode)" mslugxrmc24 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Shotgun Flash Off)" mslugxrmc25 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Change Weapon And Fat Guy)" mslugxrmc26 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(99 Grenades)" mslugxrmc27 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(POW Never Lose)" mslugxrmc28 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Quick Go Next Mission)" mslugxrmc29 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(War Chariot)" mslugxrmmpv01 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv02 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv03 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv04 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv05 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv06 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Flame Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv07 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv08 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv09 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv10 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv11 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv12 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Heavy Machine Gun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv13 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv14 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv15 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv16 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv17 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv18 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Laser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv19 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv20 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv21 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv22 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv23 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv24 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Rocket Launcher Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv25 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv26 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv27 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv28 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv29 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv30 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Big Shotgun Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv31 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv32 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv33 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv34 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv35 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv36 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Drop Shot Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv37 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv38 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv39 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv40 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv41 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv42 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Enemy Chaser Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv43 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv44 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv45 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv46 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv47 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv48 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Iron Lizard Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv49 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv50 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv51 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V1.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv52 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.0 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv53 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.1 [21-5-2018])" mslugxrmmpv54 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 2013-01-05)(Revised Version Super Grenade Mix V2.2 [21-5-2018])" mslugxsef "Metal Slug X (Special Edition Enhanced Flash Off)" mslugxst "Metal Slug X (Change Gun Version)" mslugxz01 "Metal Slug X (Extreme Blue)" mslugxz04 "Metal Slug X (Qing Youlan First Edition V2)" mslugxz05 "Metal Slug X (Green Blue Old V2)" mslugxz06 "Metal Slug X (Green Blue 6.14)" mslugxz07 "Metal Slug X (Green Blue 7.19)" mslugxz08 "Metal Slug X (Out Of The Blue Version Rev.1)" mslugxz09 "Metal Slug X (Out Of The Blue Version Rev.2)" mslugxz10 "Metal Slug X (Out Of The Blue Version Rev.3)" mslugxz11 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Carrier Version 201X-0X-0X)" mslugxz12 "Metal Slug X (Crazy Fire Edition 2017-01-08)" mslugxz13 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 2015-04-10)" mslugxz14 "Metal Slug X (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)" mslugxz15 "Metal Slug X (Enable Hidden Menu)" mslugxz16 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Cannon With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz17 "Metal Slug X (Change Character)" mslugxz18 "Metal Slug X (Shotgun Flash Off)" mslugxz19 "Metal Slug X (Change Weapon And Fat Guy)" mslugxz20 "Metal Slug X (Quick Go Next Mission)" mslugxz21 "Metal Slug X (War Chariot V1)" mslugxz22 "Metal Slug X (War Chariot V2)" mslugxz24 "Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)" mslugxz25 "Metal Slug X (Blue Out Of The Blue 2ND Edition)" mslugxz27 "Metal Slug X (Fire Bombs)" mslugxz28 "Metal Slug X (99 Grenades)" mslugxz29 "Metal Slug X (Stone Bombs)" mslugxz30 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Big Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz31 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Big Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz32 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Big Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz33 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Big Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz34 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Big Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz35 "Metal Slug X (POW Never Lose)" mslugxz36 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Drop Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz37 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Enemy Chaser With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz38 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Flame Shot With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz39 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Heavy Machine Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz40 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Iron Lizard With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz41 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Laser Gun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz42 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz43 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Super Grenade With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz44 "Metal Slug X (Weapons Shotgun With Infinite Ammo)" mslugxz45 "Metal Slug X (Big Mode)" mslugxz48 "Metal Slug X (Neo Arc Translator French 03)" mslugxz49 "Metal Slug X (Green Blue Rev.?)" mslugxz50 "Metal Slug X (Qing Youlan first edition V1)" mslugxz51 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Prop Version (Looking Edition))" mslugxz52 "Metal Slug X (Special Plus Version 2017-01-08)" mslugxz53 "Metal Slug X (Multi-Prop Version(V.?))" mslugxz54 "Metal Slug X (World Of Glitcher)" mslugxz57 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead Extreme Space Edition 201X-0X-1X)" mslugxz58 "Metal Slug X (Green Edition 2016-10-19)" mslugxz59 "Metal Slug X (Alloy Warhead X Multi-Carrier Version 2016-10-19)" mslugxz60 "Metal Slug X (Green Edition 2016-03-11)" mslugxz61 "Metal Slug X (Green Edition 2016-10-16)" msmini "Ms. Pac-Mini" msminia "Ms. Pac-Attack Mini [c]" msmspac "Ms. Pacman Ms. Pac (MS PAC-MAN MS PAC)" msnes4a "Ms. Pacman SNES (Tall Alternate)" msnes62 "Ms. Pacman NES (Set 2)" msnes63 "Ms. Pacman NES (Set 3)" msnes6m "Ms. Pacman NES (6 maps)" msnes6m2 "Ms. Pacman SNES (New Mazes)" msnes6m3 "Ms. Pacman SNES (Regular / Tall)" msnes6m4 "Ms. Pacman SNES (Regular)" mspac1 "Ms. Pacman (single rom set 2)" mspac6m "Ms. Pacman 6M (Six Maze)" mspac6m2 "Ms. Pacman 6M (Six Maze) (Set 2)" mspacad "Ms. Pacman After Dark" mspacat2 "Ms. Pacman Plus / Attack [c]" mspacatb "Ms. Pacman Plus (Set B) [c]" mspacatttur "Ms. Pac Attack Plus Turbo" mspacatx "Ms. Pac Attack (hires hack)" mspacde "Ms. Pacman -1" mspacdel "Ms. Pacman Deluxe (MS PAC-MAN DELUXE)" mspaceur "Ms. Pac-man" mspacfnt "Ms. Pacman with Pacman font" mspachi "Ms. Pacman[h]" mspacii "Ms. Pacman II" mspacii2 "Ms. Pacman (Pink Plus)" mspacit "Ms. Pacman -2" mspacit2 "Ms. Pacman -3" mspacj "Ms. Pacman (Jamma? Bootleg)" mspacmabscre "Ms. Pacman (Split Screen Solved)" mspacmadp "Ms. Pacman (Pac Droid Plus)" mspacman "Ms. Pacman" mspacmanl "Ms. Pacman (large roms)[f]" mspacmans01 "Ms Pacman (hack s01)" mspacmans02 "Ms Pacman (Fast)" mspacmans03 "Ms Pacman (Brazil)" mspacmans04 "Ms Pacman (Brazil Fast)" mspacmap "Ms. Pacman (patched)" mspacmbg "Ms. Pacman (single rom)" mspacmbx "Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg) (hires hack)" mspacmfx "Ms. Pac-Man (hires hack) [f]" mspacmnx "Ms. Pac-Man (hires hack)" mspacnes "Ms. Pacman NES" mspacp "Ms. Pacman Plus (MS PAC-MAN PLUS)" mspacpbl "Ms. Pac Plus (bootleg)" mspacpbla "Ms. Pac Man (Super) Plus" mspacplx "Ms. Pac-Man Plus (hires hack) [c]" mspacren "Ms. Pacman Renaissance" mspacrip "Ms. Pac-Mortem" mspacsup "Super Ms. Pac-Man" mspacwf "Ms Weird Fruit Pac" mspamsba "Ms. Pacman Ms. Babies (MS PAC-MAN MS BABIES)" mspc6mad "Ms. Pacman After Dark (6 Mazes)" msplus "Ms. Pacman Ms Plus (MS PAC-MAN MS PLUS)" msrumble "Ms. Pac Rumble" mssilad "Ms. Pacman After Dark (Sil)" msstrmaz "Ms. Pacman Strange Mazes (MS PAC STRANGE MAZES)" msultra "Ms. Ultra Pacman" msvctr6m "Vector Ms. Pacman (6 Mazes)" msvectr "Vector Ms. Pacman" msyakman "Ms. Yak Man" mtlchamp "Martial Champion (ver EAB)" mtlchamps01 "Martial Champion (Easy Move)(ver EAB)" mtturbo "Make Trax (Turbo Hack)" muckpan "Muckpan" multi10 "Multipac 1.0" multi11 "Multipac 1.1" multi13 "Multipac 1.3" multi14 "Multipac 1.4" multi15 "Multipac 1.5" mutantf "Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5)" mutnat "Mutation Nation (NGM-014)(NGH-014)" mutnatd "Mutation Nation (MGD2)" mutnatex "Mutation Nation (Ex version)(NGM-014)(NGH-014)" mvsc "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)" mvscjemb "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Easy Moves)(2009-04-24)(Japan 980123)" mvscjphp "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Get maximum power on a valid attack or being attacked)(Japan 980123)" mvscjs01 "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Move The Order To Modify V1)(2008-07-15)(Japan 980123)" mvscjs02 "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Move The Order To Modify V2)(2008-07-15)(Japan 980123)" mvscrcp "Marvel Vs. Capcom RCP (Euro 980123)" mvscud "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 980123 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" mvscuh "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Add Boss)(USA 980123)" mvsh01 "Marvel Vs. Capcom (Enable Hi-Speed Venom, Orange Hulk, Gold War Machine, Roll, Shadow Lady, Lilith Morrigan, Onslaught)(Euro 980123)" mvsh02 "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Unknown Hack 2013-10-08)(Euro 980123)" nacho "Nacho Libre" nadkong "Naked Donkey Kong" nam1975 "NAM-1975 (NGM-001)(NGH-001)" nam1975g "NAM-1975 (Description Of Hack Unknown)(NGM-001)(NGH-001)" nam1975h "NAM-1975 (Max Plus Edition)(NGM-001)(NGH-001)" namcosil "Pacman (Namco) (Sil hack) [c]" nbbatman "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World)" nbbatmans01 "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (X2 Edition 2018-05-05)(World)" nbbatmans02 "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (1V4 2017-03-15)(World)" nbbatmanus01 "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Unknown Hack 2013-06-04)(US)" nbbatmanus02 "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (New Starter Edition Update 2016-10-16)(US)" nbbatmanus03 "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Musou version 2019-02-23)(US)" nbbatmanus04 "Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Characters Changeable 2016-12-03)(US)" ncombat "Ninja Combat (NGM-009)" ncombatd "Ninja Combat (MGD2)" ncombatpk "Ninja Combat (Plus)(NGM-009)" ncommand "Ninja Commando" ncommandd "Ninja Commando (MGD2)" ncommandsp "Ninja Commando (Super Plus)(2009-08-16)(NGM-009)" neo2500 "Neo 2500 Demo" neo3d "Neo 3D Demo" neobadapple "Bad Apple demo" neobombe "Neo Bomberman" neobombes01 "Neo Bomberman (Ex Super V1)" neobombes02 "Neo Bomberman (Ex Super V2)" neobubble "Neo Bubble" neocstlv "Neo Castlevania Demo" neocup98 "Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory" neocup98k "Neo-Geo Cup '98 (Translation Korean)" neocup98s01 "Neo-Geo Cup '98 (Translation Korean)(Alt)" neodemo "Demo - NeoGeo" neofight "Neo Fight" neofightb "Neogeo Sprite Demo (Neo Fight beta)" neofighto "Neo Fight (old)" neogal1 "Neo Geo Galaga Demo R001" neogal1d "Neo Geo Galaga Demo R001 (debug)" neogal1t "Neo Geo Galaga Demo R001 (text)" neogal2 "Neo Geo Galaga Demo R002" neogeo "Neo-Geo" neonopon "Neo No Panepon V.0.2" neonopon_d1 "Neo No Panepon (demo 1)" neonopon_d2 "Neo No Panepon (demo 2)" neonopon_d3 "Neo No Panepon (demo 3)" neopong "Neo Pong (v1.1)" neoponga "Neo Pong (v1.0)" neoromjb "Neo Rom Jukebox" neotest "Neo Geo Sound Test" neothund "Neo Thunder" newdigdo "Mr. Do! (Dig Dug sprites, new version)" newpuc1 "Newpuc1 (Italian dump)" newpuc2x "Newpuc2 (hires hack)" newpuck2 "New Puck-2" newpuck3 "New Puck-3" ngem2k "NGEM2K (Beta 2006-01-18)" ngftdemo "NGF Transparency Demo" ngmontst "NeoGeo Monitor Test" ngtd2 "NeoGeo Tech Demo 2" ngtetris "NeoGeo 2-Player Tetris" ngym2610 "NeoGeo YM2610 Test" ninjamas "Ninja Master's - haoh-ninpo-cho" ninjamasasp "Ninja Master's (Plus Remixed)" ninjamaschl "Ninja Master's (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 01)" ninjamaseh "Ninja Master's (Enable hidden characters v1)" ninjamasehc "Ninja Master's (Enhanced power)" ninjamasehyc "Ninja Master's (Add Char - Pow hack)" ninjamasha "Ninja Master's (Plus)" ninjamashb "Ninja Master's (Happy Batter Edition)(2009-09-09)" ninjamass01 "Ninja Master's (Enable Hidden Characters V2)" ninjamass02 "Ninja Master's (Command Change V1)" ninjamass03 "Ninja Master's (Command Change V2)" ninjamass04 "Ninja Master's (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" nitd "Nightmare in the Dark" nitdd "Nightmare in the Dark (decrypted C)" nitdfr "Nightmare in the Dark (Translation French)(decrypted C)" nitdfro "Nightmare in the Dark (Translation French)(Ver.?)(11-02-2005)(decrypted C)" nitdfro1 "Nightmare in the Dark (NEO ARC Traduction French)" nitdpx "Nightmare in the Dark (Plus Max)" nitds01 "Nightmare in the Dark (French Version v1)" nitds02 "Nightmare in the Dark (French Version v2)(11-02-2005)" nitds03 "Nightmare in the Dark (French Version v?)(decrypted C)" nitdsp "Nightmare in the Dark (Translation Spanish)" nitdsp1 "Nightmare in the Dark (Translation Spanish.Rev 1)" nitdsp2 "Nightmare in the Dark (Translation Spanish.Rev 2)" nrallyv "New Rally X (Vertical Screen)" nwarr "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Euro 950316)" nwarrud "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (USA 950406 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" nwpuc2b "New Puc2 (Set 2)" nwpuc2bx "Newpuc2 (set 2) (hires hack)" nwpuckxx "New Puck-X (hires hack)" nyan "Nyan Cat demo" offender "Offender" olds "Oriental Legend Super / Xiyou Shi E Chuan Super (ver. 101, Korean Board)" olds01 "Oriental Legend Super (Enhanced power))" olds100a "Oriental Legend Special / Xiyou Shi E Chuan Super (ver. 100, set 2)" olds100s01 "Oriental Legend Special (Enhanced power)" olds103ts01 "Xiyou Shi E Chuan Super (Description Of Hack Unknown))" oldsplus "Oriental Legend 2 (Korea) / Xiyou Shi E Chuan Qunmoluanwu (World, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan) (ver. 205) [Oriental Ex]" oldsplus01 "Oriental Legend 2 (Journey To The West Buddhism Adversity Biography Super Dance Macabre 2016 Edition)" oldsplus02 "Oriental Legend 2 (Description Of Unknown Origin 01)" oldsplus03 "Oriental Legend 2 (Journey To The West Buddhism Adversity Super Dance Macabre 2017 Edition)" oldsplus04 "Oriental Legend 2 (Journey To The West Buddhism Adversity Biography Super Edition Macabre Enhanced Version 2015-12-30)" oldsplus05 "Oriental Legend 2 (Simplification Version)" oldsplus06 "Oriental Legend 2 (Simplification Version)(Alt)" oldsplus07 "Oriental Legend 2 (Unlimited Props)" oldsplus08 "Oriental Legend 2 (Turn On Masking)" oldsplus09 "Oriental Legend 2 (Unlimited Life)" oldsplus10 "Oriental Legend 2 (No Need To Inflate)" oldsplus11 "Oriental Legend 2 (Energy Mode Enhancement)" oldsplus12 "Oriental Legend 2 (Simply Press AC Perfect!)" oldsplus13 "Oriental Legend 2 (Grupo De Danza Mágica Versión Mejorada 1.0)" oldsplus14 "Oriental Legend 2 (Journey To The West 2016 Flender Dance Simplify More 2017-01-15)" oldsplus15 "Oriental Legend 2 (Journey To The West Of The Eritrean Flock Of Shades Devils Edition 2017-02-13)" oldsplus16 "Oriental Legend 2 (Group Devil Dance 2017 Enhanced Edition Plus 2017-01-15)" oldsplus17 "Oriental Legend 2 (Magic Dance Yellow Hat Volt Magic Version 2018-08-02)" orlegend "Oriental Legend / Xiyou Shi E Chuan (ver. 126)" orlegend111cs01 "Oriental Legend (Enhanced Power)" orlegendcs "Oriental Legend (Some Items Are Unlimited)" orlegendcs01 "Oriental Legend (Easy Super Moves)" orlegendcs02 "Oriental Legend (Turned into an enhanced version 2016-11-04)" orlegendcs03 "Oriental Legend (Enhanced Score)" orlegendcs04 "Oriental Legend (Evil Wind Return The Final Version)" orlegendcs05 "Oriental Legend (Plus Ver 1.0)" orlegendcs06 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 2 Funny Innocence Plus)" orlegendcs07 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 3 Phantom Legend)" orlegendcs08 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 3 West Overlord)" orlegendcs09 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 4 I Want To Rank)" orlegendcs10 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 4 I Want To Rank Fever)" orlegendcs11 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 4 I Want To Rank Pro)" orlegendcs12 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 5 Very Skynet EX-2)" orlegendcs13 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 5 Very Skynet EX-3)" orlegendcs14 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 5 Very Skynet EX-3 Easy)" orlegendcs16 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation 1024 Edition)" orlegendcs17 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation 1201 Edition)" orlegendcs18 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation Longma Special Edition)" orlegendcs19 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation Sha Wu Net Special Edition)" orlegendcs20 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation Sun Wukong Special Edition)" orlegendcs21 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation Little Dragon Girl Special Edition)" orlegendcs22 "Oriental Legend (Warcraft Liberation Pig Eight Rings Special Edition)" orlegendcs23 "Oriental Legend (World Of Warcraft Liberation)" orlegendcs24 "Oriental Legend (Wave Power Recovery)" orlegendcs25 "Oriental Legend (Super World - Red Dragon Dance 1)" orlegendcs26 "Oriental Legend (Super World - Red Dragon Dance 2)" orlegendcs28 "Oriental Legend (2008 Musou Dragon Edition 2015-02-20)" orlegendcs29 "Oriental Legend (Thousands Of Machines Change. Variety Unparalleled 1 2015-03-15)" orlegendcs30 "Oriental Legend (Thousands Of Machines Change. Variety Unparalleled 2 2015-03-25)" orlegendcs31 "Oriental Legend (Thousands Of Machines Change. Variety Unparalleled 3)" orlegendcs32 "Oriental Legend (Thousands Of Machines Change. Variety Unparalleled 4)" orlegendcs33 "Oriental Legend (Thousands Of Machines. Variety Unparalleled PRO)" orlegendcs34 "Oriental Legend (Return of the Holy)" orlegendcs35 "Oriental Legend (Plus Ver 1.1)" orlegendcs36 "Oriental Legend (Plus Ver 1.2 (Moves Simplified Version))" orlegendcs37 "Oriental Legend (Group Of Flurry Dance Beta 2)" orlegendcs38 "Oriental Legend (Group Of Flurry Dance Beta 3)" orlegendcs39 "Oriental Legend (Group Of Demon Dances)(Alt)" orlegendcs41 "Oriental Legend (2008 revised Enhanced Version)" orlegendcs42 "Oriental Legend (Westbound Evil Wind Beta 3)" orlegendcs43 "Oriental Legend (Return Of Evil Winds Beta 1)" orlegendcs44 "Oriental Legend (Return Of Evil Winds Beta 2)" orlegendcs45 "Oriental Legend (Return Of Evil Winds Beta 3)" orlegendcs46 "Oriental Legend (Join Hands)" orlegendcs47 "Oriental Legend (Join Hands 2 2017-03-06)" orlegendcs49 "Oriental Legend (Westbound Flat Demon)" orlegendcs50 "Oriental Legend (Chaos Demon Discipline)" orlegendcs51 "Oriental Legend (Small Work)" orlegendcs52 "Oriental Legend (Hide The Conversation)" orlegendcs53 "Oriental Legend (Wukong Legend)" orlegendcs54 "Oriental Legend (Return Of Evil Winds)" orlegendcs55 "Oriental Legend (Instructional Simplified Version)" orlegendcs56 "Oriental Legend (Gold Fish)" orlegendcs57 "Oriental Legend (Full-Featured Pig Journey)" orlegendcs58 "Oriental Legend (Boss Weakened Version)" orlegendcs60 "Oriental Legend (Golden Monkey Legend)" orlegendcs61 "Oriental Legend (Full Featured Dragon Horse)" orlegendcs62 "Oriental Legend (Full Color Little Dragon Girl)" orlegendcs63 "Oriental Legend (The Full Role Of Sand Wu Net)" orlegendcs64 "Oriental Legend (The Full Role Of The Monkey King)" orlegendcs65 "Oriental Legend (Super World - The Beast Resurrection Plus)" orlegendcs66 "Oriental Legend (Super Return To Thousands Of Machines To Change 2008)" orlegendcs67 "Oriental Legend (Super Return To Thousands Of Machines To Change 2008 v2.0)" orlegendcs68 "Oriental Legend (Journey Metamorphosis) " orlegendcs69 "Oriental Legend (Pro Silver Edition)" orlegendcs70 "Oriental Legend (Plus v2.0a)" orlegendcs71 "Oriental Legend (Super 2008)" orlegendcs72 "Oriental Legend (Super World - Resurrection Of The Beast Special)" orlegendcs73 "Oriental Legend (Super World - Resurrection Of The Beast)" orlegendcs74 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 5 Very Skynet Ex)" orlegendcs75 "Oriental Legend (Super Return 5 Very Skynet)" orlegendcs76 "Oriental Legend (Plus v1.3)(2006-09-12)" orlegendcs77 "Oriental Legend (Plus v3.0))" orlegendcs78 "Oriental Legend (Chao Mo Ji Super v2.0)" orlegendcs79 "Oriental Legend (Enhanced Power XXXX-XX-XX)" orlegendcs83 "Oriental Legend (Westward Journey Super Pig)" orlegendcs84 "Oriental Legend (Westward Variety)(World of Warcraft 2017-02-15)" orlegendcs85 "Oriental Legend (Westward Full Attack Enhanced Version 2017-03-06)" orlegendcs86 "Oriental Legend (Westward Flock Of Shameless 2017 Strengthening 2017-02-10)" orlegendcs87 "Oriental Legend (Westward Tour 1v4 2017-03-19)" orlegendcs88 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 01)" orlegendcs89 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 02)" orlegendcs90 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 03)" orlegendcs91 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 04)" orlegendcs92 "Oriental Legend (Xiyou Turned Into An Enhanced Version 2018-05-28)" orlegendcs93 "Oriental Legend (Jing Yu Jing)" orlegendcs94 "Oriental Legend (Plus)(Ver.?)" orlegendcs95 "Oriental Legend (Xianhui Dream 2018-07-15)" orlegendes01 "Oriental Legend (Enhanced Power)(Alt)(?)" orlegends01 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown XXXX-XX-XX)(Set 01)" orlegends02 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown XXXX-XX-XX)(Set 02)" orlegends03 "Oriental Legend (Description Of Hack Unknown XXXX-XX-XX)(Set 03)" orlegends04 "Oriental Legend (Unknow Hack)" orlegends05 "Oriental Legend (Evil Spirit Plus)" orlegends06 "Oriental Legend (Plus Revision)" orlegends07 "Oriental Legend (Kamikemono Fukkatsu Special Set 2)" orlegends08 "Oriental Legend (Boss Beta 01) " orlegends09 "Oriental Legend (Skills Instruction Is Simplified)" orlegends10 "Oriental Legend (Super Qigong)" orlegends11 "Oriental Legend (Super Moves)" orlegends12 "Oriental Legend (Note Edition 2017-06-13)" ottop1 "Otto Project P1" ottop2 "Otto Project P2" ottop3 "Otto Project P3" ottopz "Otto Project PZ" ottopza "Crazy Otto - The Original Ms Pacman (hack of ottopz)" outrun "Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B)" outrunen "Out Run (Enhanced Edition v1.0.3)(sitdown/upright, Rev B)" outrunen0 "Out Run (Enhanced Edition v1.0.0)(sitdown/upright, Rev B)" outrunen1 "Out Run (Enhanced Edition v1.0.1)(sitdown/upright, Rev B)" outrunen2 "Out Run (Enhanced Edition v1.0.2)(sitdown/upright, Rev B)" outrunm "Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (added music)" overtop "Over Top" pac2600 "Pac 2600" pac2600a "Pac 2600 (Older?)" pac90 "Pac-Man (bootleg on World Cup '90 hardware)" pacandroid "Pac Android" pacatk "Ms. Pacman Plus (Fruit)" pacbaby "Pacman (Baby Maze 1)" pacbaby2 "Pacman (Baby Maze 2)" pacbaby3 "Pacman (Baby Maze 3)" pacbell "Pacman (Bell)" pacelec "Pacman (Electric Cowboy)" pacfnt "Pacman with Pacman font" pacgalu "Pac-Gal (Hearts)" pacgalx "Pac-Gal (hires hack)" pacgent "Pac Gentleman [f]" pachello "Hello, World!" pacinvis "Pacman (Original Inviso)" pacipede "Pacipede" pacjail "Pacman (Jail)" pacjr1 "Pacman Jr. (Maze 1)" pacjr2 "Pacman Jr. (Maze 2)" pacjr3 "Pacman Jr. (Maze 3)" pacjr4 "Pacman Jr. (Maze 4)" packetman "Packetman" pacland "Pac-Land (World)" paclandb "Pac-Land (Benelux Edition)" paclandd "Pac-Land" pacm255 "Pacman (Fixes 255th Maze)" pacman25 "25 MAP PAC [c]" pacman3d "Pacman 3D" pacman6 "Pacman 6" pacmanfx "Pac-Man (Midway) (hires hack) [f]" pacmanp "Pacman (Patched)" pacmanx "Pac-Man (Midway) (hires hack)" pacmar "Mario Pacman" pacmatri "Matrix Effect" pacminer "Pac Manic Miner Man" pacmini "Mini Pacman" pacmini2 "Mini Pacman 2" pacmn6m2 "Pacman 2000 (Set 2)" pacmodx "Pac-Man (Midway, harder) (hires hack)" pacms1 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 1)" pacms2 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 2)" pacms3 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 3)" pacms4 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 4)" pacmsa1 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 1)" pacmsa2 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 2)" pacmsa3 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 3)" pacmsa4 "Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 4)" pacmulti "PacMulti (Pacman)" pacpen "Pacman on Pengo Hardware" pacplusc "Pacman Plus (Unencrypted) [c]" pacplusx "Pac-Man Plus (hires hack)" pacpopey "Pacman (Popeye)" pacrab "Pac Rabbit" pacshuf "Pacman (Shuffle)" pacsnoop "Pac Snoop v1.3 [f]" pacspeed "Pacman (Speedy)" pactest "Test - Pacman board test" pactetris "Tetris on Pacman hardware (incomplete)" pacweird "Pacman (Six Map Weird)" pacwf "Pacman (Weird Fruit)" pbcrazyb1 "Puzzle Bobble Crazy (beta 1)(2009-07-05)(Neo-Geo) (bootleg)" pbcrazyb2 "Puzzle Bobble Crazy (beta 2)(2009-07-23)(Neo-Geo) (bootleg)" pbert "P*bert" pbobble "Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System)" pbobble2 "Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.3O 1995/07/31)" pbobblen "Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo) (NGM-083)" pbobblenba "Puzzle Bobble (set 3)(Neo-Geo) (bootleg)" pbobblencd "Puzzle Bobble (CD conversion)(Neo-Geo) (bootleg)" pbobblendx "Puzzle Bobble Deluxe (bootleg)" pbobl2xh "Puzzle Bobble 2X (Hack)(Ver 2.3O 1995/07/31)" pc_ark "Arkanoid (PlayChoice-10)" pc_bb2 "Bubble Bobble 2 (PlayChoice-10)" pc_cch "Circus Charlie (PlayChoice-10)" pc_ctfrc "Contra Force (PlayChoice-10)" pc_digdg "Dig Dug (PlayChoice-10)" pc_dk "Donkey Kong (PlayChoice-10)" pc_dk3 "Donkey Kong 3 (PlayChoice-10)" pc_galag "Galaga (PlayChoice-10)" pc_gyrus "Gyruss (PlayChoice-10)" pc_krsty "Krusty's Funhouse (PlayChoice-10)" pc_mman5 "Megaman 5 (PlayChoice-10)" pc_pacm "Pacman (PlayChoice-10)" pc_parsl "Parasol Stars-The Story of Bubble Bobble 3 (PlayChoice-10)" pc_skykd "Sky Kid (PlayChoice-10)" pckgalgr "Pocket Gal (Greek)(Japan)" pcktgal "Pocket Gal (Japan)" pcktgalk "Pocket Gal (Translation Korean)(Japan)" pcmademo "ADPCM-A Playback Demo" pcmbdemo "ADPCM-B Playback Demo" pcrunchy "Pacman (Crunchy)" pengman "Pengo Man" pengo "Pengo (set 1 rev c)" pengopop "Pengo (Popcorn Music)" petshop "Pet Shop Freak-Out!" pfghtjrm "Pocket Fighter (Rise Starts Lite 2014-12-17)(Japan 970904)" pfghtjs01 "Pocket Fighter (Command Change)(2008-01-12)(Japan 970904)" pfghtjs02 "Pocket Fighter (Enhanced Power)(2008-07-28)(Japan 970904)" pfghtjs03 "Pocket Fighter (Move Mod)(11-10-2007)(Japan 970904)" pgemeni "P-Gemeni (060123)" pgm "PGM (Polygame Master) System BIOS" pgmdemo "Demo - PGM" pgmfrog "Frog Feast (PGM)" pheartb "Pacman Hearts 2" pheartx "Pac-Man (Hearts) (hires hack)" phoenix "Phoenix (Amstar, set 1)" phoenixg "Phoenix (Greek)" phoenixr "PhoenixR (GDR hack)" pickin "Pickin'" pickinpi "Pickin' (Color Hack)" pipibibs "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1)" pipibibss01 "Pipi & Bibis (Stage Select v1)(Z80 sound cpu, set 1)" pipibibss02 "Pipi & Bibis (Stage Select v2)(Z80 sound cpu, set 1)" piranha2 "Piranha 2 Revenge!" pisces "Pisces" playch10 "PlayChoice-10 BIOS" plegends "Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95/06/20)" plegendsjs01 "Gouketsuji Gaiden (Great Blood Temple Simplification 2015-12-05)(Japan, Ver. 95/06/20)" plegendsjs02 "Gouketsuji Gaiden (always Have Super Moves)(Japan, Ver. 95/06/20)" plotting "Plotting (World set 1)" plottingas01 "Plotting (Translation Chinese)(World set 2, protected)" pm1000 "Pac Man 1000" pm2000 "Pac Man 2000" pm3000 "Pac Man 3000" pm4000p "Pac Man 4000 Plus" pm4n1 "Pacman 4in1 v1.0 [c]" pm4n1a "Pacman 4in1 v1.1 [c]" pm4n1b "Pacman 4in1 v1.2 [c]" pm4n1c "Pacman 4in1 v2.3 [c][h]" pm4n1d "Pacman 4in1 v3.0 [c][h]" pm4n1e "Pacman 4in1 v3.3 [c][h]" pm5000p "Pac Man 5000 Plus" pm6000 "Pac Man 6000" pm7000 "Pac Man 7000" pm7000p "Pac Man 7000 Plus" pmad "Pacman After Dark" pmad00 "Pacman After Dark 2000" pmad6m "Pacman 2000 After Dark" pmada "Pacman After Dark (Alternate)" pmba2000 "Pac Man Babies 2000" pmba3000 "Pac Man Babies 3000" pmba4000 "Pac Man Babies 4000" pmba6000 "Pac Man Babies 6000" pmba8000 "Pac Man Babies 8000" pmbamaz "Pac Man Babies Maze" pmbaplus "Pac Man Babies Plus" pmbluep "Pac Man Blue Plus" pmdeluxe "Pac Man Deluxe" pmextra "Pac Man Extra" pmextrap "Pac Man Extra Plus" pmfever "Pac Man Fever" pmgrenp "Pac Man Green Plus" pmheart "Puckman Hearts" pnc "Pac'n'Chase" pnickj "Pnickies (Japan 940608)" pnicku "Pnickies (This Edition Is Just A Regional USA Version)" pnyaa "Pochi and Nyaa" pnyaad "Pochi & Nyaa (decrypted C Set 1)" pnyaadd "Pochi & Nyaa (decrypted C Set 2)" poknight "Poker Night" poknightcd "Poker Night (CD)" poknightfr "Poker Night (French)" pooyan "Pooyan" pooyandiag "Pooyan Tester" powerins "Power Instinct (USA)" powerinsas01 "Power Instinct (Enable Hidden Character)(USA, bootleg set 1)" powerinsas02 "Power Instinct (Translation-Portuguese)(USA, bootleg set 1)" powerinsbs01 "Power Instinct (Enable Hidden Character)(USA, bootleg set 2)" powerinsbs02 "Power Instinct (Translation-Portuguese)(USA, bootleg set 2)" powerinss01 "Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Enable Hidden Character)(Japan)" powerinss02 "Power Instinct (Enable Hidden Character)(Alt)(USA)" powernbr "Power Instinct (Brazilian translation)(NeoGeo BR Team)(Japan)" powerns01 "Power Instinct (Great Blood Temple Simplification)(USA)" powerns02 "Power Instinct (Description Of Unknown Origin 01)(USA)" pplusad "Pacman Plus After Dark" ppong "Ping Pong demo (Pacman Hardware)" ppong2 "Ping Pong demo (Pacman Hardware) v2" preisle2 "Prehistoric Isle 2" preisle2d "Prehistoric Isle 2 (decrypted C)" preisle2px "Prehistoric Isle 2 (Plus Max)" preisle2s01 "Prehistoric Isle 2 (Plus)" progear "Progear (USA 010117)" progearjbl "Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117) (decrypted bootleg)" progearjd "Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" progearjds01 "Progear no Arashi (Crazy Fire Version)(bootleg)(Japan 010117 Phoenix Edition)" progearjds02 "Progear no Arashi (Crazy Fire Version V2)(bootleg)(Japan 010117 Phoenix Edition)" progearud "Progear (USA 010117 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" pspikes2 "Power Spikes II (NGM-068)" pspikes2cd "Power Spikes II (CD conversion)(NGM-068)" puck255 "Puckman (Fixes 255th Maze)" puckman "Puckman (original)" puckmano "Puckman Opposite" puckmanx "PuckMan (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg) (hires hack)" puckmnax "PuckMan (Japan set 2) (hires hack)" puckmnfx "PuckMan (Japan set 1) (hires hack) [f]" puckmnhx "Puckman (Falcom?) (hires hack)" puckmodx "PuckMan (Japan set 3) (hires hack)" puckmot1 "Puckmotik (alt)" puckmoti "Puckmotik" puckren "Puckman Renaissance" puckrenc "Puckman Renaissance [c]" punisher "The Punisher (World 930422)" punisherb "The Punisher (Bootleg)" punisherbzs01 "Biaofeng Zhanjing (Warrior Extreme Edition 2017-12-13)" punisherf "The Punisher (Flash version 2007-09-24)" punisherje1 "The Punisher (SM Experience Edition 2009-06-12)" punisherjh "The Punisher (Ex Super version)" punisherjh1 "The Punisher (Lock double mode + Unlimited Use Of Pistols 2009-06-08)" punisherjha "The Punisher (Perverted Abuse Version)" punisherjs01 "The Punisher (Time No Decrease)" punisherjs02 "The Punisher (100 Second For Every Scene 2017-12-26)" punisherjs03 "The Punisher (1V2 Unparalleled Version 2016-02-18)" punisherjs04 "The Punisher (Unknown Hack 2016-02-18)" punisherjs05 "The Punisher (Lock double mode)" punisherjs06 "The Punisher (Unlimited use of pistols)" punisherjs07 "The Punisher (Button To Take Gun Unloading Gun 2009-06-09)" punisherjs08 "The Punisher (Angry Boms 2011.07.31)" punisherjs09 "The Punisher (Unparalleled Version 2017-11-02)" punisherjs10 "The Punisher (Enhanced Version 0 2014-12-23)" punisherjs11 "The Punisher (Enhanced Version 1 2014-12-26)" punisherjs12 "The Punisher (Enhanced Version 2 2014-12-27)" punisherjs13 "The Punisher (Strengthens Second Edition 2014-12-24)" punisherjs14 "The Punisher (The fourth edition of V2 2014-12-30)" punishers01 "The Punisher (1 Vs 2 Perfect Update 2018-03-30)" punishers02 "The Punisher (1 Vs 2 Perfect Update 2018-01-05)" punishers03 "The Punisher (1 Vs 2 Perfect Update 2017-12-17)" punishers04 "The Punisher (1 Vs 2 Perfect Update 2018-04-11)" punishers05 "The Punisher (1 Vs 2 Perfect Update 2018-03-26)" punishers06 "The Punisher (Unparalleled Fast Fight 2017-12-13)" punisherud1 "The Punisher (US 930422 Phoenix Edition (8b/32p))" punisherud2 "The Punisher (US 930422 Phoenix Edition (16b/40p))" punleash "Pacman Unleashed" puzzldpr "Puzzle De Pon! R!" puzzledp "Puzzle De Pon!" pwrinst2 "Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94/04/08)" pwrinst2h "Power Instinct 2 (hack)(US, Ver. 94/04/08)" pwrinst2s01 "Power Instinct 2 (Description Of Unknown Origin 01)(US, Ver. 94/04/08)" pwrinst2z "Power Instinct 2 (Great Blood Temple Simplification 2015-12-05)(US, Ver. 94/04/08)" qbert "Q*bert (US set 1)" qbertb "Q*bert" rabbit "Rabbit (Asia 3/6)" rabbits01 "Rabbit (Enable Hidden Character)(Asia 3/6)" rabbits02 "Rabbit (Easy Move)(Asia 3/6)" rabbits03 "Rabbit (Infinite Power Player 1)(Asia 3/6)" rabbits04 "Rabbit (Description Unknown)(Asia 3/6)" ragnagrd "Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken" ragnagrdbe "Operation Ragnagard (Chichi-Nene moves easy)" ragnagrdbs "Operation Ragnagard (Enable hidden characters v2)" ragnagrdeh "Operation Ragnagard (Enable hidden characters v1)" ragnagrds01 "Operation Ragnagard (Siu Shenquan Technology Unified Simplified V2)(2009-11-17)" ragnagrds02 "Operation Ragnagard (Super God Boxing Uniform Simplification)" ragnagrds03 "Operation Ragnagard (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" ragnagrds04 "Operation Ragnagard (Boss With Simple Attack Edition)" ragnagrdsb "Operation Ragnagard (Super God Boxing Uniform Simplification)(2009-11-16)" rainboh "Rainbow (Incomplete)" rallyx "Rally X (32k Ver.?)" ramsnoop "Miss Snoop v1.3 [f]" raroggame "Ryurik: Poteryannaya demo" rastan "Rastan (World Rev 1)" rastand2 "Rastan Dragon Hack (set 2)" rastandh "Rastan Dragon Hack" rastane2 "Rastan Enemy Hack (set 2)" rastaneh "Rastan Enemy Hack" rastwack "Wacky Rastan" rbff1 "Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095)(NGH-095)" rbff1ud "Real Bout Fatal Fury (Legends Renewed Edition 2014-12-11)(NGM-095)(NGH-095)" rbff2 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - the newcomers (NGM-2400)" rbff2b "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Add Alfred)(NGM-2400)" rbff2bh "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss Alt 02)(NGM-2400)" rbff2bs01 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Infinite Power)(NGM-2400)" rbff2bs02 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss)(NGM-2400)" rbff2bs03 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Optimize The Move V1)(NGM-2400)" rbff2bs04 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Optimize The Move V2)(NGM-2400)" rbff2eh "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Add Alfred - Ultra kill start max)(NGM-2400)" rbff2eh2 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Add Alfred - Ultra kill start max - Ultra pow)(NGM-2400)" rbff2ehc "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Ultra pow)(NGM-2400)" rbff2eho "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Add Alfred)(Old)(NGM-2400)" rbff2fc "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Enable Alfred v3 & Color Fix)(NGM-2400)" rbff2hs01 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss Alt 01)(NGH-2400)" rbff2hs02 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss Alt 03)(NGH-2400)" rbff2hs03 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Fix Alfred's Player 2 Color)(NGH-2400)" rbff2hs04 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Enhanced Power)(NGH-2400)" rbff2hs05 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Hidden Characters - Fix Alfred's player 2 color)(NGH-2400)" rbff2hs06 "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Rise Again 2014-12-11)(NGH-2400)" rbff2ud "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (P1 and P2 Add Alfred [Terry, hold B+C and press A] - Ultra kill style change)(NGM-2400)" rbff2y "Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (P1 only Add Alfred [Terry, hold B+C and press A])(NGM-2400)" rbffsb "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Add Geese Howard)" rbffseh "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Add Geese Howard - Ultra pow hack)" rbffsehd "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Ultra kill style changed - 5 Add Char)" rbffspbd "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Boss Hack)" rbffspec "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special" rbffspecbs "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Enable hidden characters v2)" rbffspecs01 "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Enhanced Power)" rbffspecs02 "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Edition Renewed Edition 2014-12-12)" rbffspy "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Ultra pow hack)" rbffss01 "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss)" rbffss02 "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss V2)" rbffss03 "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Optimize The Move)" rbffsud "Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Ultra kill style changed)" rci "Robocop (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" redearex "Red Earth (Ex Super Version)(2009-09-08)(Euro 961121, NO CD)" redeartn "Red Earth (Asia 961121, NO CD)" redeartno "Red Earth (Euro 961121, NO CD)" renju "Renju Kizoku" renjuk "Renju Kizoku (Translation Korean)" retofinv "Return of the Invaders" retofinv4 "Return of the Invaders (hack)" rezon "Rezon" rezons01 "Rezon (3 button version (Fixed Vaws, Rapid Fire))" rezonts01 "Rezon (3 button version (Fixed Vaws, Rapid Fire))(Taito)" ridhero "Riding Hero (NGM-006)(NGH-006)" ridherod "Riding Hero (MGD2)" ringdest "Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902)" ringdstd "Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" roboarmy "Robo Army" roboarmyd "Robo Army (MGD2)" roboman "Robo Man" robotron "Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label)" robotron201 "Robotron: 2084 (Hacked Patched Blue-201)" robotronp "Robotron: 2084 (patched)" robotrontie "Robotron: 2084 (Tie Die)" rotd "Rage of the Dragons (NGM-264?)" rotdb "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled set 4)" rotdb1 "Rage of the Dragons (Boss Hack)(Set 01)" rotdbh "Rage of the Dragons (Boss Hack)(Set 02)" rotdbr "Rage of the Dragons (Portuguese)" rotdbr1 "Rage of the Dragons (Portuguese) (Alt Set 1)" rotdbr2 "Rage of the Dragons (Portuguese) (Alt Set 2)" rotdbr2d "Rage of the Dragons (Portuguese/Brazilian Hack ver 2.0)" rotdcre "Rage of the Dragons (Console mode enabled - Always pow max - No change wait)" rotdcreb "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled - Always pow max - No change wait set 2)" rotdd "Rage of the Dragons (decrypted C)" rotddh "Rage of the Dragons (Boss Hack)(Set 03)" rotdds01 "Rage of the Dragons (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss V4)(decrypted C)" rotdds02 "Rage of the Dragons (Portuguese/Brazilian Hack ver 3.0)(decrypted C)" rotdeh "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char)" rotdehc "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled - Always pow max - No change wait set 1)" rotdfw "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled set 2)" rotdfy "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled set 3)" rotdh2b "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled set 5)" rotdhab "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled - Char menu changed - Char choose twice)" rotdhab1 "Rage of the Dragons (Hack, Hero AES) [EGCG]" rotdhar "Rage of the Dragons (Console mode enabled set 1)" rotdhfw "Rage of the Dragons (Console mode enabled set 2)" rotdhfwb "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled set 1)" rotdnd "Rage of the Dragons (Fully Decrypted)" rotds01 "Rage of the Dragons (Enhanced power)(NGM-264?)" rotds02 "Rage of the Dragons (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss V1)(NGM-264?)" rotds03 "Rage of the Dragons (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss V2)(NGM-264?)" rotds04 "Rage of the Dragons (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss V3)(NGM-264?)" rotds05 "Rage of the Dragons (Enable Hidden Characters & Boss V4)(NGM-264?)" rotds06 "Rage of the Dragons (Switch characters)(NGM-264?)" rotds07 "Rage of the Dragons (Power Max)(NGM-264?)" rotds08 "Rage of the Dragons (Enhanced power v2)(NGM-264?)" rotds09 "Rage of the Dragons (Same Character In A Team)(NGM-264?)" rotds10 "Rage of the Dragons (Added Character Alt)(NGM-264?)" rotds11 "Rage of the Dragons (Added Character Plus Alt)(NGM-264?)" rotds12 "Rage of the Dragons (Translation Portuguese)(NGM-264?)" rotds13 "Rage of the Dragons (Easy Move)(NGM-264?)" rotds14 "Rage of the Dragons (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(NGM-264?)" rotdyc "Rage of the Dragons (Add Char - Console mode enabled - Pow hack)" runarks01 "Runark (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" rxtron "Rally-X Tron" rygar "Rygar (US set 1)" rygarjs01 "Argus no Senshi (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" rygark "Argus no Senshi (Translation Korean)(Japan)" s1945ii "Strikers 1945 II" s1945iiex "Strikers 1945 II (EX Super Version)(2009-07-29)" s1945iii "Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan)" s1945iiis01 "Strikers 1945 III (Ex Super Version)(2009-07-23)(Japan)" s1945iiis02 "Strikers 1945 III (Version Enhanced 2014-04-07)(Japan)" s1945p "Strikers 1945 Plus" s1945pd "Strikers 1945 Plus (decrypted C)" s1945peh "Strikers 1945 Plus (Super Shot)" s1945ph "Strikers 1945 Plus (Secret fighter Ascender P55)" s1945ps01 "Strikers 1945 Plus (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" s1945pwe "Strikers 1945 Plus (Ex Super version 2015-01-27)" s1945sr3 "Strikers 1945 III (Secret Fighter)(2009-07-23)(Japan)" salamand "Salamander (version D)" samantha "Everlasting Summer: Samantha demo" samesamenh "Same! Same! Same! (1P set, NEW VER! hack)" samsh5sp "Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720)" samsh5sp01 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Description Of Unknown Origin)(Set 01)(decrypted C)" samsh5sp02 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Description Of Unknown Origin)(Set 02)(decrypted C)" samsh5sp03 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Description Of Unknown Origin)(J)(Set 03)(decrypted C)" samsh5spd "Samurai Shodown V Special (decrypted C)" samsh5spd1 "Samurai Shodown V Special (NGM-2720)(decrypted C)" samsh5spd2 "Samurai Shodown V Special (no encrypted P)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds01 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Zero Style Life Gauge)(Alt)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds02 