0.54 2001/08/24 [#111 - Nicola Salmoria] ---------------------------------------- New games supported: -------------------- Fire Barrel [Bryan McPhail, Nicola Salmoria] Gulf Storm [Nicola Salmoria] Minesweeper [Frank Palazzolo] Time Limit [Ernesto Corvi] Youjyuden [Nicola Salmoria] New clones supported: --------------------- Blue Hawk (NTC) Gun Dealer '94 (= Primella) Last Mission (Japan) Space Force (= Meteoroids) MAME Testers bugs fixed (there are probably more) ----------------------- bloodbroc053red cinemat053red dotrone053gre goindolc053gre hellfire053yel namcona1c053red pbancho053red poundfou37b1gre relief053yel rtype37b1gre sidepckt37b16yel strahl37b16ora terraf37b13gre/terraf053gre tp8437b7gre tumblepb37b16red These drivers have improved GRAPHICS: ------------------------------------- - Fixed road lines in 'Top Speed' [David Graves]. These drivers have improved SOUND: ---------------------------------- - Decrypted the sound CPU in 'Dream Soccer 94' [Bryan McPhail, Nicola Salmoria]. - Fixed crowd noise in 'Premier Soccer' [Zsolt Vasvari]. Source changes: --------------- - Fixes to the YM2610 and YM2151 emulation, verified on the real chip [Jarek Burczynski]. - Improved auto_malloc so that you can auto_malloc at machine_init time and have the memory disposed of on a reset [Aaron Giles]. - Major changes to the CPU interface. As a result of this, some games are temporarily broken, most notably CPS2 [Aaron Giles]. - New core function palette_get_pen() replaces the removed osd_get_pen(). Renamed palette_change_color() to palette_set_color() [Nicola Salmoria].