0.68 2003/05/15 [#125 - David Haywood] -------------------------------------- Note, this Release was put together by David Haywood, some of it is untested but most of seems to work. New Games Added --------------- (47pie2) Idol Janshi Su-Chi-Pie 2 (v1.1) [David Haywood] (area51mx) Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo [Aaron Giles] (bangbead) Bang Bead [Razoola] (bbprot) Untitled Fighter 'BB' (prototype) [David Haywood] (bking3) Birdie King 3 [Angelo Salese] (bwing) B-Wings (Japan) [Acho A. Tang] (cannonb) Cannon Ball (Crazy Climber hardware) [Jarek Burczynski] (chaknpop) Chack'n Pop [BUT] (chboxing) Champion Boxing [Tomasz Slanina] (chukatai) Chuka Taisen (World) [David Haywood] (chwrestl) Champion Pro Wrestling [Tomasz Slanina] (darktowr) Dark Tower [Bryan McPhail] (ddonpach) DoDonPachi (International) [Brian Troha] (donpachi) DonPachi (US) [Brian Troha] (dragoonj) Dragoon Might (Ver JAA) [Acho A. Tang] (drtoppel) Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World) [David Haywood] (eggor) Eggor [Tomasz Slanina] (eggventr) Egg Venture [Aaron Giles] (fantland) Fantasy Land [Luca Elia] (firebatl) Fire Battle [Nicola Salmoria] (galaxygn) Galaxy Gunners [Luca Elia] (groundfx) Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan) [Bryan McPhail, David Graves] (hedpanic) Head Panic (Korea?) [Anonymous] (horizon) Horizon [David Haywood, smf] (kikstart) Kick Start Wheelie King [David Haywood] (koikois2) Koi Koi Shimasyo 2 - Super Real Hanafuda (Japan) [Luca Elia] (kungfut) Kung-Fu Taikun [Tomasz Slanina] (lethalj) Lethal Justice [Aaron Giles] (machbrkr) Match Breakers (Japan) [Brian Troha] (mahmajn) Tokoro San no MahMahjan [Olivier Galibert] (mahmajn2) Tokoro San no MahMahjan 2 [Olivier Galibert] (metlclsh) Metal Clash (Japan) [Luca Elia] (mpangj) Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011) [Razoola] (msisaac) Metal Soldier Isaac II [Jarek Burczynski, Angelo Salese] (neobattl) SD Gundam Neo Battling (Japan) [Luca Elia] (nitrobal) Nitroball (US) [Bryan McPhail] (opwolf3) Operation Wolf 3 (World) [David Graves, Bryan McPhail] (panic) Space Panic (version E) [Zsolt Vasvari] (pbillian) Prebillian [Tomasz Slanina] (progress) Progress [David Haywood] (puckpkmn) Puckman Pockimon [Luca Elia] (qgh) Quiz Ghost Hunter [Olivier Galibert] (quizmeku) Quiz Mekurumeku Story [Olivier Galibert] (raphero) Rapid Hero (Japan?) [David Haywood] (realbrk) Billiard Academy Real Break (Japan) [Luca Elia] (rockclim) Rock Climber [Tomasz Slanina] (rotaryf) Rotary Fighter [Barry Rodewald] (salmndr2) Salamander 2 (JAA) [Acho A. Tang] (sdtennis) Super Doubles Tennis [Bryan McPhail] (sflush) Straight Flush [Tomasz Slanina] (sgunner) Steel Gunner [Bryan McPhail] (skyarmy) Sky Army [MooglyGuy] (spbactn) Super Pinball Action (US) [David Haywood] (srmp4) Super Real Mahjong PIV (Japan) [Luca Elia] (ssf2) Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers (World 930911) [David Haywood] (thedeep) The Deep (Japan) [Luca Elia] (tkmmpzdm) Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-dama (version JAB) [Acho A. Tang, R. Belmont] (tourtabl) Tournament Table (set 1) [Stefan Jokisch] (trckydoc) Tricky Doc [David Haywood] (truco) Truco-Tron [Ernesto Corvi] (vasara) Vasara [David Haywood] (vasara2) Vasara 2 (set 1) [David Haywood] (vblokbrk) VS Block Breaker (Asia) [David Haywood] (viostorm) Violent Storm (Europe ver EAB) [David Haywood] (vshoot) J-League Soccer V-Shoot [Phil Stroffolino] (wallc) Wall Crash [Jarek Burczynski] (zaviga) Zaviga [Acho A. Tang] (zeropnt2) Zero Point 2 [Luca Elia] New Clones Added ---------------- (47pie2o) Idol Janshi Su-Chi-Pie 2 (v1.0) [David Haywood] (batridrk) Armed Police Batrider (Korea, version B) [Brian Troha] (battlegb) Battle Garegga (Austria / Hong Kong) (Sat Mar 2 1996) [David Haywood] (batwings) Battle Wings (alternate) [Acho A. Tang] (bigbang) Big Bang [David Haywood] (blkbustr) BlockBuster [David Haywood] (bwings) Battle Wings [Acho A. Tang] (catsbee) Catsbee [David Haywood] (chukatau) Chuka Taisen (US) [David Haywood] (countryc) Country Club [Tomasz Slanina] (croquis) Croquis (Germany) [David Haywood] (devzone2) Devil Zone (easier) [Zsolt Vasvari] (drtopplu) Dr. Toppel's Adventure (US) [David Haywood] (eggvntdx) Egg Venture Deluxe [Aaron Giles] (hydrap2) Hydra (prototype 5/25/90) [Aaron Giles] (intcup94) International Cup '94 [David Haywood] (kof97a) The King of Fighters '97 (set 2) [Razoola] (lastblda) The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekkano Kenshi (set 2) [Razoola] (le2u) Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters (Ver UAA) [Brian Troha] (mercsua) Mercs (US 900608) [David Haywood] (millpac) Millpac [Chris Hardy] (moonaln) Moon Alien [David Haywood] (myqbert) Mello Yello Q*bert [David Haywood] (opwolf3u) Operation Wolf 3 (US) [David Graves, Bryan McPhail] (panich) Space Panic (harder) [Zsolt Vasvari] (pc_grdue) PlayChoice-10: Gradius (Early version) [David Haywood] (piranha) Piranha [Dave Widel] (piranhao) Piranha (older) [Dave Widel] (polluxa) Pollux (set 2) [David Haywood] (rbff2a) Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - the newcomers (set 2) [Razoola] (ringfgt) Ring Fighter (set 1) [MASH] (ringfgt2) Ring Fighter (set 2) [MASH] (rundeep) Run Deep [Luca Elia] (sgunnr2j) Steel Gunner 2 (Japan) [Bryan McPhail] (stridrua) Strider (US set 2) [David Haywood] (term2la1) Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA1 11/01/91) [Brian Troha] (tourtab2) Tournament Table (set 2) [Stefan Jokisch] (vandyjal) Vandyke (Jaleco) [David Haywood] (vasara2a) Vasara 2 (set 2) [David Haywood] (vautour) Vautour (Jeutel France) [Chris Hardy] (wh1a) World Heroes (set 2) [Razoola] (zavigaj) Zaviga (Japan) [Acho A. Tang] New TESTDRIVERS in source ------------------------- Bonanza Bros [Olivier Galibert] China Dragon (needs work on vidhrdw (none done)) F1 Grand Prix Star 2 [Luca Elia] (Missing / Bad ROMs) Grand Tour [David Haywood] (protection?) Great Wall (needs work on vidhrdw (none done)) Hot Rod [Olivier Galibert] Hot Smash [Tomasz Slanina] (MCU Protection problems) Joryuu Syougi Kyoushitsu [Luca Elia] (unemulated CPU) Konami's Open Golf Championship [Acho A. Tang, R. Belmont] (Missing ROZ layer, always thinks the ball is in the water) Main Event (SNK) [David Haywood] (vidhrdw not finished) Quiz Rouka Ni Tattenasai [Olivier Galibert] (various problems with the System 24 emulation) Raiden 2 [Bryan McPhail] (protected and Encrypted Sprites) Shougi [Jarek Burczynski, Tomasz Slanina] Shougi 2 [Jarek Burczynski, Tomasz Slanina] (Not Working due to Protection MCU) Space Bugger [David Haywood] (bad rom?) Thunder Strike Ultra Weapon X [Luca Elia] (problems with v60 interrupts) Source changes: --------------- - Basic Direct3D blitting support [Leon van Rooij]. - Fixes for Crashes introduced in last version. - Mame Blitter Generation Code [Phil Stroffolino]. - Plenty of other things I just don't have time to list. - SHA1 hash support, including various new command line options [Farfetch'd]. - Sound in Macross Plus & Quiz Bisyoujo Senshi Sailor Moon [Bryan McPhail]. - texture_management: use DirectX texture management (default is off, but some 3D cards need this (however, there's a small-ish speed-penalty)). - The code manually imports the DirectDrawCreateEx() function so MAME compiled with d3d support will (or rather should, I've not actually tested that yet) still run on PC's with older versions of DirectX. It should work with pretty much any 3D hardware (except perhaps older Voodoo-based cards), and the speed should be similar to the DirectDraw blit (a bit faster for some older cards). -direct3d or -d3d: use Direct3D (default is off, overrides -dd); -filter or -flt: use bi-linear filtering (default is on); - Various Konami Related Fixes and Improvements [Acho A. Tang, R. Belmont]. - Various System 32 Updates (Priority, SVF Pitch etc.) Note, theres a chance some things may be broken [Acho A. Tang, Jason Lo, David Haywood]. - You need DirectX7 headers and libs to compile it, I'm using the set from http://caesar.logiqx.com/html/tools/compilers/mingw.shtml which has the original MS headers (the same set is used for Allegro and FB Alpha) and I've made a minor update to the ddraw code so that it compiles with this set of headers (VC++ should still be fine as well).