0.33b1 1998/05/03 [#037 - Nicola Salmoria] ------------------------------------------ Version 0.32 doesn't exist to avoid confusion with MAME32. New games supported: -------------------- (lnc) Lock'n'Chase [Zsolt Vasvari] (nibbler) Nibbler [Nicola Salmoria] (pacland) Pac-Land (Midway) [Ernesto Corvi] (popeye) Popeye [Nicola Salmoria] (punkshot) Punk Shot [Nicola Salmoria] (sidepckt) Side Pocket [Ernesto Corvi] (tmnt) TMNT [Alex Pasadyn] (tutankhm) Tutankham (Konami) [Tutankham] (upndown) Up'n Down [Thierry Lescot] (xsleena) Xain'd Sleena (Japan) [Carlos A. Lozano] (zarzon) Zarzon [Dan Boris] New clones supported: -------------------- (centipd1) Centipede (rev 1) [Brad Oliver] (paclanda) Pac-Land (Namco alternate) [Ernesto Corvi] (paclandn) Pac-Land (Namco) [Ernesto Corvi] (solarwar) Solar Warrior [Carlos A. Lozano] These drivers have improved GRAPHICS: ------------------------------------- - Fixed glitches in 'Gemini Wing' and 'Rygar' [Li Jih Hwa]. - Fade-in/fade-out in 'Robocop' [Nicola Salmoria]. - Fixed colors in 'Centipede', including service mode multiplexed color test [Nicola Salmoria]. These drivers have new or improved SOUND: ----------------------------------------- - 'New Zealand Story' [Carlos A. Lozano]. Other drivers changes: ---------------------- - Fixed Atari System 1 games not accepting coins with -fm (actually -fm was supposed to be a no-op in this case since emulation of the YM2151 through OPL is not supported). You still have to keep sound on, however; disabling it will disable coins. Of course you can set the dip switches to Free Play and forget about coins [Nicola Salmoria]. - Service mode in 'Centipede' and 'Millipede' works [Brad Oliver]. - Added support for coin counters to some games [Brad Oliver]. Changes to the main program: ---------------------------- - Increased the watchdog period, to avoid unexpected resets in some MCR games [Nicola Salmoria]. Source changes: ---------------- - Drivers which dynamically change the palette are no longer required to initialize it in convert_color_prom(); they also can avoid initializing the color table, if the default layout for it (a 1:1 mapping) fits their needs. This is also useful when starting new drivers: you don't need to provide a fake palette or prom conversion function, the graphics will be visible somehow (but badly, so you had better change the defaults soon ;-) Also, games using PROMs don't need to initialize the colortable if the GfxDecodeInfo structure is properly initialized to make the correspondence 1:1 [Nicola Salmoria]. - For drivers using the GfxLayer system, dirty rectangle support is partially built-in into the core. The OS dependant rendering functions must use Machine->dirtylayer to know which portions of the screen need to be refreshed. Drivers which use the GfxLayer system no longer need the VIDEO_SUPPORTS_DIRTY flag in the MachineDriver structure - it must be turned on automatically by the OS dependant code [Nicola Salmoria]. - Added support for undocumented Z80 opcodes to the C Z80 core [Juergen Buchmueller]. - Improved speed of the C 68000 core (this is supposed to give a good speed increase, but I don't see any appreciable difference on my K6 - Nicola) [Juergen Buchmueller].