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds03 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Nanatsu No Tachi v1)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds04 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Nanatsu No Tachi v2)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds05 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Always Maximum Power)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds06 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Always Maximum Sword Power)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds07 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Easy Command)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds08 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Easy Nanatsu No Tachi)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds09 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Fix Bug)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds10 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Bug Fix)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds11 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Zero Style Life Gauge V2)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds12 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Double Meditation)(decrypted C)" samsh5spds13 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Special Edition 2014-12-01)(decrypted C)" samsh5sph1 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Bloodlust hack)(decrypted C)" samsh5spha "Samurai Shodown V Special (Final)(set 1)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphb "Samurai Shodown V Special (Final)(set 2)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphc "Samurai Shodown V Special (Final)(set 3)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphd "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds01 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Unlock Fatality V1.02)(2004-09-10)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds02 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds03 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Unlock fatality v1)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds04 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Unlock fatality v2)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds05 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Nanatsu No Tachi v1)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds06 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Nanatsu no Tachi v2)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds07 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Always Maximum Power)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds08 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Always Maximum Sword Power)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds09 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Optimize The Move)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds10 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Easy Nanatsu No Tachi)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds11 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Add Practice Mode)(decrypted C)" samsh5sphds12 "Samurai Shodown V Special (1st release, censored)(Double Meditation)(decrypted C)" samsh5spho01 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Unknown Hack)(1st release, censored)(NGH-2720)" samsh5spn "Samurai Shodown V Special (fully decrypted)" samsh5spnd "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds01 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds02 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Nanatsu No Tachi v1)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds03 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Nanatsu No Tachi v2)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds04 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Always Maximum Power )(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds05 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Always Maximum Sword Power)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds06 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Easy Nanatsu no Tachi)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnds07 "Samurai Shodown V Special (2nd release, less censored)(Double Meditation)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnh3 "Samurai Shodown V Special (Enhanced Blood v3.0)(decrypted C)" samsh5spnzk "Samurai Shodown V Special (Hack)(2008-10-23)(decrypted C)" samsho "Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045)" samsho2 "Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jigokuhen (NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2eh "Samurai Shodown II (Enable hidden characters v1)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2emb "Samurai Shodown II (The ultimate perfect simplified version)(2009-08-11)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2hy "Samurai Shodown II (Boss hack)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2ks01 "Saulabi Spirits (Demosaic Patch For Kuroko v1)(Korean release)" samsho2ks02 "Saulabi Spirits (Demosaic Patch For Kuroko v2)(Korean release)" samsho2mb "Samurai Shodown II (Moves hack)(2009-08-03)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2q "Samurai Shodown II (Kuroko Version v1.0)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s01 "Samurai Shodown II (Always Maximun Power)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s02 "Samurai Shodown II (Enable Hidden Characters v2)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s03 "Samurai Shodown II (Move Input Simplified V3)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s04 "Samurai Shodown II (Special Boss)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s05 "Samurai Shodown II (Xtreme Plus 2011)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s06 "Samurai Shodown II (Color Change)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s07 "Samurai Shodown II (Move Modeasy Special Attacks Alt V1)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s08 "Samurai Shodown II (Move Modeasy Special Attacks Alt V2)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s09 "Samurai Shodown II (Description Of Hack Unknown)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s10 "Samurai Shodown II (Demosaic Patch For Kuroko v1)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s11 "Samurai Shodown II (Demosaic Patch For Kuroko v2)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s12 "Samurai Shodown II (Overlord Prison Hell 2014-11-24)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s13 "Samurai Shodown II (Unknown Hack 2016-02-16)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2s2 "Samurai Shodown II (Special v0.12 2008-08-26)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2sp "Samurai Shodown II (Special v1.0.0122)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2sp2 "Samurai Shodown II (Special v1.0.0221)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2sp3 "Samurai Shodown II (Special v1.0.0320)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2sp4 "Samurai Shodown II (Special v1.0.0311)(2017-03-11)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2sp5 "Samurai Shodown II (Special v1.1)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2sq "Samurai Shodown II (Kuroko version v2.0)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2ss "Samurai Shodown II (Command change)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2yc "Samurai Shodown II (Char - Pow hack)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho2zk "Samurai Shodown II (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(2008-10-23)(NGM-063)(NGH-063)" samsho3 "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087)" samsho3eh "Samurai Shodown III (Add Char)(NGH-087)" samsho3hb "Samurai Shodown III (hack HB)(NGH-087)" samsho3s01 "Samurai Shodown III (Boss Hack Add Character)(NGH-087)" samsho3s02 "Samurai Shodown III (Hidden Characters-Enable Hidden Characters V2)(NGH-087)" samsho3s03 "Samurai Shodown III (Infinite Power Max)(NGH-087)" samsho3s04 "Samurai Shodown III (Add Character set)(NGM-087)" samsho3s05 "Fighters Swords (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGH-087)" samsho3s06 "Samurai Shodown III (Color Change)(NGM-087)" samsho3s07 "Samurai Shodown III (Hidden Characters-Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGM-087)" samsho3s08 "Samurai Shodown III (Hidden Characters-Enable Hidden Characters V3)(NGM-087)" samsho3s09 "Samurai Shodown III (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(NGM-087)" samsho3s10 "Samurai Shodown III (Super kill Move Modification)(NGH-087)" samsho3s11 "Samurai Shodown III (Move Out Of The Move)(NGM-087)" samsho3s12 "Samurai Shodown III (Super kill Move Changes)(NGM-087)" samsho3s13 "Samurai Shodown III (Move Out To Simplify The Revised Version)(NGH-087)" samsho3s14 "Samurai Shodown III (Enhanced power)(NGM-087)" samsho3s15 "Samurai Shodown III (Unparalleled swords 2014-11-27)(NGM-087)" samsho3s16 "Samurai Shodown III (Unknown Hack 2016-02-15)(NGM-087)" samsho3s2 "Samurai Shodown III (Easy special attacks)(2008-09-01)(NGH-087)" samsho3se "Samurai Shodown III (Add Char - Pow hack ABC - Ultra pow hack)(NGH-087)" samsho3ss "Samurai Shodown III (Special v0.1 2005-09-19)(NGH-087)" samsho3yc "Samurai Shodown III (Add Char - Pow hack ABC)(NGH-087)" samsho3zk "Samurai Shodown III (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(2008-10-23)(NGH-087)" samsho4 "Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4bh "Samurai Shodown IV (Add Char with Icon)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4cz "Samurai Shodown IV (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra kill always max)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4eh "Samurai Shodown IV (Add Char)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4es "Samurai Shodown IV (Moves rev - v3.8)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4ev "Samurai Shodown IV (Evil Amakusa)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4ew "Samurai Shodown IV (Add Char with Color corrections P2/P3/P4)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4fc "Samurai Shodown IV (Boss Hack)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4kw "Samurai Shodown IV (Add Char - Ultra pow hack set 2)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4kz "Samurai Shodown IV (Add Char - Ultra pow hack set 1)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4mb "Samurai Shodown IV (Moves hack)(2009-08-05)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4pm "Samurai Shodown IV (Power Max)(2009-06-16)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4ps "Samurai Shodown IV (Boss Fixes Ver 1.00)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s01 "Samurai Shodown IV (Hidden Characters-Add Boss Portrait V2)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s02 "Samurai Shodown IV (Hidden Characters-Enable Hidden Characters V2)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s03 "Samurai Shodown IV (Hidden Characters-Add Boss Portrait V1)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s04 "Samurai Shodown IV (Color Change)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s05 "Samurai Shodown IV (Easy Special Attacks V1)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s06 "Samurai Shodown IV (Easy Special Attacks V2)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s07 "Samurai Shodown IV (Infinite Power)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s08 "Samurai Shodown IV (Super kill Move Modification)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s09 "Samurai Shodown IV (End Of Life Simplified Version)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s10 "Samurai Shodown IV (Amakusa is coming back 2014-11-27)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s11 "Samurai Shodown IV (Unknown Hack 2016-02-16)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s12 "Samurai Shodown IV (Strengthens 2016-11-17)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4s2 "Samurai Shodown IV (Special v0.12)(2008-09-01)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4sp "Samurai Shodown IV (Special 2017 2017-06-30)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4wh "Samurai Shodown IV (Enable hidden characters v1)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho4zk "Samurai Shodown IV (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(2008-10-23)(NGM-222)(NGH-222)" samsho5 "Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700)" samsho5ba "Samurai Shodown V (Boss hack)(Set 01)(NGM-2700)" samsho5bd "Samurai Shodown V (bootleg)(fully decrypted)" samsho5bds01 "Samurai Shodown V (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 04)(bootleg)(fully decrypted)" samsho5bh "Samurai Shodown V (Boss hack)(Set 02)(NGM-2700)" samsho5bs "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters-Add portraits v2)(decrypted C)" samsho5ch "Samurai Shodown V (Chinese Language and Boss)(NGM-2700)" samsho5d "Samurai Shodown V (decrypted C)" samsho5d1 "Samurai Shodown V (NGM-2700)(decrypted C)" samsho5ge "Samurai Shodown V (Genjuro Evil Edition)(Alt)(NGM-2700)" samsho5hd "Samurai Shodown V (set 2 / Decrypted C)" samsho5s01 "Samurai Shodown V (Max Power)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s02 "Samurai Shodown V (Super Max Power)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s03 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Fix)(Set 01)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s04 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Fix)(Set 02)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s05 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Fix)(Set 03)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s06 "Samurai Shodown V (Power Max Alt)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s07 "Samurai Shodown V (Infinite Power)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s08 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters/Poppy As Challenger Patch)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s09 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Fix V1)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s10 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Fix V2)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s11 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Fix V3)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s12 "Samurai Shodown V (Enhanced power)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s13 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Mod-Color Change V1)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s14 "Samurai Shodown V (Color Mod-Color Change V2)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s15 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s16 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s17 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V2A)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s18 "Samurai Shodown V (Extra-Power Style)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s19 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Fix Boss Bug V1)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s2 "Samurai Shodown V (Easy special attacks)(2008-08-26)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s20 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Fix Boss Bug V2)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s21 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Poppy As Challenger Patch)(Alt)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s22 "Samurai Shodown V (Null Boundary Plus)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s23 "Samurai Shodown V (Unlock-Nanatsu No Tachi)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s24 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(bootleg)" samsho5s25 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(bootleg)" samsho5s26 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V2A)(bootleg)" samsho5s27 "Samurai Shodown V (Nanatsu No Tachi)(bootleg)" samsho5s28 "Samurai Shodown V (Null Boundary Plus)(bootleg)" samsho5s29 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(decrypted C)" samsho5s30 "Samurai Shodown V (Power Style)(decrypted C)" samsho5s31 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s32 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V2 - Color Patch)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s33 "Samurai Shodown V (Null Boundary Plus)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s34 "Samurai Shodown V (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s35 "Samurai Shodown V (Power Style)(bootleg)" samsho5s36 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters - Color Patch)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s37 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters - Poppy As Challenger Patch)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s38 "Samurai Shodown V (Added portraits For Yumeji, Sankuro And Gaoh Alt)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s39 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters - Color Patch Alt)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s40 "Samurai Shodown V (Heihe Neijiang Road Moves To Modify)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s41 "Samurai Shodown V (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 01)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s42 "Samurai Shodown V (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 02)(bootleg)" samsho5s43 "Samurai Shodown V (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 03)(bootleg)" samsho5s44 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Add Portraits v2)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s45 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Fix Boss Bug)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s46 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Color Patch)(Alt)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s47 "Samurai Shodown V (Hidden Characters-Poppy As Challenger Patch)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s48 "Samurai Shodown V (Really Mirror Minna Move Simplified Version)(NGM-2700)" samsho5s49 "Samurai Shodown V (Enable Hidden Characters V?)(NGH-2700)" samsho5s50 "Samurai Shodown V (Custom Decrypted)" samsho5s51 "Samurai Shodown V (The soul of the soul 2014-11-28)" samsho5s52 "Samurai Shodown V (Unknown Hack 2016-02-17)" samsho5x "Samurai Shodown V (XBOX version)(NGM-2700)" samsho5zk "Samurai Shodown V (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(2008-10-23)(NGM-2700)" samshob "Samurai Shodown (Add Char)(NGH-045)" samshoeh "Samurai Shodown (Add Char - Ultra kill start max)(NGH-045)" samshoeh2 "Samurai Shodown (Add Char - Ultra kill start max - Ultra kill always max)(NGH-045)" samshos01 "Samurai Shodown (Max Power) (NGH-045, alternate board)" samshos02 "Samurai Shodown (Claws To The max) (NGH-045, alternate board)" samshos03 "Samurai Shodown (Enhanced Power)(NGH-045)" samshos04 "Samurai Shodown (Always Maximum Power)(NGH-045)" samshos05 "Samurai Shodown (Enable Hidden Characters)(NGH-045)" samshos06 "Samurai Shodown (Description Of Unknown Origin)(Set 01) (NGH-045, alternate board)" samshos07 "Samurai Shodown (Boss With Simple Attack Edition)(NGH-045)" samshos08 "Samurai Shodown (12 Swordsman 2014-11-24)(NGH-045)" samshos09 "Samurai Shodown (Unknown Hack 2016-02-15)(NGH-045)" samshos1 "Samurai Shodown (Easy special attacks)(2005-09-19)(NGM-045)" samshozk "Samurai Shodown (Unlimited Credits in Console Mode)(2008-10-23)(NGM-045)" santabll "Santaball" sarge "Sarge" sargex "Sarge Exposed" savagere "Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - kakutou sousei" savagereb "Savage Reign (Boss hack)" savageredb "Savage Reign (Debug menu unlocked - P1 and P2 Press select to change stage)" savageres01 "Savage Reign (Enable Hidden Characters)" savageres02 "Savage Reign (Unlimited Super Moves)" savageres03 "Savage Reign (Super kill Command System 2015-03-20)" savageres04 "Savage Reign (Description Of Hack Unknown)" savageres05 "Savage Reign (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" sblast2b "Sonic Blast Man 2 Special Turbo (SNES bootleg)" sblast2bs01 "Sonic Blast Man 2 Special Turbo (Level Sequence Repair)(SNES bootleg)" sboblboblh "Super Bobble Bobble (Level Select)" schasrcv "Space Chaser (CV version)(Extra Sounds)" schmeisr "Schmeiser Robo (Japan)" schmeisrs01 "Schmeiser Robo (Enable Celberus)(Japan)" scramble "Scramble" scroller "Scroller" sdodgeb "Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu" sdodgebp "Super Dodge Ball (Enhanced energy model)(2009-09-02)" sdodgebs01 "Super Dodge Ball (Unlock Maou Team)" sdodgebs02 "Super Dodge Ball (Description Of Hack Unknown)" sdodgebs03 "Super Dodge Ball (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" sdreturn "Sticky Do Returns" sengoku "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017)(NGH-017)" sengoku2 "Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2" sengoku2d "Sengoku 2 (MGD2)" sengoku3 "Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001" sengoku3b "Sengoku 3 (Enable hidden characters)" sengoku3c "Sengoku 3 (Add Char - Char color changed)" sengoku3d "Sengoku 3 (decrypted C)" sengoku3eb "Sengoku 3 (Green version 2014-01-11)" sengoku3eh "Sengoku 3 (Evolution Special)" sengoku3ha "Sengoku 3 (Add Char - Select USA and Brazil)" sengoku3k "Sengoku 3 (Add Char - Pow hack set 3)" sengoku3kc "Sengoku 3 (Char color changed - 80%)" sengoku3p "Sengoku 3 (Super Version)" sengoku3pl "Sengoku 3 (Plus)" sengoku3s "Sengoku 3 (Evolution v1.0)" sengoku3s01 "Sengoku 3 (Description Of Hacks Unknown)" sengoku3s02 "Sengoku 3 (EX Super Version V1)" sengoku3s03 "Sengoku 3 (Evolution 1.0)" sengoku3s04 "Sengoku 3 (Green Blue)" sengoku3s05 "Sengoku 3 (Green Blue V2)" sengoku3s06 "Sengoku 3 (Unlock All Stages)" sengoku3s07 "Sengoku 3 (Lock Combo Counter And Power)" sengoku3s08 "Sengoku 3 (Color Modification V1)" sengoku3s09 "Sengoku 3 (Color Modification)(Enemy)" sengoku3s10 "Sengoku 3 (Warring States Tradition 3 Qing Version 2017-04-02)" sengoku3ya "Sengoku 3 (Add Char - Pow hack set 2)" sengoku3yk "Sengoku 3 (Add Char - Pow hack set 1)" sengokucd "Sengoku (CD conversion)" sengokud "Sengoku (MGD2)" seq1 "16 Step Simple Sequencer" seq2 "Sequencer and Music Player" sf "Street Fighter (US, set 1)" sf2 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)" sf2bhj "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Boss hack)" sf2c "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Chinese 911210)" sf2ce "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)" sf2ced "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Sheng Long Hack v7.1)" sf2ceda "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hack)" sf2cehp "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Moves hack 2009-01-10)" sf2cejem "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Easy Moves 2009-07-30)" sf2ces01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Translation Brasil)" sf2ces02 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Translation Hispanic)" sf2ces03 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Do Not Force)" sf2ces04 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Sangigel's Whirlwind To Sit Simplified)" sf2ces05 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Vega Lifts The Main Scene Crawl Limit)" sf2ces06 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Super Plus Teleportation)" sf2ces07 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Turbo Balrog Storm)" sf2ces08 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Galactic Super Vega)" sf2ces09 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Insane Edition)" sf2h10 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Alpha Magic-F bootleg set 4, 920313 etc)" sf2h11 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920322 Japan bootleg set 1)" sf2h11s01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (920322 Japan bootleg set 2)" sf2h12 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow bootleg set 5, 920322 Japan)" sf2h13 "Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (bootleg set 1, 921209 Japan)" sf2h9 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg set 2, 920313 etc)" sf2hfus01 "Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (Deceleration)" sf2hfus02 "Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (Shorten the time 60% )" sf2hfus03 "Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (Guile Shorten the time 1 90% )" sf2hfus04 "Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (Guile Shorten the time 2 90% )" sf2jbh "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Edition Plus 2014)" sf2js01 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (King Of The Four Heavenly Kings)" sf2js02 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (12 Person Version 2016-01-01)" sf2koryuh "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Koryu)" sf2koryus01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Huaping Repair)" sf2koryus02 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition: Xiang Long (Chinese bootleg set 3)" sf2koryus03 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition: Xiang Long (Chinese bootleg set 4)" sf2m7s01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hacks Unknown 2015-10-12)" sf2pun "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Punishment Simplified Edition v1 Final 2012-04-10)" sf2puns01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Punishment Edition Simplified 2018-06-26)" sf2reds01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Golden Edition)" sf2reds02 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hardest Level)" sf2reds03 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Ultra Golden Edition)" sf2reds04 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Golden Edition Easy Move)" sf2s01 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Cancellation Of Force)" sf2s02 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Hacks Unknown 2014-03-24)" sf2s03 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Easy Move)" sf2s04 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Hit Any Where)" sf2s05 "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Magic Throw)" sf2sl73a "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Sheng Long v7.3a)" sf2th "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Turbo set 1, bootleg)" sf2tha "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Turbo set 2, bootleg)" sf2tlona "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long bootleg set 1, 811102 001)" sf2tlonas01 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Replacement Blank Screen Repair)" sf2tlonas02 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Zangief Spiral Piling Instructions Simplify 2012-01-1X)" sf2tlonas03 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Zangief Spiral Piling Instructions Simplify 2012-01-15)" sf2tlonas04 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hack Unknown 2015-11-01)" sf2tlonb "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long bootleg set 2, 811102 001)" sf2tlonc "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long bootleg set 3, 811102 001)" sf2turyu "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tu Long prototype)" sf2yyc3d5 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave bootleg set 2, 920313 etc)" sf2yyc3g "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (V004 bootleg set 2, 920313 etc)" sf2yyc6 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (YYC bootleg set 2, 920313 etc)" sfa "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727)" sfa2 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)" sfa2h "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Enable Hidden Characters)(Euro 960229)" sfa2s01 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Simplified)(Euro 960229)" sfa2ur1s01 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Cancellation Of Force)(USA 960306)" sfa2ur1s02 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Enable Hidden Characters)(USA 960306)" sfa2ur1s03 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Super-Force Entry Modification)(2008-02-17)(USA 960306)" sfa2us01 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Enable Hidden Characters)(USA 960430)" sfa2us02 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Super-Force Entry Modification)(2008-02-17)(USA 960430)" sfa2us03 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Cancellation Of Force)(USA 960430)" sfa3 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)" sfa3br "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Brasil translation)(Brasil 050513)" sfa3bs01 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Nude Cammy)(Brazil 980629)" sfa3bs02 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Nude Chun-Li)(Brazil 980629)" sfa3bs03 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Nude Juli y Juni)(Brazil 980629)" sfa3dp "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Xiang Long edition) (2009-05-10)(Euro 980904)" sfa3dps01 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Dragon Edition 2014-11-18)(Euro 980904)" sfa3nc "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Edition Nude Cammy)(Euro 980904)" sfa3nch "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Edition Nude Chunli)(Euro 980904)" sfa3s01 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Modified version of the directive)(2009-05-10)(Euro 980904)" sfa3s02 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Nude Juli & Juni)(Euro 980904)" sfa3s03 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Nude Chun-Li)(Euro 980904)" sfa3s04 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Simplified)(Euro 980904)" sfa3sp2 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hidden character full version fix)(2009-09-27)(Euro 980904)" sfa3spp "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Boss Special)(2009-07-03)(Euro 980904)" sfa3ud "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" sfa3uhd "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Revision Version)(USA 980904)" sfa3us01 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Moves Hack)(11-03-2007)(USA 980904)" sfa3us02 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Unlock All Modes)(04-18-2004)(USA 980904)" sfa3us03 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (2 VS 1 27 Round)(USA 980904)" sfa3us04 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Nude Cammy)(USA 980904)" sfad "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" sfas01 "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Enable Hidden Characters)(Euro 950727)" sfas02 "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Simplified)(Euro 950727)" sfaud "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (USA 950727 Phoenix Edition)(bootleg)" sfex "Street Fighter EX (Euro 961219)" sfex2 "Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980526)" sfex2p "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611)" sfex2ps01 "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Enable Hidden Characters)(USA 990611)" sfex2s01 "Street Fighter EX2 (Enable Hidden Characters)(USA 980526)" sfexp "Street Fighter EX Plus (USA 970407)" sfexps01 "Street Fighter EX Plus (Enable Hidden Characters)(USA 970407)" sfexs01 "Street Fighter EX (Enable Hidden Characters)(Euro 961219)" sfiii "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204)" sfiii2 "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930)" sfiii2bh "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Enable hidden characters)(Alt)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2np "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Enhanced power)(2009-07-14)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2ns01 "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2ns02 "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2ns03 "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Infinite Power)(2009-07-14)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2ns04 "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2016-01-11)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2ns05 "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Hits The Second Time 2014-11-19)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii2pl "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (Plus v1.0)(Asia 970930, NO CD)" sfiii3 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608)" sfiii3an "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Ford Strike (Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3bh "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Enable hidden characters)(Alt)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3mh "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Makoto Color)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3ng "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Gill Unable Reactivating)(2009-07-14)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3np "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Get maximum power on a valid attack or being attacked)(2009-07-14)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3nrs01 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Enable Hidden Characters)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3nrs02 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2015-12-16)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3nrs03 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: 4rd Arrange Edition 2013 (Simplified 2015-12-16)(Japan 990608, NO CD)(Alt)" sfiii3ns01 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Characters Makoto)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3ns02 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3ns03 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Ex Super Version)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3ns04 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Infinite Power)(2009-07-14)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii3ns05 "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Hits the third time 2014-11-20)(Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiii4rd "Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: 4rd Arrange Edition (Japan 990608, NO CD)" sfiiibhp "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(2009-08-08)(Asia 970204, NO CD, bios set 1)" sfiiins01 "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(2009-08-08)(Alt)(Asia 970204, NO CD, bios set 1)" sfiiins02 "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Infinite Power)(2009-07-06)(Alt)(Asia 970204, NO CD, bios set 1)" sfiiins03 "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Simple Attack 2016-01-21)(Asia 970204, NO CD, bios set 1)" sfiiipmp "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Infinite Power)(2009-07-06)(Asia 970204, NO CD, bios set 1)" sfs01 "Street Fighter (US, set 1(Plus))" sfz2abr "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Brasil translation)(Brasil 061225)" sfz2ad "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Asia 960227 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" sfz2ajhp "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Enhanced Dan Version)(2008-12-11)(Japan 960805)" sfz2al "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826)" sfz2albs01 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Enable Hidden Characters)(Brazil 960813)" sfz2ald "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" sfz2aldp "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Dragon Edition v1.0)(2009-03-17)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aldp2 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Dragon Edition v2.0)(2009-04-24)(Japan 960805)" sfz2alhs01 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Enable Hidden Characters)(Hispanic 960813)" sfz2aljs01 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Command Change)(12-10-2007)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs02 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Easy Moves Hack)(11-10-2007)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs03 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Enable Hidden Characters)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs04 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Enhanced Power)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs05 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Moves Hack)(11-10-2007)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs06 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Super Combo)(2008-02-17)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs07 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Dragon Edition v2.1)(2009-04-24)(Japan 960805)" sfz2aljs08 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Dragon Fighter Enhanced Edition 2014-11-19)(Japan 960805)" sfz2als01 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Enable Hidden Characters)(Asia 960826)" sfz2als02 "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Simplified)(Asia 960826)" sfz2jd "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960227 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" sfz2jyh "Street Fighter Zero 2 (Boss hack)(Set 01)(Japan 960227)" sfz3jb "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Enable hidden characters)(Japan 980904)" sfz3jemb "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Easy Moves)(2009-05-01)(Japan 980904)" sfz3jhp "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Moves hack)(11-03-2007)(Japan 980904)" sfz3jr1s01 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Nude Cammy)(Japan 980727)" sfz3jr1s02 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Nude Chun-Li)(Japan 980727)" sfz3jr1s03 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Nude Juli & Juni)(Japan 980727)" sfz3jr1s04 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (2 VS 1 27 Round)(Japan 980727)" sfz3jr2d "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980629 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" sfz3jr2s01 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (2 VS 1 27 Round)(Japan 980629)" sfz3js01 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Balrog Lifts The Scene Crawl Limit)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js02 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Command Change)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js03 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Command Change V2)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js04 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Command Change V2.1)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js05 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Command Change V2.2)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js06 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Command Change V3)(12-22-2007)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js07 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Enhanced Power)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js08 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Hidden Character Full Version Restored)(2009-09-27)(Japan 980904)" sfz3js09 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (2 VS 1 27 Round)(Japan 980904)" sfz3jsep "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Shin Edition)(2009-01-01)(Japan 980904)" sfzch "Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020)" sfzchs01 "Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer - Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams)" sfzchs02 "Street Fighter Zero (Move Hack 2007-02-11)" sfzjboss "Street Fighter Zero (Enable hidden characters)(Japan 950727)" sfzjs01 "Street Fighter Zero (Command Change)(12-22-2007)(Japan 950727)" sfzjs02 "Street Fighter Zero (Enhanced Power)(Japan 950727)" sfzjs03 "Street Fighter Zero (Fist Punch Enhancement)(2009-06-05)(Japan 950727)" sfzjs04 "Street Fighter Zero (Moves Hack)(11-10-2007)(Japan 950727)" sfzjs05 "Street Fighter Zero (Super-Entry Force To Modify)(2008-02-17)(Japan 950727)" sfzjyh "Street Fighter Zero (Enable hidden characters V2)(Japan 950727)" sgemf "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904)" sgemfch "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (Color remix)(USA 970904)" sgemfd "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" shadfrce "Shadow Force (World, Version 3)" shadfrces01 "Shadow Force (Enable All Characters)(US, Version 2)" shaman16 "Shaman King demo 0.16" shaman17 "Shaman King demo 0.17" shaman18 "Shaman King demo 0.18" shaman19 "Shaman King demo 0.19" shaman20 "Shaman King demo 0.20" shaman21 "Shaman King demo 0.21" shaman22 "Shaman King demo 0.22" shaman23 "Shaman King demo 0.23" shaman24 "Shaman King demo 0.24" shippumds01 "Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Translation English)(Japan)" shocktr2 "Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad" shocktr2px "Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Plus Max)" shocktr2w "Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Ex Super version)" shocktro "Shock Troopers (set 1)" shocktrosp "Shock Troopers (Super Plus)(2009-08-18)(set 1)" shogwarr "Shogun Warriors (World)" shogwarrbh "Shogun Warriors (Enable hidden characters 2017-04-02)(World) " shogwarrs01 "Shogun Warriors (Simplified 2017-02-28)(World)" shollow "Satan's Hollow (set 1)" shtron "Satan's Hollow (Tron Hardware)" silkroad "The Legend of Silkroad" silkroads01 "The Legend of Silkroad (Simple Attack)" silkroads02 "The Legend of Silkroad (All Move Without Magic)" silkroads03 "The Legend of Silkroad (Easy Move)" silkworm "Silk Worm (World)" silkworms01 "Silk Worm (Translation Chinese)(World)" silliped "Sillipede" sk2h10 "Sangokushi II (Change Character)" sk2h101 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 6, 921005 Asia)" sk2h101q "Sangokushi II (set H1Q)" sk2h102 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 7, 921005 Asia)" sk2h102q "Sangokushi II (set H2Q)" sk2h103 "Sangokushi II (set H3)" sk2h104q "Sangokushi II (set H4Q)(Chinese v2.0)" sk2h105q "Sangokushi II (Revised Version 2009-09-09)" sk2h106q "Sangokushi II (Full Level Boss Final 2006-01-29)" sk2h107 "Sangokushi II (Description Of Unknown Origin HH 01)" sk2h108 "Sangokushi II (Unknown Hack 2018-12-20)" sk2h11 "Sangokushi II (Holly Sword Three Kingdoms (Invincible))" sk2h114 "Sangokushi II (Heroes Of The Three Kingdoms)" sk2h115 "Sangokushi II (Heroes of the Three Kingdoms Repair SP)" sk2h116 "Sangokushi II (Full Level Boss Special Edition 2006-04-13)" sk2h117 "Sangokushi II (Zhao Yun’s Attack Is Strengthened)" sk2h118 "Sangokushi II (The Revised Version Of The Invincible And Zhao Yun Greatly Enhanced Version Of The Attack)" sk2h12 "Sangokushi II (set H12)" sk2h13 "Sangokushi II (set H13)" sk2h14 "Sangokushi II (Chinese Translation 2017-04-26)" sk2h15 "Sangokushi II (Group Modified Version 2008-01-02)" sk2h16 "Sangokushi II (Easy Moves 2009-01-12)" sk2h17 "Sangokushi II (Holly Sword Three Kingdoms)" sk2h18 "Sangokushi II (Enhanced Attack Power)" sk2h19 "Sangokushi II (Easy Spinning Pile Driver)" sk2h21 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 5, 921005 Asia)" sk2h22 "San Jian Sheng (Chinese bootleg set 2, 921005 Asia)" sk2h23 "Sangokushi II (Three Sword Masters)" sk2h31 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 1, 921005 Asia)" sk2h31q "Sangokushi II (set H31Q)" sk2h32 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 2, 921005 Asia)" sk2h32q "Sangokushi II (set H32Q)" sk2h33 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 9, 921005 Asia)" sk2h33q "Sangokushi II (set H33Q)" sk2h34 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 8, 921005 Asia)" sk2h34q "Sangokushi II (set H34Q)" sk2h35 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 3, 921005 Asia)" sk2h41 "Sangokushi II (The Number Of Flames Is 200)" sk2h42 "San Jian Sheng (Correct Zhao Yun Weapon Title Background Bug)" sk2h43 "Sangokushi II (Chinese bootleg set 4, 921005 Asia)" sk2h45 "Sangokushi II (Xia Houen's revenge 2017 full attack 2017-04-03)" sk2h46 "Sangokushi II (Holy Swords)" sk2h51 "Huo Feng Huang (Cancel The Move)" sk2h52 "Huo Feng Huang (Sword Energy Attack)" sk2h53 "Huo Feng Huang (Add Enemy Damage Repair)" sk2h54 "Huo Feng Huang (Riboud Houja attack strengthened)" sk3h1 "Sangokushi 3 (San Guo Ying Xiong Zhuan Plus)" sk3h2 "Sangokushi 3 (The Three Kingdoms III Part 1: Heroes of the Three Kingdoms)" sk3p1 "Sangokushi 3 Gaiden Kakou-on's Revenge DX 2010 (Red)" sk3p10 "Sangokushi 3 Xia Houen’s second set of revenge Rev.1 2016-02-28)" sk3p2 "Sangokushi 3 Gaiden Kakou-on's Revenge DX 2010 (Green set 1)" sk3p3 "Sangokushi 3 Gaiden Kakou-on's Revenge DX 2010 2015-06-12)" sk3p4 "Sangokushi 3 Gaiden Kakou-On S Revence Dx 2010 (Set 01)" sk3p5 "Sangokushi 3 Xia Houen’s second set of revenge Rev.3 2016-02-28)" sk3p6 "Sangokushi 3 Xia Houen’s second set of revenge Rev.2 2016-02-28)" sk3p7 "Sangokushi 3 Gaiden Kakou-On S Revence Dx 2010 (Set 04)" sk3p8 "Sangokushi 3 Gaiden Kakou-On S Revence Dx 2010 (Set 05)" sk3p9 "Sangokushi 3 Xia Houen’s second set of revenge 2018 2018-01-12)" skimaxx "Skimaxx" slammast "Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)" slammasts01 "Saturday Night Slam Masters (Region Asia Version)" slammasts02 "Saturday Night Slam Masters (Region Asia Version (Buggy))" slammasts03 "Saturday Night Slam Masters (Region Hispanic Version)" slammasts04 "Saturday Night Slam Masters (Region Hispanic Version (Buggy))" slammasts05 "Saturday Night Slam Masters (Easy Move)" slammastud "Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA 930713 Phoenix Edition)" smi "Spiderman (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" snakes "Snakes" snakes2 "Snakes v2" snakeyes "Pacman 2000 (Snake Eyes Mazes)" snddemo "Sound-Loop Demo" snowbro2 "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise" snowbro2s01 "Snow Bros 2 (Max Power, Easy Change The Character)" snowbro2s02 "Snow Bros 2 (Change Character)" snowbros "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)" snowbross01 "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Ex Super Version)" snowbross02 "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Snowman Brothers Cure Version 2.6A)" snowbross03 "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Snowman Brothers Cure Version 2.6B 2018-08-15)" snowbross04 "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Special Edition 2018-09-25)" snowpac "Snowy Day Pacman" socbrawl "Soccer Brawl (NGM-031)" socbrawld "Soccer Brawl (MGD2)" sokoban "Sokoban LE" soldivid "Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness" soldivids01 "Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness (French translation v1.0)(08-18-2007)" solomon "Solomon's Key (US)" solomonjs01 "Solomon no Kagi (Translation Chinese)" sonicwi2 "Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2" sonicwi2eh "Aero Fighters 2 (Ex Super version)" sonicwi2px "Aero Fighters 2 (Plus Max)" sonicwi3 "Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3" sonicwi3eh "Aero Fighters 3 (Ex Super version)" sonicwi3h "Aero Fighters 3 (Enable secret fighters)" sonicwi3px "Aero Fighters 3 (Plus Max)" spacmissx "Space Missile - Space Fighting Game (Extra Sounds)" spacwarp "Space War (Proto on Space Duel HW)" spatrol "Sponge Patrol" spcinv95 "Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5O 1995/06/14)" spclone "Salamander (version YY 0.7.3) " spcloneo "Salamander (version YY" speccies "Speccies 2" spf2t "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Euro 960529)" spf2tb "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Boss Hack)(USA 960620)" spf2td "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA 960620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" spf2xjd "Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Japan 960531 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" spinmast "Spin Master / Miracle Adventure" spinmasth "Spin Master (Enhanced Version)" spinmastpx "Spin Master (Bomb Infinity Edition)" splat "Splat!" splatsc1 "Splat! (sc1 hardware)" spriteex "Sprite Experimenter" spuckman "Super Puckman" sqij "SQIJ!" sqij15 "SQIJ! v1.5" srallyc "Sega Rally Championship - Twin/DX (Revision C)" srallyp "Sega Rally Pro Drivin'" ssf2 "Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 931005)" ssf2js01 "Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Japan 931005)" ssf2r1d "Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (ETC 930911 Phoenix Edition)" ssf2t "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223)" ssf2tad "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Asia 940223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" ssf2tas01 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Nude Cammy)(Asia 940223)" ssf2tas02 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Retro Color)(Asia 940223)" ssf2tbd "Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (World 931119 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" ssf2td "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (940223 Etc Phoenix Edition)(bootleg)" ssf2tfp "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (French Parody)(World 940223)" ssf2tfr "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Translation French)(04/01/2005)(World 940223)" ssf2tpls "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Plus v0.9 beta)(World 940223)" ssf2ts01 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Accelerated Plus V0.9 Beta 2014-12-16)(World 940223)" ssf2ts02 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Instruction Is Simplified)(2009-05-28)(World 940223)" ssf2tur1s01 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Nude Cammy)(USA 940223)" ssf2tur1s02 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Retro color)(USA 940223)" ssf2tus01 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Nude Cammy)(USA 940323)" ssf2tus02 "Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Retro color)(USA 940323)" ssf2ud "Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (USA 930911 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" ssf2xjhy "Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Choose hidden characters easier)(Japan 940223)" ssf2xjjs "Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Retro color)(Japan 940223)" ssf2xjnc "Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Nude Cammy)(Japan 940223)" ssf2xjr1d "Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" ssf2xjs01 "Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Change FireBall)(2012-01-07)(Japan 940311)" ssf2xjs02 "Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Gouki Color Change)(Japan 940311)" ssf2zhp "Super Street Fighter II: (Zangief instruction simplification)(2009-01-05)(World 930911)" ssideki "Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou" ssidekicd "Super Sidekicks (CD conversion)" ssriders "Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC)" ssridersaex "Sunset Riders (EX Super Version)(2009-07-28)(2 Players ver ABD)" ssridersebcs01 "Sunset Riders (Ex Super Version)(2009-07-28)(2 Players ver EBC)" ssridersjbds01 "Sunset Riders (Ex Super Version)(2009-07-28)(2 Players ver JBD)" ssridersubcs01 "Sunset Riders (Ex Super Version)(2009-07-28)(2 Players ver UBC)" ssridersudas01 "Sunset Riders (Ex Super Version)(2009-07-28)(4 Players ver EAC)" sstriker "Sorcer Striker" stapper "Tapper (Simpsons Hack)" stapper1 "Tapper (Simpsons Hack ver.81)" starfgh2 "Starfighter II" starslayer "Starslayer (hack of Asteroids (rev 2))" stickydo "Mr. Sticky Do!" stictime "Mr Sticky Time" stinger "Stinger" stinger2s01 "Stinger (Bug fix - Taxiing Speed)(prototype?)" stingers01 "Stinger (Bug fix - Taxiing Speed)" strhoop "Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004)(DEH-004)" strhoopcd "Street Hoop (CD conversion)(DEM-004)(DEH-004)" strider "Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)" stridergf "Strider (Gfx fix)" stridergh "Strider (Gfx fix, uncensored)" striders01 "Strider (Fixed Music In Last Several Stages)" sueworlb "Sue's World (Old)" sueworld "Sue's World" suicide "Suicide Test" suicide2 "Suicide Test v2" sumeltob "Summertime Elton (old)" sumelton "Summertime Elton" superabc "Pacman SuperABC (1999-09-03)[h]" superabco "Pacman SuperABC (1999-03-08)[h]" superdog "Superdog" superp4g "Otto Project P4G" superp4m "Otto Project P4M" superpac "Super Pac-Man" superpc1 "Super Pac-Man (Super Locksmith sound and gfx hack)" superpcn "Super Pac-Man (Namco)" superpcp "Super Pac-Man Plus" superpcs "Super Pac-Man (always small)" superspy "The Super Spy (NGM-011)(NGH-011)" superspycd "The Super Spy (CD conversion)(NGM-011)(NGH-011)" superspyd "The Super Spy (MGD2)" supmspac "Super Ms Pac-man [f]" suprmrio "Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set SM4-4 E)" suprsktr "Vs. Super Skater Bros." survarts "Survival Arts (World)" survartss01 "Survival Arts (Easy Move)(World)" svc "SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcboots01 "SvC Chaos (Super Plus)(bootleg)" svcboots02 "SvC Chaos (PlayStation 2 Final)(bootleg)" svcboots03 "SvC Chaos (Remix Ultra v1.2)(bootleg)" svcboots04 "SvC Chaos (Disabled Timer On Character Selection Screen Alt)(bootleg)" svcboots05 "SvC Chaos (Unlock One-Time Limitation And Energy Limitation For Exceed Moves Alt)(bootleg)" svcboots06 "SvC Chaos (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode V1)(bootleg)" svcboots07 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(bootleg)" svcboots08 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(bootleg)" svcboots09 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2 The One From SVC Super Plus)(bootleg)" svcboots10 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V1A)(bootleg)" svcboots11 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2A)(bootleg)" svcboots12 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2 The One From SVC Super Plus Set A)(bootleg)" svcboots13 "SvC Chaos (Disabled timer On Character Selection Screen)(bootleg)" svcboots14 "SvC Chaos (Unlock One-Time Limitation And Energy Limitation For Exceed Moves)(bootleg)" svcboots15 "SvC Chaos (Get Maximum Power On A valid Attack Or Being Attacked Or Super Moves)(bootleg)" svcboots16 "SvC Chaos (Enhanced Power)(bootleg)" svcboots17 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Chi No Bousou)(bootleg)" svcboots18 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Saika)(bootleg)" svcboots19 "SvC Chaos (Changed Gouki's EXCEED Background To Watercolor Style)(bootleg)" svcboots20 "SvC Chaos (Change Ken 2P's Color To White)(bootleg)" svcboots21 "SvC Chaos (Change Ryu 2P's Color To Black)(bootleg)" svcboots22 "SvC Chaos (Icy Blue Style Flames, Fireballs And Energy Gauge)(bootleg)" svcboots23 "SvC Chaos (Fixed The 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of Character Selection Screen)(bootleg)" svcboots24 "SvC Chaos (Fixed The 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of How To Play Screen)(bootleg)" svcboots25 "SvC Chaos (Fixed Sound Bugs With Original M1 Data)(bootleg)" svcboots26 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Animal Form When Time Out)(bootleg)" svcboots27 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Beast Form While Pressing Start Button)(bootleg)" svcboots28 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Female Form While Stunning)(bootleg)" svcboots29 "SvC Chaos (Opactiy)(bootleg)" svcboots30 "SvC Chaos (Beast Transformation)(bootleg)" svcboots31 "SvC Chaos (Animal Transformation)(bootleg)" svcboots32 "SvC Chaos (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg)" svcboots33 "SvC Chaos (PlayStation 2 Final V1.3)(bootleg)" svcboots34 "SvC Chaos (unlocked All Characters)(bootleg)" svcboots35 "SvC Chaos (Super Plus Alt)(bootleg)" svcboots36 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Saika Alt)(bootleg)" svcboots37 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Chi No Bousou Alt)(bootleg)" svcboots38 "SvC Chaos (Female Transformation)(bootleg)" svcboots39 "SvC Chaos (Description Of Hack Unknown)(bootleg)" svccprw "SvC Chaos (Plus Remix v2.0)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcd "SvC Chaos (decrypted C set 1)" svcd1 "SvC Chaos (decrypted C set 2)" svcdwt01 "SvC Chaos (PlayStation 2 Final)(decrypted C set 2)" svcdwt02 "SvC Chaos (Enable hidden characters v2)(decrypted C set 2)" svcdwt03 "SvC Chaos (Enable hidden characters v2A)(decrypted C set 2)" svcdwt04 "SvC Chaos (Fixed the 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of How To Play Screen)(decrypted C set 2)" svcdwt05 "SvC Chaos (Transparent)(decrypted C set 2)" svcdwt06 "SvC Chaos (Dragon Edition 2018 2017-10-29)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcdwt07 "SvC Chaos (Playstation2 Final 1.0?)(decrypted C set 1)" svcdwt08 "SvC Chaos (MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcdwt09 "SvC Chaos Plus (Fix)" svcee "SvC Chaos (Hack)(2008-01-21)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcesv "SvC Chaos (Revival enhanced Super version 2016)(decrypted C set 1)" svcg "SvC Chaos (Boss Special Kyo Green Edition)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svch "SvC Chaos (Remix V1.0)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svch2 "SvC Chaos (Remix v1.1)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svchs01 "SvC Chaos (Subdue The Dragon Super Edition)(Alt)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs02 "SvC Chaos (PlayStation 2 Final)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs03 "SvC Chaos (Remix Ultra v1.2)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs04 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs05 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs06 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2A)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs07 "SvC Chaos (Hidden Characters - Replace Athena's Portrait)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs08 "SvC Chaos (Disabled Timer On Character Selection Screen)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs09 "SvC Chaos (Unlock One-Time Limitation And Energy Limitation)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs10 "SvC Chaos (Get Maximum Power On A Valid Attack Or Being Attacked Or Super Moves)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs11 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Chi No Bousou)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs12 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Saika)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs13 "SvC Chaos (Move Priority Correction)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs14 "SvC Chaos (Color Change V1)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs15 "SvC Chaos (Color Change V2)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs16 "SvC Chaos (Color Change V3)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs17 "SvC Chaos (Changed Gouki's EXCEED Background To Watercolor Style)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs18 "SvC Chaos (Change Ken 2P's Color To White)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs19 "SvC Chaos (Change Ryu 2P's Color To Black)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs20 "SvC Chaos (Icy Blue Style Flames, Fireballs And Energy Gauge)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs21 "SvC Chaos (Pink Style V1)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs22 "SvC Chaos (Pink Style V2)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs23 "SvC Chaos (Fixed the 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of Character Selection Screen)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs24 "SvC Chaos (Fixed the 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of How To Play Screen)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs25 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Female Form While Stunning)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs26 "SvC Chaos (Opactiy)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs27 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Beast Form While Pressing Start Button)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs28 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Animal Form When Time Out)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs29 "SvC Chaos (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svchs30 "SvC Chaos (Blue Remix Plus)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svchs31 "SvC Chaos (Pink Remix Plus)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svchs32 "SvC Chaos (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 01)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svchs33 "SvC Chaos (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 02)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svchs34 "SvC Chaos (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 03)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svchs35 "SvC Chaos (Description Of Hack Unknown)(Set 04)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcice "SvC Chaos (Ice Edition)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svclspc "SvC Chaos (Pink Edition)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcnd "SvC Chaos (decrypted C)" svcnh "SvC Chaos (Like PS2 Version old)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcpcb "SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbas01 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(JAMMA PCB, set 2)" svcpcbas02 "SvC Chaos (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(JAMMA PCB, set 2)" svcpcbas03 "SvC Chaos (Fixed The 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of How To Play Screen)(JAMMA PCB, set 2)" svcpcbas04 "SvC Chaos (Opactiy)(JAMMA PCB, set 2)" svcpcbas05 "SvC Chaos (Hidden Characters-Replace Athena's portrait)(JAMMA PCB, set 2)" svcpcbd "SvC Chaos (Change Ryu 2P's color to black)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs01 "SvC Chaos (Remix Ultra V1.2)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs02 "SvC Chaos (Disabled Timer On Character Selection Screen)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs03 "SvC Chaos (Unlock One-Time Limitation And Energy Limitation For Exceed Moves Alt 01)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs04 "SvC Chaos (Enable All Hidden Characters V1)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs05 "SvC Chaos (Enable All Hidden Characters V2)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs06 "SvC Chaos (Change Ryu 2P's Color To Black)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs08 "SvC Chaos (Get Maximum Power On A Valid Attack Or Being Attacked Or Super Moves)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs09 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Chi No Bousou)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs10 "SvC Chaos (Iori's Saika)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs11 "SvC Chaos (Changed Gouki's EXCEED Background To Watercolor Style)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs12 "SvC Chaos (White Ken 2P)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs13 "SvC Chaos (Fixed The 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of Character Selection Screen)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs14 "SvC Chaos (transform Into Female Form While Stunning)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs15 "SvC Chaos (Beast Transformation)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcpcbs16 "SvC Chaos (Transform Into Animal Form When Time Out)(JAMMA PCB, set 1)" svcplusa2016 "SvC Chaos Plus (2016)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas01 "SvC Chaos Plus (Subdue The Dragon Super Edition)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas02 "SvC Chaos Plus (PlayStation 2 Final)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas03 "SvC Chaos Plus (Remix Ultra v1.2)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas04 "SvC Chaos Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas05 "SvC Chaos Plus (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas06 "SvC Chaos Plus (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas07 "SvC Chaos Plus (Disabled Timer)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas08 "SvC Chaos Plus (Unlock Exceed Moves)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas09 "SvC Chaos Plus (Enhanced Power)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas10 "SvC Chaos Plus (Iori's Chi No Bousou)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas11 "SvC Chaos Plus (Iori's Saika)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas12 "SvC Chaos Plus (Easy Moves)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas13 "SvC Chaos Plus (Action Priority Correction)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas14 "SvC Chaos Plus (Color Change v1)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas15 "SvC Chaos Plus (Color Change v2)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas16 "SvC Chaos Plus (Color Change v3)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas17 "SvC Chaos Plus (Gouki's Exceed)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas18 "SvC Chaos Plus (Change Ken 2P's Color To White)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas19 "SvC Chaos Plus (Change Ryu 2P's Color To Black)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas20 "SvC Chaos Plus (Icy Blue Style)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas21 "SvC Chaos Plus (Pink Style v1)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas22 "SvC Chaos Plus (Pink Style v2)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas23 "SvC Chaos Plus (Fixed Character Selection Bug In Console Mode)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas24 "SvC Chaos Plus (Black Background)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas25 "SvC Chaos Plus (Black Background 2)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas26 "SvC Chaos Plus (Female Transformation)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas27 "SvC Chaos Plus (Opactiy)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas28 "SvC Chaos Plus (Beast Transformation)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusas29 "SvC Chaos Plus (Animal Transformation)(bootleg set 2)" svcplusb "SvC Chaos Plus (Bootleg, set 1)" svcplusd "SvC Chaos Plus (bootleg, fully decrypted)" svcplusg "SvC Chaos (Plus Special)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcplusp "SvC Chaos (Plus Purple Fire)(set 1)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcplusp2 "SvC Chaos (Plus Purple Fire)(set 2)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcpluss01 "SvC Chaos Plus (Subdue The Dragon Super Edition)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss02 "SvC Chaos Plus (PlayStation 2 Final)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss03 "SvC Chaos Plus (Remix Ultra v1.2)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss04 "SvC Chaos Plus (Enable Hidden Characters V1)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss05 "SvC Chaos Plus (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss06 "SvC Chaos Plus (Disabled Timer On Character Selection Screen)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss07 "SvC Chaos Plus (Unlock one-Time Limitation And Energy Limitation For Exceed Moves)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss08 "SvC Chaos Plus (Get Maximum Power On A Valid Attack Or Being Attacked Or Super Moves)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss09 "SvC Chaos Plus (Iori's Chi No Bousou)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss10 "SvC Chaos Plus (Iori's Saika)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss11 "SvC Chaos Plus (Non-Strict Command Input For Complex Moves)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss12 "SvC Chaos Plus (Action Priority Correction)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss13 "SvC Chaos Plus (Color Change v1)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss14 "SvC Chaos Plus (Color change v2)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss15 "SvC Chaos Plus (Color change v3)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss16 "SvC Chaos Plus (Gouki's Exceed)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss17 "SvC Chaos Plus (Change Ken 2P's Color To White)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss18 "SvC Chaos Plus (Change Ryu 2P's Color To Black)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss19 "SvC Chaos Plus (Icy Blue Style Flames, Fireballs And Energy Gauge)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss20 "SvC Chaos Plus (Pink Style V1)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss21 "SvC Chaos Plus (Pink Style V2)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss22 "SvC Chaos Plus (Fixed Character Selection Bug In Console Mode)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss23 "SvC Chaos Plus (Fixed The 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of Character Selection Screen)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss24 "SvC Chaos Plus (Fixed The 8*224 Black Block On The Left Of How To Play Screen)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss25 "SvC Chaos Plus (Transform into female form while stunning)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss26 "SvC Chaos Plus (Opactiy)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss27 "SvC Chaos Plus (Beast transformation)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss28 "SvC Chaos Plus (Transform Into Animal Form When Time Out)(bootleg set 1)" svcpluss29 "SvC Chaos Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg set 1)" svcpryu "SvC Plus (Koryu)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcps2 "SvC Chaos (Playstation2 Final 1.02)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcrm "SvC Remix Ultra (Ver 1.2)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcryu "SvC Chaos (Ryu BT Revision)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcspjoy "SvC Chaos (Super Plus)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcsplus01 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Remix Ultra v1.2 Alt ?)