0.13 1997/03/26 [#015 - Nicola Salmoria] ---------------------------------------- Note: only important changes are listed. New games supported: -------------------- (btimea) Burger Time (alt) [Mirko Buffoni] Program: -------- - Added the most frequently asked feature: high score saving. Check the table at the beginning of readme.txt to see which games already support it. High scores are also reset-proof: you can reset the game by pressing F3 without losing them. To reset the high scores to their default, just delete xxx\xxx.hi where xxx is the game name. Note that hi score saving will NOT work if the default hi scores have been modified in the ROMs. Use the original ROMs. - As promised, I modified the 8910 emulator to set the clock frequency at run time, so sound in Crazy Climber and Crazy Kong is now back as normal. - Fixed "froggers" (I broke it while adding sound to Scramble). It now also uses the correct palette. Yes, I know that it is completely different from the real Frogger. This is a bootleg version, remember. - Fixed a couple of minor bugs in Bomb Jack background colors. - Fixed all of the problems in Burger Time related to ROM encryption. Slices fall more than one level when an enemy is on them, no more crashes when a bonus life is earned, the high screen table works, two players mode works, and other things. - I began working on Moon Patrol's background. It's quite messed up now. - Keith Smethers suggested to add -vgafreq n command line parameters, to select the VGA clock frequency. This may reduce flicker, especially in the 224x288noscanlines mode. WARNING: THE FREQUENCIES USED MIGHT BE WAY OUTSIDE OF YOUR MONITOR RANGE, AND COULD EVEN DAMAGE IT. USE THESE OPTIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK. - Marc Lafontaine submitted a new palette for Zaxxon. - Millipede's dip switches now work. DELETE MILLIPED\MILLIPED.DSW, OTHERWISE THE GAME WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY. - Richard Davies provided a new Phoenix/Pleiads driver with partial sound support. - Support for an alternate ROM set for Burger Time, which is likely an earlier version. - ue303ey@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de reports that changing the horizontal total register of the custom video modes (0x3d4, 0x00) from 0x5f to 0x61 makes them work on his monitor. I experimentally made the change. IF THE CUSTOM MODES WORKED FOR YOU IN VERSION 0.12 AND THEY DON'T WORK ANY MORE, PLEASE NOTIFY ME AND I WILL REVERT TO THE PREVIOUS SETTING. Source: ------- - Changes to struct GameDriver to accomodate the high score saving functions. I also moved the decryption pointers at the end, so it is not necessary to explicitly define them as 0 when they are not needed. Check driver.c to see how high score handlers should be written. hiscore_load() is called every vblank until it returns nonzero; this allows it to wait for the hi score table to be fully initialized before replacing it. To avoid saving an incomplete table, hiscore_save() is called only if hiscore_load() previously returned nonzero. - Use latest version of Marat's 6502 engine.