0.117u2 2007/07/26 [#388 - Aaron Giles] --------------------------------------- New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status --------------------------------------------------- King Pin [Andrew Gardner] King Pin Multi-Game [Andrew Gardner] MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- joystickremap0117u1gra [Aaron Giles] mallocerror0117u1gra [Aaron Giles] mouse0117u1gra [Aaron Giles] newinterface0117u1gra [Aaron Giles] tapper0102gre2 [Ernesto Corvi] timber0100u3gre [Ernesto Corvi] tapper0102gre1 [Aaron Giles] timber099gre [Aaron Giles] mcr0103u3yel [Aaron Giles] dotrone0101u5yel [Aaron Giles] Source changes: --------------- Imola GP updates: [Phil Stroffolino] - renamed from "monzagp" - the leds are fully mapped - fixes for blitter modes, that affect the "tunnel" area - dipswitch/port fixes; game now starts in attract mode, rather than immediately starting - placeholder (handpicked) colors Updated DIP switches for topland & ainferno according to their manuals. [Fabio Priuli] More SH-4 core improvements: [Samuele Zannoli] - fixes some problems in the disassembly and instruction execution from the previous patch - adds interrupt management - implements register bank switching - adds RTC timer counters - adds memory refresh timer - adds three timers of the TMU - adds a configuration structure that specifies the processor mode pin settings - internal processor clock frequencies calculated from mode pins and cpu clock - systems using the sh4 processor secify its configuration structure Fixed some DIP switches in littlerb. [Sonikos] Made some minor code quality changes across the code: [Atari Ace] - avoided exporting a few global variables - fixed variable names that conflicted with typedef names - removed some shadow variables that were bugs or unnecessary - removed extraneous #defines Fixed up sc61860 core, f3853 core, and pckeybd.c to work with new timing code [Nathan Woods]. More TIA improvements: [Wilbert Pol] - fixed some minor missile graphics positioning issues - moved some initialization code from tia_init to tia_reset Fixed a few errors related to headers in the source code. Added missing self-includes, removed dead prototypes, and added location comments in headers in mame/includes. In a few cases the audit showed items that didn't need to be exported so they were made static. [Atari Ace] Cleaned up the inputs in gdrawpkr and changed the hold buttons to "discard" since they are in fact discard buttons [Roberto Fresca]. Added support for 14- and 16-segment LED displays to the MAME artwork system [Dirk Best]. Fixed button 4 of player 2 inputs in bloodwar. [Barry Harris] Connected S14001A speech to the wolfpack driver [Lord Nightmare]. Fixed incorrect implementation of SSIO volume controls in the MCR driver. This makes the engine sound in Spy Hunter audible again, among other things. [Ernesto Corvi] Added support back for the "none" option for the various *_device options [Nathan Woods]. Fixed HD6309 dissaembly of the post-byte for ,W++ and ,--W. [Captain Ahab] Updated the 6532 riot interface to be more like the 6522via and 6821pia interfaces. [Wilbert Pol] Improved -listxml output to reflect new BIOS flag. New attribute isbios="yes" indicates that a given game is a BIOS. [Aaron Giles] Further tweaks to the game selection UI: [Aaron Giles] - disabled the tab key - added hook for general input configuration from the menu - split set names from friendly names into left/right columns - added a background to the descriptive names of clones - if you start with the game selection menu, hitting Esc to exit a game brings you back to the menu rather than quitting immediately - fixed logic so that INI files are reloaded for each game Moved INI file handling fully into the core. As a side-effect of this change, .ini is no longer parsed. Changed -createconfig to always output mame.ini instead of .ini as a result. [Aaron Giles] Renamed run_game() to mame_execute(). The game driver is no longer specified as a parameter; rather, this information is extracted from the options via OPTION_GAMENAME. [Aaron Giles] Fixed raw input-based lightgun buttons. [Aaron Giles] Cleaned up options.c code. Added priority levels to options as they are set. New options are only accepted if they have greater or equal priority to a previous change. Added new function options_revert() to revert options below a given priority to their defaults. Changed options_get_string() so that it always returns a valid string (never NULL). Invalid strings are returned as empty strings. [Aaron Giles] Added new functions core_filename_extract_base() and core_filename_ends_with() to corefile.h. [Aaron Giles] Changed menu rendering a bit. Added a background hilight to more strongly emphasize the current item. Added rendered arrows to indicate more items on the top/bottom and to indicate selection options in the DIP switch menus. Changed hilighting to be a bit less garish. Fixed repeat rates on keys to no longer be tied to the framerate. [Aaron Giles] - Added support for page up/page down generically in menus. Also made pause toggle work while menus are visible [Aaron Giles]. - Changed render_textures to allocate in a pool model, to avoid high memory overhead when allocating large numbers of textures (for example in the 14- and 16-segment LED displays) [Aaron Giles]. - Fixed a number of 64-bit compiler warnings [Aaron Giles].