(bootleg)" svcsplus02 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Unlimited Credits In Console Mode)(bootleg)" svcsplus03 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Disabled Timer)(bootleg)" svcsplus04 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Unlock Exceed Moves)(bootleg)" svcsplus05 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Enhanced Power)(bootleg)" svcsplus06 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Iori's Chi No Bousou)(bootleg)" svcsplus07 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Iori's Saika)(bootleg)" svcsplus08 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Gouki's Exceed)(bootleg)" svcsplus09 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Change Ken 2P's Color To White)(bootleg)" svcsplus10 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Change Ryu 2P's Color To Black)(bootleg)" svcsplus11 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Icy Blue Style)(bootleg)" svcsplus12 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Black Background)(bootleg)" svcsplus13 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Black Background 2)(bootleg)" svcsplus14 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Female Transformation)(bootleg)" svcsplus15 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Opactiy)(bootleg)" svcsplus16 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Beast Transformation)(bootleg)" svcsplus17 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Animal Transformation)(bootleg)" svcsplus18 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (Unknown Hack)(bootleg)" svcsplus2016 "SvC Chaos Super Plus (2016)(bootleg)" svcspryu "SvC Plus (Super Koryu)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" svcstdse "SvC Chaos (Subdue the Dragon Super edition)(NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)" svcxlb "SvC Chaos (Knife Millennium Turbidity v1.0)(MVS / Fully Decrypted)" sxeviouss01 "Xevious Plus! (Release 1)" sxvioush "Super Xevious 2002" sys16dem "Demo - Sega System 16" syscheck "Neo System Check (ver 1.0b)" tankwc "Tank World Cup" tapper "Tapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84)" targ "Targ" targtest "Targ Test Rom V1.0" tbone "Pacman 2000 (T-Bone Mazes)" tdragon "Thunder Dragon (8th Jan. 1992, unprotected)" tdragon2 "Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993)" tdragon2p "Thunder Dragon 2 Practice Mode (9th Nov. 1993 - v1.0)" tdragonp "Thunder Dragon Practice Mode (9th Jan. 1992 - v1.01)" teetert "Teeter Torture (prototype)" teetertfp "Teeter Torture (free play hack)" tehkangc "Tehkan Greek Cup" tehkanwc "Tehkan World Cup (set 1)" tempall "Tempest All Levels" temped "TempEd" tempest "Tempest (rev 3, Revised Hardware)" tempm "Tempest Mark's Hacks" tempmg "Tempest Multigame" temptlm "Tempest Level Man" temptwst "Tempest Twisted" temptwst2 "Tempest Twisty's Revenge" temptwst3 "Tempest Psycho Twist" temptwst4 "Tempest Twisted Maniac" temptwsta "Tempest Twisted (Alt)" tengai "Tengai (World)" tengaijs01 "Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Ex Super version)(2009-10-31)" tengais01 "Tengai (Ex Super version)(2009-10-31)(World)" terracrc "Terra Cresta (alt)" terracre "Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1)" terror "Terrorist" test01 "MVS Test 01" theglad "The Gladiator / Shen Jian Fu Mo Lu / Shen Jian Fengyun (M68k label V101) (ARM label V107, ROM 06/06/03 SHEN JIAN V107)" theglad100s01 "The Gladiator (Excalibur Vol. 2017 + Enhanced 2017-10-11)" theglad101s01 "The Gladiator (Excalibur Vol. 2017 + Enhanced 2017-11-04)" theglads01 "The Gladiator (Ex Super Version v2)" theglads02 "The Gladiator (Infinite Power)" theglads03 "The Gladiator (Excalibur Vol. 2017 + Enhanced 2017-01-24)" theglads04 "The Gladiator (Excalibur Vol.2 Enhanced version 2018 2018-08-03)" theroes "Thunder Heroes" theroes01 "Thunder Heroes (Select Characters)(2009-08-19)" thundfox "Thunder Fox (World)" thundfoxjs01 "Thunder Fox (Translation Chinese)(Japan)" timelimit "Time Limit (colour hack)" timelimt "Time Limit" timeplt "Time Pilot" timepltdiag "Time Pilot Tester" timesupd "Time's Up! (Demo)" tinyworld "Tiny World 82 (demo)" tk2c1 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Enhanced)" tk2c10 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced Kadan (Kou-Chuu))" tk2c11 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Bloody Plus V1.50)" tk2c12 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced energy attack)" tk2c13 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Mei ren Guan Enhanced)" tk2c14 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Weapon attack with multiple fire-like effect)" tk2c15 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Super sword & energy v3)" tk2c16 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Shao Zhu Enhanced Roast pork)" tk2c17 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Throwing Axes Plus)" tk2c18 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Ying Xiong Guan Enhanced)" tk2c19 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Huan Shou Enhanced)(Conjured beast)" tk2c2 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar(Chou-Hi)'s Kusanagi kick)" tk2c20 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Huan Shou + Yu Jian Shu Enhanced)(Swordplay & Summoning)" tk2c21 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced Subutai (Chou-Un)'s kick)" tk2c22 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced Subutai (Chou-Un)'s uppercut)" tk2c23 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Violent Subutai (Chou-Un))" tk2c3 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kadan (Kou-Chuu)'s Kusanagi arrow)" tk2c4 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Di Yu Enhanced Enemies)" tk2c5 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Di Yi Guan Enhanced)" tk2c6 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Fen Hong Enhanced)(Pink Version)" tk2c7 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Portor(Kan-U)'s Horseback energy attack with flaming arrow effect)" tk2c8 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Portor(Kan-U)'s Horseback energy attack with blue flaming arrow effect)" tk2c9 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Horseback energy attack with blue Sonic Blade effect)" tk2h1 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Jianqi version)" tk2h10 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sanmei Spiral Counterattack Beta 1.03 2013-12-26)" tk2h100 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Unlimited Time) (Battle Scenes Only)" tk2h101 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Wolf Edition 2017-12-23)" tk2h102 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (San Jian Sheng Super Edition 2018-02-10)" tk2h103 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Lidian)" tk2h104 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition 2016-02-26)" tk2h105 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition 2016-02-25)" tk2h106 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Wei)" tk2h107 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (San Mei Wu Shuang 2017)" tk2h108 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Warriors of Fate Plus 2 2018)" tk2h109 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (San Mei Wu Shuang 2018)" tk2h11 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Change Character 2010-01-26)" tk2h110 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Da Ren Edition)" tk2h111 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Basic Attack With Throwing Axes, Special Horseback Energy Attack)(2004-11-12)" tk2h112 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Beauty Stage)(Ordinary Roms)" tk2h113 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Hero Stage)(Ordinary Roms)" tk2h114 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Ma Zhan Wu Shuang 2018-06-03)" tk2h115 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Xia Hou Dun Plus)" tk2h116 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (No Pairs Enhanced 2018 2014-07-18)" tk2h117 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Three Swords Saint Super Edition)" tk2h118 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Three Boss Edition 2017-11-03)" tk2h119 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Iron Needle Edition 2016-09-13)" tk2h12 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Playstation Version 2019-01-13)" tk2h120 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Edition 2018-02-23)" tk2h121 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Eight Difficult V3)" tk2h122 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Edition 2018-06-08)" tk2h123 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Li Dian Da Ren Edition 2018-06-02)" tk2h124 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Xu Zhu Edition 2018 2018-08-03)" tk2h125 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (San Jian Sheng Super Edition Update 2019-07-07)" tk2h126 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition 2018-09-19)" tk2h127 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Version 2019-01-20)" tk2h128 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Full Attack Enhanced Version)" tk2h129 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Full Screen Attack Sanmei Wushuang version 2017-03-02)" tk2h13 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Modified Time 2009-12-17)" tk2h130 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (San Jian Sheng Super Edition 2018-02-02)" tk2h131 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition 2018-07-27)" tk2h132 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition 2018-08-17)" tk2h133 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Version 2018-12-15)" tk2h134 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Version 2019-01-12)" tk2h135 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Version 2019-02-16)" tk2h136 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Version 2019-02-21)" tk2h137 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (War On Horseback 2017-11-20)" tk2h14 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Yun dregs version 2009-03-21)" tk2h15 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Revised beta)" tk2h16 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Revised v1.0)" tk2h17 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Chain Revised v1.0 2009-12-16)" tk2h18 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Power edition)" tk2h19 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Max Power)" tk2h2 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kusanagi horse)" tk2h20 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Residual of Zhao Yun)" tk2h21 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Optional Lidian Second Edition)" tk2h22 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (New Start Boss 2008-12-27)" tk2h23 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Super sword & energy v2)" tk2h24 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Easy Spinning Pile Driver v1)" tk2h25 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Battle of Chibi - Holy Sword (version 3 invincible))" tk2h26 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Subdue the Dragon)" tk2h27 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Bloody Plus)(Ver.?)" tk2h28 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Bloody Plus V1.40)" tk2h29 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Perverted Version)" tk2h3 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Hack set 3)" tk2h30 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Holly Sword Three Kingdoms Invincible)" tk2h31 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Unknown Hack Rev.1)" tk2h32 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (The Battle Of Chibi - The True Of Warriors 2016-02-27)" tk2h33 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Unknown Hack Rev.2)" tk2h35 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Unknown Hack Rev.3)" tk2h37 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition 2016-03-01)" tk2h38 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition 2016-02-28)" tk2h39 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition 2016-02-27)" tk2h4 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Replacement version of the enemy)" tk2h40 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Chibi Battle 2016 Real World Unparalleled 2016-03-04)" tk2h41 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sanmei Wushuang 2016-02-27)" tk2h42 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Lu Bu Wushuang 2016-03-01)" tk2h43 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Super Sword-Energy V1)" tk2h44 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Japanese Version Of The World Turn)" tk2h45 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Lock Three-Person Model First Edition)" tk2h46 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Lock Three People Model Perfect Version)" tk2h47 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Player's Anger)" tk2h48 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Angry Upgrade)" tk2h49 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Yun Strengthened)" tk2h5 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Edition Chinese)" tk2h50 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Modified Version)" tk2h51 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Revised Version)" tk2h52 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Perfect Version)" tk2h53 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Hell Difficulty Version)" tk2h54 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Double Edition)" tk2h55 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Warriors Version 2)" tk2h56 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Final Attack)" tk2h57 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Better Dragon Punch)" tk2h58 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Uppercut Fist)(2013-05-23)" tk2h59 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced Subutai (Chou-Un))" tk2h6 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Phoenix Edition)" tk2h60 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Series Of Legs Modified Version 1.0)" tk2h61 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar - Spinning Pile Driver (A))(2013-03-12)" tk2h62 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar - Spinning Pile Driver (+A))(2013-03-12)" tk2h63 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar - Spinning Pile Driver (-A))(2013-03-12)" tk2h64 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar - Viper Halberd - Spinning Pile Driver)(2013-03-12)" tk2h65 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar - Grabbing - Spinning Pile Driver)(2013-03-12)" tk2h66 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar - Unlimited Spinning Pile Driver)(2013-03-12)" tk2h67 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Horse Battle To Strengthen The First Edition)(2011-10-26)" tk2h68 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Horse Battle To Strengthen The Second Edition)(2012-01-01)" tk2h69 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar (Chou-Hi)'s Kicking Hack)(2011-11-01)" tk2h7 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Group modified version 2008-01-02)" tk2h70 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Guan Yu Began To Move Out of Buttons)(2011-10-28)" tk2h71 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Guan Yu - Screw Pile (Cyclone Sit))(2013-08-08)" tk2h72 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Wei Direct Use Of Weapons In Hand)" tk2h73 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Horseback Energy Attack With Blue Sonic Blade Effect (A))" tk2h74 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Horseback Energy Attack With Blue Sonic Blade Effect (B))" tk2h75 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Horseback Energy Attack With Blue Sonic Blade Effect (C))" tk2h76 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Words)" tk2h77 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Double The Attack Power)(2013-09-30)" tk2h78 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Start Key Riding)" tk2h79 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sword And arrow Fly)" tk2h8 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Heaven and Earth Double Attack Test Version 2009-12-14)" tk2h80 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar (Chou-Hi)'s Kusanagi kick)" tk2h81 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced Portor (Kan-U))" tk2h82 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kusanagi Horse)(Ver.?)" tk2h83 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (The First Pass In The World)" tk2h84 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Portor (Kan-U)'s Horseback Energy Attack With Flaming Arrow Effect)" tk2h85 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Beauty Stage)" tk2h86 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Hero Stage)" tk2h87 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Five Tiger Insurance Out Of Lu Bu Zhang Liao Aura)" tk2h88 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Weapons That Are Hit By The Enemy Or Dropped From The AB key Will Not Disappear)" tk2h89 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Optional Lidian First Edition)" tk2h9 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Easy Tornado Sitting Second Edition 2009-01-12)" tk2h90 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Optional Lidian Basic Edition)" tk2h91 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Cao Ren Single Extended Version)" tk2h92 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Cao Ren Expansion Single Version Small Correction (Color))" tk2h93 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Cao Ren Move The Full Version)" tk2h94 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Super Sword)" tk2h95 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Super Enhanced Integrated Version)" tk2h96 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Variant Metamorphosis Edition)" tk2h97 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (The Above Modification Adds Invincible Effect)" tk2h98 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Title Screen Modification)" tk2h99 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Vampire Version)(2010-11-12)" tk2p01 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Imitation Sword Invincible Version)" tk2p02 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Rush)" tk2p03 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Rush Extreme 2018-06-18)" tk2p04 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Mode Plus)" tk2p05 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (A key to enter the mode)" tk2p06 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Hell Difficulty)" tk2p07 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (True Purgatory Edition)" tk2p08 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Open Mode)" tk2p09 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Skull And Grass)" tk2p10 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sangokushi III Gaiden: Kakou-on's Revenge)" tk2p11 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sangokushi III Gaiden: Kakou-on's Revenge DX)" tk2p12 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sangokushi III Part 2)" tk2p13 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sangokushi III Gaiden: Kakou-on's Revenge)(Alt)" tk2p14 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Yunsheng Long Edition)" tk2p15 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Feiwu)(2010-08-21)" tk2p16 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Vampire Edition)(2010-11-12)" tk2p17 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Yun Movement Changes)(2010-08-21)" tk2p18 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Moves To Simplify)" tk2p19 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Extra Mode ON)(2013-03-19)" tk2p20 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Easy Control-Kassar-Super Spinning Pile Driver (A) 2013-03-19)" tk2p21 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar-Super Spinning Pile Driver (+A) 2013-03-19)" tk2p22 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar-Super Spinning Pile Driver (-A) 2013-03-19)" tk2p23 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar-Viper Halberd-Super Spinning Pile Driver 2013-03-19)" tk2p24 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar-Grabbing-Super Spinning Pile Driver 2013-03-19)" tk2p25 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar-Midair Grabbing Simplified 