0.14 1997/04/02 [#016 - Nicola Salmoria] ---------------------------------------- Note: only important changes are listed. New games supported: -------------------- (vanguard) Vanguard [Brad Oliver, Mirko Buffoni] Program: -------- - Brad Oliver and Mirko Buffoni provided a driver for Vanguard, based on Brian Levine's Vanguard emulator. - Fixed bug in Mario Bros. high score loading: it was recovering the high score table, but the high score at the top of the screen was not set accordingly. - Fixed bug which sometimes caused 6502 games not to run (actually they did run, but interrupts didn't happen). - High score support in Galaxian, Time Pilot, Centipede and Millipede. However, high scores don't seem to work in Millipede (you are not asked to enter your name). - Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong 3 now also preserve the score distributions (use F1 to see them). - Renamed pleiades to pleiads. - Richard Davies updated the audio routines in Phoenix, sound is now closer to the original and noise is emulated. - Ron Fries also added preliminary sound support to Donkey Kong! It uses some very bad samples for now. The samples are distributed in a separate archive - put them in the dkong subdirectory. - Ron Fries provided a new version of his Pokey emulator which fixes problems in the interface with the SEAL audio library (signed vs. unsigned samples). - Since the US version is better, I renamed amidar to amidarjp, and amidarus to amidar. - The change in video modes suggested by ue303ey@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de didn't work on some systems, so I reverted to the previous one. Source: ------- - driver.c was getting much too large and confused. I moved the GameDriver structures inside the single driver/xxxx.c files. This has the additional benefit that people sending me drivers will not forget to include the ROM loading addresses ;-) - I also changed the GameDriver structure, moving there fields from the MachineDrivers structure. The idea is that MachineDriver should describe the hardware, while GameDriver the software. Therefore things like colors (which are usually stored in a PROM) and dip switch settings go into GameDriver; decode_color_prom, on the other hand, goes into MachineDriver because it is an hardware function. It could be argued that input_ports belong to the hardware; but sometimes we have keys tied to dip switches (test switches and so on) whose function is determined by the software. Moreover input_ports contains the default values for all ports, including dip switches, and those are definitely software related.