0.37b2 2000/05/06 [#095 - Nicola Salmoria] ------------------------------------------ New games supported: -------------------- (astrob) Astro Blaster (version 3) [Nicola Salmoria] (battlera) Battle Rangers (World) [Bryan McPhail] (dfeveron) Dangun Feveron (Japan) [Luca Elia] (insector) Insector (prototype) [Fabrice Frances] (kyros) Kyros [Bryan McPhail] (mermaid) Mermaid [Zsolt Vasvari] (pipedrm) Pipe Dream (Japan) [Bryan McPhail, Aaron Giles] (polyplay) Poly-Play [Martin Buchholz] (screwloo) Screw Loose (prototype) [Fabrice Frances] (sheriff) Sheriff [Zsolt Vasvari] (sstingry) Super Stingray [Bryan McPhail] (supbtime) Super Burger Time (World) [Nicola Salmoria] (tail2nos) Tail to Nose - Great Championship [Nicola Salmoria] (uopoko) Uo Poko (Japan) [Luca Elia] (vaportra) Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1) [Nicola Salmoria] New clones supported: --------------------- (800fath) 800 Fathoms [Nicola Salmoria] (bldwolf) Bloody Wolf (US) [Bryan McPhail] (boscoo2) Bosconian (older version) [Nicola Salmoria] (esprade) ESP Ra.De. (Japan) [Luca Elia] (grindstm) Grind Stormer (Korea) [Nicola Salmoria] (inthuntu) In The Hunt (US) [Nicola Salmoria] (junofstg) Juno First (Gottlieb) [Nicola Salmoria] (moonbase) Moon Base [Nicola Salmoria] (oscarj) Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 2) [Nicola Salmoria] (oscarj1) Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 1) [Nicola Salmoria] (schasrcv) Space Chaser (CV version) [Nicola Salmoria] (sinvzen) Super Invaders (Zenitone-Microsec) [Nicola Salmoria] (spinlbru) Spinal Breakers (US) [Nicola Salmoria] (sspacat2) Space Attack (upright, older) [Nicola Salmoria] (superinv) Super Invaders [Nicola Salmoria] These drivers have improved GRAPHICS: ------------------------------------- - Accurate sprite drawing in MCR 1 & 2 games (see Satan's Hollow) [Aaron Giles]. - Correct colors in Lasso [Phil Stroffolino]. - Fixed colors in Reactor [Fabrice Frances]. - Fixed rowscroll in Ghostbusters [Bryan McPhail]. - Fixed sprite / tile priority in Mad Gear and Garyo Retsuden [Bryan McPhail]. These drivers have improved SOUND: ---------------------------------- - Fixed adpcm decoding in the K053260, this improves several Konami games [Ernesto Corvi]. - Samples in Warrior [Mathis Rosenhauer]. - Sound in Demon [Zsolt Vasvari]. - Sound in Lasso [Phil Stroffolino]. Other drivers changes: ---------------------- - Fixed Gang Wars original version, Super Baseball, Battlefield, Time Solders rev 1 [Bryan McPhail]. Changes to the main program: ---------------------------- - Extended the internal font to support characters 128-255 (ISO Latin-1) [Juergen Buchmueller]. - First pass for multi language support with external translation files [Brad Oliver]. - Fixed Hu6280 emulation bugs which caused missing levels in Trio the Punch [Bryan McPhail]. - Massive rewrite of the cheat system user interface. This is still a work in progress [Brad Oliver]. Source: ------- - Replaced instances of "if (errorlog) fprintf(errorlog," with a call to the new function logerror(). - New filetypes that must be supported by the OS dependant code: FILETYPE_HIGHSCORE_DB FILETYPE_HISTORY FILETYPE_CHEAT FILETYPE_LANGUAGE new functions: osd_readkey_unicode osd_fgetc osd_ungetc osd_fgets osd_feof osd_ftell new filed in struct Gameoptions: language_file. The OS dependant code must initialize it if it wants to use a translation file [Brad Oliver]. - I added a new parameter to the end of the EEPROM interface to enable multiple reads to occur after a single read command. Added an EEPROM_set_data() routine that can be used to explicitly initialize the contents of the EEPROM if the NVRAM file isn't found [Aaron Giles].