2013-03-19)" tk2p26 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kassar-Unlimited Super Spinning Pile Driver 2013-03-19)" tk2p27 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Guan Yu's Big Move Improved)" tk2p28 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Wei Yan Ordinary Drop Cancellation)" tk2p29 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Wei Yan Empty Into A Big Seat)" tk2p30 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Open Space To Strengthen The First Edition)" tk2p31 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Open space Enhanced Second Edition)" tk2p33 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhao Yun Sheng Long Lie broke)" tk2p34 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Add Kassar's Super Punch)" tk2p35 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Wei Yanchao killed More)" tk2p36 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Rush Extreme 2018-06-14)" tk2p37 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Many Boss 2018-06-13)" tk2p38 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Kakou-on's Revenge-Prologue)" tk2p39 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Zhang Fei Vampire Edition)(Alt)(2010-11-12)" tk2p40 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (BT Enhanced Edition)(2010-09-08)" tk2p41 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Enhanced mode)" tk2p42 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Many Boss 2018-06-14)" tk2p43 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Juggernauts)" tk2p44 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Lock Triple Mode)" tk2p45 "Tenchi wo Kurau II (Imitation Sword Invincible Version 2010-01-29)" tkdensho "Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960614)" tkdenshos01 "Toukidenshou (Enable Hidden Characters)(VER. 960614)" tkdenshos02 "Toukidenshou (Always Have Super Move)(VER. 960614)" tkdenshos03 "Toukidenshou (Easy Move)(VER. 960614)" tkdenshos04 "Toukidenshou (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(VER. 960614)" tldemo "Demo - System Timed Cheat Tool" tldemo2 "Demo - 256 colours" tmnt2 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA)" tmnt2as01 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cowabunga Mode)(4 Players ver ADA)" tmnt2s01 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ex Super Version)(4 Players ver ADA)" tmnt2s02 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Start Change Char)(4 Players ver ADA)" tmnti "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Intro demo)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" tmntia "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Intro demo)(Alt)(Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES)" tongypac "Tongy Paccy" tophuntr "Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGM-046)" tophuntrpx "Top Hunter (Plus Max)(NGM-046)" totc "Treasure of the Caribbean" tpgolf "Top Player's Golf (NGM-003)(NGH-003)" tpgolfcd "Top Player's Golf (CD conversion)(NGM-003)(NGH-003)" tpgolfd "Top Player's Golf (MGD2)" trackfld "Track & Field" trally "Thrash Rally (ALM-003)(ALH-003)" trallycd "Thrash Rally (CD conversion)(ALM-003)(ALH-003)" trallyd "Thrash Rally (MGD2)" tron "Tron (8/9)" trukker "Trukker" tst_frog "Test Rom - Frogger Sound Test" tst_galx1 "Galaxian Test ROM" tst_gor1 "Test Rom - Gorf Complete Memory Diagnostics" tst_gorf "Test Rom - Gorf" tst_invd "Space Invaders Test ROM" tst_pacm "Test - Pacman Hardware" tst_trkfld "Test Rom - Track and Field" tst_wow2 "Test Rom - Wizard of Wor (ver 0.2b)" tst_wow3 "Test Rom - Wizard of Wor (ver 0.3)" tvortex "Vortex" tvortexa "Vortex alt version" twc_gr "Tehkan World Cup (Greek)" twincbu2 "Twin Cobra (Hack)" twincobr "Twin Cobra (World)" twinspri "Twinkle Star Sprites" twinsprih "Twinkle Star Sprites (Enable hidden characters)" twintwst "Twin Twist (Twin Cobra Hack)" twister "Twister in a mirror intro" ultra2 "Ultra Pacman" ultrapac "UltraPac" umk2te50 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat II (Tournament Edition r5.0.050)" umk2te51 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat II (Tournament Edition r5.0.051)" umk2te52 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat II (Tournament Edition r5.0.052)" umk3 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)" umk3j "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) Juggernauts Hack v1.0" umk3r13b1 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.3 beta 1)" umk3r13b101 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.3 beta 1.01)" umk3r13b1213 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.3 beta 1.2.13)" umk3r13b201 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.3 beta 2.01)" umk3r13bf "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.3 beta final)" umk3te "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Tournament Edition)(2.0.032b8)" umk3te2 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Tournament Edition)(2.0.035)" umk3te42 "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Tournament Edition)(2.0.042)" umk3z "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) Zeus hack" umk3ze "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) Zeus hack (set 2)" vampjas01 "Vampire: The Night Warriors (Enable Hidden Characters)(2006-05-31)(Japan 940705 alt)" vampjb "Vampire: The Night Warriors (Enable hidden characters)(2006-05-31)(Japan 940705)" vantris "Vantris 98" varth "Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714)" varths01 "Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Ex Super Version V1)" varths02 "Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Ex Super Version V2)" vbert "V*bert" vbrakout "Vector Breakout [h]" vcrunchy "Vector Pacman (Crunchy)" vecbaby "Vector Pacman (Baby Maze 1)" vecbaby2 "Vector Pacman (Baby Maze 2)" vecbaby3 "Vector Pacman (Baby Maze 3)" vecbtime "Burgertime (Vector sim)" vecpac "Vector Pacman" vecpengo "Pengo (Vector sim)" vectiped "Vectipede" vectplus "Vector Pacman Plus" vectr6m "Vector Pacman 2000" vectr6tb "Vector Pacman 2000 (T-Bone Mazes)" vectratk "Vector Attack [c]" vectrgal "Galaxian (Vector Sim)" vectrped "Vectorpede" vectrsup "Super Pac-Man (Vector sim)" vectxens "Vector Xens Revenge" vgalaga "Vector Galaga" vgalagaf "Vector Galaga Fast Shoot" vgalagam "Vector Galaga Midway" vhangly "Vector Hangly-Man" vhangly3 "Vector Hangly-Man3" vhunt2 "Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929)" vhunt2d "Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" videight "Video Eight" viewpoin "Viewpoint" viewpoinf "Viewpoint (Traduction French)(07-29-2004)" viewpointr "Viewpoint (Enhanced Version)" vlad2000 "Vladivostok 2000 demo" volfied "Volfied (World, revision 1)" volfiedg "Volfied (Greek)" vpacbell "Vector Pacman (Bell)" vpacelec "Vector Pacman (Electric Cowboy)" vpacjail "Vector Pacman (Jail)" vpacms1 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 1)" vpacms2 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 2)" vpacms3 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 3)" vpacms4 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Maze 4)" vpacmsa1 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 1)" vpacmsa2 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 2)" vpacmsa3 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 3)" vpacmsa4 "Vector Pacman (Ms. Pacman Attack 4)" vpacshuf "Vector Pacman (Shuffle)" vpspeed "Vector Pacman (Speedy)" vsav "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)" vsav2 "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)" vsav2d "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" vsav2emb "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Vampire Kingdom Study Order Simplification)(2009-04-30)(Japan 970913)" vsav2s01 "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Command Change)(2008-4-19)(Japan 970913)" vsav2s02 "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Infinite Power)(2008-07-28)(Japan 970913)" vsavd "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" wakuwak7 "Waku Waku 7" wakuwak7bh "Waku Waku 7 (Add Char - 2 players only)" wakuwak7h "Waku Waku 7 (Enable hidden characters)" wakuwak7s01 "Waku Waku 7 (Seven Hot Seven Fire Enhanced Version 2009-03-27)" wavybug "Wavy Bug" wbeast "Wriggly Beasties" wbml "Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Japan New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043)" wbmlbit "Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Italian - v0.99)(Japan bootleg)" wbmlkb "Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Translation Korean)(Japan bootleg)" wh1 "World Heroes (ALM-005)" wh1bs "World Heroes (Boss hack)(ALM-005)" wh1d "World Heroes (MGD2)" wh1has01 "World Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(set 3)" wh1hs01 "World Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(ALH-005)" wh1s01 "World Heroes (Enable Hidden Characters)(ALM-005)" wh1s02 "World Heroes (Simple Attack Edition)(ALM-005)" wh2 "World Heroes 2 (ALM-006)(ALH-006)" wh2bs "World Heroes 2 (Enable hidden characters)(ALM-006)(ALH-006)" wh2ey "World Heroes 2 (Boss, PPX hack, remixed)(ALM-006)(ALH-006)" wh2j "World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007)(ADH-007)" wh2ja "World Heroes 2 Jet (old set)(ADM-007)(ADH-007)" wh2jb "World Heroes 2 Jet (Enable hidden characters v1)(ADM-007)(ADH-007)" wh2s01 "World Heroes 2 Jet (Enable Hidden Characters V2)(ADM-007)(ADH-007)" wh2s02 "World Heroes 2 (Easy Special Attacks)(ALM-006)(ALH-006)" wh2s03 "World Heroes 2 Jet (Easy Special Attacks)(ADM-007)(ADH-007)" wh2s04 "World Heroes 2 Jet (Super Remix Edition 1.0)(ADM-007)(ADH-007)" wh2s05 "World Heroes 2 (Boss With Simple Attack Edition)(ALM-006)(ALH-006)" whp "World Heroes Perfect" whpb "World Heroes Perfect (Add Char)" whpb2 "World Heroes Perfect (Enable hidden characters v1)" whpbh "World Heroes Perfect (Enable hidden characters v2)" whpbho "World Heroes Perfect (Boss Hack - Older - Has bug)" whpbho2 "World Heroes Perfect (Add Char - Old - BugFix)" whpeh "World Heroes Perfect (Add Char - Pow hack)" whpeho "World Heroes Perfect (Add Char - Pow hack - Old)" whphez "World Heroes Perfect (Boss hack)" whps01 "World Heroes Perfect (Always Maximum Hero Power v1)" whps02 "World Heroes Perfect (Add Character Boss)(Set 01)" whps03 "World Heroes Perfect (Add Character Boss)(Set 02)" whps04 "World Heroes Perfect (Add Character Boss)(Set 03)" whps05 "World Heroes Perfect (Enable Hidden Characters v4)" whps06 "World Heroes Perfect (Always Maximum Hero Power v2)" whps07 "World Heroes Perfect (Moved To Modify V1)" whps08 "World Heroes Perfect (Moved To Modify V2)" whps09 "World Heroes Perfect (Super Remix Edition 1.0)" whps10 "World Heroes Perfect Plus (Add Boss Hack)" whpsp "World Heroes Perfect (Modified version of the directive)" whpss "World Heroes Perfect (Enable hidden characters v3)(2007-12-25)" willow "Willow (World)" willows01 "Willow (Ex Super Version)" wjammers "Windjammers / Flying Power Disc" wjammersf "Windjammers (Traduction French v0.1)(beta)" wjammersk "Windjammers (Traduction Korean)" wmg "Williams Multigame" wof "Warriors of Fate (World 921031)" wofb "Warriors of Fate (bootleg, 921002 etc)" wofch "Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031)" wofes "Warriors of Fate (Holly Sword Three Kingdoms Invincible)" woffr "Warriors of Fate (French Translation 2003-07-28)" woffs01 "Warriors of Fate (Zhang Fei Vampire First Version Of The Power Of Strokes To Strengthen)" woffs02 "Warriors of Fate (Not Automatically Abandoned Sword)" woffs03 "Warriors of Fate (Optimized Version Of The Move)" woffs04 "Warriors of Fate (Zhang Fei Vampire First Edition)" woffs05 "Warriors of Fate (Zhang Fei vampire Second Edition)" wofr1h "Warriors of Fate (Double Edition)" wofs01 "Warriors of Fate (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition 2016-03-02)" wofs02 "Warriors of Fate (Holly Sword Three Kingdoms Invincible 2017-12-26)" wofs03 "Warriors of Fate (Combination key To Take Grass Blade Sword)" wofs04 "Warriors of Fate (Holy Sword Three Kingdoms Invincible 2017-12-26)" wofs05 "Warriors of Fate (Lock Three-Person Mode)" wofs06 "Warriors of Fate (Zhang Fei Vampires First Edition 2010-11-12)" wofs07 "Warriors of Fate (Combination keys To Take Grass Child Sword)" wofs08 "Warriors of Fate (Powerful Strokes)" wofs10 "Warriors of Fate (Unique Sword Armour 2019-01-13)" wofsf2 "Warriors of Fate (conversion for SF2 HW)" wofud "Warriors of Fate (USA 921031 Phoenix Edition)" wofus01 "Warriors of Fate (Kassar(Chou-Hi)'s Spinning Pile Driver)" wofus02 "Warriors of Fate (Easy Kassar's Spinning Pile Driver. Fire, Foods And Swords Anywhere)(Happy Version)" womanp5 "Otto Project P5" ww2demo "WW2demo" xensad "Xens Revenge After Dark" xensrev "Xens Revenge" xeviblk "Xevious Black" xevious "Xevious (Namco)" xevious3 "Xevious 2003" xevious4 "Xevious 2004" xevious5 "Xevious 2005" xevioush "Xevious 2002" xeviousp "Xevious Plus! (Release 2)" xmas2017 "Xmas/Happy New Year 2017 demo" xmcota "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)" xmcotaj2s01 "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Enable Hidden Characters)(Japan 941219)" xmcotaj2s02 "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Unknown Hack 2013-01-09)(Japan 941219)" xmcotajb "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Boss hack)(Japan 941219)" xmcotajphp "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Enhanced power)(Japan 941222)" xmcotar1d "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" xmvsf "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004)" xmvsfjphp "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Enhanced power)(Japan 961004)" xmvsfjs01 "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Move The Order To Modify)(2008-07-20)(Japan 961023)" xmvsfrm "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Easy Moves)(2009-04-22)(Euro 960910)" xmvsfryh "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Change character in battle)(Euro 960910)" xmvsfs01 "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Nude Alpha Chun Li)(Euro 961004)" xmvsfs02 "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Unknown Hack 2015-12-04)(Euro 961004)" xmvsfs03 "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Enhanced Boss Hack)(Euro 960910)" xmvsfu1d "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 961004 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)" xviousah "Xevious 2002 (Atari set 1)" yiear "Yie Ar Kung-Fu (program code I)" zap "Space Zap Tribute" zeroteam "Zero Team USA (US)" zeroteamcs01 "Zero Team (Special Attack)(Taiwan)" zeroteamss01 "Zero Team Selection (Enhanced Version 2018-02-19)" zintrckb "Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (bootleg of CD version)" zintrckbh "ZinTricK (Enable hidden characters)" zintricks01 "ZinTricK (Unknown Description)" zintrkcd "ZinTricK (CD conversion)" zintrkcd1 "ZinTricK (CD test)" zintrkm "ZinTricK (Music test)" zolaad "Super Zola Pac Gal After Dark" zolaatk "Super Zola Pac Gal Attack" zolamaze "Ms. Pacman No Exit" zolapac "Super Zola Pac Gal" zolaslow "Super Zola Pac Gal (Slow)" zolatunl "Super Zola Pac Gal (Tunnels)" zolavect "Vector Super Zola Pac Gal" zupapa "Zupapa!" zupapad "Zupapa! (custom decrypted C Set 1)" zupapadd "Zupapa! (custom decrypted C Set 2)" tilemap "Tilemap" speaker "Speaker" software_list "Software List" screen "Video Screen" dummy_space "Dummy Space" palette "palette" gfxdecode "gfxdecode" speechrom "TI Speech ROM" harddisk_image "Harddisk" upd7810 "NEC uPD7810" upd7807 "NEC uPD7807" upd7801 "NEC uPD7801" upd78c05 "NEC uPD78C05" upd78c06 "NEC uPD78C06" sm500 "Sharp SM500" psxmdec "Sony PSX MDEC" m6805 "Motorola M6805" m68hc05eg "Motorola MC68HC05EG" hd63705 "Hitachi HD63705" h8_dtc "H8 DTC controller" h8_dma "H8 DMA controller" h8_dma_channel "H8 DMA channel" vector_device "VECTOR" tms34061 "TI TMS34061 VSC" tlc34076 "TI TLC34076 VIP" snes_ppu "SNES PPU" cxd8514q "CXD8514Q GPU" cxd8538q "CXD8538Q GPU" cxd8561q "CXD8561Q GPU" cxd8561bq "CXD8561BQ GPU" cxd8561cq "CXD8561CQ GPU" cxd8654q "CXD8654Q GPU" mc6845 "Motorola MC6845 CRTC" mc6845_1 "Motorola MC6845-1 CRTC" r6545_1 "Rockwell R6545-1 CRTC" c6545_1 "C6545-1 CRTC" h46505 "Hitachi HD46505 CRTC" hd6845 "Hitachi HD6845 CRTC" sy6545_1 "Synertek SY6545-1 CRTC" sy6845e "Synertek SY6845E CRTC" hd6345 "Hitachi HD6345 CRTC" ams40041 "AMS40041 CRTC" ams40489 "AMS40489 ASIC (CRTC)" mos8563 "MOS 8563 VDC" mos8568 "MOS 8568 VDC" hd63484 "Hitachi HD63484 ACRTC" epic12 "EPIC12 Blitter" buffered_spriteram8 "Buffered 8-bit Sprite RAM" buffered_spriteram16 "Buffered 16-bit Sprite RAM" buffered_spriteram32 "Buffered 32-bit Sprite RAM" buffered_spriteram64 "Buffered 64-bit Sprite RAM" sega315_5313 "Sega 315-5313 Megadrive VDP" sega315_5124 "Sega 315-5124 SMS1 VDP" sega315_5246 "Sega 315-5246 SMS2 VDP" sega315_5377 "Sega 315-5377 Gamegear VDP" zsg2 "ZOOM ZSG-2" ymz770 "Yamaha YMZ770C AMMS-A" ymz774 "Yamaha YMZ774 AMMS2C" ymz280b "Yamaha YMZ280B PCMD8" ymf278b "Yamaha YMF278B OPL4" ymf271 "Yamaha YMF271 OPX" ym2413 "Yamaha YM2413 OPLL" vrc7snd "Konami VRC7 (Sound)" ym2151 "Yamaha YM2151 OPM" x1_010 "Seta X1-010" votrax "Votrax SC-01" volt_reg "Voltage Regulator" vlm5030 "Sanyo VLM5030" upd7759 "NEC uPD7759" upd7756 "NEC uPD7756" tms5220c "TMS5220C" tms5220 "TMS5220" cd2501e "CD2501E" tms5200 "TMS5200" cd2501ecd "CD2501ECD" tms5110 "TMS5110" tms5100 "TMS5100" tmc0281 "TMC0281" tms5100a "TMS5100A" tmc0281d "TMC0281D" cd2801 "CD2801" cd2802 "CD2802" tms5110a "TMS5110A" m58817 "M58817" tmsprom "TMSPROM" tms36xx "TMS36XX" tc8830f "Toshiba TC8830F" ta7630 "Toshiba TA7630P" st0016 "Seta ST0016 (Audio)" psxspu "PlayStation SPU" speaker_sound_device "Filtered 1-bit DAC" sp0250 "GI SP0250 LPC" sn76496 "SN76496" u8106 "U8106" y2404 "Y2404" sn76489 "SN76489" sn76489a "SN76489A" sn76494 "SN76494" sn94624 "SN94624" ncr8496 "NCR8496" pssj3 "PSSJ-3" gamegear_psg "Game Gear PSG" segapsg "Sega VDP PSG" sn76477 "TI SN76477 CSG" segapcm "Sega PCM" scsp "Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP" samples "Samples" rf5c68 "Ricoh RF5C68" rf5c164 "Ricoh RF5C164" qsound_hle "QSound (HLE)" qs1000 "QS1000" pokey "Atari C012294 POKEY" okim9810 "OKI MSM9810 ADPCM" okim6295 "OKI MSM6295 ADPCM" nesapu "N2A03 APU" namco "Namco" namco_15xx "Namco 15xx" namco_cus30 "Namco CUS30" ymw258f "Yamaha YMW-258-F" msm5232 "MSM5232" msm5205 "MSM5205" msm6585 "MSM6585" lc7535 "Sanyo LC7535" k056800 "K056800 MIRAC" k054539 "K054539 ADPCM" k053260 "K053260 KDSC" k051649 "K051649 SCC1" k007232 "K007232 PCM Controller" k005289 "K005289 SCC" iremga20 "Irem GA20" ics2115 "ICS2115 WaveFront Synthesizer" i5000snd "Imagetek I5000 Sound" hc55516 "HC-55516" mc3417 "MC3417" mc3418 "MC3418" filter_rc "RC Filter" esq_5505_5510_pump "Ensoniq 5505/5506 to 5510 interface" es5506 "Ensoniq ES5506" es5505 "Ensoniq ES5505" dmadac "DMA-driven DAC" discrete "Discrete Sound" digitalker "MM54104 Digitalker" ad557 "AD557" ad7224 "AD7224" ad7521 "AD7521" ad7523 "AD7523" ad7524 "AD7524" ad7528 "AD7528" ad7533 "AD7533" ad7541 "AD7541" am6012 "AM6012" dac08 "DAC08" dac0800 "DAC0800" dac0832 "DAC0832" dac1200 "DAC1200" mc1408 "MC1408" mc3408 "MC3408" mc3410 "MC3410" mp1210 "MP1210" pcm54hp "PCM54HP" uda1341ts "UDA1341TS" zn425e "ZN425E" zn428e "ZN428E-8" zn429e "ZN429E-8" dac "1-Bit DAC" dac_2bit_bw "2-Bit Binary Weighted DAC" dac_2bit_bw_oc "2-Bit Binary Weighted Ones Complement DAC" dac_2bit_r2r "2-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_3bit_bw "3-Bit Binary Weighted DAC" dac_4bit_bw "4-Bit Binary Weighted DAC" dac_4bit_bw_sm "4-Bit Binary Weighted Sign Magnitude DAC" dac_4bit_r2r "4-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_6bit_bw "6-Bit Binary Weighted DAC" dac_6bit_r2r "6-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_8bit_bw "8-Bit Binary Weighted DAC" dac_8bit_pwm "8-Bit PWM DAC" dac_8bit_r2r "8-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_8bit_r2r_tc "8-Bit R-2R Twos Complement DAC" dac_10bit_r2r "10-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_12bit_r2r "12-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_12bit_r2r_tc "12-Bit R-2R Twos Complement DAC" dac_16bit_r2r "16-Bit R-2R DAC" dac_16bit_r2r_tc "16-Bit R-2R Twos Complement DAC" cdda "CD/DA" c6280 "Hudson Soft HuC6280 PSG" bsmt2000 "BSMT2000" beep "Beep" ay8910 "AY-3-8910A PSG" ay8912 "AY-3-8912A PSG" ay8913 "AY-3-8913 PSG" ay8914 "AY-3-8914A PSG" ay8930 "AY8930 EPSG" ym2149 "YM2149 SSG" ym3439 "YM3439 SSGC" ymz284 "YMZ284 SSGL" ymz294 "YMZ294 SSGLP" astrocade_io "Astrocade Custom I/O" y8950 "Y8950 MSX-Audio" ym3812 "YM3812 OPL2" ym3526 "YM3526 OPL" ymf262 "YMF262 OPL3" ym2612 "YM2612 OPN2" ym3438 "YM3438 OPN2C" ym2610 "YM2610 OPNB" ym2610b "YM2610B OPNB" ym2608 "YM2608 OPNA" ym2203 "YM2203 OPN" z80pio "Z80 PIO" z80dart "Z80 DART" z80dart_channel "Z80 DART channel" z80sio0 "Z80 SIO/0" z80sio1 "Z80 SIO/1" z80sio2 "Z80 SIO/2" z80sio3 "Z80 SIO/3" z80sio4 "Z80 SIO/4" i8274 "Intel 8274 MPSC" upd7201 "NEC uPD7201 MPSC" z80ctc "Z80 CTC" z80ctc_channel "Z80 CTC Channel" fd1771 "FD1771 FDC" fd1781 "FD1781 FDC" fd1791 "FD1791 FDC" fd1792 "FD1792 FDC" fd1793 "FD1793 FDC" kr1818vg93 "KR1818VG93 FDC" fd1794 "FD1794 FDC" fd1795 "FD1795 FDC" fd1797 "FD1797 FDC" mb8866 "Fujitsu MB8866 FDC" mb8876 "Fujitsu MB8876 FDC" mb8877 "Fujitsu MB8877 FDC" fd1761 "FD1761 FDC" fd1763 "FD1763 FDC" fd1765 "FD1765 FDC" fd1767 "FD1767 FDC" wd2791 "Western Digital WD2791 FDC" wd2793 "Western Digital WD2793 FDC" wd2795 "Western Digital WD2795 FDC" wd2797 "Western Digital WD2797 FDC" wd1770 "Western Digital WD1770 FDC" wd1772 "Western Digital WD1772 FDC" wd1773 "Western Digital WD1773 FDC" wd33c92 "Western Digital WD33C92 SCSI Controller" wd33c93 "Western Digital WD33C93 SCSI Controller" wd33c93a "Western Digital WD33C93A SCSI Controller" wd33c93b "Western Digital WD33C93B SCSI Controller" watchdog "Watchdog Timer" vt83c461 "VIA VT83C461 IDE Controller" v3021 "V3021 RTC" upd4992 "uPD4992 RTC" upd4701a "uPD4701A Incremental Encoder" upd1990a "uPD1990A RTC" upd4990a "uPD4990A RTC" tms6100 "TMS6100 VSM" m58819s "M68819S" tms1024 "TMS1024 I/O Expander" tms1025 "TMS1025 I/O Expander" tmp68301 "Toshiba TMP68301" timer "Timer" m48t02 "M48T02 Timekeeper" m48t35 "M48T35 Timekeeper" m48t37 "M48T37 Timekeeper" m48t58 "M48T58 Timekeeper" mk48t08 "MK48T08 Timekeeper" mk48t12 "MK48T12 Timekeeper" ticket_dispenser "Ticket Dispenser" coin_hopper "Coin Hopper" te7750 "TE7750 Super I/O Expander" te7752 "TE7752 Super I/O Expander" serflash "Serial Flash" rtc9701 "Epson RTC-9701-JE RTC/EEPROM" rp5h01 "RP5H01 6/7-bit Counter" rp5c01 "Ricoh RP5C01 RTC" tc8521 "Toshiba TC8521 RTC" ram "RAM" pit_counter "PIT Counter" pit8253 "Intel 8253 PIT" pit8254 "Intel 8254 PIT" fe2010_pit "Faraday FE2010 PIT" pic8259 "Intel 8259 PIC" v5x_icu "NEC V5X ICU" output_latch "Output Latch" nvram "NVRAM" scsi_cdrom "SCSI CD-ROM" scsi_cdrom_sgi "SCSI CD-ROM