0.66 2003/03/10 [#123 - Nicola Salmoria] ---------------------------------------- New games supported: -------------------- Ben Bero Beh [Phil Stroffolino, Acho A. Tang] Don Den Lover Vol. 1 [Nicola Salmoria] Don Den Mahjong [Nicola Salmoria] Dorodon [Frank Palazzolo] Fantasy '95 [Brian A. Troha] Gigas [Tomasz Slanina] Gigas Mark II [Tomasz Slanina] Halley's Comet [Phil Stroffolino, Acho A. Tang] Hana no Mai [Nicola Salmoria] Hana Yayoi [Nicola Salmoria] Mad Donna [David Haywood] Mad Shark [Luca Elia] Mahjong Derringer [Nicola Salmoria] Mahjong Dial Q2 [Nicola Salmoria] Mahjong Friday [Nicola Salmoria] Mahjong Studio 101 [Nicola Salmoria] Quiz Channel Question [Nicola Salmoria] Rong Rong [Nicola Salmoria] Triv Quiz [MooglyGuy] Ultra Toukon Densetsu [Luca Elia] Untouchable [Nicola Salmoria] Watashiha Suzumechan [Nicola Salmoria] New clones supported: --------------------- Cosmic Cop (= Gallop) [Brian Troha] Gratia (set 1) [Nicola Salmoria] Mysterious Stones (set 1) [David Haywood] MAME Testers bugs fixed (there are probably more) ----------------------- 88games062yel [Nicola Salmoria] astdelux059gre [Derrick Renaud] dassault061gre2 [Bryan McPhail] galpanib062gre [Paul Priest] glfgreat061gre (was fixed some time ago) gunforc2058gre_2 [Angelo Salese] gunforc2058gre_3 [Bryan McPhail] housemn2065gra [Nomax] jdredd060gra [Smitdogg] myangel065gre [Nicola Salmoria] pang3065gre ringdest062gra [Smitdogg] robocop2064gre [Bryan McPhail] sotsugyo061red [Bryan McPhail] spbactn061gra [Smitdogg] term2064gra [Smitdogg] tmnt065gre [Acho A. Tang] usclssic065red [Kale] xmen062ora [Smitdogg] MAME Testers bugs to check -------------------------- mrheli37b2gre (I believe this was fixed some time ago) These drivers have improved SOUND: ---------------------------------- - Fixed drums in 'Exterminator' [Steve Ellenoff, Jim Hernandez]. - Fixed samples in 'Pachinko Sexy Reaction' [Suppi-Chan]. - Major improvements to the Namco NA sound emulation [cync]. - Sound in 'IQ Block' [David Haywood]. Source changes: -------------------- - Misc improvements to the Namco NA driver [Phil Stroffolino]. - Several improvements and games additions to the Nintendo VS and Playchoice drivers [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]. - Several fixes to 'Super Real Darwin' [Acho A. Tang]. - New option -high_priority to increase the thread priority so MAME runs better while other programs are running. It is off by default because enabling it might make MAME use too much CPU time [Nicola Salmoria]. - Major update to the discrete sound system. This includes adjustable parameters controls in the UI, fixes to existing games, and new sound support in canyon, polaris, sprint and ultratnk [Derrick Renaud & Keith Wilkins]. - Fixed some bugs in the I86/NEC CPU emulation. This includes raster effect problems in Geostorm and the 99 credits bug in 'Lethal Thunder' [Bryan McPhail]. - First version of YMF262 emulator [Jarek Burczynski]. - Now compiled with GCC 3.2.2. Removed the patch that was needed to work around a GCC 3.2 bug [Nicola Salmoria].