0.79u3 2004/02/25 [#166 - David Haywood] ---------------------------------------- New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Quasar [Mike Coates, Pierpaolo Prazzoli] (other Zaccaria games are still being worked on) New Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: -------------------------------------------------------------- FX (bootleg of SRD mission) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Source changes: ---------------------- Misc changes [Nathan Woods]: * src/cpu/i86/i286.c: Updated I286 CPU core to MAME 0.79. * src/cpu/jaguar/jaguar.c: Adding a missing case to jaguargpu_get_info() * src/cpu/m6502/m4510.c, src/cpu/m6502/m6509.c: Updated m4510 and m6509 CPU cores to MAME 0.79. * src/sndhrdw/snes.c: Removed a duplicate global variable definition. * src/cheat.c, src/info.c, src/usrintrf.c: Removed NEOMAME and CPSMAME declarations. * src/mame.c: Added a new consistency check on CPUs to check for the existence of certain get_info cases needed for debugging. This consistency check is currently only enabled for MESS. * src/windows/input.c: Changed key_trans_table to be non static and renamed to win_key_trans_table (this table is now used in MAME32). * src/memory.c: Changed all fatalerror() calls to osd_die(). * src/chdman.c: Added -createblankhd and -copydata commands. Added new arguments to -createhd. Ported to Macintosh. * src/artwork.c: Changed artwork_override_screenshot_params() so that its functionality will kick in whenever the artwork system is active, even without artwork pieces. Introduced a static artwork_system_active(); a call to check to see if the artwork system is active. - Misc PSX cleanups [smf]. - Removed some memory system test code [Aaron Giles]. - Fixed a TMS32031 bug that was causing some problems in 'Radikal Bikers' [Aaron Giles].