SGI" nrrd45 "RRD45 CD-ROM (New)" nxm3301 "XM-3301TA CD-ROM (New)" nxm5301sun "XM-5301B Sun 4x CD-ROM (New)" nxm5401sun "XM-5401B Sun 4x CD-ROM (New)" nxm5701 "XM-5701B 12x CD-ROM (New)" nxm5701sun "XM-5701B Sun 12x CD-ROM (New)" nscsi_bus "SCSI Bus (new)" nscsi_connector "SCSI Connector Abstraction (new)" netlist_core "Netlist Core Device" netlist_cpu "Netlist CPU Device" netlist_sound "Netlist Sound Device" nl_analog_in "Netlist Analog Input" nl_int_out "Netlist Integer Output" nl_ram_ptr "Netlist RAM Pointer" nl_logic_in "Netlist Logic Input" nl_stream_in "Netlist Stream Input" nl_logic_out "Netlist Logic Output" nl_analog_out "Netlist Analog Output" nl_stream_out "Netlist Stream Output" msm6253 "OKI MSM6253 A/D Converter" mos6530 "MOS 6530 RRIOT" mcf5206e_peripheral "MCF5206E Peripheral" scn2681 "SCN2681 DUART" mc68681 "MC68681 DUART" sc28c94 "SC28C94 QUART" mc68340duart "MC68340 DUART Device" xr68c681 "XR68C681 DUART" duart_channel "DUART channel" mb89352 "Fujitsu MB89352A" mb87078 "MB87078 Volume Controller" mb8421 "MB8421 8-bit Dual-Port SRAM with Interrupts" idt71321 "IDT71321 8-bit Dual-Port SRAM with Interrupts" mb8421_mb8431_16 "MB8421/MB8431 16-bit Dual-Port SRAM with Interrupts" mb3773 "MB3773 Power Supply Monitor" mb14241 "MB14241 Data Shifter" pr8210 "Pioneer PR-8210" simutrek "Simutrek Modified PR-8210" latch8 "8-bit latch" k054321 "K054321 Maincpu-Soundcpu interface" k053252 "K053252 Timing/Interrupt Controller" intel_28f016s5 "Intel 28F016S5 Flash" sharp_lh28f016s "Sharp LH28F016S Flash" sharp_lh28f016s_16bit "Sharp LH28F016S Flash (16-bit)" atmel_29c010 "Atmel 29C010 Flash" amd_29f010 "AMD 29F010 Flash" amd_29f040 "AMD 29F040 Flash" amd_29f080 "AMD 29F080 Flash" amd_29f400t "AMD 29F400T Flash" amd_29f800t "AMD 29F800T Flash" amd_29f800b_16bit "AMD 29F800B Flash used in 16 bit mode" amd_29lv200t "AMD 29LV200T Flash" fujitsu_29f160t "Fujitsu 29F160T Flash" fujitsu_29f016a "Fujitsu 29F016A Flash" fujitsu_29dl16x "Fujitsu 29DL16X Flash" intel_e28f400b "Intel E28F400B Flash" macronix_29l001mc "Macronix 29L001MC Flash" macronix_29lv160tmc "Macronix 29LV160TMC Flash" tms_29f040 "Texas Instruments 29F040 Flash" panasonic_mn63f805mnp "Panasonic MN63F805MNP Flash" sanyo_le26fv10n1ts "Sanyo LE26FV10N1TS Flash" sst_28sf040 "SST 28SF040 Flash" sst_39vf020 "SST 39VF020 Flash" sharp_lh28f400 "Sharp LH28F400 Flash" intel_e28f008sa "Intel E28F008SA Flash" intel_te28f160 "Intel TE28F160 Flash" intel_te28f320 "Intel TE28F320 Flash" sharp_unk128mbit "Sharp Unknown 128Mbit Flash" intel_28f320j3d "Intel 28F320J3D Flash" intel_28f320j5 "Intel 28F320J5 Flash" sst_39vf400a "SST 39VF400A Flash" atmel_49f4096 "Atmel AT49F4096 Flash" ipt_merge_any_hi "Input Merger (any high)" ipt_merge_all_hi "Input Merger (all high)" ipt_merge_any_lo "Input Merger (any low)" ipt_merge_all_lo "Input Merger (all low)" idehd "IDE Hard Disk" idectrl "IDE Controller (16-bit)" idectrl32 "IDE Controller (32-bit)" idectrl32bm "Bus Master IDE Controller" i8257 "Intel 8257 DMA Controller" i8255 "Intel 8255 PPI" ams40489_ppi "Amstrad AMS40489 PPI" i8251 "Intel 8251 USART" v5x_scu "NEC V5X SCU" i8243 "Intel 8243 I/O Expander" i2cmem "I2C Memory" x2404p "X2404P I2C Memory" 24c01 "24C01 I2C Memory" 24c02 "24C02 I2C Memory" 24c08 "24C08 I2C Memory" 24c16 "24C16 I2C Memory" 24c16a "24C16A I2C Memory" 24c64 "24C64 I2C Memory" generic_latch_8 "Generic 8-bit latch" generic_latch_16 "Generic 16-bit latch" generic_fifo_u32_device "Generic fifo, u32 values" er2055 "ER2055 EAROM (64x8)" 93c06_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C06 (16x16)" 93c46_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C46 (64x16)" 93c56_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C56 (128x16)" 93c57_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C57 (128x16)" 93c66_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C66 (256x16)" 93c76_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C76 (512x16)" 93c86_16 "Serial EEPROM 93C86 (1024x16)" s29190_16 "Serial EEPROM S29190 (64x16)" s29290_16 "Serial EEPROM S29290 (128x16)" s29390_16 "Serial EEPROM S29390 (256x16)" 93c46_8 "Serial EEPROM 93C46 (128x8)" 93c56_8 "Serial EEPROM 93C56 (256x8)" 93c57_8 "Serial EEPROM 93C57 (256x8)" 93c66_8 "Serial EEPROM 93C66 (512x8)" 93c76_8 "Serial EEPROM 93C76 (1024x8)" 93c86_8 "Serial EEPROM 93C86 (2048x8)" er5911_8 "Serial EEPROM ER5911 (128x8)" er5911_16 "Serial EEPROM ER5911 (64x16)" msm16911_8 "Serial EEPROM MSM16911 (128x8)" msm16911_16 "Serial EEPROM MSM16911 (64x16)" x24c44_16 "Serial EEPROM X24C44 (16x16)" 2804 "Parallel EEPROM 2804 (512x8)" 2816 "Parallel EEPROM 2816 (2048x8)" 2864 "Parallel EEPROM 2864 (8192x8)" 28256 "Parallel EEPROM 28256 (32768x8)" 28512 "Parallel EEPROM 28512 (65536x8)" 28010 "Parallel EEPROM 28010 (131072x8)" 28020 "Parallel EEPROM 28020 (262144x8)" 28040 "Parallel EEPROM 28040 (524288x8)" cxd1095 "CXD1095 I/O Expander" clock "Clock" bcreader "Barcode Reader" address_map_bank "Address Map Bank" cdrom "ATAPI CD-ROM" cdrom_fixed "ATAPI fixed CD-ROM" ata_interface "ATA Interface" ata_slot "ATA Connector" at28c16 "AT28C16 2Kx8 EEPROM" adc0844 "ADC0844 A/D Converter" adc0848 "ADC0848 A/D Converter" adc0831 "ADC0831 A/D Converter" adc0832 "ADC0832 A/D Converter" adc0834 "ADC0834 A/D Converter" adc0838 "ADC0838 A/D Converter" adc0808 "ADC0808 A/D Converter" adc0809 "ADC0809 A/D Converter" m58990 "M58990 A/D Converter" aakart "Acorn Archimedes KART" ls259 "74LS259 Addressable Latch" hc259 "74HC259 Addressable Latch" hct259 "74HCT259 Addressable Latch" f9334 "Fairchild 9334 Addressable Latch" cd4099 "CD4099B Addressable Latch" ls157 "74LS157 Quad 2-to-1 Multiplexer" ls157_x2 "74LS157 Quad 2-to-1 Multiplexer (x2)" hc157 "74HC157 Quad 2-to-1 Multiplexer" hct157 "74HCT157 Quad 2-to-1 Multiplexer" ttl153 "SN54/74153" fifo7200 "IDT7200 FIFO" acia6850 "MC6850 ACIA" ptm6840 "MC6840 PTM" pia6821 "6821 PIA" riot6532 "6532 RIOT" via6522 "6522 VIA" floppy_connector "Floppy drive connector abstraction" floppy_3_ssdd "3" single-sided floppy drive" floppy_3_dsdd "3" double-sided floppy drive" floppy_35_ssdd "3.5" single-sided double density floppy drive" floppy_35_dd "3.5" double density floppy drive" floppy_35_hd "3.5" high density floppy drive" floppy_35_ed "3.5" extended density floppy drive" floppy_525_sssd_35t "5.25" single-sided single density 35-track floppy drive" floppy_525_sd_35t "5.25" double-sided single density 35-track floppy drive" floppy_525_sssd "5.25" single-sided single density floppy drive" floppy_525_sd "5.25" single density floppy drive" floppy_525_ssdd "5.25" single-sided double density floppy drive" floppy_525_dd "5.25" double density floppy drive" floppy_525_ssqd "5.25" single-sided quad density floppy drive" floppy_525_qd "5.25" quad density floppy drive" floppy_525_hd "5.25" high density floppy drive" floppy_8_sssd "8" single-sided single density floppy drive" floppy_8_dssd "8" double-sided single density floppy drive" floppy_8_ssdd "8" single-sided double density floppy drive" floppy_8_dsdd "8" double-sided double density floppy drive" epson_smd_165 "EPSON SMD-165 Floppy Disk Drive" epson_sd_320 "EPSON SD-320 Mini-Floppy Disk Drive" epson_sd_321 "EPSON SD-321 Mini-Floppy Disk Drive" sony_oa_d31v "Sony OA-D31V Micro Floppydisk Drive" sony_oa_d32w "Sony OA-D32W Micro Floppydisk Drive" sony_oa_d32v "Sony OA-D32V Micro Floppydisk Drive" teac_fd_30a "TEAC FD-30A FDD" teac_fd_55e "TEAC FD-55E FDD" teac_fd_55f "TEAC FD-55F FDD" teac_fd_55g "TEAC FD-55G FDD" alps_3255190x "ALPS 32551901/32551902 Floppy Drive" ibm_6360 "IBM 6360 8" single-sided single density floppy drive" flopsnd "Floppy sound" cdrom_image "CD-ROM Image" cassette_image "Cassette" z80 "Zilog Z80" nsc800 "National Semiconductor NSC800" z180 "Zilog Z180" v810 "NEC V810" v60 "NEC V60" v70 "NEC V70" upd78c11 "NEC uPD78C11" upd7725 "NEC uPD7725" upd96050 "NEC uPD96050" tms57002 "Texas Instruments TMS57002 "DASP"" tms34010 "Texas Instruments TMS34010" tms34020 "Texas Instruments TMS34020" tms32030 "Texas Instruments TMS32030" tms32031 "Texas Instruments TMS32031" tms32032 "Texas Instruments TMS32032" tms32010 "Texas Instruments TMS32010" tms32015 "Texas Instruments TMS32015" tms32016 "Texas Instruments TMS32016" tmp90840 "Toshiba TMP90840" tmp90841 "Toshiba TMP90841" tmp90845 "Toshiba TMP90845" tmp91640 "Toshiba TMP91640" tmp91641 "Toshiba TMP91641" tmp90ph44 "Toshiba TMP90PH44" spc700 "Sony SPC700" sm5a "Sharp SM5A" sm5l "Sharp SM5L" kb1013vk1_2 "KB1013VK1-2" sm511 "Sharp SM511" sm512 "Sharp SM512" sm510 "Sharp SM510" adsp21062 "Analog Devices ADSP21062 "SHARC"" sh3le "Hitachi SH-3 (little)" sh3be "Hitachi SH-3 (big)" sh4le "Hitachi SH-4 (little)" sh4be "Hitachi SH-4 (big)" sh1 "Hitachi SH-1" sh2 "Hitachi SH-2" sh21 "Hitachi SH-2A" s2650 "Signetics S2650" psxsio0 "Sony PSX SIO-0" psxsio1 "Sony PSX SIO-1" psxrcnt "Sony PSX RCNT" cxd8530aq "Sony CXD8530AQ" cxd8530bq "Sony CXD8530BQ" cxd8530cq "Sony CXD8530CQ" cxd8661r "Sony CXD8661R" cxd8606bq "Sony CXD8606BQ" cxd8606cq "Sony CXD8606CQ" psxirq "Sony PSX IRQ" psxdma "Sony PSX DMA" pic16c54 "Microchip PIC16C54" pic16c55 "Microchip PIC16C55" pic16c56 "Microchip PIC16C56" pic16c57 "Microchip PIC16C57" pic16c58 "Microchip PIC16C58" pic1650 "GI PIC1650" pic1655 "GI PIC1655" v25 "NEC V25" v35 "NEC V35" v20 "NEC V20" v30 "NEC V30" v33 "NEC V33" v33a "NEC V33A" mn1020012a "Panasonic MN1020012A" i8031 "Intel I8031" i8032 "Intel I8032" i8051 "Intel I8051" i8751 "Intel I8751" am8753 "AMD Am8753" i8052 "Intel I8052" i8752 "Intel I8752" i80c31 "Intel I80C31" i80c51 "Intel I80C51" i87c51 "Intel I87C51" i80c32 "Intel I80C32" i80c52 "Intel I80C52" i87c52 "Intel I87C52" at89c52 "Atmel AT89C52" at89s52 "Atmel AT89S52" at89c4051 "Atmel AT89C4051" ds5002fp "Dallas DS5002FP" i8021 "Intel I8021" i8022 "Intel I8022" i8035 "Intel I8035" i8048 "Intel I8048" i8648 "Intel I8648" i8748 "Intel I8748" i8039 "Intel I8039" i8049 "Intel I8049" i8749 "Intel I8749" i8040 "Intel I8040" i8050 "Intel I8050" i8041 "Intel I8041" i8741 "Intel I8741" i8042 "Intel I8042" i8242 "Intel I8242" i8742 "Intel I8742" mb8884 "MB8884" n7751 "N7751" m58715 "M58715" mb88201 "Fujitsu MB88201" mb88202 "Fujitsu MB88202" mb8841 "Fujitsu MB8841" mb8842 "Fujitsu MB8842" mb8843 "Fujitsu MB8843" mb8844 "Fujitsu MB8844" mb86235 "Fujitsu MB86235 "TGPx4"" mb86233 "Fujitsu MB86233 (TGP)" mb86234 "Fujitsu MB86234 (TGP)" mc6809 "Motorola MC6809" mc6809e "Motorola MC6809E" m6809 "MC6809 (legacy)" hd6309 "Hitachi HD6309" hd6309e "Hitachi HD6309E" m68705p3 "Motorola MC68705P3" m68705p5 "Motorola MC68705P5" m68705r3 "Motorola MC68705R3" m68705u3 "Motorola MC68705U3" m68000 "Motorola MC68000" m68008 "Motorola MC68008" m68008plcc "Motorola MC68008PLCC" m68010 "Motorola MC68010" m68ec020 "Motorola MC68EC020" m68020 "Motorola MC68020" m68020fpu "Motorola MC68020FPU" m68020pmmu "Motorola MC68020PMMU" m68020hmmu "Motorola MC68020HMMU" m68ec030 "Motorola MC68EC030" m68030 "Motorola MC68030" m68ec040 "Motorola MC68EC040" m68lc040 "Motorola MC68LC040" m68040 "Motorola MC68040" scc68070 "Philips SCC68070" fscpu32 "Freescale CPU32 Core" mcf5206e "Freescale MCF5206E" m6801 "Motorola M6801" m6803 "Motorola M6803" hd6301 "Hitachi HD6301" hd63701 "Hitachi HD63701" hd6303r "Hitachi HD6303R" hd6303y "Hitachi HD6303Y" m6800 "Motorola M6800" m6802 "Motorola M6802" m6808 "Motorola M6808" nsc8105 "NSC8105" n2a03 "Ricoh N2A03" m65c02 "MOS Technology M65C02" m6502 "MOS Technology M6502" i960kb "Intel i960KB" i8086 "Intel I8086" i8088 "Intel I8088" i8080 "Intel 8080" i8080a "Intel 8080A" i8085a "Intel 8085A" h8_watchdog "H8 watchdog" h8_timer8_channel "H8 8-bit timer channel" h8h_timer8_channel "H8H 8-bit timer channel" h8_timer16 "H8 16-bit timer" h8_timer16_channel "H8 16-bit timer channel" h8h_timer16_channel "H8H 16-bit timer channel" h8s_timer16_channel "H8S 16-bit timer channel" h8_sci "H8 Serial Communications Interface" h8_digital_port "H8 digital port" h8_intc "H8 interrupt controller" h8h_intc "H8H interrupt controller" h8s_intc "H8S interrupt controller" h8_adc_3337 "H8/3337 ADC" h8_adc_3006 "H8/3006 ADC" h8_adc_2245 "H8/2245 ADC" h8_adc_2320 "H8/2320 ADC" h8_adc_2357 "H8/2357 ADC" h8_adc_2655 "H8/2655 ADC" h83006 "Hitachi H8/3006" h83007 "Hitachi H8/3007" h6280 "Hudson Soft HuC6280" g65c816 "Western Design Center G65C816" 5a22 "Ricoh 5A22" es5510 "ES5510" e116t "hyperstone E1-16T" e116xt "hyperstone E1-16XT" e116xs "hyperstone E1-16XS" e116xsr "hyperstone E1-16XSR" e132n "hyperstone E1-32N" e132t "hyperstone E1-32T" e132xn "hyperstone E1-32XN" e132xt "hyperstone E1-32XT" e132xs "hyperstone E1-32XS" e132xsr "hyperstone E1-32XSR" gms30c2116 "Hynix GMS30C2116" gms30c2132 "Hynix GMS30C2132" gms30c2216 "Hynix GMS30C2216" gms30c2232 "Hynix GMS30C2232" ccpu "Cinematronics CPU" arm7_le "ARM7 (little)" arm7_be "ARM7 (big)" arm710a "ARM710a" arm7500 "ARM7500" arm9 "ARM9" arm920t "ARM920T" arm946es "ARM946ES" arm11 "ARM11" arm1176jzf_s "ARM1176JZF-S" pxa255 "Intel XScale PXA255" sa1110 "Intel StrongARM SA-1110" igs036 "IGS036" arm_le "ARM (little)" arm_be "ARM (big)" adsp2100 "Analog Devices ADSP-2100" adsp2101 "Analog Devices ADSP-2101" adsp2104 "Analog Devices ADSP-2104" adsp2105 "Analog Devices ADSP-2105" adsp2115 "Analog Devices ADSP-2115" adsp2181 "Analog Devices ADSP-2181" scsicd "SCSI CD" scsi "SCSI Port" scsi_slot "SCSI Connector" vsystem2_spr "Video System VS8904/VS8905 Sprites" vsystem_spr "Video System VS9108 Sprites" vsystem_gga "Video System C7-01 GGA" vs9209 "VS9209 I/O" toaplan_scu "Toaplan SCU" gp9001vdp "GP9001 VDP" nmk112 "NMK112" kaneko_pandora "Kaneko PANDORA GFX" tecmo_spr "Tecmo Chained Sprites" tecmo_mix "Tecmo 16-bit Mixer" tc0480scp "Taito TC0480SCP" tc0360pri "Taito TC0360PRI" tc0280grd "Taito TC0280GRD / TC0430GRW" tc0180vcu "Taito TC0180VCU" tc0110pcr "Taito TC0110PCR" tc0100scn "Taito TC0100SCN" pc090oj "Taito PC090OJ" pc080sn "Taito PC080SN" taitosjsecmcu "Taito SJ Security MCU Interface" tc0040ioc "Taito TC0040IOC" tc0220ioc "Taito TC0220IOC" tc0510nio "Taito TC0510NIO" tc0640fio "Taito TC0640FIO" cchip "Taito TC0030CMD (C-Chip)" taito68705 "Taito MC68705 MCU Interface" taito68705tiger "Taito MC68705 MCU Interface (Tiger Heli)" arkanoid68705p3 "Arkanoid MC68705P3 Interface" arkanoid68705p5 "Arkanoid MC68705P5 Interface" tc0140syt "Taito TC0140SYT" pc060ha "Taito PC060HA CIU" taito_zoom "Taito Zoom Sound System" taito_en "Taito Ensoniq Sound System" znmcu "Sony ZN MCU" cat702 "CAT702" rax_audio "Acclaim RAX" snk6502_sound "SNK6502 Custom Sound" vanguard_sound "SNK Vanguard Sound" fantasy_sound "SNK Fantasy Sound" nibbler_sound "Rock-Ola Nibbler Sound" pballoon_sound "SNK Pioneer Balloon Sound" sasuke_sound "SNK Sasuke Vs. Commander Sound" satansat_sound "SNK Satan of Saturn Sound" st0020 "Seta ST0020 Sprites" seta001 "Seta SETA001 Sprites" st0016_cpu "ST0016" funcube_touchscreen "Funcube Touchscreen" seibu_crtc "Seibu CRT Controller" raiden2cop "Seibu COP (Raiden 2)" 315_5338a "Sega 315-5338A I/O Controller" segas24_tile "Sega System 24 Tilemap" segas24_sprite "Sega System 24 Sprites" segas24_mixer "Sega System 24 Mixer" segaic16_road "Sega 16-bit Road Generator" segaic16_video "Sega 16-bit Video" sega_hangon_sprite "Sega Custom Sprites (Hang On)" sega_sharrier_sprite "Sega Custom Sprites (Space Harrier)" sega_outrun_sprite "Sega Custom Sprites (Out Run)" sega_sys16a_sprite "Sega System 16A Sprites" bootleg_sys16a_sprite "Sega System 16A Sprites (bootleg)" sega_sys16b_sprite "Sega System 16B Sprites" sega_xboard_sprite "Sega X-Board Sprites" sega_yboard_sprite "Sega Y-Board Sprites" sega_315_5195 "Sega 315-5195 Memory Mapper" sega_315_5248 "Sega 315-5248 Multiplier" sega_315_5249 "Sega 315-5249 Divider" sega_315_5250 "Sega 315-5250 Compare/Timer" sega_315_5132 "Sega 315-5132" sega_315_5155 "Sega 315-5155" sega_315_5110 "Sega 315-5110" sega_315_5135 "Sega 315-5135" sega_315_5051 "Sega 315-5051" sega_315_5098 "Sega 315-5098" sega_315_5102 "Sega 315-5102" sega_315_5065 "Sega 315-5065" sega_315_5064 "Sega 315-5064" sega_315_5033 "Sega 315-5033" sega_315_5041 "Sega 315-5041" sega_315_5048 "Sega 315-5048" sega_315_5093 "Sega 315-5093" sega_315_5099 "Sega 315-5099" sega_315_5015 "Sega 315-5015" sega_315_5133 "Sega 315-5133" sega_315_5061 "Sega 315-5061" sega_315_5028 "Sega 315-5028" sega_315_5084 "Sega 315-5084" sega_315_5013 "Sega 315-5013" sega_315_5014 "Sega 315-5014" sega_315_5018 "Sega 315-5018" sega_315_5010 "Sega 315-5010" sega_315_spat "Sega 315-5xxx (Spatter)" sega_315_5128 "Sega 315-5128" sega_315_5179 "Sega 315-5179" sega_315_5178 "Sega 315-5178" sega_315_5177 "Sega 315-5177" sega_315_5176 "Sega 315-5176" sega_315_5162 "Sega 315-5162" sega_317_0004 "Sega 317-0004" sega_317_0005 "Sega 317-0005" sega_317_0006 "Sega 317-0006" sega_317_0007 "Sega 317-0007" s32comm "System 32 Communication Board" model1io "Sega Model 1 I/O Board" mc8123 "MC-8123" m2comm "Model 2 Communication Board" fd1094 "Hitachi FD1094 Encrypted CPU" fd1089a "Hitachi FD1089A Encrypted CPU" fd1089b "Hitachi FD1089B Encrypted CPU" 315_5649 "Sega 315-5649 I/O Controller" 315_5296 "Sega 315-5296 I/O" sega315_5881 "Sega 315-5881 Encryption" sega315_5838 "Sega 315-5838 / 317-0229 Compression and Encryption" sega_speech_sound "Sega Speech Sound Board" segausb "Sega Universal Sound Board" segausbrom "Sega Universal Sound Board with ROM" segam1audio "Sega Model 1 Sound Board" sega005_sound "Sega 005 Custom Sound" monsterb_sound "Monster Bash Sound Board" dsbz80_device "Sega Z80-based Digital Sound Board" segas32_pcb "Sega System 32 PCB" segas32_pcb_regular "Sega System 32 regular PCB" segas32_pcb_analog "Sega System 32 analog PCB" segas32_pcb_trackball "Sega System 32 trackball PCB" segas32_pcb_4player "Sega System 32 4-player/fighting PCB" segas32_pcb_v25 "Sega System 32 V25 PCB" segas32_pcb_upd7725 "Sega System 32 uPD7725 PCB" segas32_pcb_cd "Sega System 32 CD PCB" segas32_pcb_multi "Sega Multi 32" segas32_pcb_multi_analog "Sega Multi 32 analog PCB" segas32_pcb_multi_6player "Sega Multi 32 6-player PCB" pleiads_sound "Pleiads Custom Sound" naughtyb_sound "Naughty Boy Custom Sound" popflame_sound "Pop Flamer Custom Sound" phoenix_sound "Phoenix Custom Sound" nmk004 "NMK004" seibu_sound "Seibu Sound System" sei80bu "SEI80BU Encrypted Z80 Interface" seibu_adpcm "Seibu ADPCM (MSM5205)" ppu2c02 "2C02 PPU" ppu2c03b "2C03B PPC" ppu2c04 "2C04 PPU" ppu2c07 "2C07 PPU" ppupalc "Generic PAL Clone PPU" ppu2c05_01 "2C05_01 PPU" ppu2c05_02 "2C05_02 PPU" ppu2c05_03 "2C05_03 PPU" ppu2c05_04 "2C05_04 PPU" z80dma "Z80 DMA Controller" snes_sound "SNES Custom DSP (SPC700)" nb1412m2 "NB1412M2 Mahjong Custom" cclimber_audio "Crazy Climber Sound Board" neogeo_mjac "SNK Neo Geo Arcade Mahjong panel" neogeo_mjctrl "SNK Neo Geo Mahjong controller" neogeo_kiz4p "SNK Neo Geo Kizuna 4P Controller" neogeo_joy "SNK Neo Geo Joystick" neogeo_joyac "SNK Neo Geo Arcade Joystick" neogeo_irrmaze "SNK Neo Geo Irritating Maze Analog Controller" neogeo_dial "SNK Neo Geo Dial Controller" neogeo_control_port "SNK Neo Geo control port" neogeo_ctrl_edge "SNK Neo Geo Edge Connector (Controller)" ngbootleg_prot "NeoGeo Protection (Bootleg)" kog_prot "NeoGeo Protection (King of Gladiator)" cmc_prot "NeoGeo Protection (CMC)" fatfury2_prot "NeoGeo Protection (Fatal Fury 2)" kof2002_prot "NeoGeo Protection (KOF2002)" kof98_prot "NeoGeo Protection (KOF98)" mslugx_prot "NeoGeo Protection (Metal Slug X)" pcm2_prot "NeoGeo Protection (NEOPCM2)" pvc_prot "NeoGeo Protection (PVC)" sbp_prot "NeoGeo Protection (Super Bubble Pop)" sma_prot "NeoGeo SMA Cartridge" neogeo_banked_cart "NeoGeo Banked Cartridge" neosprite "Neo-Geo Sprites" ng_memcard "NeoGeo Memory Card" namco56 "Namco 56xx I/O" namco58 "Namco 58xx I/O" namco59 "Namco 59xx I/O" namco53 "Namco 53xx" namco51 "Namco 51xx" namco50 "Namco 50xx" namco06 "Namco 06xx" namco54 "Namco 54xx" namco52 "Namco 52xx" galaxian_sound "Galaxian Custom Sound" atari_cage "Atari CAGE" atari_cage_seattle "Atari CAGE Seattle" tunitvid "Midway T-Unit Video" wunitvid "Midway W-Unit Video" xunitvid "Midway X-Unit Video" midway_serial_pic_sim "Midway Serial PIC Simulation" midway_serial_pic_emu "Midway Serial PIC Emulation" midway_serial_pic2 "Midway Serial PIC 2" midway_ioasic "Midway IOASIC" wmscvsd "Williams CVSD Sound Board" wmsnarc "Williams NARC Sound Board" wmsadpcm "Williams ADPCM Sound Board" midssio "Midway SSIO Sound Board" midsg "Midway Sounds Good Sound Board" midtcs "Midway Turbo Cheap Squeak Sound Board" midsnt "Midway Squawk 'n' Talk Sound Board" dcs_audio_2k "DCS Audio 2K" dcs_audio_2k_uart "DCS Audio 2K UART" dcs_audio_8k "DCS Audio 8K" dcs_audio_wpc "DCS Audio WPC" dcs2_audio_2115 "DCS2 Audio 2115" dcs2_audio_2104 "DCS2 Audio 2104" dcs2_audio_dsio "DCS2 Audio DSIO" dcs2_audio_denver_5ch "DCS2 Audio Denver 5 Channel" dcs2_audio_denver_2ch "DCS2 Audio Denver 2 Channel" midcsd "Cheap Squeak Deluxe Sound Board" k055555 "K055555 Priority Encoder" k054338 "K054338 Mixer" k056832 "K056832 Tilemap Generator" k054000 "K054000 Protection" k053936 "K053936 Video Controller" k053251 "K053251 Priority Encoder" k053250 "K053250 LVC" k055673 "K055673 Sprite Generator" k053247 "K053246/K053247 Sprite Generator" k05324x "K053244/053245 Sprite Generator" k052109 "K052109 Tilemap Generator" k051960 "K051960 Sprite Generator" k007121 "K007121 Sprite/Tilemap Controller" konami1 "KONAMI-1" trackfld_audio "Track And Field Audio" timplt_audio "Time Pilot Audio" locomotn_audio "Loco-Motion Audio" hyprolyb_adpcm "Hyper Olympics Audio" kaneko_view2 "Kaneko VIEW2 Tilemaps" kaneko_vu002 "Kaneko VU002 Sprites" kaneko_kc002 "Kaneko KC002 Sprites" kaneko_toybox "Kaneko Toybox MCU" kaneko_hit "Kaneko CALC Hitbox" kaneko_calc3 "Kaneko CALC3 MCU" m62_audio "Irem M62 Audio" m52_soundc_audio "Irem M52 SoundC Audio" m52_large_audio "Irem M52 Large Audio" igs028 "IGS028" igs025 "IGS025" igs022 "IGS022" gotsndr0 "Gottlieb Sound rev. 0" gotsndr1 "Gottlieb Sound rev. 1" gotsndr1vt "Gottlieb Sound rev. 1 with Votrax" gotsndr2 "Gottlieb Sound rev. 2" fuukivid "Fuuki Video" exidy_sfx "Exidy SFX" venture_sound "Exidy SFX+PSG" mtrap_sound "Exidy SFX+PSG+CVSD" victory_sound "Exidy SFX+PSG+Speech" decospr "DECO 52 Sprite" decocomn "DECO Common Video Functions" deco_zoomspr "DECO Zooming Sprites" deco_ace "Data East 99 'ACE' Chip" deco16ic "DECO 55 / 56 / 74 / 141 Tilemap Generator" deco_mxc06 "DECO MXC06 Sprite" deco_back06 "DECO BAC06 Tilemap" decocpu7 "DECO CPU-7" deco_irq "Data East IRQ Controller" deco222 "DECO 222" decoc10707 "DECO C10707" deco146 "DECO 146 Protection" deco104 "DECO 104 Protection" decobsmt "Data East/Sega/Stern BSMT2000 Sound Board" cps3_custom "CPS3 Custom Sound" dvg "Atari DVG" avg "Atari AVG" avg_tempest "Atari AVG (Tempest)" avg_mhavoc "Atari AVG (Major Havoc)" avg_starwars "Atari AVG (Star Wars)" avg_quantum "Atari AVG (Quantum)" avg_bzone "Atari AVG (Battle Zone)" avg_tomcat "Atari AVG (TomCat)" atarimo "Atari Motion Objects" slapstic "Atari Slapstic" mathbox "Atari MATHBOX" atarscom "Atari Sound Communications"