0.17 1997/04/14 [#019 - Nicola Salmoria] ---------------------------------------- Note: only important changes are listed. New games supported: -------------------- (mplanets) Mad Planets [Fabrice Frances] (qbert) Q*Bert [Fabrice Frances] (qbertj) Q*bert (Japan) [Fabrice Frances] (rushatck) Rush'n Attack (US) [Nicola Salmoria] Program: -------- - Fabrice Frances submitted a massive contribution: an 8086 CPU emulator, and drivers for Q*Bert and Mad Planets. They run quite slowly on my 486/100 (~25 fps) but are playable. Q*Bert has sound too (with samples). - Various fixes to Green Beret: Thanks to Paul Swan, it now has 100% accurate colors. Dip switches didn't work, fixed. Support for Rush'n Attack (the US version). I've been told that it actually was too fast, so now it runs slower. Let me know how accurate it is.